The 5th Convocation of the Institute was held on 22th of September 2023.
Embracing Achievement and Promise: IITRAM Convocation
IITRAM takes pride in fostering robust student engagement in academic and extra curriculum activities. Our Convocation marks the apex of this engagement, symbolizing not just an end, but a promising start. This event celebrates each student's achievements, embodying our core ideals of engagement, enlightenment, and excellence.
A Summit of Growth
The Convocation signifies the culmination of students' active participation within our dynamic community. It encapsulates their academic and personal growth, equipping them for the road ahead.
Nurturing Through Culture
Reflecting IITRAM's caring and inspiring culture, the ceremony spotlights our commitment to students' success. Their accomplishments mirror our dedication to excellence.
Unveiling IITRAM's Spirit
IITRAM thrives through its students and their achievements. The Convocation offers a glimpse into this spirit, highlighting the institute's values in action.
Prof. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay did her B Tech, M Tech and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Calcutta University, IIT Kharagpur and Indian Statistical Institute respectively. She then joined the Indian Statistical Institute as a faculty member, and became the Director in 2015. Since 2020 she is continuing in her second tenure as the Director of the Institute. Her research interests include computational biology, soft and evolutionary computation, artificial intelligence and machine learning. She has authored/co-authored several books and numerous articles in journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings and has a citation h-index of more than 60.
She is the recipient of several awards including the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in Engineering Science, TWAS Prize, Infosys Prize, JC Bose Fellowship, Swarnajayanti fellowship, INAE Silver Jubilee award, INAE Woman Engineer of the Year award (academia), IIT Kharagpur Distinguished Alumni Award, Humboldt Fellowship from Germany, Senior Associateship of ICTP, Italy, young engineer/scientist awards from INSA, INAE and ISCA, and Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma Gold Medal and Institute Silver from IIT, Kharagpur, India.
She is a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), Indian National Academy of Engineers (INAE), Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) and West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology. She serves as a member of the Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council of the Prime Minister of India (PM-STIAC). In 2022, she received the Padma Shri award, the fourth highest civilian award of the Government of India.