Performance Analysis of Efficient Digital Modulation Schemes over Various Fading Channels
Authors :- Shubham Kumar, Kanksha Anjaria, Dharmendra Sadhwani
Publication :- AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2021, Article no 153963, ISSN 1434-8411.
Using a simple yet accurate two-term exponential based approximation of the Gaussian Q function, in this paper, we simplify the intractable yet significant integrals which are used in the symbol error probability (SEP) expressions of various efficient digital modulation schemes over various well known fading statistics like Rayleigh, Nakagami-m, Nakagami-q and Nakagami-n. Precisely, we express these integrals in terms of simple moment generating function (MGF) whose solution for the aforementioned fading channels can be easily obtained from the literature. This MGF based approach simplifies the cumbersome integrals and eventually makes the SEP expressions tractable. The analytical work is further validated with the help of Monte-Carlo simulations.