24 Mar 2021

A Novel Linear Optimization Method for Section Location of Single-Phase Ground Faults in Neutral Noneffectively Grounded Systems

Authors :- Q Wang, T Jin, MA Mohamed, D Deb
Publication :- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement ( Volume: 70), March 2021

The existing four linear section location methods are all established based on the three-phase fault current direction. When a single-phase grounding fault occurs in a neutral noneffectively grounded system, these methods are no longer applicable. This study proposes a linear optimization method for section location suitable for single-phase ground fault in the neutral noneffectively grounded system. It presents an improved transient zero-sequence current direction identification algorithm based on line voltage to accurately determine a transient zero-sequence current direction under single-phase grounding faults without zero-sequence voltage information. Second, it proposes a suitable linear section location model for single-phase ground faults as per the transient zero-sequence current direction's distribution characteristics after the single-phase ground fault. Finally, it is verified in different feeders that the proposed method can quickly and accurately locate the fault section after the single-phase ground fault occurs in the neutral-point ineffectively grounded distribution system.

DOI Link :- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9385083