June 24, 2021 - June 24, 2021 View PDF
Design Lab:</br> The Design Lab funded by GUJCOST is established at IITRAM in the year 2020-21 with the objective to create a culture of innovation by fostering the creativity and imagination of students and researchers in designing new products and projects. It also provides an opportunity and a platform to the students with the innovative mind set to work with tools and equipment to transform his/her idea into a product, at least on a lab-scale or pilot project basis. </br> Workshop: The virtual workshop aims to inform the students, and researchers about the instrument/equipment, sensors, kits, processors, tools and accessories available in the Design Lab so that the students may use them for their BTP, MTP and Research work. </br> Who can Participate ?</br> UG students, PG students, Research Scholars, and Faculty members of IITRAM. </br>