16 Jun 2021

Segal extensions and Segal algebras in uniform Banach algebras

Authors :- Subhash J. Bhatt & Prakash A. Dabhi
Publication :- Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 52, pages162ā€“167 (2021).

Segal extensions, not necessarily injective, of a Banach algebra into a Banach algebra are discussed resulting into answering when do the Gelfand map of a commutative Banach algebra as well as Gelfand-Naimark construction on a, not necessarily commutative, Banach āˆ—-algebra give Segal extensions. Analogous to Cāˆ—-Segal algebras arising from Segal extension into Cāˆ—- algebras, uB-Segal algebras arising from Segal extensions into uniform Banach algebras are intrinsically characterized.

DOI Link :- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13226-021-00063-2