01 Aug 2024

Coherent to semi-coherent transition of precipitates in Van der Merwe epitaxial films

Authors :- RM Raghavendra, A Subramaniam, G Iyer
Publication :- Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2024

The A4BX6 molecular halide perovskites have received attention owing to their interesting optoelectronic properties at the molecular scale; however, a comprehensive dataset of their atomic structures and electronic properties and associated data-driven investigation are still unavailable now, which makes it difficult for inverse materials design for semiconductor applications (e.g., wide band gap semiconductor). In this manuscript, we employ data-driven methods to predict band gaps of A4BX6 molecular halide perovskites via machine learning. A large virtual design database including 246,904 A4BX6 perovskite samples is predicted via machine learning, based on the model trained using 2740 first-principles results of A4BX6 molecular halide perovskites. In addition, symbolic regression-based machine learning is employed to identify more physically intuitive descriptors based on the starting first-principles dataset of A4BX6 molecular halide perovskites. In addition, different ranking methods are employed to offer a comprehensive feature importance analysis for the halide perovskite materials. This study highlights the efficacy of machine learning-assisted compositional design of A4BX6 perovskites, and the multi-dimensional database established here is valuable for future experimental validation toward perovskite-based wide band gap semiconductor materials.

DOI Link :- https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=2083&q=10.1088%2F1361-651X%2Fad8591&cvid=737373751ac0469db115148a0c15e9be&gs_lcrp=EgRlZGdlKgYIABBFGDkyBggAEEUYOdIBBzk4OGowajGoAgWwAgE&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=U531