02 Mar 2021

On Generating Families of Power Quantile Distributions for Modeling Waiting and Repair Times Data

Authors :- VK Sharma, K Shekhawat, C Chesneau
Publication :- Journal of the Indian Society for Probability, March 2021

In this study, we introduce a new rich family of distributions defined by a simple power quantile function. We discuss some of its interesting properties, presenting all the main distributional functions, expansion of the quantile function, ordinary moments, incomplete moments and L-moments. Then the focus is on some special members, providing their important theoretical features along with the implications to the real life applications. We show the applicability of the proposed family by considering two practical data sets. The estimates of the model parameters are obtained using the percentiles and maximum likelihood methods.

DOI Link :- https://doi.org/10.1007/s41096-021-00098-y