Ansys Training Program at IITRAM...
Stories about research, staff and student successes, achievements and developments at the Institute feature regularly in local and national media. Here we have showcased a selected coverage of IITRAM in the media. It includes our press releases and a selection of recent media coverage.
Event Registration...
Oral Presentation on 19th September, 2015 under the course English Communication...
Project Management when it comes to Heritage Construction by Rousha Rudgar...
Dramastic Workshop at IITRAM on 10th August 2015...
SIEMENS Mechatronic System Certification Program from 03 to 07, august 2015...
Hands on Training civil 5th semester students in the field at kachchh from 14 to 18, July 2015...
IITRAM is honored by ABP News with National Education Awards 2015....
IITRAM declared as 19th Most Coveted Engineering Collge by Mint-Indias second largest business newsp...
On April 4 and 18, 2015, second semester students of IITRAM visited the Kotarpur Water Works...