Aerial Robotics
An Arial robotics is a system of sustained flight with no direct human control and able to perform specific task. This lab aims to introduce students to the concepts of unmanned aircraft modeling, state estimation, control, as well as into the very basics of motion planning.
List of Equipments:
(1) Hex Copter
(2) Quadcopter
(3) Thrust Stand
(4) Humanoid Robot
(5) Fixed Wing Plane
(6) Mini-Drone
(7) Styrofoam-Wing
(8) Mission Planer
(9) Controllers
(10) Drone Component
List of Equipments:
(1) Hex Copter
(2) Quadcopter
(3) Thrust Stand
(4) Humanoid Robot
(5) Fixed Wing Plane
(6) Mini-Drone
(7) Styrofoam-Wing
(8) Mission Planer
(9) Controllers
(10) Drone Component