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Alphabetical List
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100 Volumes of Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics by Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Egon Krause (2009)
10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications by Alvaro Herrero, Javier Sedano, Bruno Baruque, Hector Quintian, Emilio Corchado (2015)
11th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biomedical Engineering and Computing 2007 by Tomaz Jarm, Peter Kramar, Anze Zupanic (2007)
13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering by Chwee Teck Lim, James C. H. Goh (2009)
13th International Conference on Electrical Bioimpedance and the 8th Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography by Hermann Scharfetter, Robert Merwa (2007)
14th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics by Alexei Katashev, Yuri Dekhtyar, Janis Spigulis (2008)
15th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC 2011) by Kim Dremstrup, Steve Rees, Morten Olgaard Jensen (2011)
16th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering by Henrik Mindedal, Mikael Persson (2015)
17th International Conference on Biomagnetism Advances in Biomagnetism - Biomag2010 by Selma Supek, Ana Susac (2010)
1st Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering & 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering by Fong-Chin Su, Shyh-Hau Wang, Ming-Long Yeh (2015)
1V CMOS Gm-C Filters by Tien-Yu Lo, Chung-Chih Hung (2009)
2011 International Conference in Electrics, Communication and Automatic Control Proceedings by Ran Chen (2012)
21st Century Kinematics by J. Michael McCarthy (2013)
25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference 2009, 15 - 17 May 2009, Miami, Florida, USA by Anthony J. McGoron, Chen-Zhong Li, Wei-Chiang Lin (2009)
26th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference SBEC 2010, April 30 - May 2, 2010, College Park, Maryland, USA by Keith E. Herold, Jafar Vossoughi, William E. Bentley (2010)
28th International Symposium on Shock Waves by Konstantinos Kontis (2012)
28th International Symposium on Shock Waves by Konstantinos Kontis (2012)
2nd International Workshop on Evidence-based Technology Enhanced Learning by Pierpaolo Vittorini, Rosella Gennari, Ivana Marenzi, Tania Di Mascio, Fernando De la Prieta (2013)
2nd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (IWPACBB 2008) by Juan M. Corchado, Juan F. Paz, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fernandez Riverola (2009)
3-Dimensional VLSI by Yangdong Deng, Wojciech P. Maly (2010)
35 Years of Fuzzy Set Theory by Chris Cornelis, Glad Deschrijver, Mike Nachtegael, Steven Schockaert, Yun Shi (2011)
3D Future Internet Media by Ahmet Kondoz, Tasos Dagiuklas (2014)
3D Integration for NoC-based SoC Architectures by Abbas Sheibanyrad, Frederic Petrot, Axel Jantsch (2011)
3D Manufacturing Innovation by Hiroshi Toriya (2008)
3D Robotic Mapping by Andreas Nuchter (2009)
3D TCAD Simulation for Semiconductor Processes, Devices and Optoelectronics by Simon Li, Yue Fu (2012)
3D Video Coding for Embedded Devices by Bruno Zatt, Muhammad Shafique, Sergio Bampi, Jorg Henkel (2013)
3D-Position Tracking and Control for All-Terrain Robots by Pierre Lamon (2008)
3D-TV System with Depth-Image-Based Rendering by Ce Zhu, Yin Zhao, Lu Yu, Masayuki Tanimoto (2013)
3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2006 by Fatimah Ibrahim, Noor Azuan Abu Osman, Juliana Usman, Nahrizul Adib Kadri (2007)
3rd Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2008 by Juan M. Corchado, Dante I. Tapia, Jose Bravo (2009)
4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering by Jos Sloten, Pascal Verdonck, Marc Nyssen, Jens Haueisen (2009)
4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam by Vo Van Toi, Nguyen Bao Toan, Truong Quang Dang Khoa, Tran Ha Lien Phuong (2013)
4th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2007) by Steffen Leonhardt, Thomas Falck, Petri Mahonen (2007)
4th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2008 by Noor Azuan Abu Osman, Fatimah Ibrahim, Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas, Herman Shah Abdul Rahman, Hua-Nong Ting (2008)
5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering by Akos Jobbagy (2012)
5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam by Vo Van Toi, Tran Ha Lien Phuong (2015)
5th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2011) by Miguel P. Rocha, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Alfonso Valencia (2011)
5th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2014 by Peter E. Pfeffer (2014)
5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2011 by Noor Azuan Abu Osman, Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Hua-Nong Ting (2011)
60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming by A. Erman Tekkaya, Werner Homberg, Alexander Brosius (2015)
60-GHz CMOS Phase-Locked Loops by Hammad M. Cheema, Reza Mahmoudi, Arthur H. M. Roermund (2010)
6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering by Igor Lackovii, Darko Vasic (2015)
6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics by Miguel P. Rocha, Nicholas Luscombe, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez (2012)
6th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2015 by Peter Pfeffer (2015)
6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010). August 1-6, 2010 Singapore by C. T. Lim, J. C. H. Goh (2010)
7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering by Yi Peng, Xiaohong Weng (2008)
7th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations: Service and Cloud Computing by Lorna Uden, Francisco Herrera, Javier Bajo Perez, Juan Manuel Corchado Rodriguez (2013)
7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2009) by Yves Demazeau, Juan Pavon, Juan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo (2009)
7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics by Mohd Saberi Mohamad, Loris Nanni, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola (2013)
7th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2015 by James Goh, Chwee Teck Lim (2015)
8th International Conference on Cell & Stem Cell Engineering (ICCE) by Alicia Haj, Dan Bader (2011)
8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2014) by Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan F. De Paz Santana (2014)
9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics by Ross Overbeek, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan F. De Paz (2015)
9th WCEAM Research Papers by Joe Amadi-Echendu, Changela Hoohlo, Joe Mathew (2015)
A Biologically Inspired CMOS Image Sensor by Mukul Sarkar, Albert Theuwissen (2013)
A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks by Raffaele Pisano (2015)
A Brief Illustrated History of Machines and Mechanisms by Emilio Bautista Paz, Marco Ceccarelli, Javier Echavarri Otero, Jose Luis Munoz Sanz (2010)
A Brief Introduction to Continuous Evolutionary Optimization by Oliver Kramer (2014)
A CMOS Self-Powered Front-End Architecture for Subcutaneous Event-Detector Devices by Jordi Colomer-Farrarons, Pere Lluis Miribel-Catala (2011)
A Combined Data and Power Management Infrastructure by Jens Eickhoff (2013)
A Conceptual Framework for Noise Reduction by Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen (2015)
A Conceptual Model for Designing Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Structural Applications by Marco Pepe (2015)
A Concise Guide to Chaotic Electronic Circuits by Arturo Buscarino, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca, Gregorio Sciuto (2014)
A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies by L. Huang (2012)
A Defeasible Logic Programming-Based Framework to Support Argumentation in Semantic Web Applications by Naeem Khalid Janjua (2014)
A Digital Phase Locked Loop based Signal and Symbol Recovery System for Wireless Channel by Basab Bijoy Purkayastha, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma (2015)
A Distributed Coordination Approach to Reconfigurable Process Control by Nirav N. Chokshi, Duncan C. McFarlane (2008)
A Finite Element Primer for Beginners by Tarek I. Zohdi (2015)
A Guide to Lead-free Solders by John W. Evans (2007)
A Heuristic Approach to Possibilistic Clustering: Algorithms and Applications by Dmitri A. Viattchenin (2013)
A High-Rate Virtual Instrument of Marine Vehicle Motions for Underwater Navigation and Ocean Remote Sensing by Chrystel Gelin (2013)
A History of the Work Concept by Agamenon R. E. Oliveira (2014)
A History of Thermodynamics by Ingo Muller (2007)
A Journey from Robot to Digital Human by Edward Y L Gu (2013)
A Linear Systems Primer by Panos J. Antsaklis, Anthony N. Michel (2007)
A Mathematical Approach to Research Problems of Science and Technology by Ryuei Nishii, Shin-ichiro Ei, Miyuki Koiso, Hiroyuki Ochiai, Kanzo Okada, Shingo Saito, Tomoyuki Shirai (2014)
A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity by Robert Clark, David Cox, H. C. Curtiss, John W. Edwards, Kenneth C. Hall, David A. Peters, Robert Scanlan, Emil Simiu, Fernando Sisto, Thomas W. Strganac (2005)
A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity by Earl H. Dowell (2015)
A Neural Network Approach to Fluid Quantity Measurement in Dynamic Environments by Edin Terzic, Jenny Terzic, Romesh Nagarajah, Muhammad Alamgir (2012)
A New Approach for Disruption Management in Airline Operations Control by Antonio J. M. Castro, Ana Paula Rocha, Eugenio Oliveira (2014)
A Perspective on Agent Systems by Krzysztof Cetnarowicz (2015)
A Perspective on Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation by Jacob Benesty, Constantin Paleologu, Tomas Gansler, Silviu Ciochin (2011)
A Platform-Centric Approach to System-on-Chip (SOC) Design by Vijay K. Madisetti, Chonlameth Arpikanondt (2005)
A Portrait of State-of-the-Art Research at the Technical University of Lisbon by Manuel Seabra Pereira (2007)
A Practical Design of Lumped, Semi-lumped & Microwave Cavity Filters by Dhanasekharan Natarajan (2013)
A Practical Guide for SystemVerilog Assertions by Srikanth Vijayaraghavan, Meyyappan Ramanathan (2005)
A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Codesign by Patrick R. Schaumont (2013)
A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Codesign by Patrick R. Schaumont (2010)
A Practical Introduction to PSL by Cindy Eisner, Dana Fisman (2006)
A Primer on Electromagnetic Fields by Fabrizio Frezza (2015)
A Probabilistic Framework for Point-Based Shape Modeling in Medical Image Analysis by Heike Hufnagel (2011)
A Rapid Introduction to Adaptive Filtering by Leonardo Rey Vega, Hernan Rey (2013)
A Road Map to the Development of European SME Networks by Agostino Villa, Dario Antonelli (2009)
A Roadmap for Cognitive Development in Humanoid Robots by David Vernon, Claes Hofsten, Luciano Fadiga (2011)
A Roadmap for Formal Property Verification by Pallab DasGupta (2006)
A Route to Chaos Using FPGAs by Bharathwaj Muthuswamy, Santo Banerjee (2015)
A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver by Kai Borre, Dennis M. Akos, Nicolaj Bertelsen, Peter Rinder, Soren Holdt Jensen (2007)
A Study on Radio Access Technology Selection Algorithms by Leijia Wu, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran (2012)
A Tissue Regeneration Approach to Bone and Cartilage Repair by Hala Zreiqat, Colin R. Dunstan, Vicki Rosen (2015)
A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Da Ruan by Jie Lu, Etienne Kerre (2013)
A Variational Approach to Fracture and Other Inelastic Phenomena by Gianpietro Piero (2014)
A/D CONVERSION FOR SIGNAL CONDITIONING by Kathleen Philips, Arthur H. M. van Roermund (2006)
Abductive Cognition by Lorenzo Magnani (2009)
Abstraction Refinement for Large Scale Model Checking by Chao Wang, Gary D. Hachtel, Fabio Somenzi (2006)
AC Machine Systems by Jingde Gao, Xiangheng Wang, Linzheng Zhang (2009)
Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann Model for Colloidal Suspensions by Hassan Farhat, Joon Sang Lee, Sasidhar Kondaraju (2014)
Accelerating Test, Validation and Debug of High Speed Serial Interfaces by Yongquan Fan, Zeljko Zilic (2011)
Accuracy and Fuzziness. A Life in Science and Politics by Luis Arguelles Mendez (2015)
Accuracy Verification Methods by Olli Mali, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Sergey Repin (2014)
Acoustic Emission Testing by Christian Grosse, Masayasu Ohtsu (2008)
Acoustic MIMO Signal Processing by Yiteng Arden Huang, Jingdong Chen, Jacob Benesty (2006)
Acoustic MIMO Signal Processing by Yiteng Huang, Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen (2006)
Acoustic Modeling for Emotion Recognition by Koteswara Rao Anne, Swarna Kuchibhotla, Hima Deepthi Vankayalapati (2015)
Acoustic, Electromagnetic, Neutron Emissions from Fracture and Earthquakes by Alberto Carpinteri, Giuseppe Lacidogna, Amedeo Manuello (2015)
Acoustics for Engineers by Jens Blauert, Ning Xiang (2009)
Acoustics for Engineers by Jens Blauert, Ning Xiang (2008)
Action Rules Mining by Agnieszka Dardzinska (2013)
Active and Passive Vibration Control of Structures by Peter Hagedorn, Gottfried Spelsberg-Korspeter (2014)
Active Braking Control Systems Design for Vehicles by Sergio M. Savaresi, Mara Tanelli (2010)
Active Cancellation of Probing in Linear Dipole Phased Array by Hema Singh, N. Bala Ankaiah, Rakesh Mohan Jha (2015)
Active Flow and Combustion Control 2014 by Rudibert King (2015)
Active Flow Control by Rudibert King (2007)
Active Flow Control II by Rudibert King (2010)
Active Implants and Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration by Meital Zilberman (2011)
Active Sensor Planning for Multiview Vision Tasks by Shengyong Chen, Y. F. Li, Jianwei Zhang, Wanliang Wang (2008)
Ad Hoc Networking Towards Seamless Communications by Liljana Gavrilovska, Ramjee Prasad (2006)
Ad Hoc Networks by Prasant Mohapatra, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy (2005)
Adaptable Embedded Systems by Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck, Carlos Arthur Lang Lisboa, Luigi Carro (2013)
Adaptation and Hybridization in Computational Intelligence by Iztok Fister, Iztok Fister Jr. (2015)
Adaptive and Multilevel Metaheuristics by Carlos Cotta, Marc Sevaux, Kenneth Sorensen (2008)
Adaptive and Personalized Semantic Web by Spiros Sirmakessis (2006)
Adaptive Backstepping Control of Uncertain Systems by Jing Zhou, Changyun Wen (2008)
Adaptive Control by Ioan Dore Landau, Rogelio Lozano, Mohammed M'Saad, Alireza Karimi (2011)
Adaptive Cooperation between Driver and Assistant System by Frederic Holzmann (2008)
Adaptive Differential Evolution by Jingqiao Zhang, Arthur C. Sanderson (2009)
Adaptive Digital Filters by Branko Kovaevi, Zoran Banjac, Milan Milosavljevi (2013)
Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Control by Huaguang Zhang, Derong Liu, Yanhong Luo, Ding Wang (2013)
Adaptive Feed-Forward Control of Low Frequency Interior Noise by Thomas Kletschkowski (2012)
Adaptive Filtering by Paulo S. R. Diniz (2013)
Adaptive Filtering by Paulo S. R. Diniz (2008)
Adaptive Finite Elements in Linear and Nonlinear Solid and Structural Mechanics by Erwin Stein (2005)
Adaptive Identification of Acoustic Multichannel Systems Using Sparse Representations by Karim Helwani (2015)
Adaptive Low-Power Circuits for Wireless Communications by Aleksandar Tasii, Wouter A. Serdijn, John R. Long (2006)
Adaptive Multi-Standard RF Front-Ends by Vojkan Vidojkovic, Johan van Tang, Arjan Leeuwenburgh, Arthur Roermund (2008)
Adaptive Multimodal Interactive Systems by Matthias Bezold, Wolfgang Minker (2011)
Adaptive Nonlinear System Identification by Tokunbo Ogunfunmi (2007)
Adaptive Representations for Reinforcement Learning by Shimon Whiteson (2010)
Adaptive RF Front-Ends for Hand-held Applications by Andre van Bezooijen, Reza Mahmoudi, Arthur van Roermund (2011)
Adaptive Spatial Filters for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging by Kensuke Sekihara, Srikatan S. Nagarajan (2008)
Adaptive Structural Systems with Piezoelectric Transducer Circuitry by Jiong Tang, Kon-Well Wang (2008)
Adaptive Supply Chain Management by Dmitry Ivanov, Boris Sokolov (2010)
Adaptive Techniques for Dynamic Processor Optimization by Alice Wang, Samuel Naffziger (2008)
Adaptive Techniques for Mixed Signal System on Chip by Ayman Fayed, Mohammed Ismail (2006)
Adaptive Voltage Control in Power Systems by Giuseppe Fusco, Mario Russo (2007)
Adaptive, tolerant and efficient composite structures by Martin Wiedemann, Michael Sinapius (2013)
Added Masses of Ship Structures by Alexandr I. Korotkin (2009)
Additive Manufacturing Technologies by Ian Gibson, David Rosen, Brent Stucker (2015)
Additive Manufacturing Technologies by Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker (2010)
ADEX Optimized Adaptive Controllers and Systems by Juan M. Martin-Sanchez, Jose Rodellar (2015)
Adiabatic Logic by Philip Teichmann (2012)
ADIGMA - A European Initiative on the Development of Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerospace Applications by Norbert Kroll, Heribert Bieler, Herman Deconinck, Vincent Couaillier, Harmen Ven, Kaare Sorensen (2010)
Advance Trends in Soft Computing by Mo Jamshidi, Vladik Kreinovich, Janusz Kacprzyk (2014)
Advanced Aerospace Applications, Volume 1 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Advanced Analysis and Design for Fire Safety of Steel Structures by Guoqiang Li, Peijun Wang (2013)
Advanced Analysis of Nontraditional Machining by Hong Hocheng, Hung-Yin Tsai (2013)
Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives by Teresa Oriowska-Kowalska, Frede Blaabjerg, Jose Rodriguez (2014)
Advanced Applications of Natural Language Processing for Performing Information Extraction by Mario Rodrigues, Antonio Teixeira (2015)
Advanced Approaches to Intelligent Information and Database Systems by Janusz Sobecki, Veera Boonjing, Suphamit Chittayasothorn (2014)
Advanced BDD Optimization by Rudiger Ebendt, Gorschwin Fey, Rolf Drechsler (2005)
Advanced Bimanual Manipulation by Bruno Siciliano (2012)
Advanced Biological Treatment Processes by Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, Yung-Tse Hung (2009)
Advanced Biosignal Processing by Amine Nait-Ali (2009)
Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis by Christine Fernandez-Maloigne (2013)
Advanced Combustion and Aerothermal Technologies by Nick Syred, Artem Khalatov (2007)
Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare - 1 by Hiro Yoshida, Ashlesha Jain, Ajita Ichalkaranje, Lakhmi C. Jain, Nikhil Ichalkaranje (2007)
Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare - 3 by Margarita Sordo, Sachin Vaidya, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare 5 by Sheryl Brahnam, Lakhmi C. Jain (2011)
Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare 6. Virtual Reality in Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation, and Assessment by Sheryl Brahnam, Lakhmi C. Jain (2011)
Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare-2 by S. Vaidya, L. C. Jain, H. Yoshida (2007)
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Tien Do, Hoai An Thi (2013)
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering by Hoai An Le Thi, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Tien Van Do (2015)
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering by Tien Do, Hoai An Le Thi, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2014)
Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology by Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Mohd Azlishah Othman, Mohd Fairuz Iskandar Othman, Yahaya Abd Rahim, Naim Che Pee (2015)
Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics- Volume 1 by Malay Kumar Kundu, Durga Prasad Mohapatra, Amit Konar, Aruna Chakraborty (2014)
Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics- Volume 2 by Malay Kumar Kundu, Durga Prasad Mohapatra, Amit Konar, Aruna Chakraborty (2014)
Advanced Concepts in Fuzzy Logic and Systems with Membership Uncertainty by Janusz T. Starczewski (2013)
Advanced Connection Systems for Architectural Glazing by Roham Afghani Khoraskani (2015)
Advanced Control and Supervision of Mineral Processing Plants by Daniel Sbarbaro, Rene del Villar (2010)
Advanced Control of Industrial Processes by Piotr Tatjewski (2007)
Advanced Control of Turbofan Engines by Hanz Richter (2012)
Advanced Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Systems by Zhijun Li, Chenguang Yang, Liping Fan (2013)
Advanced Customization in Architectural Design and Construction by Roberto Naboni, Ingrid Paoletti (2015)
Advanced Design and Manufacture to Gain a Competitive Edge by Xiu-Tian Yan, Chengyu Jiang, Benoit Eynard (2008)
Advanced Design and Manufacturing Based on STEP by Xun Xu, Andrew Y. C. Nee (2009)
Advanced Design Cultures by Manuela Celi (2015)
Advanced Design of Mechanical Systems: From Analysis to Optimization by Jorge A. C. Ambrosio, Peter Eberhard (2009)
Advanced design techniques for RF power amplifiers by Anna Rudiakova, Vladimir Krizhanovski (2006)
Advanced Discrete-Time Control by Khalid Abidi, Jian-Xin Xu (2015)
Advanced DPA Theory and Practice by Eric Peeters (2013)
Advanced Dynamic Modeling of Economic and Social Systems by Araceli N. Proto, Massimo Squillante, Janusz Kacprzyk (2013)
Advanced Dynamics by Dan B. Marghitu, Mihai Dupac (2012)
Advanced Dynamics and Model-Based Control of Structures and Machines by Hans Irschik, Michael Krommer, Alexander K. Belyaev (2012)
Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical Systems by Federico Cheli, Giorgio Diana (2015)
Advanced Earthquake Engineering Analysis by Alain Pecker (2007)
Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering by Jian Lee (2011)
Advanced Electrical Drives by Rik De Doncker, Duco W.J. Pulle, Andre Veltman (2011)
Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering Theory by Kasra Barkeshli (2015)
Advanced Energy Saving and its Applications in Industry by Kazuo Matsuda, Yasuki Kansha, Chihiro Fushimi, Atsushi Tsutsumi, Akira Kishimoto (2013)
Advanced Field-Solver Techniques for RC Extraction of Integrated Circuits by Wenjian Yu, Xiren Wang (2014)
Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering by Yu-Qiu Long, Song Cen, Zhi-Fei Long (2009)
Advanced Finite Element Methods and Applications by Thomas Apel, Olaf Steinbach (2013)
Advanced Flip Chip Packaging by Ho-Ming Tong, Yi-Shao Lai, C.P. Wong (2013)
Advanced Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications by Ying Bai, Hanqi Zhuang, Dali Wang (2006)
Advanced Gate Stacks for High-Mobility Semiconductors by Athanasios Dimoulas, Evgeni Gusev, Paul C. McIntyre, Marc Heyns (2007)
Advanced Hardware Design for Error Correcting Codes by Cyrille Chavet, Philippe Coussy (2015)
Advanced High Voltage Power Device Concepts by B. Jayant Baliga (2012)
Advanced In-Flight Measurement Techniques by Fritz Boden, Nicholas Lawson, Henk W. Jentink, Jurgen Kompenhans (2013)
Advanced Information Technology in Education by Khine Soe Thaung (2012)
Advanced Intelligent Computational Technologies and Decision Support Systems by Barna Iantovics, Roumen Kountchev (2014)
Advanced Intelligent Environments by Achilles D. Kameas, Victor Callagan, Hani Hagras, Michael Weber, Wolfgang Minker (2009)
Advanced Intelligent Paradigms in Computer Games by Norio Baba, Lakhmi C. Jain, Hisashi Handa (2007)
Advanced Intelligent Systems by Yong Soo Kim, Young J. Ryoo, Moon-soo Jang, Young-Chul Bae (2014)
Advanced Man-Machine Interaction by Karl-Friedrich Kraiss (2006)
Advanced Materials and Structures for Extreme Operating Conditions by Jacek J. Skrzypek, Artur W. Ganczarski, Halina Egner, Franco Rustichelli (2008)
Advanced Materials for Thermal Management of Electronic Packaging by Xingcun Colin Tong (2011)
Advanced Mechanics in Robotic Systems by Nestor Eduardo Nava Rodriguez (2011)
Advanced Mechanics of Piezoelectricity by Qing-Hua Qin (2013)
Advanced Mechatronics and MEMS Devices by Dan Zhang (2013)
Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low-Power Embedded Processors by Manish Verma, Peter Marwedel (2007)
Advanced Methods and Applications in Computational Intelligence by Ryszard Klempous, Jan Nikodem, Witold Jacak, Zenon Chaczko (2014)
Advanced Methods for Computational Collective Intelligence by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Bogdan Trawiiski, Radosiaw Katarzyniak, Geun-Sik Jo (2013)
Advanced Methods in Material Forming by Dorel Banabic (2007)
Advanced Methods of Fatigue Assessment by Dieter Radaj, Michael Vormwald (2013)
Advanced Methods of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling by Jarosiaw Milewski, Konrad iwirski, Massimo Santarelli, Pierluigi Leone (2011)
Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis by Igor A. Karnovsky, Olga Lebed (2010)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2005 by Jurgen Valldorf, Wolfgang Gessner (2005)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2006 by Jurgen Valldorf, Wolfgang Gessner (2006)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2007 by Jurgen Valldorf, Wolfgang Gessner (2007)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2008 by Jurgen Valldorf, Wolfgang Gessner (2008)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2009 by Gereon Meyer, Jurgen Valldorf, Wolfgang Gessner (2009)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2010 by Gereon Meyer, Jurgen Valldorf (2010)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2011 by Gereon Meyer, Jurgen Valldorf (2011)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2012 by Gereon Meyer (2012)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2013 by Jan Fischer-Wolfarth, Gereon Meyer (2013)
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2014 by Jan Fischer-Wolfarth, Gereon Meyer (2014)
Advanced Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Processes by R. Venkata Rao (2011)
Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology by Zdzislaw Kowalczuk, Cezary Oriowski (2014)
Advanced Models of Neural Networks by Gerasimos G. Rigatos (2015)
Advanced Motion Control and Sensing for Intelligent Vehicles by Li Li, Fei-Yue Wang (2007)
Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Han-Chieh Chao, Hamid Arabnia, Neil Y. Yen (2015)
Advanced Neural Network-Based Computational Schemes for Robust Fault Diagnosis by Marcin Mrugalski (2014)
Advanced Nonlinear Strategies for Vibration Mitigation and System Identification by Alexander F. Vakakis (2010)
Advanced Numerical Methods to Optimize Cutting Operations of Five-Axis Milling Machines by Stanislav S. Makhanov, Weerachai Anotaipaiboon (2007)
Advanced Power MOSFET Concepts by B. Jayant Baliga (2010)
Advanced Power Rectifier Concepts by B. Jayant Baliga (2009)
Advanced Query Processing by Barbara Catania, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Advanced Reliability Models and Maintenance Policies by Toshio Nakagawa (2008)
Advanced Research in Data Privacy by Guillermo Navarro-Arribas, Vicenc Torra (2015)
Advanced Sliding Mode Control for Mechanical Systems by Jinkun Liu, Xinhua Wang (2011)
Advanced SOA Tools and Applications by Stanisiaw Ambroszkiewicz, Jerzy Brzeziiski, Wojciech Cellary, Adam Grzech, Krzysztof Zieliiski (2014)
Advanced Strategies in Control Systems with Input and Output Constraints by Sophie Tarbouriech, Germain Garcia, Adolf Hermann Glattfelder (2007)
Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis by Vsevolod I. Feodosiev (2005)
Advanced Structural Wind Engineering by Yukio Tamura, Ahsan Kareem (2013)
Advanced Symbolic Analysis for VLSI Systems by Guoyong Shi, Sheldon X.-D. Tan, Esteban Tlelo Cuautle (2014)
Advanced Takagi?Sugeno Fuzzy Systems by Abdellah Benzaouia, Ahmed El Hajjaji (2014)
Advanced Techniques in Logic Synthesis, Optimizations and Applications by Kanupriya Gulati (2011)
Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence - I by Juan D. Velasquez, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-2 by Juan D. Velasquez, Vasile Palade, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Advanced Technologies for Intelligent Systems of National Border Security by Aleksander Nawrat, Krzysztof Simek, Andrzej iwierniak (2013)
Advanced Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems by Marco Picone, Stefano Busanelli, Michele Amoretti, Francesco Zanichelli, Gianluigi Ferrari (2015)
Advanced Technologies in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks by Xue Wang, Li Cui, Zhongwen Guo (2014)
Advanced Technologies, Embedded and Multimedia for Human-centric Computing by Yueh-Min Huang, Han-Chieh Chao, Der-Jiunn Deng, James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park (2014)
Advanced Technology in Teaching by Wei Zhang (2013)
Advanced Technology in Teaching - Proceedings of the 2009 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Computational Science (WTCS 2009) by Yanwen Wu (2012)
Advanced Technology in Teaching - Proceedings of the 2009 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Computational Science (WTCS 2009) by Yanwen Wu (2012)
Advanced Test Methods for SRAMs by Alberto Bosio, Luigi Dilillo, Patrick Girard, Serge Pravossoudovitch, Arnaud Virazel (2010)
Advanced Topics in Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems by Eli Gershon, Uri Shaked (2013)
Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory by Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley (2005)
Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory by Antonio Loria, Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Elena Panteley (2006)
Advanced Topics in System and Signal Theory by Volker Pohl, Holger Boche (2010)
Advanced Transport Systems by Milan Janii (2014)
Advanced Tribology by Jianbin Luo, Yonggang Meng, Tianmin Shao, Qian Zhao (2010)
Advanced Vibrations by Reza N. Jazar (2013)
Advancement in Sensing Technology by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krishanthi P. Jayasundera, Anton Fuchs (2013)
Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3 by Helena Jin, Cesar Sciammarella, Sanichiro Yoshida, Luciano Lamberti (2015)
Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3 by Helena Jin, Cesar Sciammarella, Sanichiro Yoshida, Luciano Lamberti (2014)
Advancements in Electric Machines by Jacek F. Gieras (2008)
Advancements of Medical Electronics by Somsubhra Gupta, Sandip Bag, Karabi Ganguly, Indranath Sarkar, Papun Biswas (2015)
Advances and Applications in Sliding Mode Control systems by Ahmad Taher Azar, Quanmin Zhu (2015)
Advances and Innovations in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering by Khaled Elleithy (2007)
Advances for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems by Heseyin Abut, John H. L. Hansen, Kazuya Takeda (2007)
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control by Qiping Chu, Bob Mulder, Daniel Choukroun, Erik-Jan Kampen, Coen Visser, Gertjan Looye (2013)
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control by Joel Bordeneuve-Guibe, Antoine Drouin, Clement Roos (2015)
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control by Florian Holzapfel, Stephan Theil (2011)
Advances in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiations by Takayuki Ito, Minjie Zhang, Valentin Robu, Shaheen Fatima, Tokuro Matsuo (2009)
Advances in Audio Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition by Pranab Kumar Dhar, Tetsuya Shimamura (2015)
Advances in Automation and Robotics, Vol. 2 by Gary Lee (2012)
Advances in Automation and Robotics, Vol.1 by Gary Lee (2012)
Advances in Autonomous Mini Robots by Ulrich Ruckert, Sitte Joaquin, Werner Felix (2012)
Advances in Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials by Stephane Bonelli, Cristian Dascalu, Francois Nicot (2011)
Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues by Nicolas Lomenie, Daniel Racoceanu, Alexandre Gouaillard (2012)
Advances in Bio-inspired Computing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Camelia-Mihaela Pintea (2014)
Advances in Bioinformatics by Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fernandez Riverola, Hagit Shatkay, Juan Manuel Corchado (2010)
Advances in Biologically Inspired Information Systems by Falko Dressler, Iacopo Carreras (2007)
Advances in Biomedical Infrastructure 2013 by Amandeep S. Sidhu, Sarinder K Dhillon (2013)
Advances in Biomedical Sensing, Measurements, Instrumentation and Systems by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Aime Lay-Ekuakille (2010)
Advances in Business ICT by Maria Mach-Krol, Tomasz Peiech-Pilichowski (2014)
Advances in Cardiac Signal Processing by U. Rajendra Acharya, Jasjit S. Suri, Jos A. E. Spaan, Shankar M. Krishnan (2007)
Advances in Cell Mechanics by Shaofan Li, Bohua Sun (2011)
Advances in Chance Discovery by Yukio Ohsawa, Akinori Abe (2013)
Advances in Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing by Yingxu Wang, Du Zhang, Witold Kinsner (2010)
Advances in Cognitive Information Systems by Lidia Ogiela, Marek R. Ogiela (2012)
Advances in Collective Intelligence 2011 by Jorn Altmann, Ulrike Baumol, Bernd J. Kramer (2012)
Advances in Commercial Deployment of Spoken Dialog Systems by David Suendermann (2011)
Advances in Communication and Computing by Prabin Kumar Bora, S R Mahadeva Prasanna, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma, Navajit Saikia (2015)
Advances in Communication Control Networks by Sophie Tarbouriech, Chaouki T. Abdallah, John Chiasson (2005)
Advances in Communication Systems and Electrical Engineering by Xu Huang, Yuh-Shyan Chen, Sio-Iong Ao (2008)
Advances in Computational Biology by Luis F. Castillo, Marco Cristancho, Gustavo Isaza, Andres Pinzon, Juan Manuel Corchado Rodriguez (2014)
Advances in Computational Environment Science by Gary Lee (2012)
Advances in Computational Intelligence by Wen Yu, Edgar N. Sanchez (2009)
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Transport, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management by Andreas Fink, Franz Rothlauf (2008)
Advances in Computational Multibody Systems by Jorge A.C. Ambrosio (2005)
Advances in Computational Science, Engineering and Information Technology by Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Ashok Kumar, Annamalai Annamalai (2013)
Advances in Computer Science and Education by Anne Xie, Xiong Huang (2012)
Advances in Computer Science and Engineering by Dehuai Zeng (2012)
Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Computer Science and its Applications by Hwa Young Jeong, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Neil Y. Yen, James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park (2014)
Advances in Computer Science, Engineering & Applications by David C. Wyld, Jan Zizka, Dhinaharan Nagamalai (2012)
Advances in Computer Science, Engineering & Applications by David C. Wyld, Jan Zizka, Dhinaharan Nagamalai (2012)
Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment by David Jin, Sally Lin (2011)
Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment by David Jin, Sally Lin (2011)
Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment by David Jin, Sally Lin (2011)
Advances in Computer, Communication, Control and Automation by Yanwen Wu (2012)
Advances in Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering by Khaled Elleithy, Tarek Sobh, Ausif Mahmood, Magued Iskander, Mohammad Karim (2006)
Advances in Computing and Information Technology by Natarajan Meghanathan, Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Nabendu Chaki (2013)
Advances in Computing and Information Technology by Natarajan Meghanathan, Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Nabendu Chaki (2013)
Advances in Computing and Information Technology by Natarajan Meghanathan, Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Nabendu Chaki (2012)
Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations by Giorgio Dalpiaz, Riccardo Rubini, Gianluca D'Elia, Marco Cocconcelli, Fakher Chaari, Radoslaw Zimroz, Walter Bartelmus, Mohamed Haddar (2014)
Advances in Constitutive Relations Applied in Computer Codes by Janusz R. Klepaczko, Tomasz iodygowski (2009)
Advances in Construction Materials 2007 by Christian U. Grosse (2007)
Advances in Control and Communication by Dehuai Zeng (2012)
Advances in Control Theory and Applications by Claudio Bonivento, Lorenzo Marconi, Carlo Rossi, Alberto Isidori (2007)
Advances in Cooperative Control and Optimization by Panos M. Pardalos, Robert Murphey, Don Grundel, Michael J. Hirsch (2007)
Advances in Data Management by Zbigniew W. Ras, Agnieszka Dardzinska (2009)
Advances in Databases and Information Systems by Tadeusz Morzy, Theo Harder, Robert Wrembel (2013)
Advances in Design by Hoda A. ElMaraghy, Waguih H. ElMaraghy (2006)
Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems by Sorin A. Huss (2007)
Advances in Design and Specification Languages for SoCs by Pierre Boulet (2005)
Advances in Design Methods from Modeling Languages for Embedded Systems and SoC's by Dominique Borrione (2010)
Advances in Differential Evolution by Uday K. Chakraborty (2008)
Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications by Gabor T. Herman, Attila Kuba (2007)
Advances in Distributed Agent-Based Retrieval Tools by Vincenzo Pallotta, Alessandro Soro, Eloisa Vargiu (2011)
Advances in DUNE by Andreas Dedner, Bernd Flemisch, Robert Klofkorn (2012)
Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction by S. Tanvir Wasti, Guney Ozcebe (2006)
Advances in Electric and Electronics by Wensong Hu (2012)
Advances in Electrical Engineering and Automation by Anne Xie, Xiong Huang (2012)
Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science by Sio-Iong Ao, Len Gelman (2009)
Advances in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines by Dehuai Zheng (2011)
Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems by James C. Lin (2009)
Advances in Electronic Commerce, Web Application and Communication by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Electronic Commerce, Web Application and Communication by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Electronic Engineering, Communication and Management Vol.1 by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Electronic Engineering, Communication and Management Vol.2 by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics & Construction by M. Pandey, Wei-Chau Xie, Lei Xu (2006)
Advances in Environmental Geotechnics by Yunmin Chen, Liangtong Zhan, Xiaowu Tang (2010)
Advances in Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control by Daniel Choukroun, Yaakov Oshman, Julie Thienel, Moshe Idan (2015)
Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms by Chang Wook Ahn (2006)
Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control in Engineering and Sciences by David Greiner, Blas Galvan, Jacques Periaux, Nicolas Gauger, Kyriakos Giannakoglou, Gabriel Winter (2015)
Advances in Evolutionary Computing for System Design by Lakhmi C. Jain, Vasile Palade, Dipti Srinivasan (2007)
Advances in Extended and Multifield Theories for Continua by Bernd Markert (2011)
Advances in Fractional Calculus by Jocelyn Sabatier, Om Prakash Agrawal, J. A. Tenreiro Machado (2007)
Advances in Fracture Research by Alberto Carpinteri, Yiu-Wing Mai, Robert O. Ritchie (2006)
Advances in FRP Composites in Civil Engineering by Lieping Ye, Peng Feng, Qingrui Yue (2011)
Advances in Future Computer and Control Systems by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Future Computer and Control Systems by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Fuzzy Decision Making by Iwona Skalna, Bogdan Ribiasz, Bartiomiej Gawei, Beata Basiura, Jerzy Duda, Janusz Opiia, Tomasz Peiech-Pilichowski (2015)
Advances in Fuzzy Implication Functions by Michai Baczyiski, Gleb Beliakov, Humberto Bustince Sola, Ana Pradera (2013)
Advances in Gyroscope Technologies by Mario N. Armenise, Caterina Ciminelli, Francesco Dell'Olio, Vittorio M. N. Passaro (2011)
Advances in High Performance Computing and Computational Sciences by Yurii Shokin, Michael Resch, Nina Shokina, Nargozy Danaev, Murat Orunkhanov (2006)
Advances in Human-Robot Interaction by Erwin Prassler, Gisbert Lawitzky, Andreas Stopp, Gerhard Grunwald, Martin Hagele, Rudiger Dillmann, Ioannis Iossifidis (2005)
Advances in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling by Shia-Hui Peng, Werner Haase (2008)
Advances in ICT for Business, Industry and Public Sector by Maria Mach-Krol, Celina M. Olszak, Tomasz Peiech-Pilichowski (2015)
Advances in Information and Intelligent Systems by Zbigniew W. Ras, William Ribarsky (2009)
Advances in Information Systems and Technologies by Alvaro Rocha, Ana Maria Correia, Tom Wilson, Karl A. Stroetmann (2013)
Advances in Information Technologies for Electromagnetics by Luciano Tarricone, Alessandra Esposito (2006)
Advances in Information Technology and Industry Applications by Dehuai Zeng (2012)
Advances in Integrated and Sustainable Supply Chain Planning by Jose Miguel Lainez-Aguirre, Luis Puigjaner (2015)
Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering by Alan Bramley, Daniel Brissaud, Daniel Coutellier, Chris McMahon (2005)
Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering II by S. Tichkiewitch, M. Tollenaere, P. Ray (2007)
Advances in Intelligent Analysis of Medical Data and Decision Support Systems by Roumen Kountchev, Barna Iantovics (2013)
Advances in Intelligent and Distributed Computing by Costin Badica, Marcin Paprzycki (2008)
Advances in Intelligent Control Systems and Computer Science by Loan Dumitrache (2013)
Advances in Intelligent Decision Technologies by Gloria Phillips-Wren, Lakhmi C. Jain, Kazumi Nakamatsu, Robert J. Howlett (2010)
Advances in Intelligent Informatics by El-Sayed M. El-Alfy, Sabu M. Thampi, Hideyuki Takagi, Selwyn Piramuthu, Thomas Hanne (2015)
Advances in Intelligent Information and Database Systems by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Radosiaw Katarzyniak, Shyi-Ming Chen (2010)
Advances in Intelligent Information Systems by Zbigniew W. Ras, Li-Shiang Tsay (2010)
Advances in Intelligent Modelling and Simulation by Aleksander Byrski, Zuzana Oplatkova, Marco Carvalho, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki (2012)
Advances in Intelligent Modelling and Simulation by Joanna Koiodziej, Samee Ullah Khan, Tadeusz Burczy'nski (2012)
Advances in Intelligent Signal Processing and Data Mining by Petia Georgieva, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Lakhmi C Jain (2013)
Advances in Intelligent Systems by Gary Lee (2012)
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications - Volume 1 by Ruay-Shiung Chang, Lakhmi C. Jain, Sheng-Lung Peng (2013)
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications - Volume 2 by Jeng-Shyang Pan, Ching-Nung Yang, Chia-Chen Lin (2013)
Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Roger Nkambou, Jacqueline Bourdeau, Riichiro Mizoguchi (2010)
Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering by Katarzyna M. Wegrzyn-Wolska, Piotr S. Szczepaniak (2007)
Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering - 2 by Vaclav Snasel, Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Ajith Abraham, Janusz Kacprzyk (2010)
Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering - 3 by Elena Mugellini, Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Maria Chiara Pettenati, Maria Sokhn (2011)
Advances in Interlaboratory Testing and Evaluation of Bituminous Materials by Manfred N. Partl, Hussain U. Bahia, Francesco Canestrari, Chantal de la Roche, Herve Di Benedetto, Herald Piber, Dariusz Sybilski (2013)
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management by Fabrice Guillet, Bruno Pinaud, Gilles Venturini, Djamel Abdelkader Zighed (2013)
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management by Fabrice Guillet, Bruno Pinaud, Gilles Venturini, Djamel Abdelkader Zighed (2014)
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management by Fabrice Guillet, Gilbert Ritschard, Djamel Abdelkader Zighed, Henri Briand (2010)
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management by Fabrice Guillet, Gilbert Ritschard, Djamel Abdelkader Zighed (2012)
Advances in Knowledge Discovery in Databases by Animesh Adhikari, Jhimli Adhikari (2015)
Advances in Life Cycle Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing Businesses by Shozo Takata, Yasushi Umeda (2007)
Advances in Light Water Reactor Technologies by Takehiko Saito, Junichi Yamashita, Yoshiaki Oka, Yuki Ishiwatari (2011)
Advances in Low-Level Color Image Processing by M. Emre Celebi, Bogdan Smolka (2014)
Advances in Machine Learning and Data Analysis by Mahyar A. Amouzegar (2010)
Advances in Machine Learning I by Jacek Koronacki, Zbigniew W. Rai, Siawomir T. Wierzchoi, Janusz Kacprzyk (2010)
Advances in Machine Learning II by Jacek Koronacki, Zbigniew W. Rai, Siawomir T. Wierzchoi, Janusz Kacprzyk (2010)
Advances in Material Forming by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto (2007)
Advances in Material Forming and Joining by R. Ganesh Narayanan, Uday Shanker Dixit (2015)
Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures by Rivka Gilat, Leslie Banks-Sills (2009)
Advances in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering by David Jin, Sally Lin (2013)
Advances in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Mechanical Engineering by Alexander Evgrafov (2015)
Advances in Mechanisms, Robotics and Design Education and Research by Vijay Kumar, James Schmiedeler, S. V. Sreenivasan, Hai-Jun Su (2013)
Advances in Medical Diagnostic Technology by Khin Wee Lai, Yan Chai Hum, Maheza Irna Mohamad Salim, Sang-Bing Ong, Nugraha Priya Utama, Yin Mon Myint, Norliza Mohd Noor, Eko Supriyanto (2014)
Advances in Medical Engineering by Thorsten M. Buzug, Dietrich Holz, Jens Bongartz, Matthias Kohl-Bareis, Ulrich Hartmann, Simone Weber (2007)
Advances in Meshfree Techniques by V. M. A. Leitao, C. J. S. Alves, C. Armando Duarte (2007)
Advances in Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures by A. Kaveh (2014)
Advances in Metal Forming by Rahulkumar Shivajirao Hingole (2015)
Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications by Frigyes Istvan, Janos Bito, Peter Bakki (2008)
Advances in Modeling Concrete Service Life by Carmen Andrade, Joost Gulikers (2012)
Advances in Modelling and Control of Non-integer-Order Systems by Krzysztof J. Latawiec, Marian iukaniszyn, Rafai Stanisiawski (2015)
Advances in Multi-Objective Nature Inspired Computing by Carlos A. Coello Coello, Clarisse Dhaenens, Laetitia Jourdan (2010)
Advances in Multimedia and Network Information System Technologies by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Aleksander Zgrzywa, Andrzej Czyiewski (2010)
Advances in Multimedia, Software Engineering and Computing Vol.1 by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Multimedia, Software Engineering and Computing Vol.2 by David Jin, Sally Lin (2012)
Advances in Music Information Retrieval by Zbigniew W. Rai, Alicja A. Wieczorkowska (2010)
Advances in Network-Embedded Management and Applications by Alexander Clemm, Ralf Wolter (2011)
Advances in Neural Network Research and Applications by Zhigang Zeng, Jun Wang (2010)
Advances in Neural Networks: Computational and Theoretical Issues by Simone Bassis, Anna Esposito, Francesco Carlo Morabito (2015)
Advances in Non-Linear Modeling for Speech Processing by Raghunath S. Holambe, Mangesh S. Deshpande (2012)
Advances in Numerical Methods by Nikos Mastorakis, John Sakellaris (2009)
Advances in Numerical Modeling of Adhesive Joints by Lucas Filipe Martins da Silva, Raul D. S. G. Campilho (2012)
Advances in Personalized Web-Based Education by Konstantina Chrysafiadi, Maria Virvou (2015)
Advances in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems by Yves Demazeau, Frank Dignum, Juan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo Perez (2010)
Advances in Practical Multi-Agent Systems by Quan Bai, Naoki Fukuta (2011)
Advances in Probabilistic Databases for Uncertain Information Management by Zongmin Ma, Li Yan (2013)
Advances in Probabilistic Graphical Models by Peter Lucas, Jose A. Gamez, Antonio Salmeron (2007)
Advances in Product Family and Product Platform Design by Timothy W. Simpson, Jianxin (Roger) Jiao, Zahed Siddique, Katja Holtta-Otto (2014)
Advances in Production Technology by Christian Brecher (2015)
Advances in Queueing Theory and Network Applications by Wuyi Yue, Yataka Takahashi, Hideaki Takagi (2009)
Advances in Real-Time Systems by Samarjit Chakraborty, Jorg Eberspacher (2012)
Advances in Reasoning-Based Image Processing Intelligent Systems by Roumen Kountchev, Kazumi Nakamatsu (2012)
Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots I by Jian S Dai, Matteo Zoppi, Xianwen Kong (2012)
Advances in Robot Control by Sadao Kawamura, Mikhail Svinin (2006)
Advances in Robot Kinematics by Jadran Lennariii, B. Roth (2006)
Advances in Robot Kinematics by Jadran Lenariii, Oussama Khatib (2014)
Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Design by Jadran Lenariii, Philippe Wenger (2008)
Advances in Robot Kinematics: Motion in Man and Machine by Jadran Lenarcic, Michael M. Stanisic (2010)
Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality by Tauseef Gulrez, Aboul Ella Hassanien (2012)
Advances in Robotics Research by Torsten Kroger, Friedrich M. Wahl (2009)
Advances in Robust Fractional Control by Fabrizio Padula, Antonio Visioli (2015)
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps by Pablo A. Estevez, Jose C. Principe, Pablo Zegers (2013)
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization by Thomas Villmann, Frank-Michael Schleif, Marika Kaden, Mandy Lange (2014)
Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization by Manolis Wallace, Marios C. Angelides, Phivos Mylonas (2008)
Advances in Services Innovations by Dieter Spath, Klaus-Peter Fahnrich (2007)
Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems by Sabu M. Thampi, Alexander Gelbukh, Jayanta Mukhopadhyay (2014)
Advances in Sliding Mode Control by B Bandyopadhyay, S Janardhanan, Sarah K. Spurgeon (2013)
Advances in Social Media Analysis by Mohamed Medhat Gaber, Mihaela Cocea, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Ayse Goker (2015)
Advances in Social Simulation by Bogumii Kamiiski, Grzegorz Koloch (2014)
Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Control by Janos Fodor, Robert Fuller (2014)
Advances in Solar Sailing by Malcolm Macdonald (2014)
Advances in Speech Recognition by Amy Neustein (2010)
Advances in Structural Engineering by Vasant Matsagar (2015)
Advances in Structural Engineering by Vasant Matsagar (2015)
Advances in Structural Engineering by Vasant Matsagar (2015)
Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems by Americo Azevedo (2013)
Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing by Gunther Seliger, Marwan M.K. Khraisheh, I.S. Jawahir (2011)
Advances in Systems Science by Jerzy Swiitek, Adam Grzech, Pawei Swiitek, Jakub M. Tomczak (2014)
Advances in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering by Tarek Sobh, Khaled Elleithy (2006)
Advances in Technology and Management by Haenakon Kim (2012)
Advances in Telerobotics by Manuel Ferre, Martin Buss, Rafael Aracil, Claudio Melchiorri, Carlos Balaguer (2007)
Advances in the Theory and Applications of Non-integer Order Systems by Wojciech Mitkowski, Janusz Kacprzyk, Jerzy Baranowski (2013)
Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems with Physical Modeling by Jean Levine, Philippe Mullhaupt (2011)
Advances in Transport Phenomena by Liqiu Wang (2009)
Advances in Transport Phenomena 2010 by Liqiu Wang (2011)
Advances in Transport Phenomena 2011 by Liqiu Wang (2014)
Advances in Turbulence XI by J.M.L.M. Palma, A. Silva Lopes (2007)
Advances in Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems by Alireza Sadeghian, Jerry M. Mendel, Hooman Tahayori (2013)
Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Kimon P. Valavanis (2007)
Advances in Variable Structure and Sliding Mode Control by Christopher Edwards, Enric Fossas Colet, Leonid Fridman (2006)
Advances in Verification of Time Petri Nets and Timed Automata by Wojciech Penczek, Agata Polrola (2006)
Advances in Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering by Changkuan Zhang, Hongwu Tang (2009)
Advances in Water Resources Engineering by Chih Ted Yang, Lawrence K. Wang (2015)
Advances in Web Intelligence and Data Mining by Mark Last, Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Zeev Volkovich, Abraham Kandel (2006)
Advances in Wireless Networks and Information Systems by Qi Luo (2010)
Advances in Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Henry Leung (2010)
Advances of Computational Intelligence in Industrial Systems by Ying Liu, Aixin Sun, Han Tong Loh, Wen Feng Lu, Ee-Peng Lim (2008)
Advances of Soft Computing in Engineering by Zenon Waszczyszyn (2010)
Advances on Modeling in Tissue Engineering by Paulo R. Fernandes, Paulo Jorge Bartolo (2011)
Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems by Yves Demazeau, Jorg P. Muller, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Javier Bajo Perez (2012)
Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems by Yves Demazeau, Michal Pichoucik, Juan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo Perez (2011)
Advances on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators by Marco Ceccarelli, Victor A. Glazunov (2014)
Advances onto the Internet of Things by Salvatore Gaglio, Giuseppe Lo Re (2014)
Aero and Vibroacoustics of Automotive Turbochargers by Hung Nguyen-Schafer (2013)
Aerodynamic and Aerothermodynamic Analysis of Space Mission Vehicles by Antonio Viviani, Giuseppe Pezzella (2015)
Aerodynamic Data of Space Vehicles by Claus Weiland (2014)
Aerodynamic Noise by Tarit Bose (2013)
AETA 2013: Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences by Ivan Zelinka, Vo Hoang Duy, Jaesang Cha (2014)
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction by Jia Luo (2012)
Afro-European Conference for Industrial Advancement by Ajith Abraham, Pavel Kromer, Vaclav Snasel (2015)
After-sales Service of Engineering Industrial Assets by Vicente Gonzalez-Prida Diaz, Adolfo Crespo Marquez (2014)
Age-Differentiated Work Systems by Christopher Marc Schlick, Ekkehart Frieling, Jurgen Wegge (2013)
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems in Distributed Systems - Digital Economy and E-Commerce by Anne Hakansson, Ronald Hartung (2013)
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications by Gordan Jezic, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2015)
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications by Gordan Jezic, Mario Kusek, Ignac Lovrek, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
Agent and Multi-agent Technology for Internet and Enterprise Systems by Anne Hakansson, Ronald Hartung, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2010)
Agent-Based Evolutionary Search by Ruhul Amin Sarker, Tapabrata Ray (2010)
Agent-Based Models of Energy Investment Decisions by Tobias Wittmann (2008)
Agent-Based Optimization by Ireneusz Czarnowski, Piotr Jidrzejowicz, Janusz Kacprzyk (2013)
Aggregation Functions in Theory and in Practise by Humberto Bustince, Javier Fernandez, Radko Mesiar, Tomasa Calvo (2013)
Aggregation Functions: A Guide for Practitioners by Gleb Beliakov, Ana Pradera, Tomasa Calvo (2007)
Agile Project Management: Managing for Success by James A. Crowder, Shelli Friess (2015)
AIDA-CMK: Multi-Algorithm Optimization Kernel Applied to Analog IC Sizing by Ricardo Lourenco, Nuno Lourenco, Nuno Horta (2015)
Air Traffic Management and Systems by Electronic Navigation Research Institute (2014)
Airbreathing Propulsion by Tarit Bose (2012)
Algae Energy by Ayhan Demirbas, M. Fatih Demirbas (2010)
Algebraic Circuits by Antonio Lloris Ruiz, Encarnacion Castillo Morales, Luis Parrilla Roure, Antonio Garcia Rios (2014)
Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems by Giuseppe Conte, Claude H. Moog, Anna Maria Perdon (2007)
Algebraically Approximate and Noisy Realization of Discrete-Time Systems and Digital Images by Yasumichi Hasegawa (2009)
Algorithm & SoC Design for Automotive Vision Systems by Jaeseok Kim, Hyunchul Shin (2014)
Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications Using Matlab by E.S. Gopi (2007)
Algorithm-Architecture Matching for Signal and Image Processing by Guy Gogniat, Dragomir Milojevic, Adam Morawiec, Ahmet Erdogan (2011)
Algorithmic Aspects of Analysis, Prediction, and Control in Science and Engineering by Jaime Nava, Vladik Kreinovich (2015)
Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics VII by Srinivas Akella, Nancy M. Amato, Wesley H. Huang, Bud Mishra (2008)
Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics VIII by Gregory S. Chirikjian, Howie Choset, Marco Morales, Todd Murphey (2010)
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics IX by David Hsu, Volkan Isler, Jean-Claude Latombe, Ming C. Lin (2011)
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics VI by Michael Erdmann, Mark Overmars, David Hsu, Frank der Stappen (2005)
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics X by Emilio Frazzoli, Tomas Lozano-Perez, Nicholas Roy, Daniela Rus (2013)
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XI by H. Levent Akin, Nancy M. Amato, Volkan Isler, A. Frank Stappen (2015)
Algorithms for Fuzzy Clustering by Sadaaki Miyamoto, Hidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda (2008)
Algorithms for Sparsity-Constrained Optimization by Sohail Bahmani (2014)
Alkali Activated Materials by John L. Provis, Jannie S. J. van Deventer (2014)
All-Embracing Manufacturing by Gideon Halevi (2012)
Alternating Current Multi-Circuit Electric Machines by Valentin Asanbayev (2015)
Alternative Energy Sources by Efstathios E. (Stathis) Michaelides (2012)
Alternative Types of Roundabouts by Tomaz Tollazzi (2015)
Ambient Assisted Living by Reiner Wichert, Helmut Klausing (2015)
Ambient Assisted Living by Bruno Ando, Pietro Siciliano, Vincenzo Marletta, Andrea Monteriu (2015)
Ambient Assisted Living by Sauro Longhi, Pietro Siciliano, Michele Germani, Andrea Monteriu (2014)
Ambient Assisted Living by Reiner Wichert, Helmut Klausing (2014)
Ambient Assisted Living by Reiner Wichert, Birgid Eberhardt (2012)
Ambient Assisted Living by Reiner Wichert, Birgid Eberhardt (2011)
Ambient Intelligence by Werner Weber, Jan M. Rabaey, Emile Aarts (2005)
Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications by Ad Berlo, Kasper Hallenborg, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Dante I. Tapia, Paulo Novais (2013)
Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications by Amr Mohamed, Paulo Novais, Antonio Pereira, Gabriel Villarrubia Gonzalez, Antonio Fernandez-Caballero (2015)
Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications by Carlos Ramos, Paulo Novais, Celine Ehrwein Nihan, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez (2014)
Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications by Paulo Novais, Kasper Hallenborg, Dante I. Tapia, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez (2012)
Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications by Paulo Novais, Davy Preuveneers, Juan M. Corchado (2011)
Ambient Intelligence and Future Trends-International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2010) by Juan Carlos Augusto, Juan M. Corchado, Paulo Novais, Cesar Analide (2010)
Ambient Intelligence with Microsystems by Kieran Delaney (2008)
Ambulatory Impedance Cardiography by Gerard Cybulski (2011)
AMST'05 Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology by Elso Kuljanic (2005)
An Analytical Approach to Optical Burst Switched Networks by T. Venkatesh, C. Siva Ram Murthy (2010)
An Anthology of Theories and Models of Design by Amaresh Chakrabarti, Lucienne T. M. Blessing (2014)
An ASIC Low Power Primer by Rakesh Chadha, J. Bhasker (2013)
An Energy Analysis of Household Consumption by Shonali Pachauri (2007)
An Evaluation Framework for Multimodal Interaction by Ina Wechsung (2014)
An Expedition to Continuum Theory by Wolfgang H. Muller (2014)
An Exploration of Dynamical Systems and Chaos by John H. Argyris, Gunter Faust, Maria Haase, Rudolf Friedrich (2015)
An Informal Conceptual Introduction to Turbulence by Arkady Tsinober (2009)
An Intelligent Customer Complaint Management System with Application to the Transport and Logistics Industry by Alireza Faed (2013)
An Interactive Multimedia Introduction to Signal Processing by Ulrich Karrenberg (2007)
An Introduction to Computational Micromechanics by Tarek I. Zohdi, Peter Wriggers (2005)
An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Applications to Elasticity by Philippe G. Ciarlet (2005)
An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena by G. Hauke (2008)
An Introduction to Harmony Search Optimization Method by Xiaolei Wang, Xiao-Zhi Gao, Kai Zenger (2015)
An Introduction to Inverse Problems with Applications by Francisco Duarte Moura Neto, Antonio Jose da Silva Neto (2013)
An Introduction to Meshfree Methods and Their Programming by G.R. Liu, Y.T. Gu (2005)
An Introduction to Modelling of Power System Components by S Krishna (2014)
An Introduction to Neural Network Methods for Differential Equations by Neha Yadav, Anupam Yadav, Manoj Kumar (2015)
An Introduction to Python and Computer Programming by Yue Zhang (2015)
An Introduction to Structural Optimization by Peter W. Christensen, Anders Klarbring (2009)
An Introduction to Surface Alloying of Metals by Santosh S. Hosmani, P. Kuppusami, Rajendra Kumar Goyal (2014)
An Introduction to the Boltzmann Equation and Transport Processes in Gases by Gilberto Medeiros Kremer (2010)
An Introduction to the Theory of Piezoelectricity by Jiashi Yang (2005)
Analisi dei sistemi dinamici by Alessandro Giua, Carla Seatzu (2006)
Analisi dei sistemi dinamici by Alessandro Giua, Carla Seatzu (2009)
Analisi Dimensionale e Modellistica Fisica by Sandro Longo (2011)
Analog and Digital Signals and Systems by R. K. Rao Yarlagadda (2010)
Analog Circuit Design by Michiel Steyaert, Johan H. Huijsing, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2006)
Analog Circuit Design by Arthur H.M. Van Roermund, Herman Casier, Michiel Steyaert (2006)
Analog Circuit Design by Michiel Steyaert, Arthur H. M. van Roermund, Herman Casier (2009)
Analog Circuit Design by Herman Casier, Michiel Steyaert, Arthur H. M. Roermund (2008)
Analog Circuit Design by Arthur H. M. Roermund, Herman Casier, Michiel Steyaert (2010)
Analog Circuit Design by Michiel Steyaert, Arthur van Roermund, Andrea Baschirotto (2012)
Analog Circuit Design by Herman Casier, Michiel Steyaert, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2011)
Analog Circuit Design for Process Variation-Resilient Systems-on-a-Chip by Marvin Onabajo, Jose Silva-Martinez (2012)
Analog Circuit Design Techniques at 0.5 V by Shouri Chatterjee, Kong Pang Pun, Nebojsa Stanii, Yannis Tsividis, Peter Kinget (2007)
Analog Circuits and Systems for Voltage-Mode and Current-Mode Sensor Interfacing Applications by Andrea De Marcellis, Giuseppe Ferri (2011)
Analog Circuits and Systems Optimization based on Evolutionary Computation Techniques by Manuel F. M. Barros, Jorge M. C. Guilherme, Nuno C. G. Horta (2010)
Analog Design Centering and Sizing by Helmut E. Graeb (2007)
Analog Design Essentials by Willy M. C. Sansen (2006)
Analog Dithering Techniques for Wireless Transmitters by Foad Arfaei Malekzadeh, Reza Mahmoudi, Arthur H.M. Roermund (2013)
Analog Electronic Filters by Hercules G. Dimopoulos (2012)
Analog Filters in Nanometer CMOS by Heimo Uhrmann, Robert Kolm, Horst Zimmermann (2014)
Analog Filters Using MATLAB by Lars Wanhammar (2009)
Analog IC Reliability in Nanometer CMOS by Elie Maricau, Georges Gielen (2013)
Analog Integrated Circuits for Communication by Donald O. Pederson, Kartikeya Mayaram (2008)
Analog Layout Synthesis by Helmut E. Graeb (2011)
Analog Organic Electronics by Hagen Marien, Michiel Steyaert, Paul Heremans (2013)
Analog-Baseband Architectures And Circuits For Multistandard And Lowvoltage Wireless Transceivers by Pui-In Mak, Seng-Pan U, Rui Paulo Martins (2007)
Analog-Digital Converters for Industrial Applications Including an Introduction to Digital-Analog Converters by Frank Ohnhauser (2015)
Analog-to-Digital Conversion by Marcel J.M. Pelgrom (2013)
Analog-to-Digital Conversion by Marcel J.M. Pelgrom (2010)
Analog/RF and Mixed-Signal Circuit Systematic Design by Mourad Fakhfakh, Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, Rafael Castro-Lopez (2013)
Analysis and Computation of Microstructure in Finite Plasticity by Sergio Conti, Klaus Hackl (2015)
Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks by Daizhan Cheng, Hongsheng Qi, Zhiqiang Li (2011)
Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems by Kazuyuki Aihara, Jun-ichi Imura, Tetsushi Ueta (2015)
Analysis and Control of Mixing with an Application to Micro and Macro Flow Processes by Luca Cortelezzi, Igor Mezii (2009)
Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems by Jean Levine (2009)
Analysis and Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems by Amal Choukchou-Braham, Brahim Cherki, Mohamed Djemai, Krishna Busawon (2014)
Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks Supporting Mobility, Multimedia, and Internetworking by Jose Brazio, Phuoc Tran-Gia, Nail Akar, Andrzej Beben, Wojciech Burakowski, Markus Fiedler, Ezhan Karasan, Michael Menth, Olivier Philippe, Kurt Tutschku, Sabine Wittevrongel (2006)
Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques by Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, Eduardo Gomez Ramirez, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (2007)
Analysis and Design of Machine Learning Techniques by Patrick Stalph (2014)
Analysis and Design of Networked Control Systems by Keyou You, Nan Xiao, Lihua Xie (2015)
Analysis and Design of Networks-on-Chip Under High Process Variation by Rabab Ezz-Eldin, Magdy Ali El-Moursy, Hesham F. A. Hamed (2015)
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems by Alessandro Astolfi, Lorenzo Marconi (2008)
Analysis and Design of Quadrature Oscillators by Luis B. Oliveira, Jorge R. Fernandes, Igor M. Filanovsky, Chris J.M. Verhoeven, Manuel M. Silva (2008)
Analysis and Design of Resilient VLSI Circuits by Rajesh Garg, Sunil P. Khatri (2010)
Analysis and Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems by Guoliang Wang, Qingling Zhang, Xinggang Yan (2015)
Analysis and Simulation of Contact Problems by Peter Wriggers, Udo Nackenhorst (2006)
Analysis and Simulation of Electrical and Computer Systems by Lesiaw Goiibiowski, Damian Mazur (2015)
Analysis and Synthesis of Delta Operator Systems by Hongjiu Yang, Yuanqing Xia, Peng Shi, Ling Zhao (2012)
Analysis and Synthesis of Dynamical Systems with Time-Delays by Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu, Peng Shi (2009)
Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Control Systems by Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu, Guo-Ping Liu (2011)
Analysis and Synthesis of Singular Systems with Time-Delays by Zheng-Guang Wu, Hongye Su, Peng Shi, Jian Chu (2013)
Analysis and Transceiver Design for the MIMO Broadcast Channel by Raphael Hunger (2013)
Analysis of Computer and Communication Networks by Fayez Gebali (2008)
Analysis of Computer Networks by Fayez Gebali (2015)
Analysis of Deterministic Cyclic Gene Regulatory Network Models with Delays by Mehmet Eren Ahsen, Hitay ozbay, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu (2015)
Analysis of Engineering Drawings and Raster Map Images by Thomas C. Henderson (2014)
Analysis of Low-Speed Unsteady Airfoil Flows by Tuncer Cebeci, Max Platzer, Hsun Chen, Kuo-Cheng Chang, Jian P. Shao (2005)
Analysis of TCP Performance in Data Center Networks by Santosh Kulkarni, Prathima Agrawal (2014)
Analysis, Retrieval and Delivery of Multimedia Content by Nicola Adami, Andrea Cavallaro, Riccardo Leonardi, Pierangelo Migliorati (2013)
Analytic Curve Frequency-Sweeping Stability Tests for Systems with Commensurate Delays by Xu-Guang Li, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Arben Cela (2015)
Analytic Methods for Design Practice by Gyung-Jin Park (2007)
Analytic Methods of Sound Field Synthesis by Jens Ahrens (2012)
Analytical and Hybrid Methods in the Theory of Slot-Hole Coupling of Electrodynamic Volumes by Mikhail V. Nesterenko, Victor A. Katrich, Yuriy M. Penkin, Sergey L. Berdnik (2008)
Analytical Dynamics by Mark D. Ardema (2005)
Analytical Methods for Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Problems by Bernhard Weigand (2015)
Analytical Methods for Problems of Molecular Transport by I. N. Ivchenko, S. K. Loyalka, R. V. Tompson (2007)
Analytical Methods in Fuzzy Modeling and Control by Jasek Kluska (2009)
Analytical Methods in Rotor Dynamics by Andrew D. Dimarogonas, Stefanos A. Paipetis, Thomas G. Chondros (2013)
Analytical System Dynamics by Brian Fabien (2009)
Analyzing and Modeling Interdisciplinary Product Development by Frank Neumann (2015)
Analyzing Discourse and Text Complexity for Learning and Collaborating by Mihai Dascilu (2014)
Analyzing Uncertainty in Civil Engineering by Wolfgang Fellin, Heimo Lessmann, Michael Oberguggenberger, Robert Vieider (2005)
Ancient Engineers& Inventions by Cesare Rossi, Flavio Russo, Ferruccio Russo (2009)
ANEMONA by Vicente Botti, Adriana Giret (2008)
Anisotropic Elastic Plates by Chyanbin Hwu (2010)
Annals of Industrial Engineering 2012 by J. Carlos Prado-Prado, Jesus Garcia-Arca (2014)
Anonymization of Electronic Medical Records to Support Clinical Analysis by Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, Grigorios Loukides (2013)
Antenna Arrays and Automotive Applications by Victor Rabinovich, Nikolai Alexandrov (2013)
Anti-personnel Landmine Detection for Humanitarian Demining by Katsuhisa Furuta, Jun Ishikawa (2009)
Anticipation: Learning from the Past by Mihai Nadin (2015)
Antifreeze Solutions in Home Fire Sprinkler Systems by Code Consultants, Inc. (2010)
Application Analysis Tools for ASIP Design by Kingshuk Karuri, Rainer Leupers (2011)
Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-objective Optimization in VLSI and Embedded Systems by M.C. Bhuvaneswari (2015)
Application of Imaging Techniques to Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Volume 4 by Tom Proulx (2013)
Application of Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP) in Concrete Construction by Viktor Mechtcherine, Hans-Wolf Reinhardt (2012)
Application of the Finite Element Method in Implant Dentistry by Jianping Geng, Weiqi Yan, Wei Xu (2008)
Application of Wavelets in Speech Processing by Mohamed Hesham Farouk (2014)
Application-Specific Mesh-based Heterogeneous FPGA Architectures by Husain Parvez, Habib Mehrez (2011)
Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society by Alessandro De Gloria (2014)
Applications of Advanced Electromagnetics by Guennadi A. Kouzaev (2013)
Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biology by Tomasz G. Smolinski, Mariofanna G. Milanova, Aboul-Ella Hassanien (2008)
Applications of Computational Tools in Biosciences and Medical Engineering by Andreas ochsner, Holm Altenbach (2015)
Applications of Finite Element Methods for Reliability Studies on ULSI Interconnections by Cher Ming Tan, Wei Li, Zhenghao Gan, Yuejin Hou (2011)
Applications of Intelligent Control to Engineering Systems by Kimon P. Valavanis (2009)
Applications of Membrane Computing in Systems and Synthetic Biology by Pierluigi Frisco, Marian Gheorghe, Mario J. Perez-Jimenez (2014)
Applications of Multi-Criteria and Game Theory Approaches by Lyes Benyoucef, Jean-Claude Hennet, Manoj Kumar Tiwari (2014)
Applications of Neural Networks in High Assurance Systems by Johann Schumann, Yan Liu (2010)
Applications of Organic and Printed Electronics by Eugenio Cantatore (2013)
Applications of Soft Computing by Ashutosh Tiwari, Rajkumar Roy, Joshua Knowles, Erel Avineri, Keshav Dahal (2006)
Applications of Soft Computing by Erel Avineri, Mario Koppen, Keshav Dahal, Yos Sunitiyoso, Rajkumar Roy (2009)
Applications of Soft Computing by Jorn Mehnen, Mario Koppen, Ashraf Saad, Ashutosh Tiwari (2009)
Applications of Specification and Design Languages for SoCs by A. Vachoux (2006)
Applications of Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods by Oleg Okun, Giorgio Valentini (2009)
Applications of Time Delay Systems by John Chiasson, Jean Jacques Loiseau (2007)
Applications of Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis to Construction Materials by Yoshihiko Ohama, Dionys Van Gemert (2011)
Applied Acoustics: Concepts, Absorbers, and Silencers for Acoustical Comfort and Noise Control by Helmut V. Fuchs (2013)
Applied and Numerical Partial Differential Equations by W. Fitzgibbon, Y.A. Kuznetsov, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Jacques Periaux, Olivier Pironneau (2010)
Applied Computation and Security Systems by Rituparna Chaki, Khalid Saeed, Sankhayan Choudhury, Nabendu Chaki (2015)
Applied Computation and Security Systems by Rituparna Chaki, Khalid Saeed, Sankhayan Choudhury, Nabendu Chaki (2015)
Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology by Radu-Emil Precup, Szilveszter Kovacs, Stefan Preitl, Emil M. Petriu (2012)
Applied Computing and Information Technology by Roger Y. Lee (2014)
Applied Control Systems Design by Magdi S. Mahmoud, Yuanqing Xia (2012)
Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and Scientists by T. Agami Reddy (2011)
Applied Dynamics by Werner Schiehlen, Peter Eberhard (2014)
Applied Fuzzy Arithmetic by Michael Hanss (2005)
Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition by Abraham Kandel, Horst Bunke, Mark Last (2007)
Applied High-Speed Plate Penetration Dynamics by Gabi Ben-dor, Anatoly Dubinsky, Tov Elperin (2006)
Applied Hydraulic Transients by M. Hanif Chaudhry (2014)
Applied Information Science, Engineering and Technology by Gabriella Bognar, Tibor Toth (2014)
Applied Machining Technology by Heinz Tschatsch (2009)
Applied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems by Joe H. Chow, Felix F. Wu, James Momoh (2005)
Applied Methods and Techniques for Mechatronic Systems by Lei Liu, Quanmin Zhu, Lei Cheng, Yongji Wang, Dongya Zhao (2014)
Applied Micromechanics of Porous Materials by Luc Dormieux, Franz-Josef Ulm (2005)
Applied Nonparametric Statistics in Reliability by M. Luz Gamiz, K. B. Kulasekera, Nikolaos Limnios, Bo Henry Lindqvist (2011)
Applied Ontology Engineering in Cloud Services, Networks and Management Systems by J. Martin Serrano Orozco (2012)
Applied Pattern Recognition by Horst Bunke, Abraham Kandel, Mark Last (2008)
Applied Plasticity, Second Edition by Jagabandhu Chakrabarty (2010)
Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes by Richard M. Feldman, Ciriaco Valdez-Flores (2010)
Applied Reliability and Quality by B. S. Dhillon (2007)
Applied Signal Processing by Thierry Dutoit, Ferran Marques (2009)
Applied Soft Computing Technologies: The Challenge of Complexity by Ajith Abraham, Bernard de Baets, Mario Koppen, Bertram Nickolay (2006)
Applied Spectroscopy and the Science of Nanomaterials by Prabhakar Misra (2015)
Applied Systems Theory by Rob Dekkers (2015)
Applied Time Series Analysis and Innovative Computing by Sio-Iong Ao (2010)
Applying Computational Intelligence by Arthur Kordon (2010)
Applying Fuzzy Mathematics to Formal Models in Comparative Politics by Terry D. Clark, Jennifer M. Larson, John N. Mordeson, Joshua D. Potter, Mark J. Wierman (2008)
Approaches to Probabilistic Model Learning for Mobile Manipulation Robots by Jurgen Sturm (2013)
Approaching Human Performance by Markus Grebenstein (2014)
Approximate and Noisy Realization of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems by Yasumichi Hasegawa (2008)
Approximate Reasoning by Parts by Lech Polkowski (2011)
Arbitrary Modeling of TSVs for 3D Integrated Circuits by Khaled Salah, Yehea Ismail, Alaa El-Rouby (2015)
Architecting the Internet of Things by Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison, Florian Michahelles (2011)
Architecting User-Centric Privacy-as-a-Set-of-Services by Ghazi Ben Ayed (2014)
Architecture and Design for the Future Internet by Luis M. Correia, Henrik Abramowicz, Martin Johnsson, Klaus Wunstel (2011)
Architecture of Brazil by Hugo Segawa (2013)
Architectures and Synthesizers for Ultra-low Power Fast Frequency-Hopping WSN Radios by Emanuele Lopelli, Johan van der Tang, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2011)
Architectures for Baseband Signal Processing by Frank Kienle (2014)
ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments by Ata Elahi, Trevor Arjeski (2015)
Artful Rainwater Design by Stuart Echols, Eliza Pennypacker (2015)
Artificial Cognition Architectures by James A. Crowder, John N. Carbone, Shelli A. Friess (2014)
Artificial Gravity by Gilles Clement, Angie Bukley (2007)
Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems by L. Padma Suresh, Subhransu Sekhar Dash, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi (2015)
Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems by L Padma Suresh, Subhransu Sekhar Dash, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi (2015)
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Information and Communication Technologies by Yacine Laalaoui, Nizar Bouguila (2015)
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games by Pedro Antonio Gonzalez-Calero, Marco Antonio Gomez-Martin (2011)
Artificial Intelligence in Recognition and Classification of Astrophysical and Medical Images by Valentina Zharkova, Lakhmi C. Jain (2007)
Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications by Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova, Petr Silhavy (2015)
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer Graphics by Dimitri Plemenos, Georgios Miaoulis (2008)
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Networked Manufacturing Enterprises Management by Lyes Benyoucef, Bernard Grabot (2010)
Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing and Metaheuristics by Xin-She Yang (2013)
Artificial Mind System - Kernel Memory Approach by Tetsuya Hoya (2005)
Artificial Neural Networks by Petia Koprinkova-Hristova, Valeri Mladenov, Nikola K. Kasabov (2015)
Artificial Neural Networks for the Modelling and Fault Diagnosis of Technical Processes by Krzysztof Patan (2008)
Artificial Neural Networks in Vehicular Pollution Modelling by Mukesh Khare, S. M. Shiva Nagendra (2007)
Artificial Organic Networks by Hiram Ponce-Espinosa, Pedro Ponce-Cruz, Arturo Molina (2014)
Aspects of Automatic Text Analysis by Alexander Mehler, Reinhard Kohler (2007)
Aspects of Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications by Ladislav Madarasz, Jozef Zivak (2013)
Aspects of Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Control by Janos Fodor, Janusz Kacprzyk (2009)
Assembly Line Design by Brahim Rekiek, Alain Delchambre (2006)
Assertion-Based Design by Harry Foster, Adam Krolnik, David Lacey (2005)
Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Rolf Findeisen, Frank Allgower, Lorenz T. Biegler (2007)
Assessment of Power System Reliability by Marko iepin (2011)
Asset Condition, Information Systems and Decision Models by Joe E. Amadi-Echendu, Roger Willett, Kerry Brown, Joseph Mathew (2012)
Asset Management by Telli Van der Lei, Paulien Herder, Ype Wijnia (2012)
Assistive Technologies for the Interaction of the Elderly by Eckehard Fozzy Moritz (2014)
Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired and Blind People by Marion A. Hersh, Michael A. Johnson (2008)
Asteroids by Viorel Badescu (2013)
Astronomy and Big Data by Kieran Jay Edwards, Mohamed Medhat Gaber (2014)
Asymptotic Methods in Fluid Mechanics: Survey and Recent Advances by Herbert Steinruck (2010)
Asynchronous Control for Networked Systems by Maria Guinaldo Losada, Francisco Rodriguez Rubio, Sebastian Dormido Bencomo (2015)
Asynchronous Operators of Sequential Logic: Venjunction & Sequention by Vadim Vasyukevich (2011)
Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics by Ashish Tewari (2007)
Atmospheric Convection: Research and Operational Forecasting Aspects by Dario B. Giaiotti, Reinhold Steinacker, Fulvio Stel (2007)
Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks by Masoud Farzaneh (2008)
Atmospheric Re-Entry Vehicle Mechanics by Patrick Gallais (2007)
Atomic Force Microscopy Based Nanorobotics by Hui Xie, Cagdas Onal, Stephane Regnier, Metin Sitti (2012)
Atomic Information Technology by Taeho Woo (2012)
Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure by Markus J. Buehler (2008)
Audio Coding by Yuli You (2010)
Audio Watermark by Yiqing Lin, Waleed H. Abdulla (2015)
Audiovisual Quality Assessment and Prediction for Videotelephony by Benjamin Belmudez (2015)
Automata, Universality, Computation by Andrew Adamatzky (2015)
Automated Design of Analog and High-frequency Circuits by Bo Liu, Georges Gielen, Francisco V. Fernandez (2014)
Automated Guided Vehicle Systems by Gunter Ullrich (2015)
Automated Nanohandling by Microrobots by Sergej Fatikow (2008)
Automated Scheduling and Planning by A. Sima Uyar, Ender Ozcan, Neil Urquhart (2013)
Automatic Autocorrelation and Spectral Analysis by Piet M. T. Broersen (2006)
Automatic Calibration and Reconstruction for Active Vision Systems by Beiwei Zhang, Y. F. Li (2012)
Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles by Ashish Tewari (2011)
Automatic Gain Control by Juan Pablo Alegre Perez, Santiago Celma Pueyo, Belen Calvo Lopez (2011)
Automatic Speech Recognition by Dong Yu, Li Deng (2015)
Automatic Speech Signal Analysis for Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment of Speech Disorders by Ladan Baghai-Ravary, Steve W. Beet (2013)
Automating the Analysis of Spatial Grids by Valliappa Lakshmanan (2012)
Automation in Warehouse Development by Roelof Hamberg, Jacques Verriet (2012)
Automotive Battery Technology by Alexander Thaler, Daniel Watzenig (2014)
Automotive Control Systems by Uwe Kiencke, Lars Nielsen (2005)
Automotive Development Processes by Julian Weber (2009)
Automotive Electronics Design Fundamentals by Najamuz Zaman (2015)
Automotive Engines by Alexander A. Stotsky (2009)
Automotive Lighting and Human Vision by Burkard Wordenweber, Jorg Wallaschek, Peter Boyce, Donald D. Hoffman (2007)
Automotive Mechatronics by Konrad Reif (2015)
Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues by B. T. Fijalkowski (2011)
Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues by B. T. Fijalkowski (2011)
Automotive Model Predictive Control by Luigi Re, Frank Allgower, Luigi Glielmo, Carlos Guardiola, Ilya Kolmanovsky (2010)
Automotive Painting Technology by Kimio Toda, Abraham Salazar, Kozo Saito (2013)
Automotive Radar Sensors in Silicon Technologies by Vipul Jain, Payam Heydari (2013)
Automotive Systems Engineering by Markus Maurer, Hermann Winner (2013)
Automotive Transmissions by Harald Naunheimer, Bernd Bertsche, Joachim Ryborz, Wolfgang Novak (2011)
Autonomic Computing and Networking by Yan Zhang, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Mieso K. Denko (2009)
Autonomic Nervous System Dynamics for Mood and Emotional-State Recognition by Gaetano Valenza, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo (2014)
Autonomous and Autonomic Systems: With Applications to NASA Intelligent Spacecraft Operations and Exploration Systems by Walt Truszkowski, Harold Hallock, Christopher Rouff, Jay Karlin, James Rash, Michael Hinchey, Roy Sterritt (2010)
Autonomous Control Systems and Vehicles by Kenzo Nonami, Muljowidodo Kartidjo, Kwang-Joon Yoon, Agus Budiyono (2013)
Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics by Michael Hulsmann, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Katja Windt (2011)
Autonomous Flying Robots by Kenzo Nonami, Farid Kendoul, Satoshi Suzuki, Wei Wang, Daisuke Nakazawa (2010)
Autonomous Guided Vehicles by Hamed Fazlollahtabar, Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad (2015)
Autonomous Land Vehicles by Karsten Berns, Ewald Puttkamer (2009)
Autonomous Mobile Systems 2012 by Paul Levi, Oliver Zweigle, Kai Haubermann, Bernd Eckstein (2012)
Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments by Christian Laugier, Raja Chatila (2007)
Autonomous Robots by Farbod Fahimi (2009)
Autonomous Robots and Agents by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Gourab Sen Gupta (2007)
Autonomous Systems - Self-Organization, Management, and Control by Bernd Mahr, Sheng Huanye (2008)
Autonomous Systems: Developments and Trends by Herwig Unger, Kyandoghere Kyamaky, Janusz Kacprzyk (2012)
Autonomous Tracked Robots in Planar Off-Road Conditions by Ramon Gonzalez, Francisco Rodriguez, Jose Luis Guzman (2014)
Autotuning of PID Controllers by Cheng-Ching Yu (2006)
Auxetic Materials and Structures by Teik-Cheng Lim (2015)
Average Time Complexity of Decision Trees by Igor Chikalov (2011)
Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines by Jacek F. Gieras, Rong-Jie Wang, Maarten J. Kamper (2008)
Axiomatic Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications by Xiaodong Liu, Witold Pedrycz (2009)
Background Calibration of Time-Interleaved Data Converters by Manar El-Chammas, Boris Murmann (2012)
Balancing of Linkages and Robot Manipulators by Vigen Arakelian, Sebastien Briot (2015)
Balancing Renewable Electricity by Bert Droste-Franke, Boris P. Paal, Christian Rehtanz, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Jens-Peter Schneider, Miranda Schreurs, Thomas Ziesemer (2012)
Bandwidth Extension of Speech Signals by Bernd Iser, Wolfgang Minker, Gerhard Schmidt (2008)
Baseband Analog Circuits for Software Defined Radio by Vito Giannini, Jan Craninckx, Andrea Baschirotto (2008)
Basic Coastal Engineering by Robert M. Sorensen (2006)
Basic Earthquake Engineering by Haluk Sucuolu, Sinan Akkar (2014)
Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays by Igor V. Minin, Oleg V. Minin (2008)
Basic Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering by Manabu Iguchi, Olusegun J. Ilegbusi (2014)
Basics of Aerothermodynamics by E. H. Hirschel (2005)
Basics of Aerothermodynamics by Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (2015)
Basics of Computer Networking by Thomas Robertazzi (2012)
Basics of Cutting and Abrasive Processes by Hans Kurt Toenshoff, Berend Denkena (2013)
Battlefield Acoustics by Thyagaraju Damarla (2015)
Bayesian Inference for Probabilistic Risk Assessment by Dana Kelly, Curtis Smith (2011)
Behavior of Pipe Piles in Sand by Magued Iskander (2011)
Behavioral Issues in Operations Management by Ilaria Giannoccaro (2013)
Belief Functions: Theory and Applications by Thierry Denoeux, Marie-Helene Masson (2012)
Between Certainty and Uncertainty by Ludomir M. Laudaiski (2013)
Beyond Artificial Intelligence by Jozef Kelemen, Jan Romportl, Eva Zackova (2013)
Beyond Artificial Intelligence by Jan Romportl, Eva Zackova, Jozef Kelemen (2015)
Beyond the Second Law by Roderick C. Dewar, Charles H. Lineweaver, Robert K. Niven, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb (2014)
Beyond World-Class Productivity by Shigeyasu Sakamoto (2010)
Bias Temperature Instability for Devices and Circuits by Tibor Grasser (2014)
Biaxial Testing for Fabrics and Foils by Paolo Beccarelli (2015)
Bifurcation and Degradation of Geomaterials in the New Millennium by Kam-Tim Chau, Jidong Zhao (2015)
Bifurcation Theory for Hexagonal Agglomeration in Economic Geography by Kiyohiro Ikeda, Kazuo Murota (2014)
Bifurcations, Instabilities and Degradations in Geomaterials by Richard Wan, Mustafa Alsaleh, Joe Labuz (2011)
Big Data by Hrushikesha Mohanty, Prachet Bhuyan, Deepak Chenthati (2015)
Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Smart Environments by Nik Bessis, Ciprian Dobre (2014)
Big Data in Complex Systems by Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ahmad Taher Azar, Vaclav Snasael, Janusz Kacprzyk, Jemal H. Abawajy (2015)
Bio-Imaging and Visualization for Patient-Customized Simulations by Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares, Xiongbiao Luo, Shuo Li (2014)
Bio-inspired Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem by Francisco Babtista Pereira, Jorge Tavares (2009)
Bio-inspired Computation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Haibin Duan, Pei Li (2014)
Bio-inspired Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition by Patricia Melin, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (2009)
Bio-Inspired Nanotechnology by Marc R. Knecht, Tiffany R. Walsh (2014)
Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Robotic Systems by Yan Meng, Yaochu Jin (2011)
Bio-Inspired Technologies for the Hardware of Adaptive Systems by Mircea Gh. Negoita, Sorin Hintea (2009)
Bio-inspiring Cyber Security and Cloud Services: Trends and Innovations by Aboul Ella Hassanien, Tai-Hoon Kim, Janusz Kacprzyk, Ali Ismail Awad (2014)
Bio-Materials and Prototyping Applications in Medicine by Paulo Bartolo, Bopaya Bidanda (2008)
Bio-Medical CMOS ICs by Hoi-Jun Yoo, Chris Hoof (2011)
Bio/CMOS Interfaces and Co-Design by Sandro Carrara (2013)
Bioceramics by Joon Park (2008)
Biodegradable Polymer-Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering by Naznin Sultana (2013)
Bioelectricity by Robert Plonsey, Roger C. Barr (2007)
Bioengineering by Mirjana Pavlovic (2015)
Bioengineering Case Studies by Wendi Goldsmith, Donald Gray, John McCullah (2014)
Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research by Gerhard M. Artmann, Shu Chien (2008)
Bioengineering Research of Chronic Wounds by Amit Gefen (2009)
Bioethics in a Small World by Felix Thiele, R. E. Ashcroft, Friederike Wutscher (2005)
Biofuels for Road Transport by Lucas Reijnders, Mark Huijbregts (2009)
Biogas Energy by Tasneem Abbasi, S.M. Tauseef, S.A. Abbasi (2012)
Biohydrogen by Ayhan Demirbas (2009)
Bioinformatics of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer and the Ras Proto-Oncogene by Amita Kashyap, D. Bujamma, Naresh Babu M (2015)
Bioinformatics Using Computational Intelligence Paradigms by Udo Seiffert, Lakhmi C. Jain, Patric Schweizer (2005)
Biological Functions for Information and Communication Technologies by Hidefumi Sawai (2011)
Biological Signals Classification and Analysis by Kamran Kiasaleh (2015)
Biologically Inspired Approaches for Locomotion, Anomaly Detection and Reconfiguration for Walking Robots by Bojan Jakimovski (2011)
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012 by Antonio Chella, Roberto Pirrone, Rosario Sorbello, Kamilla Run Johannsdottir (2013)
Biologically Inspired Design by Ashok K Goel, Daniel A McAdams, Robert B. Stone (2014)
Biologically Inspired Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing by Agustin Gutierrez, Santiago Marco (2009)
Biologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods by Andrew Lewis, Sanaz Mostaghim, Marcus Randall (2009)
Biology and Control Theory: Current Challenges by Isabelle Queinnec, Sophie Tarbouriech, Germain Garcia, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu (2007)
Biomaterials as Stem Cell Niche by Krishnendu Roy (2010)
Biomaterials for Cardiac Regeneration by Erik J. Suuronen, Marc Ruel (2015)
Biomechanical Modelling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Levels by Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Ray W. Ogden (2009)
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Aneurysms by Tim McGloughlin (2011)
Biomechanics in Dentistry: Evaluation of Different Surgical Approaches to Treat Atrophic Maxilla Patients by Muhammad Ikman Ishak, Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir (2013)
Biomechanics of Cells and Tissues by Paola Lecca (2013)
Biomedical Applications of Control Engineering by Selim S. Hacisalihzade (2013)
Biomedical Data and Applications by Amandeep S. Sidhu, Tharam S. Dillon (2009)
Biomedical Imaging and Computational Modeling in Biomechanics by Ugo Andreaus, Daniela Iacoviello (2013)
Biomedical Informatics by Andreas Holzinger (2014)
Biomedical Materials by Roger Narayan (2009)
Biomedical Sensors and Measurement by Ping Wang, Qingjun Liu (2011)
Biomedical Signals and Sensors II by Eugenijus Kaniusas (2015)
Biomedical Technology by Thomas Lenarz, Peter Wriggers (2015)
BioMEMS by Gerald A. Urban (2006)
BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology by Mauro Ferrari, Mihrimah Ozkan, Michael J. Heller (2007)
BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology by Mauro Ferrari, Tejal Desai, Sangeeta Bhatia (2007)
BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology by Mauro Ferrari, Rashid Bashir, Steve Wereley (2007)
BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology by Mauro Ferrari, Abraham P. Lee, L. James Lee (2006)
Biometric and Intelligent Decision Making Support by Arturas Kaklauskas (2015)
Biomimetics for Architecture & Design by Goran Pohl, Werner Nachtigall (2015)
BioNanoFluidic MEMS by Peter J. Hesketh (2008)
Bionics by Examples by Werner Nachtigall, Alfred Wisser (2015)
Biopacemaking by J. A. E Spaan, Ruben Coronel, Jacques M. T. Bakker, Antonio Zaza (2007)
Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture by Amjad Almusaed (2011)
Biopotential Readout Circuits for Portable Acquisition Systems by Refet Firat Yazicioilu, Chris Hoof, Robert Puers (2009)
Biorefineries by Ayhan Demirbas (2010)
Biosensors and Invasive Monitoring in Clinical Applications by Emma P. Corcoles, Martyn G. Boutelle (2013)
Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering by Fernando Pacheco Torgal, J. A. Labrincha, M. V. Diamanti, C.-P. Yu, H. K. Lee (2015)
Biotechnology and Bioforensics by Amit Kumar (2015)
Blast Cleaning Technology by Andreas Momber (2008)
Blast Mitigation by Arun Shukla, Yapa D. S. Rajapakse, Mary Ellen Hynes (2014)
Blind Equalization and System Identification by Chong-Yung Chi, Chii-Horng Chen, Chih-Chun Feng, Ching-Yung Chen (2006)
Blind Signal Processing by Xizhi Shi (2011)
Blind Source Separation by Yong Xiang, Dezhong Peng, Zuyuan Yang (2015)
Blind Source Separation by Ganesh R. Naik, Wenwu Wang (2014)
Blind Speech Separation by Shoji Makino, Hiroshi Sawada, Te-Won Lee (2007)
Block-oriented Nonlinear System Identification by Fouad Giri, Er-Wei Bai (2010)
Boiling Heat Transfer in Dilute Emulsions by Matthew Lind Roesle, Francis A. Kulacki (2013)
Bond Graph Methodology by Wolfgang Borutzky (2010)
Bond Graph Model-based Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems by Wolfgang Borutzky (2015)
Bond Graph Modelling of Engineering Systems by Wolfgang Borutzky (2011)
Bonded Cement-Based Material Overlays for the Repair, the Lining or the Strengthening of Slabs or Pavements by Benoit Bissonnette, Luc Courard, David W. Fowler, Jean-Louis Granju (2011)
Bonding in Microsystem Technology by Jan A. Dziuban (2006)
Book of Extremes by Ted G. Lewis (2014)
Bosch Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics by Robert Bosch GmbH (2014)
Boundary Element Analysis by Martin Schanz, Olaf Steinbach (2007)
Bounding Uncertainty in Civil Engineering by Alberto Bernardini, Fulvio Tonon (2010)
Brain, Body and Machine by Jorge Angeles, Benoit Boulet, James J. Clark, Jozsef Kovecses, Kaleem Siddiqi (2010)
Brain-Computer Interface Research by Christoph Guger, Brendan Z. Allison, Gunter Edlinger (2013)
Brain-Computer Interface Research by Christoph Guger, Brendan Allison, E.C. Leuthardt (2014)
Brain-Computer Interfaces by Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ahmad Taher Azar (2015)
Brain-Computer Interfaces by Theodore W. Berger, John K. Chapin, Greg A. Gerhardt, Dennis J. McFarland, Jose C. Principe, Walid V. Soussou, Dawn M. Taylor, Patrick A. Tresco (2008)
Brain-Inspired Information Technology by Akitoshi Hanazawa, Tsutom Miki, Keiichi Horio (2010)
Brakes, Brake Control and Driver Assistance Systems by Konrad Reif (2014)
Bridges by Baidar Bakht, Aftab Mufti (2015)
British Domestic Synchronous Clocks 1930-1980 by Leslie Philip Pook (2015)
Broadband Access Networks by Abdallah Shami, Martin Maier, Chadi Assi (2009)
Broadband Direct RF Digitization Receivers by Olivier Jamin (2014)
Broadband Fixed Wireless Access by Marc Engels, Frederik Petre (2006)
Broadband Opto-Electrical Receivers in Standard CMOS by Carolien Hermans, Michiel Steyaert (2007)
Broadband Reflectometry for Enhanced Diagnostics and Monitoring Applications by Andrea Cataldo, Egidio De Benedetto, Giuseppe Cannazza (2011)
Buckling of Ship Structures by Mohamed Shama (2013)
Build To Order by Glenn Parry, Andrew Graves (2008)
Building ASIPS: The Mescal Methodology by Matthias Gries, Kurt Keutzer (2005)
Building Automation by Hermann Merz, Thomas Hansemann, Christof Hubner (2009)
Building Maintenance Processes and Practices by Abdul Lateef Olanrewaju, Abdul-Rashid Abdul-Aziz (2015)
Buildings for Advanced Technology by Ahmad Soueid, E. Clayton Teague, James Murday (2015)
Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management by Lucia Toniolo, Maurizio Boriani, Gabriele Guidi (2015)
Built-in-Self-Test and Digital Self-Calibration for RF SoCs by Sleiman Bou-Sleiman, Mohammed Ismail (2012)
Burrs - Analysis, Control and Removal by Jan C. Aurich, David Dornfeld (2010)
Business Ethics of Innovation by Gerd Hanekamp, Friederike Wutscher (2007)
Business Process Management by Michael Glykas (2013)
Business, Economics, Financial Sciences, and Management by Min Zhu (2012)
Cable-Driven Parallel Robots by Tobias Bruckmann, Andreas Pott (2013)
Cable-Driven Parallel Robots by Andreas Pott, Tobias Bruckmann (2015)
CAD, 3D Modeling, Engineering Analysis, and Prototype Experimentation by Jeremy Zheng Li (2015)
Cage-based Performance Capture by Yann Savoye (2014)
Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete by Karen Scrivener, Aurelie Favier (2015)
Calculation of Roundabouts by Raffaele Mauro (2010)
Calculus Light by Menahem Friedman, Abraham Kandel (2011)
Calibration techniques in nyquist A/D converters by Hendrik Ploeg, Bram Nauta (2006)
Call Admission Control in Mobile Cellular Networks by Sanchita Ghosh, Amit Konar (2013)
Cancer Nanotheranostics by P. Gopinath, S. Uday Kumar, Ishita Matai, Bharat Bhushan, Deepika Malwal, Abhay Sachdev, Poornima Dubey (2015)
Capacity Analysis of Vehicular Communication Networks by Ning Lu, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen (2014)
Capturing Connectivity and Causality in Complex Industrial Processes by Fan Yang, Ping Duan, Sirish L. Shah, Tongwen Chen (2014)
Carbon for Sensing Devices by Danilo Demarchi, Alberto Tagliaferro (2015)
Carbon Nanotube Based VLSI Interconnects by Brajesh Kumar Kaushik, Manoj Kumar Majumder (2015)
Carbon Nanotube Electronics by Jing Kong, Ali Javey (2009)
Carbon Nanotube Enhanced Aerospace Composite Materials by A. Paipetis, V. Kostopoulos (2013)
Carbon Nanotubes as Nanodelivery Systems by Melvin Choon Giap Lim, ZhaoWei Zhong (2013)
Cardiovascular and Cardiac Therapeutic Devices by Thomas Franz (2014)
Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology by Guruprasad Madhavan, Barbara Oakley, Luis Kun (2008)
Cartesian Impedance Control of Redundant and Flexible-Joint Robots by Christian Ott (2008)
Case Based Design by Yuri Avramenko, Andrzej Kraslawski (2008)
Case Studies in Control by Stanko Strminik, iani Juriiii (2013)
Case Studies in Superconducting Magnets by Yukikazu Iwasa (2009)
Case-Based Reasoning on Images and Signals by Petra Perner (2008)
Cased-Hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Performance Monitoring by Richard M. Bateman (2015)
Casting: An Analytical Approach by Alexandre Reikher, Michael R. Barkhudarov (2007)
Catalogue of Risks by Dirk Proske (2008)
Cavitation in Non-Newtonian Fluids by Emil Brujan (2011)
CDMA Radio with Repeaters by Joseph Shapira, Shmuel Y. Miller (2007)
Cell and Tissue Engineering by Bojana Obradovii (2012)
Cells and Robots by Dejan Lj. Milutinovii, Pedro U. Lima (2007)
Cellular and Biomolecular Mechanics and Mechanobiology by Amit Gefen (2011)
Cellular and Porous Materials in Structures and Processes by Holm Altenbach, Andreas ochsner (2010)
Cellular Automata in Image Processing and Geometry by Paul Rosin, Andrew Adamatzky, Xianfang Sun (2014)
Cellular Nanoscale Sensory Wave Computing by Chagaan Baatar, Wolfgang Porod, Tamas Roska (2010)
Cement-Based Materials for Nuclear Waste Storage by Florence Bart, Celine Cau-di-Coumes, Fabien Frizon, Sylvie Lorente (2013)
Centrifugal Pumps by Johann Friedrich Gulich (2008)
Centrifugal Pumps by Johann Friedrich Gulich (2010)
Centrifugal Pumps by Johann Friedrich Gulich (2014)
CESAR - Cost-efficient Methods and Processes for Safety-relevant Embedded Systems by Ajitha Rajan, Thomas Wahl (2013)
CFD for Wind and Tidal Offshore Turbines by Esteban Ferrer, Adeline Montlaur (2015)
Challenges and Opportunities of Connected k-Covered Wireless Sensor Networks by Habib M. Ammari (2009)
Challenges and Solutions for Climate Change by Wytze Gaast, Katherine Begg (2012)
Challenges for Computational Intelligence by Wiodzisiaw Duch, Jacek Maidziuk (2007)
Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 2 by Bonnie Antoun, H. Jerry Qi, Richard Hall, G.P. Tandon, Hongbing Lu, Charles Lu (2013)
Challenges In Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 2 by Bonnie Antoun, H. Jerry Qi, Richard Hall, G P Tandon, Hongbing Lu, Charles Lu, Jevan Furmanski, Alireza Amirkhizi (2014)
Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Volume 2 by H. Jerry Qi, Bonnie Antoun, Richard Hall, Hongbing Lu, Alex Arzoumanidis, Meredith Silberstein, Jevan Furmanski, Alireza Amirkhizi, Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez (2015)
Challenges of Power Engineering and Environment by Kefa Cen, Yong Chi, Fei Wang (2007)
Challenging American Leadership by Ernst Gabriel Frankel (2006)
Chance Discoveries in Real World Decision Making by Yukio Ohsawa, Shusaku Tsumoto (2006)
Changeable and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems by Hoda A. ElMaraghy (2009)
Changes in Production Efficiency in China by Bing Xu, Juying Zeng, Junzo Watada (2014)
Chaos in Attitude Dynamics of Spacecraft by Yanzhu Liu, Liqun Chen (2013)
Chaos in Switching Converters for Power Management by Enric Rodriguez Vilamitjana, Abdelali El Aroudi, Eduard Alarcon (2013)
Chaos Modeling and Control Systems Design by Ahmad Taher Azar, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan (2015)
Chaos, Nonlinearity, Complexity by A. Sengupta (2006)
Chaos-Based Cryptography by Ljupco Kocarev, Shiguo Lian (2011)
Chaotic Harmony by Ali Sanayei, Otto E. Rossler (2014)
Characteristics Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics by Joe Iannelli (2006)
Charge Injection Systems by John Shrimpton (2009)
Charging the Internal Combustion Engine by Hermann Hiereth, Peter Prenninger (2007)
Chassis Handbook by Bernd Heibing, Metin Ersoy (2011)
Chatter and Machine Tools by Brian Stone (2014)
Chemical Optimization Algorithm for Fuzzy Controller Design by Leslie Astudillo, Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo (2014)
Chemical Reactor Modeling by Hugo A. Jakobsen (2008)
Chemical Reactor Modeling by Hugo A. Jakobsen (2014)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2012 Proceedings by Jiadong Sun, Jingnan Liu, Yuanxi Yang, Shiwei Fan (2012)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2012 Proceedings by Jiadong Sun, Jingnan Liu, Yuanxi Yang, Shiwei Fan (2012)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2012 Proceedings by Jiadong Sun, Jingnan Liu, Yuanxi Yang, Shiwei Fan (2012)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013 Proceedings by Jiadong Sun, Wenhai Jiao, Haitao Wu, Chuang Shi (2013)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013 Proceedings by Jiadong Sun, Wenhai Jiao, Haitao Wu, Chuang Shi (2013)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013 Proceedings by Jiadong Sun, Wenhai Jiao, Haitao Wu, Chuang Shi (2013)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Proceedings: Volume I by Jiadong Sun, Wenhai Jiao, Haitao Wu, Mingquan Lu (2014)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Proceedings: Volume II by Jiadong Sun, Wenhai Jiao, Haitao Wu, Mingquan Lu (2014)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Proceedings: Volume III by Jiadong Sun, Wenhai Jiao, Haitao Wu, Mingquan Lu (2014)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings: Volume I by Jiadong Sun, Jingnan Liu, Shiwei Fan, Xiaochun Lu (2015)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings: Volume II by Jiadong Sun, Jingnan Liu, Shiwei Fan, Xiaochun Lu (2015)
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings: Volume III by Jiadong Sun, Jingnan Liu, Shiwei Fan, Xiaochun Lu (2015)
China's Energy Economy by Hengyun Ma, Les Oxley (2012)
Chinese Handwriting Recognition: An Algorithmic Perspective by Tonghua Su (2013)
Chipless RFID by Reza Rezaiesarlak, Majid Manteghi (2015)
Circuit and Interconnect Design for RF and High Bit-Rate Applications by Hugo Veenstra, John R. Long (2008)
Circuit Design for Reliability by Ricardo Reis, Yu Cao, Gilson Wirth (2015)
Circuit Design on Plastic Foils by Daniele Raiteri, Eugenio Cantatore, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2015)
Circuit Simulation with SPICE OPUS by Tadej Tuma, Arpad Buermen (2009)
Circuiti by Massimiliano Magistris, Giovanni Miano (2007)
Circuits and Systems Based on Delta Modulation by Djuro G. Zrilic (2005)
Circuits and Systems for Future Generations of Wireless Communications by Aleksandar Tasii, Wouter A. Serdijn, Lawrence E. Larson, Gianluca Setti (2009)
Circular Cylinders and Pressure Vessels by Vincenzo Vullo (2014)
CIRP Design 2012 by Amaresh Chakrabarti (2013)
CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering by The International Academy for Production Engineering (2014)
City Evacuations: An Interdisciplinary Approach by John Preston, Jane M Binner, Layla Branicki, Tobias Galla, Nick Jones, James King, Magdalini Kolokitha, Michalis Smyrnakis (2015)
City Project and Public Space by Silvia Serreli (2013)
Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar by Andrea Benedetto, Lara Pajewski (2015)
Civil Engineering Topics, Volume 4 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Classic Works of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions by Roland R. Yager, Liping Liu (2008)
Classical and Advanced Theories of Thin Structures by Antonino Morassi, Roberto Paroni (2008)
Classical Circuit Theory by Omar Wing (2009)
Classical, Semi-classical and Quantum Noise by Leon Cohen, H. Vincent Poor, Marlan O. Scully (2012)
Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery by Saman Halgamuge, Lipo Wang (2005)
Clean Energy Systems in the Subsurface: Production, Storage and Conversion by Michael Z. Hou, Heping Xie, Patrick Were (2013)
Climate Change and Energy Pathways for the Mediterranean by Ernest J. Moniz (2008)
Climate Change Mitigation by Mitsutsune Yamaguchi (2012)
Climbing and Walking Robots by Manuel A. Armada, Pablo Gonzalez Santos (2005)
Climbing and Walking Robots by M. O. Tokhi, G. S. Virk, M. A. Hossain (2006)
Clock Generators for SOC Processors by Amr M. Fahim (2005)
Clocking in Modern VLSI Systems by Thucydides Xanthopoulos (2009)
Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose by Frederick Chee, Tyrone Fernando (2007)
Closing the Gap by Ming Yang (2013)
Closing the Power Gap Between ASIC & Custom by David Chinnery, Kurt Keutzer (2007)
Cloud Computing Basics by S. Srinivasan (2014)
Cloud Connectivity and Embedded Sensory Systems by Lambert Spaanenburg, Hendrik Spaanenburg (2011)
Cloud Manufacturing by Weidong Li, Jorn Mehnen (2013)
Cloud-Based Design and Manufacturing (CBDM) by Dirk Schaefer (2014)
CMOS 60-GHz and E-band Power Amplifiers and Transmitters by Dixian Zhao, Patrick Reynaert (2015)
CMOS Active Inductors and Transformers by Fei Yuan (2008)
CMOS Biotechnology by Hakho Lee, Robert M. Westervelt, Donhee Ham (2007)
CMOS Capacitive Sensors for Lab-on-Chip Applications by Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh, Mohamad Sawan (2010)
CMOS Cascade Sigma-Delta Modulators for Sensors and Telecom by R. del Rio, F. Medeiro, B. Perez-Verdu, J. M. Rosa, A Rodriguez-V'zquez (2006)
CMOS Circuits for Passive Wireless Microsystems by Fei Yuan (2011)
CMOS Continuous-Time Adaptive Equalizers for High-Speed Serial Links by Cecilia Gimeno Gasca, Santiago Celma Pueyo, Concepcion Aldea Chagoyen (2015)
CMOS Current-Mode Circuits for Data Communications by Fei Yuan (2007)
CMOS Front Ends for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication Systems by Noel Deferm, Patrick Reynaert (2015)
CMOS High Efficiency On-chip Power Management by John Hu, Mohammed Ismail (2011)
CMOS Hotplate Chemical Microsensors by Markus Graf, Diego Barrettino, Henry P. Baltes, Andreas Hierlemann (2007)
CMOS IC Design for Wireless Medical and Health Care by Zhihua Wang, Hanjun Jiang, Hong Chen (2014)
CMOS Integrated Capacitive DC-DC Converters by Tom Van Breussegem, Michiel Steyaert (2013)
CMOS Integrated Switching Power Converters by Gerard Villar Pique, Eduard Alarcon (2011)
CMOS Multichannel Single-Chip Receivers for Multi-Gigabit Optical Data Communications by Paul Muller, Yusuf Leblebici (2007)
CMOS PLL Synthesizers: Analysis and Design by Keliu Shu, Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio (2005)
CMOS Processors and Memories by Krzysztof Iniewski (2010)
CMOS Receiver Front-ends for Gigabit Short-Range Optical Communications by Francisco Aznar, Santiago Celma Pueyo, Belen Calvo Lopez (2013)
CMOS Single Chip Fast Frequency Hopping Synthesizers For Wireless Multi-Gigahertz Applications by Taoufik Bourdi, Izzet Kale (2007)
CMOS SRAM Circuit Design and Parametric Test in Nano-Scaled Technologies by Andrei Pavlov, Manoj Sachdev (2008)
CMOS Test and Evaluation by Manjul Bhushan, Mark B. Ketchen (2015)
Co-design for System Acceleration by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza De Macedo Mourelle (2007)
Coabsorbent and Thermal Recovery Compression Heat Pumping Technologies by Mihail-Dan Staicovici (2014)
Coding for MIMO-OFDM in Future Wireless Systems by Bannour Ahmed, Mohammad Abdul Matin (2015)
Coding for Optical Channels by Ivan Djordjevic, William Ryan, Bane Vasic (2010)
Coding for Wireless Channels by Ezio Biglieri (2005)
Cogeneration Fuel Cell-Sorption Air Conditioning Systems by I. Pilatowsky, R.J. Romero, C.A. Isaza, S.A. Gamboa, P.J. Sebastian, W. Rivera (2011)
Cognition-Driven Decision Support for Business Intelligence by Li Niu, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang (2009)
Cognitive Communication and Cooperative HetNet Coexistence by Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto, Faouzi Bader (2014)
Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) by Peter Baranyi, Adam Csapo, Gyula Sallai (2015)
Cognitive Interference Management in Heterogeneous Networks by Dania Marabissi, Romano Fantacci (2015)
Cognitive Networked Sensing and Big Data by Robert Qiu, Michael Wicks (2014)
Cognitive Radio and its Application for Next Generation Cellular and Wireless Networks by Hrishikesh Venkataraman, Gabriel-Miro Muntean (2012)
Cognitive Radio and Networking for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks by Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto, Andrea F. Cattoni, Jocelyn Fiorina, Faouzi Bader, Luca De Nardis (2015)
Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by F. Richard Yu (2011)
Cognitive Radio Networks by Kaigui Bian, Jung-Min Park, Bo Gao (2014)
Cognitive Radio Networks by Ahmed Khattab, Dmitri Perkins, Magdy Bayoumi (2013)
Cognitive Radio Policy and Regulation by Arturas Medeisis, Oliver Holland (2014)
Cognitive Radio Receiver Front-Ends by Bodhisatwa Sadhu, Ramesh Harjani (2014)
Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless Systems by Huseyin Arslan (2007)
Cognitive Systems by Henrik Iskov Christensen, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, Jeremy L. Wyatt (2010)
Cognitive Techniques in Visual Data Interpretation by Lidia Ogiela, Marek R. Ogiela (2009)
Cognitive Wireless Communication Networks by Ekram Hossain, Vijay Bhargava (2007)
Cognitive Wireless Networks by Frank H. P. Fitzek, Marcos D. Katz (2007)
Collaborative Assistive Robot for Mobility Enhancement (CARMEN) by Cristina Urdiales (2012)
Collaborative Design and Planning for Digital Manufacturing by Lihui Wang, Andrew Y.C. Nee (2009)
Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments by Xiangyu Wang, Jerry Jen-Hung Tsai (2011)
Collaborative Engineering by Ali K. Kamrani, Emad S. Abouel Nasr (2008)
Collaborative Product and Service Life Cycle Management for a Sustainable World by Richard Curran, Shuo-Yan Chou, Amy Trappey (2008)
Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications by W. D. Li, Chris McMahon, S. K. Ong, Andrew Y. C. Nee (2007)
Collagen by Peter Fratzl (2008)
Collective Dynamics from Bacteria to Crowds by Adrian Muntean, Federico Toschi (2014)
Colliding Bodies Optimization by A. Kaveh, V.R. Mahdavi (2015)
Colloid Process Engineering by Matthias Kind, Wolfgang Peukert, Heinz Rehage, Heike P. Schuchmann (2015)
Color Image and Video Enhancement by Emre Celebi, Michela Lecca, Bogdan Smolka (2015)
Color Medical Image Analysis by M. Emre Celebi, Gerald Schaefer (2013)
Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications by Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, Jim Prentzas (2011)
Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications by Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, Vasile Palade (2013)
Combinatorial Machine Learning by Mikhail Moshkov, Beata Zielosko (2011)
Combined Parametric-Nonparametric Identification of Block-Oriented Systems by Grzegorz Mzyk (2014)
Combining Experimentation and Theory by Enric Trillas, Piero P. Bonissone, Luis Magdalena, Janusz Kacprzyk (2012)
Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis by Christian Borgelt, Gil Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Wolfgang Trutschnig, Maria Asuncion Lubiano, Maria Angeles Gil, Przemysiaw Grzegorzewski, Olgierd Hryniewicz (2010)
Combustion by Jurgen Warnatz, Ulrich Maas, Robert W. Dibble (2006)
Combustion Engines Development by Gunter P. Merker, Christian Schwarz, Rudiger Teichmann (2012)
Combustion Noise by Anna Schwarz, Johannes Janicka (2009)
Commercial-Industrial Cleaning, by Pressure-Washing, Hydro-Blasting and UHP-Jetting by Wolfgang Maasberg (2012)
Common Rail System for GDI Engines by Giovanni Fiengo, Alessandro di Gaeta, Angelo Palladino, Veniero Giglio (2013)
Communication Acoustics by Jens Blauert (2005)
Communication and Control for Networked Complex Systems by Chen Peng, Dong Yue, Qing-Long Han (2015)
Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms with Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C6713 DSK by Steven A. Tretter (2008)
Communication Systems by Marcelo S. Alencar, Valdemar C. Rocha (2005)
Communication Systems and Information Technology by Ming Ma (2011)
Communications and Discoveries from Multidisciplinary Data by Shuichi Iwata, Yukio Ohsawa, Shusaku Tsumoto, Ning Zhong, Yong Shi, Lorenzo Magnani (2008)
Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems by Qilian Liang, Wei Wang, Jiasong Mu, Jing Liang, Baoju Zhang, Yiming Pi, Chenglin Zhao (2012)
Compact Modeling by Gennady Gildenblat (2010)
Compact Models and Measurement Techniques for High-Speed Interconnects by Rohit Sharma, Tapas Chakravarty (2012)
Comparators in Nanometer CMOS Technology by Bernhard Goll, Horst Zimmermann (2015)
Compensating for Quasi-periodic Motion in Robotic Radiosurgery by Floris Ernst (2012)
Compilation and Synthesis for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems by Joao Manuel Paiva Cardoso, Pedro C. Diniz, Jose Gabriel de Figueiredo Coutinho, Zlatko Marinov Petrov (2013)
Compiling Esterel by Dumitru Potop-Butucaru, Stephen A. Edwards, Gerard Berry (2007)
Complex Analysis for Practical Engineering by Kozo Sato (2015)
Complex Automated Negotiations: Theories, Models, and Software Competitions by Takayuki Ito, Minjie Zhang, Valentin Robu, Tokuro Matsuo (2013)
Complex Binary Number System by Tariq Jamil (2013)
Complex Engineering Service Systems by Irene Ng, Glenn Parry, Peter Wild, Duncan McFarlane, Paul Tasker (2011)
Complex Medical Engineering by Jing Long Wu, Koji Ito, Shozo Tobimatsu, Toyoaki Nishida, Hidenao Fukuyama (2007)
Complex Networks by Ronaldo Menezes, Alexandre Evsukoff, Marta C. Gonzalez (2013)
Complex Networks by Santo Fortunato, Giuseppe Mangioni, Ronaldo Menezes, Vincenzo Nicosia (2009)
Complex Networks IV by Gourab Ghoshal, Julia Poncela-Casasnovas, Robert Tolksdorf (2013)
Complex Networks V by Pierluigi Contucci, Ronaldo Menezes, Andrea Omicini, Julia Poncela-Casasnovas (2014)
Complex Networks VI by Giuseppe Mangioni, Filippo Simini, Stephen Miles Uzzo, Dashun Wang (2015)
Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Processing in Wireless Communications by Chung Tran, Tadeusz A. Wysocki, Alfred Mertins, Jennifer Seberry (2006)
Complex Sports Biodynamics by Tijana T. Ivancevic, Bojan Jovanovic, Swetta Djukic, Milorad Djukic, Sasa Markovic (2009)
Complex Strategic Choices by Steen Leleur (2012)
Complex System Maintenance Handbook by Khairy A. H. Kobbacy, D. N. Prabhakar Murthy (2008)
Complex System Modelling and Control Through Intelligent Soft Computations by Quanmin Zhu, Ahmad Taher Azar (2015)
Complex System Reliability by Albert Myers (2010)
Complex Systems and Dependability by Wojciech Zamojski, Jacek Mazurkiewicz, Jarosiaw Sugier, Tomasz Walkowiak, Janusz Kacprzyk (2012)
Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering by Geilson Loureiro, Richard Curran (2007)
Complex Systems Design & Management by Marc Aiguier, Frederic Boulanger, Daniel Krob, Clotilde Marchal (2014)
Complex Systems Design & Management by Marc Aiguier, Yves Caseau, Daniel Krob, Antoine Rauzy (2013)
Complex Systems Design & Management by Frederic Boulanger, Daniel Krob, Gerard Morel, Jean-Claude Roussel (2015)
Complex Systems Design & Management by Marc Aiguier, Francis Bretaudeau, Daniel Krob (2010)
Complex Systems Design & Management by Omar Hammami, Daniel Krob, Jean-Luc Voirin (2012)
Complex Systems Design & Management Asia by Michel-Alexandre Cardin, Daniel Krob, Pao Chuen Lui, Yang How Tan, Kristin Wood (2015)
Complex Systems in Knowledge-based Environments: Theory, Models and Applications by Andreas Tolk, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Complex-Valued Neural Networks by Akira Hirose (2006)
Complex-Valued Neural Networks by Akira Hirose (2012)
Complex-Valued Neural Networks with Multi-Valued Neurons by Igor Aizenberg (2011)
Complexity Explained by Peter Erdi (2008)
Complexity Management in Fuzzy Systems by Alexander Gegov (2007)
Complexity Metrics in Engineering Design by Matthias Kreimeyer, Udo Lindemann (2011)
Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age by Juval Portugali, Han Meyer, Egbert Stolk, Ekim Tan (2012)
Complexity, Analysis and Control of Singular Biological Systems by Qingling Zhang, Chao Liu, Xue Zhang (2012)
Complexity, Cognition and the City by Juval Portugali (2011)
Composite Materials and Joining Technologies for Composites, Volume 7 by Eann Patterson, David Backman, Gary Cloud (2013)
Composite Systems Decisions by Mark Sh. Levin (2006)
Composite, Hybrid, and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 4 by Gyaneshwar Tandon (2015)
Composites with Micro- and Nano-Structure by Vladimir Kompis (2008)
Compound Control Methodology for Flight Vehicles by Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu (2013)
Comprehensive Logistics by Timm Gudehus, Herbert Kotzab (2009)
Comprehensive Logistics by Timm Gudehus, Herbert Kotzab (2012)
Compressed Sensing & Sparse Filtering by Avishy Y. Carmi, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Simon J. Godsill (2014)
Compressed Sensing for Distributed Systems by Giulio Coluccia, Chiara Ravazzi, Enrico Magli (2015)
Compressed Sensing with Side Information on the Feasible Region by Mohammad Rostami (2013)
Compressive Force-Path Method by Michael D Kotsovos (2014)
Compressor Instability with Integral Methods by Y.K. Eddie Ng, Ningyu Liu (2007)
Computation and Asymptotics by Rudrapatna V. Ramnath (2012)
Computational Advancement in Communication Circuits and Systems by Koushik Maharatna, Goutam Kumar Dalapati, P K Banerjee, Amiya Kumar Mallick, Moumita Mukherjee (2015)
Computational and Experimental Biomedical Sciences: Methods and Applications by Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares, R.M. Natal Jorge (2015)
Computational and Experimental Mechanics of Advanced Materials by Vadim V. Silberschmidt (2010)
Computational Approaches to Analogical Reasoning: Current Trends by Henri Prade, Gilles Richard (2014)
Computational Aspects of Structural Acoustics and Vibration by Goran Sandberg, Roger Ohayon (2009)
Computational Biomechanics by Masao Tanaka, Shigeo Wada, Masanori Nakamura (2012)
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine by Poul M.F. Nielsen, Adam Wittek, Karol Miller (2012)
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine by Barry Doyle, Karol Miller, Adam Wittek, Poul M.F. Nielsen (2014)
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine by Adam Wittek, Poul M.F. Nielsen, Karol Miller (2011)
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine by Adam Wittek, Karol Miller, Poul M.F. Nielsen (2013)
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine by Barry Doyle, Karol Miller, Adam Wittek, Poul M.F. Nielsen (2015)
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine by Karol Miller, Poul M.F. Nielsen (2010)
Computational Biomechanics of the Hip Joint by Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir (2014)
Computational Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint by Mohd Nazri Bajuri, Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir (2013)
Computational Cardiovascular Mechanics by Julius M. Guccione, Ghassan S. Kassab, Mark B. Ratcliffe (2010)
Computational Contact Mechanics by Peter Wriggers, Tod A. Laursen (2007)
Computational Contact Mechanics by Peter Wriggers (2006)
Computational Contact Mechanics by Alexander Konyukhov, Karl Schweizerhof (2013)
Computational Design Modelling by Christoph Gengnagel, Axel Kilian, Norbert Palz, Fabian Scheurer (2012)
Computational Electromagnetics by Raj Mittra (2014)
Computational Electromagnetics - Retrospective and Outlook by Iftikhar Ahmed, Zhizhang (David) Chen (2015)
Computational Electrophysiology by Shinji Doi, Junko Inoue, Zhenxing Pan, Kunichika Tsumoto (2010)
Computational Engineering by Gunter Hofstetter (2014)
Computational Engineering - Introduction to Numerical Methods by Michael Schafer (2006)
Computational Flight Testing by Norbert Kroll, Rolf Radespiel, Jan Willem Burg, Kaare Sorensen (2013)
Computational Fluid Dynamics by John F. Wendt (2009)
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004 by Clinton Groth, David W. Zingg (2006)
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006 by Herman Deconinck, E. Dick (2009)
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008 by Haecheon Choi, Hyong Gwon Choi, Jung Yul Yoo (2009)
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2010 by Alexander Kuzmin (2011)
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers by Tuncer Cebeci, Jian P. Shao, Fassi Kafyeke, Eric Laurendeau (2005)
Computational Genetic Regulatory Networks: Evolvable, Self-organizing Systems by Johannes F. Knabe (2013)
Computational Hemodynamics - Theory, Modelling and Applications by Jiyuan Tu, Kiao Inthavong, Kelvin Kian Loong Wong (2015)
Computational Intelligence by Kurosh Madani, Antonio Dourado Correia, Agostinho Rosa, Joaquim Filipe (2012)
Computational Intelligence by Amit Konar (2005)
Computational Intelligence by Kurosh Madani, Antonio Dourado Correia, Agostinho Rosa, Joaquim Filipe (2011)
Computational Intelligence by Mircea Gh. Negoita, Daniel Neagu, Vasile Palade (2005)
Computational Intelligence by Kurosh Madani, Antonio Dourado, Agostinho Rosa, Joaquim Filipe (2013)
Computational Intelligence by Christine L. Mumford, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Computational Intelligence by Leszek Rutkowski (2008)
Computational Intelligence by Kurosh Madani, Antonio Dourado Correia, Agostinho Rosa, Joaquim Filipe (2015)
Computational Intelligence and Decision Making by Ana Madureira, Cecilia Reis, Viriato Marques (2013)
Computational Intelligence and Efficiency in Engineering Systems by Grzegorz Borowik, Zenon Chaczko, Witold Jacak, Tadeusz iuba (2015)
Computational Intelligence Applications in Modeling and Control by Ahmad Taher Azar, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan (2015)
Computational Intelligence Based on Lattice Theory by Vassilis G. Kaburlasos, Gerhard X. Ritter (2007)
Computational Intelligence for Agent-based Systems by Raymond S. T. Lee, Vincenzo Loia (2007)
Computational Intelligence for Big Data Analysis by D.P. Acharjya, Satchidananda Dehuri, Sugata Sanyal (2015)
Computational Intelligence for Decision Support in Cyber-Physical Systems by Zeashan H Khan, A. B. M. Shawkat Ali, Zahid Riaz (2014)
Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems by Ana Madureira, Judite Ferreira, Zita Vale (2011)
Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Prediction by Saman Halgamuge, Lipo Wang (2005)
Computational Intelligence for Privacy and Security by David A. Elizondo, Agusti Solanas, Antoni Martinez-Balleste (2012)
Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing by Manuel Grana, Richard J. Duro (2008)
Computational Intelligence for Technology Enhanced Learning by Fatos Xhafa, Santi Caballe, Ajith Abraham, Thanasis Daradoumis, Angel Alejandro Juan Perez (2010)
Computational Intelligence in Automotive Applications by Danil Prokhorov (2008)
Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics by Arpad Kelemen, Ajith Abraham, Yuehui Chen (2008)
Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging by Kenji Suzuki (2014)
Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics by Tomasz G. Smolinski, Mariofanna G. Milanova, Aboul-Ella Hassanien (2008)
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 1 by Lakhmi C. Jain, Himansu Sekhar Behera, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Durga Prasad Mohapatra (2015)
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 2 by Lakhmi C. Jain, Himansu Sekhar Behera, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Durga Prasad Mohapatra (2015)
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 3 by Lakhmi C. Jain, Himansu Sekhar Behera, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Durga Prasad Mohapatra (2015)
Computational Intelligence in Digital Forensics: Forensic Investigation and Applications by Azah Kamilah Muda, Yun-Huoy Choo, Ajith Abraham, Sargur N. Srihari (2014)
Computational Intelligence in Engineering by Imre J. Rudas, Janos Fodor, Janusz Kacprzyk (2010)
Computational Intelligence in Expensive Optimization Problems by Yoel Tenne, Chi-Keong Goh (2010)
Computational Intelligence in Flow Shop and Job Shop Scheduling by Uday K. Chakraborty (2009)
Computational Intelligence in Healthcare 4 by Isabelle Bichindaritz, Sachin Vaidya, Ashlesha Jain, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Computational Intelligence in Image Processing by Amitava Chatterjee, Patrick Siarry (2013)
Computational Intelligence in Information Assurance and Security by Nadia Nedjah, Ajith Abraham, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle (2007)
Computational Intelligence in Information Systems by Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, Thien Wan Au (2015)
Computational Intelligence in Integrated Airline Scheduling by Tobias Grosche (2009)
Computational Intelligence in Intelligent Data Analysis by Christian Moewes, Andreas Nurnberger (2013)
Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics by Arpad Kelemen, Ajith Abraham, Yulan Liang (2008)
Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics by Naresh Babu Muppalaneni, Vinit Kumar Gunjan (2015)
Computational Intelligence in Multi-Feature Visual Pattern Recognition by Pramod Kumar Pisharady, Prahlad Vadakkepat, Loh Ai Poh (2014)
Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent Advances by Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham, Janusz Kacprzyk (2008)
Computational Intelligence in Optimization by Yoel Tenne, Chi-Keong Goh (2010)
Computational Intelligence in Power Engineering by Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Ajith Abraham, Swagatam Das (2010)
Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering by Gregory Levitin (2007)
Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering by Gregory Levitin (2007)
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems by Alvaro Herrero, Paolo Gastaldo, Rodolfo Zunino, Emilio Corchado (2009)
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems 2010 by Alvaro Herrero, Emilio Corchado, Carlos Redondo, Angel Alonso (2010)
Computational Intelligence in Time Series Forecasting by Ajoy K. Palit, Dobrivoje Popovic (2005)
Computational Intelligence Paradigms by Lakhmi C. Jain, Mika Sato-Ilic, Maria Virvou, George A. Tsihrintzis, Valentina Emilia Balas, Canicious Abeynayake (2008)
Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Advanced Pattern Classification by Marek R. Ogiela, Lakhmi C Jain (2012)
Computational Intelligence Techniques for Bioprocess Modelling, Supervision and Control by Maria Carmo Nicoletti, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Computational Intelligence Techniques for Comparative Genomics by Naresh Babu Muppalaneni, Vinit Kumar Gunjan (2015)
Computational Intelligence Techniques for New Product Design by Kit Yan Chan, C.K. Kwong, Tharam S. Dillon (2012)
Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models by G. Sai Sundara Krishnan, R. Anitha, R. S. Lekshmi, M. Senthil Kumar, Anthony Bonato, Manuel Grana (2014)
Computational Intelligence, Medicine and Biology by Krzysztof Pancerz, Elena Zaitseva (2015)
Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications by Bernd Reusch (2005)
Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications by Bernd Reusch (2006)
Computational Intelligence: A Compendium by John Fulcher, L. C. Jain (2008)
Computational Kinematics by Federico Thomas, Alba Perez Gracia (2014)
Computational Kinematics by Andres Kecskemethy, Andreas Muller (2009)
Computational Linguistics by Adam Przepiorkowski, Maciej Piasecki, Krzysztof Jassem, Piotr Fuglewicz (2013)
Computational Mechanics of the Classical Guitar by Rolf Bader (2005)
Computational Methods by G.R. LIU, V.B.C. TAN, X. HAN (2006)
Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging by Jianhua Yao, Tobias Klinder, Shuo Li (2014)
Computational Methods for Microstructure-Property Relationships by Somnath Ghosh, Dennis Dimiduk (2011)
Computational Methods for Molecular Imaging by Fei Gao, Kuangyu Shi, Shuo Li (2015)
Computational Methods for the Innovative Design of Electrical Devices by Siawomir Wiak, Ewa Napieralska-Juszczak (2011)
Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering by Manolis Papadrakakis, Michalis Fragiadakis, Nikos D. Lagaros (2011)
Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering by Manolis Papadrakakis, Michalis Fragiadakis, Vagelis Plevris (2013)
Computational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity by A. Anandarajah (2010)
Computational Methods in Engineering & Science by Z. H. Yao, M. W. Yuan (2007)
Computational Methods in Power System Analysis by Reijer Idema, Domenico J.P. Lahaye (2014)
Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics by Manolis Papadrakakis, George Stefanou, Vissarion Papadopoulos (2011)
Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics by Manolis Papadrakakis, George Stefanou, Vissarion Papadopoulos (2013)
Computational Methods to Study the Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules and Biomolecular Processes by Adam Liwo (2014)
Computational Mind: A Complex Dynamics Perspective by Vladimir G. Ivancevic, Tijana T. Ivancevic (2007)
Computational Modeling in Biomechanics by Suvranu De, Farshid Guilak, Mohammad Mofrad R. K. (2010)
Computational Modeling in Tissue Engineering by Liesbet Geris (2013)
Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images by Paolo Di Giamberardino, Daniela Iacoviello, Renato Natal Jorge, Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares (2014)
Computational Modelling and Advanced Simulations by Justin Murin, Vladimir Kompis, Vladimir Kutis (2011)
Computational Models of Complex Systems by Vijay Kumar Mago, Vahid Dabbaghian (2014)
Computational Neurogenetic Modeling by Lubica Benuskova, Nikola Kasabov (2007)
Computational Neuroscience by Hanspeter A Mallot (2013)
Computational Optimization and Applications in Engineering and Industry by Xin-She Yang, Slawomir Koziel (2011)
Computational Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines by Yu Shi, Hai-Wen Ge, Rolf D. Reitz (2011)
Computational Optimization, Methods and Algorithms by Slawomir Koziel, Xin-She Yang (2011)
Computational Plasticity by Eugenio Onate, Roger Owen (2007)
Computational Problems in Engineering by Nikos Mastorakis, Valeri Mladenov (2014)
Computational Problems in Science and Engineering by Nikos Mastorakis, Aida Bulucea, George Tsekouras (2015)
Computational Red Teaming by Hussein A. Abbass (2015)
Computational Science and High Performance Computing by Egon Krause, Yurii I. Shokin, Michael Resch, Nina Shokina (2005)
Computational Science and High Performance Computing II by Egon Krause, Yurii Shokin, Michael Resch, Nina Shokina (2006)
Computational Science and High Performance Computing III by Egon Krause, Yurii I. Shokin, Michael Resch, Nina Shokina (2008)
Computational Science and High Performance Computing IV by Egon Krause, Yurii Shokin, Michael Resch, Dietmar Kroner, Nina Shokina (2011)
Computational Sensor Networks by Thomas Henderson (2009)
Computational Simulation in Architectural and Environmental Acoustics by Tetsuya Sakuma, Shinichi Sakamoto, Toru Otsuru (2014)
Computational Space Flight Mechanics by Claus Weiland (2010)
Computational Structural Analysis and Finite Element Methods by A. Kaveh (2014)
Computational Structural Engineering by Yong Yuan, Junzhi Cui, Herbert A. Mang (2009)
Computational Surface and Roundness Metrology by Bala Muralikrishnan, Jay Raja (2009)
Computational Surgery and Dual Training by Marc Garbey, Barbara Lee Bass, Christophe Collet, Michel Mathelin, Roger Tran-Son-Tay (2010)
Computational Surgery and Dual Training by Marc Garbey, Barbara Lee Bass, Scott Berceli, Christophe Collet, Pietro Cerveri (2014)
Computational Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring by Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan, Massimo Ruzzene, Sathyanaraya Hanagud (2011)
Computational Techniques for Voltage Stability Assessment and Control by Venkataramana Ajjarapu (2007)
Computational Textile by Xianyi Zeng, Yi Li, Da Ruan, Ludovic Koehl (2007)
Computational Viscoelasticity by Severino P. C. Marques, Guillermo J. Creus (2012)
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing by Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares, R. M. Natal Jorge (2011)
Computational Vision and Robotics by Ishwar K. Sethi (2015)
Computational Welding Mechanics by John A. Goldak, Mehdi Akhlaghi (2005)
Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Control Algorithms by Maciej iawryiczuk (2014)
Computer Aided Engineering Design by Anupam Saxena, Birendra Sahay (2005)
Computer and Information Science by Roger Lee (2013)
Computer and Information Science by Roger Lee, Haeng-Kon Kim (2008)
Computer and Information Science by Roger Lee (2015)
Computer and Information Science 2009 by Roger Lee, Gongzu Hu, Huaikou Miao (2009)
Computer and Information Science 2010 by Roger Lee (2010)
Computer and Information Science 2011 by Roger Lee (2011)
Computer and Information Science 2012 by Roger Lee (2012)
Computer and Information Sciences by Erol Gelenbe, Ricardo Lent, Georgia Sakellari, Ahmet Sacan, Hakki Toroslu, Adnan Yazici (2010)
Computer and Information Sciences II by Erol Gelenbe, Ricardo Lent, Georgia Sakellari (2012)
Computer and Information Sciences III by Erol Gelenbe, Ricardo Lent (2013)
Computer Engineering and Networking by W. Eric Wong, Tingshao Zhu (2014)
Computer Engineering in Applied Electromagnetism by S. Wiak, A. Krawczyk, M. Trlep (2005)
Computer Models in Biomechanics by Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Ellen Kuhl (2013)
Computer Networks & Communications (NetCom) by Nabendu Chaki, Natarajan Meghanathan, Dhinaharan Nagamalai (2013)
Computer Recognition Systems by Marek Kurzyiski, Edward Puchaia, Michai Woiniak, Andrzej ioinierek (2005)
Computer Recognition Systems 2 by Marek Kurzynski, Edward Puchala, Michal Wozniak, Andrzej Zolnierek (2007)
Computer Recognition Systems 3 by Marek Kurzynski, Michal Wozniak (2009)
Computer Recognition Systems 4 by Robert Burduk, Marek Kurzyiski, Michai Woiniak, Andrzej ioinierek (2011)
Computer Science and Convergence by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Han-Chieh Chao, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Jongsung Kim (2012)
Computer Science and its Applications by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Ivan Stojmenovic, Hwa Young Jeong, Gangman Yi (2015)
Computer Vision by Roberto Cipolla, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella (2010)
Computer Vision Analysis of Image Motion by Variational Methods by Amar Mitiche, J.K. Aggarwal (2014)
Computer Vision in Control Systems-1 by Margarita N. Favorskaya, Lakhmi C. Jain (2015)
Computer Vision in Control Systems-2 by Margarita N. Favorskaya, Lakhmi C. Jain (2015)
Computer Vision Techniques for the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer by Jacob Scharcanski, M. Emre Celebi (2014)
Computer, Informatics, Cybernetics and Applications by Xingui He, Ertian Hua, Yun Lin, Xiaozhu Liu (2012)
Computer- Aided Design in Power Engineering by Zlatan Stojkovic (2012)
Computer-aided Nonlinear Control System Design by Amir Nassirharand (2012)
Computer-aided Systems in Public Transport by Mark Hickman, Pitu Mirchandani, Stefan Vo (2008)
Computer-Based Design and Manufacturing by Emad Abouel Nasr, Ali K. Kamrani (2007)
Computer-based Modelling and Optimization in Transportation by Jorge Freire Sousa, Riccardo Rossi (2014)
Computers in Medical Activity by Edward Kcki, Marek Rudnicki, Joanna Stempczyska (2009)
Computers,Networks, Systems, and Industrial Engineering 2011 by Roger Lee (2011)
Computing in Research and Development in Africa by Abdoulaye Gamatie (2015)
Computing Nature by Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Raffaela Giovagnoli (2013)
Computing Statistics under Interval and Fuzzy Uncertainty by Hung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, Berlin Wu, Gang Xiang (2012)
Computing with Memory for Energy-Efficient Robust Systems by Somnath Paul, Swarup Bhunia (2014)
Computing with Words by Lotfi A. Zadeh (2012)
Concept Generation for Design Creativity by Toshiharu Taura, Yukari Nagai (2013)
Concepts and Formulations for Spatial Multibody Dynamics by Paulo Flores (2015)
Conceptual Design by Mogens Myrup Andreasen, Claus Thorp Hansen, Philip Cash (2015)
Conceptual Graphs and Fuzzy Logic by Tru Hoang Cao (2010)
Concise Dictionary of Engineering by Ron Hanifan (2014)
Concrete Fracture Models and Applications by Shailendra Kumar, Sudhirkumar V Barai (2011)
Concurrent Engineering Approaches for Sustainable Product Development in a Multi-Disciplinary Environment by Josip Stjepandii, Georg Rock, Cees Bil (2013)
Concurrent Engineering in the 21st Century by Josip Stjepandii, Nel Wognum, Wim J.C. Verhagen (2015)
Condition Monitoring and Assessment of Power Transformers Using Computational Intelligence by W.H. Tang, Q.H. Wu (2011)
Condition Monitoring and Control for Intelligent Manufacturing by Lihui Wang, Robert X. Gao (2006)
Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations by Tahar Fakhfakh, Walter Bartelmus, Fakher Chaari, Radoslaw Zimroz, Mohamed Haddar (2012)
Condition Monitoring Using Computational Intelligence Methods by Tshilidzi Marwala (2012)
Conducted Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) in Smart Grids by Robert Smolenski (2012)
Conference on Future Automotive Technology by Markus Lienkamp (2013)
Confidentiality and Integrity in Crowdsourcing Systems by Amin Ranj Bar, Muthucumaru Maheswaran (2014)
Configurable Intelligent Optimization Algorithm by Fei Tao, Lin Zhang, Yuanjun Laili (2015)
Confined Granular Flow in Silos by Jacek Tejchman (2013)
Conflict Prevention in Project Management by Wolfgang Spiess, Finn Felding (2008)
Congestion Control in Data Transmission Networks by Przemysiaw Ignaciuk, Andrzej Bartoszewicz (2013)
Consensual Processes by Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Jose Luis Garcia-Lapresta, Janusz Kacprzyk, Mario Fedrizzi, Hannu Nurmi, Siawomir Zadroiny (2011)
Conservation for Cities by Robert I. McDonald (2015)
Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials by Qiang Yang, Jian-Min Zhang, Hong Zheng, Yangping Yao (2013)
Constitutive Modelling in Geomechanics by Alexander M. Puzrin (2012)
Constitutive Relations under Impact Loadings by Tomasz iodygowski, Alexis Rusinek (2014)
Constrained Control and Estimation by Graham C. Goodwin, Jose A. Dona, Maria M. Seron (2005)
Constrained Control of Uncertain, Time-Varying, Discrete-Time Systems by Hoai-Nam Nguyen (2014)
Constrained Deformation of Materials by Y.-L. Shen (2010)
Constraining Designs for Synthesis and Timing Analysis by Sridhar Gangadharan, Sanjay Churiwala (2013)
Constraint Programming and Decision Making by Martine Ceberio, Vladik Kreinovich (2014)
Constraint Theory by George J. Friedman (2005)
Constraint-Based Verification by Jun Yuan, Carl Pixley, Adnan Aziz (2006)
Constraint-Handling in Evolutionary Optimization by Efren Mezura-Montes (2009)
Constructal Theory of Social Dynamics by Adrian Bejan, Gilbert W. Merkx (2007)
Construction and Building Research by Carmen Llinares-Millan, Igor Fernandez-Plazaola, Francisco Hidalgo-Delgado, Maria Montserrat Martinez-Valenzuela, Francisco Javier Medina-Ramon, Inmaculada Oliver-Faubel, Isabel Rodriguez-Abad, Andrea Salandin, Rafael Sanchez-Grandia, Isabel Tort-Ausina (2014)
Construction Dispute Research by Sai On Cheung (2014)
Construction Safety by Rita Yi Man Li, Sun Wah Poon (2013)
Construction Safety and Waste Management by Rita Yi Man Li (2015)
Constructions of Strict Lyapunov Functions by Michael Malisoff, Frederic Mazenc (2009)
Constructive Neural Networks by Leonardo Franco, David A. Elizondo, Jose M. Jerez (2009)
Contact Mechanics and Friction by Valentin L. Popov (2010)
Contact Mechanics of Articular Cartilage Layers by Ivan Argatov, Gennady Mishuris (2015)
Contemporary Challenges and Solutions in Applied Artificial Intelligence by Moonis Ali, Tibor Bosse, Koen V. Hindriks, Mark Hoogendoorn, Catholijn M. Jonker, Jan Treur (2013)
Contemporary Methods for Speech Parameterization by Todor Ganchev (2011)
Contemporary Sensorimotor Theory by John Mark Bishop, Andrew Owen Martin (2014)
Content Delivery Networks by Rajkumar Buyya, Mukaddim Pathan, Athena Vakali (2008)
Context-Aware Ranking with Factorization Models by Steffen Rendle (2011)
Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Fracture in Concrete Using FEM by Jacek Tejchman, Jerzy Bobiiski (2013)
Continuous and Distributed Systems by Mikhail Z. Zgurovsky, Victor A. Sadovnichiy (2014)
Continuous and Distributed Systems II by Viktor A. Sadovnichiy, Mikhail Z. Zgurovsky (2015)
Continuous Media with Microstructure by Bettina Albers (2010)
Continuous-Time Digital Front-Ends for Multistandard Wireless Transmission by Pieter A. J. Nuyts, Patrick Reynaert, Wim Dehaene (2014)
Continuous-Time Low-Pass Filters for Integrated Wideband Radio Receivers by Ville Saari, Jussi Ryynanen, Saska Lindfors (2012)
Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta A/D Conversion by Maurits Ortmanns, Friedel Gerfers (2006)
Continuous-Time Signals by Yuriy Shmaliy (2006)
Continuous-Time Systems by Yuriy Shmaliy (2007)
Continuum Analysis of Biological Systems by G.K. Suraishkumar (2014)
Continuum Damage Mechanics by Sumio Murakami (2012)
Continuum Damage Mechanics and Numerical Applications by Wohua Zhang, Yuanqiang Cai (2010)
Continuum Mechanics by Fridtjov Irgens (2008)
Continuum Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials by Stephen C. Cowin (2013)
Continuum Mechanics Through the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by Gerard A. Maugin (2014)
Continuum Mechanics Through the Twentieth Century by Gerard A Maugin (2013)
Contributions to Ubiquitous Computing by Bernd J. Kramer, Wolfgang A. Halang (2007)
Control and Adaptation in Telecommunication Systems by Vladimir Popovskij, Alexander Barkalov, Larysa Titarenko (2011)
Control and Estimation Methods over Communication Networks by Magdi S. Mahmoud (2014)
Control and Estimation of Systems with Input/Output Delays by Lihua Xie, Huanshui Zhang (2007)
Control and Monitoring of Chemical Batch Reactors by Fabrizio Caccavale, Mario Iamarino, Francesco Pierri, Vincenzo Tufano (2011)
Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems by Thomas Meurer, Knut Graichen, Ernst Dieter Gilles (2005)
Control and Optimization Methods for Electric Smart Grids by Aranya Chakrabortty, Marija D. Ilii (2012)
Control and Optimization of Multiscale Process Systems by Panagiotis D. Christofides, Antonios Armaou, Yiming Lou, Amit Varshney (2009)
Control and Scheduling Codesign by Feng Xia, Youxian Sun (2008)
Control and Systems Engineering by Aly El-Osery, Jeff Prevost (2015)
Control Configuration Selection for Multivariable Plants by Ali Khaki-Sedigh, Bijan Moaveni (2009)
Control Design and Analysis for Underactuated Robotic Systems by Xin Xin, Yannian Liu (2014)
Control Design Techniques in Power Electronics Devices by Hebertt Sira-Ramirez, Ramon Silva-Ortigoza (2006)
Control for Nonlinear Descriptor Systems by He-Sheng Wang, Chee-Fai Yung, Fan-Ren Chang (2006)
Control Mechanisms for Ecological-Economic Systems by Vladimir N. Burkov, Dmitry A. Novikov, Alexander V. Shchepkin (2015)
Control of Complex Systems by Aleksandar Zecevic, Dragoslav D. Siljak (2010)
Control of Cyber-Physical Systems by Danielle C. Tarraf (2013)
Control of Dead-time Processes by J. E. Normey-Rico, E. F. Camacho (2007)
Control of Discrete-Event Systems by Carla Seatzu, Manuel Silva, Jan H. van Schuppen (2013)
Control of Fluid Flow by Petros Koumoutsakos, Igor Mezic (2006)
Control of Higher-Dimensional PDEs by Thomas Meurer (2013)
Control of Integral Processes with Dead Time by Antonio Visioli, Qingchang Zhong (2011)
Control of Interactive Robotic Interfaces by Cristian Secchi, Cesare Fantuzzi, Stefano Stramigioli (2007)
Control of Linear Parameter Varying Systems with Applications by Javad Mohammadpour, Carsten W. Scherer (2012)
Control of Noise and Structural Vibration by Qibo Mao, Stanislaw Pietrzko (2013)
Control of Nonlinear and Hybrid Process Systems by Panagiotis Christofides, Nael El-Farra (2005)
Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Felix L. Chernousko, Igor M. Ananievski, Sergey A. Reshmin (2008)
Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators by R. V. Patel, F. Shadpey (2005)
Control of Robot Manipulators in Joint Space by Rafael Kelly, Victor Santibanez Davila, Antonio Loria (2005)
Control of Ships and Underwater Vehicles by Khac Duc Do, Jie Pan (2009)
Control of Single Wheel Robots by Yangsheng Xu, Yongsheng Ou (2005)
Control of Singular Systems with Random Abrupt Changes by El-Kebir Boukas (2008)
Control of Solar Energy Systems by Eduardo F. Camacho, Manuel Berenguel, Francisco R. Rubio, Diego Martinez (2012)
Control of Surge in Centrifugal Compressors by Active Magnetic Bearings by Se Young Yoon, Zongli Lin, Paul E. Allaire (2013)
Control of Traffic Systems in Buildings by Sandor Markon, Hiroshi Kise, Hajime Kita, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein (2006)
Control of Uncertain Systems: Modelling, Approximation, and Design by Bruce A. Francis, Malcolm C. Smith, Jan C. Willems (2006)
Control Performance Management in Industrial Automation by Mohieddine Jelali (2013)
Control Problems of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems by Yasumichi Hasegawa (2015)
Control Problems of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems by Yasumichi Hasegawa (2013)
Control Reconfiguration of Dynamical Systems by Thomas Steffen (2005)
Control Systems Design by Vladimir Zakian (2005)
Control Systems for Power Electronics by Mahesh Patil, Pankaj Rodey (2015)
Control Systems Theory and Applications for Linear Repetitive Processes by Eric Rogers, Krzysztof Galkowski, David H. Owens (2007)
Control Systems with Saturating Inputs by Maria Letizia Corradini, Andrea Cristofaro, Fabio Giannoni, Giuseppe Orlando (2012)
Control Technologies for Emerging Micro and Nanoscale Systems by Evangelos Eleftheriou, S. O. Reza Moheimani (2011)
Control Theory in the Plane by Otomar Hajek (2009)
Control Theory of Digitally Networked Dynamic Systems by Jan Lunze (2014)
Control Theory of Multi-fingered Hands by Suguru Arimoto (2008)
Controlling Chaos by Huaguang Zhang, Derong Liu, Zhiliang Wang (2009)
Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design by Michel Mardiguian (2014)
CONTROLO'2014 - Proceedings of the 11th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control by Antonio Paulo Moreira, Anibal Matos, Germano Veiga (2015)
Controls and Art by Amy LaViers, Magnus Egerstedt (2014)
Convection in Fluids by R. Kh. Zeytounian (2009)
Convection in Porous Media by Donald A. Nield, Adrian Bejan (2006)
Convection in Porous Media by Donald A. Nield, Adrian Bejan (2013)
Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Rotating Disk Systems by Igor V. Shevchuk (2009)
Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation by Jose L Pons, Diego Torricelli, Marta Pajaro (2013)
Conversational Informatics by Toyoaki Nishida, Atsushi Nakazawa, Yoshimasa Ohmoto, Yasser Mohammad (2014)
Conversion of Coal-Fired Power Plants to Cogeneration and Combined-Cycle by Ryszard Bartnik, Zbigniew Buryn (2011)
Converter Applications and their Influence on Large Electrical Machines by Oliver Drubel (2013)
Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Principles and Applications by Frank H. P. Fitzek, Marcos D. Katz (2006)
Cooperative Communications and Networking by Y.-W. Peter Hong, Wan-Jen Huang, C.-C. Jay Kuo (2010)
Cooperative Control by Vijay Kumar, Naomi Leonard, A. Stephen Morse (2005)
Cooperative Control Design by He Bai, Murat Arcak, John Wen (2011)
Cooperative Control of Dynamical Systems by Zhihua Qu (2009)
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems by Frank L. Lewis, Hongwei Zhang, Kristian Hengster-Movric, Abhijit Das (2014)
Cooperative Robots and Sensor Networks by Anis Koubaa, Abdelmajid Khelil (2014)
Cooperative Robots and Sensor Networks 2014 by Anis Koubaa, Abdelmajid Khelil (2014)
Cooperative Robots and Sensor Networks 2015 by Anis Koubaa, J.Ramiro Martinez-de Dios (2015)
Cooperative Vehicular Communications in the Drive-thru Internet by Haibo Zhou, Lin Gui, Quan Yu, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen (2015)
Coordinated Multiuser Communications by Christian Schlegel, Alex Grant (2006)
Coordination Control of Distributed Systems by Jan H. Schuppen, Tiziano Villa (2015)
Coping with Interference in Wireless Networks by Seyed Javad Kazemitabar (2011)
Copper Interconnect Technology by Tapan Gupta (2009)
Copper Wire Bonding by Preeti S Chauhan, Anupam Choubey, ZhaoWei Zhong, Michael G Pecht (2014)
Correct-by-Construction Approaches for SoC Design by Roopak Sinha, Parthasarathi Roop, Samik Basu (2014)
Correction Formulae for the Stress Distribution in Round Tensile Specimens at Neck Presence by Magdalena Gromada, Gennady Mishuris, Andreas ochsner (2011)
Corrosion in Systems for Storage and Transportation of Petroleum Products and Biofuels by Alec Groysman (2014)
Cost-Efficient Design by Klaus Ehrlenspiel, Alfons Kiewert, Udo Lindemann (2007)
Counterfeit Integrated Circuits by Mark (Mohammad) Tehranipoor, Ujjwal Guin, Domenic Forte (2015)
Countering Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism by Samuel Apikyan, David Diamond (2006)
Coupled Data Communication Techniques for High-Performance and Low-Power Computing by Ron Ho, Robert Drost (2010)
Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation by Tom Schanz, Roumen Iankov (2009)
CPU Design: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions by Chandra M. R. Thimmannagari (2005)
Cracked Rotors by Nicolo Bachschmid, Paolo Pennacchi, Ezio Tanzi (2010)
Creating Assertion-Based IP by Harry D. Foster, Adam C. Krolnik (2008)
Creating New Medical Ontologies for Image Annotation by Liana Stanescu, Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Marius Brezovan, Cristian Gabriel Mihai (2012)
Creating Shared Understanding in Product Development Teams by Louise Moller, Christian Tollestrup (2013)
Creative Engineering Design Assessment by Christine Charyton (2014)
Creative Environments by Andrzej P. Wierzbicki, Yoshiteru Nakamori (2007)
Creative Space by Andrzej Wierzbicki, Yoshiteru Nakamori (2006)
Creative Teaching by Dennis Sale (2015)
Creativity and Innovation Among Science and Art by Christine Charyton (2015)
Creep Mechanics by Josef Betten (2005)
Creep Mechanics by Josef Betten (2008)
Critical Heat Flux in Flow Boiling in Microchannels by Sujoy Kumar Saha, Gian Piero Celata (2015)
Critical Infrastructures at Risk by A.V. Gheorghe, M. Masera, M Weijnen, De L. Vries (2006)
Critical mm-Wave Components for Synthetic Automatic Test Systems by Michael Hrobak (2015)
Cross Disciplinary Biometric Systems by Chengjun Liu, Vijay Kumar Mago (2012)
Cross-Cultural Knowledge Management by Manlio Del Giudice, Elias G. Carayannis, Maria Rosaria Della Peruta (2012)
Cross-Layer Design in Optical Networks by Suresh Subramaniam, Maite Brandt-Pearce, Piet Demeester, Chava Vijaya Saradhi (2013)
Cross-Word Modeling for Arabic Speech Recognition by Dia AbuZeina, Moustafa Elshafei (2012)
Cryptographic Algorithms on Reconfigurable Hardware by Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez, Arturo Diaz Perez, Nazar Abbas Saqib, cetin Kaya Koc (2007)
Cryptographic Engineering by cetin Kaya Koc (2009)
Crystallization and Growth of Colloidal Nanocrystals by Edson Roberto Leite, Caue Ribeiro (2012)
Cuckoo Search and Firefly Algorithm by Xin-She Yang (2014)
Current Conveyors by Raj Senani, D. R. Bhaskar, A. K. Singh (2015)
Current Feedback Operational Amplifiers and Their Applications by Raj Senani, D. R. Bhaskar, A. K. Singh, V. K. Singh (2013)
Current Research Progress of Optical Networks by Maode Ma (2009)
Current Technology Developments of WiMax Systems by Maode Ma (2009)
Current-Mode Analog Nonlinear Function Synthesizer Structures by Cosmin Radu Popa (2013)
Cusped Shell-Like Structures by George Jaiani (2011)
Customer-Driven Supply Chains by Andrew C. Lyons, Adrian E. Coronado Mondragon, Frank Piller, Raul Poler (2012)
Cutting Tool Technology by Graham T. Smith (2008)
Cyber Security: Analytics, Technology and Automation by Martti Lehto, Pekka Neittaanmaki (2015)
Cybercrime, Digital Forensics and Jurisdiction by Mohamed Chawki, Ashraf Darwish, Mohammad Ayoub Khan, Sapna Tyagi (2015)
Cybernics by Yoshiyuki Sankai, Kenji Suzuki, Yasuhisa Hasegawa (2014)
Cyberphysical Systems for Epilepsy and Related Brain Disorders by Nikolaos S. Voros, Christos P. Antonopoulos (2015)
Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods by Fakher Chaari, Jacek Leikow, Antonio Napolitano, Andrea Sanchez-Ramirez (2014)
Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods - II by Fakher Chaari, Jacek Leskow, Antonio Napolitano, Radoslaw Zimroz, Agnieszka Wylomanska, Anna Dudek (2015)
Cylinder components by MAHLE GmbH (2010)
Damage and Fracture Mechanics by Taoufik Boukharouba, Mimoun Elboujdaini, Guy Pluvinage (2009)
Damage Assessment and Reconstruction after War or Natural Disaster by Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Muhamed Zlatar (2009)
Damage Growth in Aerospace Composites by Aniello Riccio (2015)
Damage Mechanics and Micromechanics of Localized Fracture Phenomena in Inelastic Solids by George Z. Voyiadjis (2011)
Data Acquisition Systems by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio (2013)
Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition in Multiple Databases by Animesh Adhikari, Jhimli Adhikari, Witold Pedrycz (2014)
Data and Mobility by Julia Duh, Hartwig Hufnagl, Erhard Juritsch, Reinhard Pfliegl, Helmut-Klaus Schimany, Hans Schonegger (2010)
Data Converters by Franco Maloberti (2007)
Data Fusion in Information Retrieval by Shengli Wu (2012)
Data Fusion: Concepts and Ideas by H B Mitchell (2012)
Data Intensive Computing for Biodiversity by Sarinder K. Dhillon, Amandeep S. Sidhu (2013)
Data Mining by Yong Yin, Ikou Kaku, Jiafu Tang, JianMing Zhu (2011)
Data Mining by Florin Gorunescu (2011)
Data Mining and Diagnosing IC Fails by Leendert M. Huisman (2005)
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Big Data by Wesley W. Chu (2014)
Data Mining for Service by Katsutoshi Yada (2014)
Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms by Dawn E. Holmes, Lakhmi C Jain (2012)
Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms by Dawn E. Holmes, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms by Dawn E. Holmes, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Data Mining: Foundations and Practice by Tsau Young Lin, Ying Xie, Anita Wasilewska, Churn-Jung Liau (2008)
Data Preprocessing in Data Mining by Salvador Garcia, Julian Luengo, Francisco Herrera (2015)
Data Provenance and Data Management in eScience by Qing Liu, Quan Bai, Stephen Giugni, Darrell Williamson, John Taylor (2013)
Data Transmission at Millimeter Waves by Khaled Khalaf, Vojkan Vidojkovic, Piet Wambacq, John R. Long (2015)
Data-Driven Controller Design by Alexandre Sanfelice Bazanella, Luciola Campestrini, Diego Eckhard (2012)
Data-driven Design of Fault Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control Systems by Steven X. Ding (2014)
Data-Driven Design of Fault Diagnosis Systems by Adel Haghani Abandan Sari (2014)
Data-driven Modeling for Diabetes by Vasilis Marmarelis, Georgios Mitsis (2014)
Data-Driven Optimization and Knowledge Discovery for an Enterprise Information System by Qing Duan, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Jun Zeng (2015)
Database of Piano Chords by Ana M. Barbancho, Isabel Barbancho, Lorenzo J. Tardon, Emilio Molina (2013)
Debug Automation from Pre-Silicon to Post-Silicon by Mehdi Dehbashi, Gorschwin Fey (2015)
Debugging at the Electronic System Level by Frank Rogin, Rolf Drechsler (2010)
Debugging Systems-on-Chip by Bart Vermeulen, Kees Goossens (2014)
Decentralized Systems with Design Constraints by Magdi S. Mahmoud (2011)
Decision and Game Theory in Management With Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets by Deng-Feng Li (2014)
Decision Making and Imperfection by Tatiana V. Guy, Miroslav Karny, David Wolpert (2013)
Decision Making in Complex Systems by Marina V. Sokolova, Antonio Fernandez Caballero (2012)
Decision Making in Manufacturing Environment Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods by R. Venkata Rao (2013)
Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment by R. Venkata Rao (2007)
Decision Making with Imperfect Decision Makers by Tatiana Valentine Guy, Miroslav Karny, David H. Wolpert (2012)
Decision Making: Uncertainty, Imperfection, Deliberation and Scalability by Tatiana V. Guy, Miroslav Karny, David H. Wolpert (2015)
Decision Models in Engineering and Management by Patricia Guarnieri (2015)
Decision Science: A Human-Oriented Perspective by George Mengov (2015)
Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning by Giacomo Riccia, Didier Dubois, Rudolf Kruse, Hanz-Joachim Lenz (2006)
Decision-Based Design by Wei Chen, Christopher Hoyle, Henk Jan Wassenaar (2013)
Decision-Making for Supply Chain Integration by Hing Kai Chan, Fiona Lettice, Olatunde Amoo Durowoju (2012)
Decision-Making in Engineering Design by Yotaro Hatamura (2006)
Decomposition Techniques in Mathematical Programming by Antonio J. Conejo, Enrique Castillo, Roberto Minguez, Raquel Garcia-Bertrand (2006)
Deep-Space Probes by Gregory L. Matloff (2005)
Defect and Material Mechanics by Cristian Dascalu, Gerard A. Maugin, Claude Stolz (2008)
Defect-Oriented Testing for Nano-Metric CMOS VLSI Circuits by Manoj Sachdev, Jose Pineda de Gyvez (2007)
Defects in High-k Gate Dielectric Stacks by Evgeni Gusev (2006)
Definitions, Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management by Joe E. Amadi-Echendu, Kerry Brown, Roger Willett, Joseph Mathew (2010)
Deformable Models by Jasjit S. Suri, Aly A. Farag (2007)
Deformable Models by Aly A. Farag, Jasjit S. Suri (2007)
Deformation and Fracture of Solid-State Materials by Sanichiro Yoshida (2015)
Deformation Models by Manuel Gonzalez Hidalgo, Arnau Mir Torres, Javier Varona Gomez (2013)
Delay Differential Equations by David E. Gilsinn, Tamas Kalmar-Nagy, Balakumar Balachandran (2009)
Delay Systems by Tomas Vyhlidal, Jean-Francois Lafay, Rifat Sipahi (2014)
Delft Pneumatic Bipeds by Martijn Wisse, Richard Q. Linde (2007)
Delta-Sigma A/D-Converters by Richard Gaggl (2013)
Demand Driven Supply Chain by Paulo Mendes (2011)
Demand Planning by Damiano Milanato (2008)
Dental Biotribology by Zhong-Rong Zhou, Hai-Yang Yu, Jing Zheng, Lin-Mao Qian, Yu Yan (2013)
Dependability in Electronic Systems by Nobuyasu Kanekawa, Eishi H. Ibe, Takashi Suga, Yutaka Uematsu (2011)
Dependability Modelling under Uncertainty by Philipp Limbourg (2008)
Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems by Ajit Kumar Verma, Srividya Ajit, Manoj Kumar (2011)
Dependability of Self-Optimizing Mechatronic Systems by Jurgen Gausemeier, Franz Josef Rammig, Wilhelm Schafer, Walter Sextro (2014)
Dependability Problems of Complex Information Systems by Wojciech Zamojski, Jarosiaw Sugier (2015)
Dependable Computer Systems by Wojciech Zamojski, Janusz Kacprzyk, Jacek Mazurkiewicz, Jarosiaw Sugier, Tomasz Walkowiak (2011)
Desiccant-Assisted Cooling by Carlos Eduardo Leme Nobrega, Nisio Carvalho Lobo Brum (2014)
DESider - A European Effort on Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling by Werner Haase, Marianna Braza, Alistair Revell (2009)
Design and Analysis of Biomolecular Circuits by Heinz Koeppl, Gianluca Setti, Mario di Bernardo, Douglas Densmore (2011)
Design and Analysis of Learning Classifier Systems by Jan Drugowitsch (2008)
Design and Analysis of Spiral Inductors by Genemala Haobijam, Roy Paily Palathinkal (2014)
Design and Computation of Modern Engineering Materials by Andreas ochsner, Holm Altenbach (2014)
Design and Control of Hybrid Active Power Filters by Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong (2014)
Design and Control of Intelligent Robotic Systems by Dikai Liu, Lingfeng Wang, Kay Chen Tan (2009)
Design and Implementation of Fully-Integrated Inductive DC-DC Converters in Standard CMOS by Mike Wens, Michiel Steyaert (2011)
Design and Implementation of Sigma Delta Modulators (??M) for Class D Audio Amplifiers using Differential Pairs by Nuno Pereira, Nuno Paulino (2015)
Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments by Runming Yao (2013)
Design and Modeling of Inductors, Capacitors and Coplanar Waveguides at Tens of GHz Frequencies by Naser Pour Aryan (2015)
Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems by Mohamed Haddar, Lotfi Romdhane, Jamel Louati, Abdelmajid Ben Amara (2013)
Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems - II by Mnaouar Chouchane, Tahar Fakhfakh, Hachmi Ben Daly, Nizar Aifaoui, Fakher Chaari (2015)
Design and Modeling of Millimeter-Wave CMOS Circuits for Wireless Transceivers by Ivan Chee-Hong Lai, Minoru Fujishima (2008)
Design and Optimization of Passive UHF RFID Systems by Jari-Pascal Curty, Michel Declercq, Catherine Dehollain, Norbert Joehl (2007)
Design and Performance of 3G Wireless Networks and Wireless Lans by Mooi Choo Chuah, Qinqing Zhang (2006)
Design and Testing of Digital Microfluidic Biochips by Yang Zhao, Krishnendu Chakrabarty (2013)
Design and Use of Assistive Technology by Meeko Mitsuko K. Oishi, Ian M. Mitchell, H. F. Machiel Van der Loos (2010)
Design and Use of Serious Games by Marja Kankaanranta, Pekka Neittaanmaki (2009)
Design and Verification of Microprocessor Systems for High-Assurance Applications by David S. Hardin (2010)
Design Automation Methods and Tools for Microfluidics-Based Biochips by Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Jun Zeng (2006)
Design Computing and Cognition '14 by John S. Gero, Sean Hanna (2015)
Design Computing and Cognition'06 by JOHN S. GERO (2006)
Design Computing and Cognition'10 by John S. Gero (2011)
Design Computing and Cognition'12 by John S. Gero (2014)
Design Creativity 2010 by Toshiharu Taura, Yukari Nagai (2011)
Design Exploration of Emerging Nano-scale Non-volatile Memory by Hao Yu, Yuhao Wang (2014)
Design for Environment as a Tool for the Development of a Sustainable Supply Chain by Maurizio Bevilacqua, Filippo Emanuele Ciarapica, Giancarlo Giacchetta (2012)
Design for Environmental Sustainability by Carlo Vezzoli, Ezio Manzini (2008)
Design for High Performance, Low Power, and Reliable 3D Integrated Circuits by Sung Kyu Lim (2013)
Design for Manufacturability by Artur Balasinski (2014)
Design for Manufacturability and Statistical Design by Michael Orshansky, Sani R. Nassif, Duane Boning (2008)
Design for Manufacturability and Yield for Nano-Scale CMOS by Charles C. Chiang, Jamil Kawa (2007)
Design for Micro-Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Systems by Nicolae Badea (2015)
Design Matters by James Armstrong (2008)
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems by Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (2011)
Design Methodology for Intelligent Technical Systems by Jurgen Gausemeier, Franz Josef Rammig, Wilhelm Schafer (2014)
Design of Advanced Manufacturing Systems by Andrea Matta, Quirico Semeraro (2005)
Design of Arithmetic Circuits in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata Nanotechnology by K. Sridharan, Vikramkumar Pudi (2015)
Design of Artificial Human Joints & Organs by Subrata Pal (2014)
Design of Canals by P.K. Swamee, B.R. Chahar (2015)
Design of Circular Differential Microphone Arrays by Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen, Israel Cohen (2015)
Design of Demining Machines by Dinko Mikulic (2013)
Design of Digital Systems and Devices by Marian Adamski, Alexander Barkalov, Marek Wigrzyn (2011)
Design of Embedded Control Systems by Marian Andrzej Adamski, Andrei Karatkevich, Marek Wegrzyn (2005)
Design of Experiments for Reinforcement Learning by Christopher Gatti (2015)
Design of Flexible Production Systems by Tullio Tolio (2009)
Design of High Voltage xDSL Line Drivers in Standard CMOS by Bert Serneels, Michiel Steyaert (2008)
Design of Image Processing Embedded Systems Using Multidimensional Data Flow by Joachim Keinert, Jurgen Teich (2011)
Design of Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems by Nikhil Ichalkaranje, Lakhmi C. Jain, Rajiv Khosla (2005)
Design of Intelligent Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Nature-Inspired Optimization by Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, Janusz Kacprzyk (2015)
Design of Observer-based Compensators by Peter Hippe, Joachim Deutscher (2009)
Design of Organic Complementary Circuits and Systems on Foil by Sahel Abdinia, Arthur van Roermund, Eugenio Cantatore (2015)
Design of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuators by Ashwin Rao, A. R. Srinivasa, J. N. Reddy (2015)
Design of Ship Hull Structures by Yasuhisa Okumoto, Yu Takeda, Masaki Mano, Tetsuo Okada (2009)
Design of Special Planar Linkages by Jingshan Zhao, Zhijing Feng, Ning Ma, Fulei Chu (2014)
Design of Sustainable Product Life Cycles by Jorg Niemann, Serge Tichkiewitch, Engelbert Westkamper (2009)
Design of Switched-Capacitor Filter Circuits using Low Gain Amplifiers by Hugo Alexandre de Andrade Serra, Nuno Paulino (2015)
Design of Systems on a Chip: Design and Test by Ricardo Reis, Marcelo Lubaszewski, Jochen A.G. Jess (2007)
Design of Ultra Wideband Antenna Matching Networks by Binboga Siddik Yarman (2008)
Design of Ultra-Low Power Impulse Radios by Alyssa Apsel, Xiao Wang, Rajeev Dokania (2014)
Design of Very High-Frequency Multirate Switched-Capacitor Circuits by Seng-Pan U, Rui Paulo Martins, Jose Epifanio Franca (2006)
Design of Wireless Autonomous Datalogger IC's by Wim Claes, Willy Sansen, Robert Puers (2005)
Design Performance by Francis J. O'Donnell, Alexander H.B. Duffy (2005)
Design process improvement by John Clarkson, Claudia Eckert (2005)
Design Rules for Actuators in Active Mechanical Systems by Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt, Lucio Flavio Campanile (2010)
Design Technologies for Green and Sustainable Computing Systems by Partha Pratim Pande, Amlan Ganguly, Krishnendu Chakrabarty (2013)
Design Technology for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems by Gabriela Nicolescu, Ian O'Connor, Christian Piguet (2012)
Design, Analysis and Test of Logic Circuits Under Uncertainty by Smita Krishnaswamy, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes (2013)
Design, Automation, and Test in Europe by Rudy Lauwereins, Jan Madsen (2008)
Design, Fabrication and Economy of Metal Structures by Karoly Jarmai, Jozsef Farkas (2013)
Design, Modeling and Characterization of Bio-Nanorobotic Systems by Mustapha Hamdi, Antoine Ferreira (2011)
Design, Modeling and Control of Nanopositioning Systems by Andrew J. Fleming, Kam K. Leang (2014)
Design, Modeling and Experiments of 3-DOF Electromagnetic Spherical Actuators by Liang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Chee Kian Lim, Guilin Yang, Kok-Meng Lee (2011)
Design, Modeling and Testing of Data Converters by Paolo Carbone, Sayfe Kiaei, Fang Xu (2014)
Design, Production and Placement of Self-Consolidating Concrete by Kamal Henri Khayat, Dimitri Feys (2010)
Design-for-Test and Test Optimization Techniques for TSV-based 3D Stacked ICs by Brandon Noia, Krishnendu Chakrabarty (2014)
Designerly Ways of Knowing by Nigel Cross (2006)
Designing 2D and 3D Network-on-Chip Architectures by Konstantinos Tatas, Kostas Siozios, Dimitrios Soudris, Axel Jantsch (2014)
Designing a New Class of Distributed Systems by Rao Mikkilineni (2011)
Designing Accessible Technology by John Clarkson, Patrick Langdon, Peter Robinson (2006)
Designing and Evaluating Value Added Services in Manufacturing E-Market Places by G. Perrone, M. Bruccoleri, P. Renna (2005)
Designing Embedded Processors by Jorg Henkel, Sri Parameswaran (2007)
Designing Embedded Systems with the SIGNAL Programming Language by Abdoulaye Gamatie (2010)
Designing for Network and Service Continuity in Wireless Mesh Networks by Parth H. Pathak, Rudra Dutta (2013)
Designing Inclusive Futures by Patrick Langdon, John Clarkson, Peter Robinson (2008)
Designing Inclusive Interactions by Patrick Martin Langdon, Peter John Clarkson, Peter Robinson (2010)
Designing Inclusive Systems by Patrick Langdon, John Clarkson, Peter Robinson, Jonathan Lazar, Ann Heylighen (2012)
Designing Reliable and Efficient Networks on Chips by Srinivasan Murali (2009)
Designing TSVs for 3D Integrated Circuits by Nauman Khan, Soha Hassoun (2013)
Designing with video by Salu Ylirisku, Jacob Buur (2007)
Detecting Peripheral-based Attacks on the Host Memory by Patrick Stewin (2015)
Detection and Diagnosis of Stiction in Control Loops by Mohieddine Jelali, Biao Huang (2010)
Detection and Identification of Rare Audiovisual Cues by Daphna Weinshall, Jorn Anemuller, Luc Gool (2012)
Detection and Signal Processing by Wilhelmus Jacobus Witteman (2006)
Detection of Fetal Abnormalities Based on Three Dimensional Nuchal Translucency by Khin Wee Lai, Eko Supriyanto (2013)
Determinants of Construction Project Success in India by Kumar Neeraj Jha (2013)
Deterministic Solvers for the Boltzmann Transport Equation by Sung-Min Hong, Anh-Tuan Pham, Christoph Jungemann (2011)
Developing Biomedical Devices by Giuseppe Andreoni, Massimo Barbieri, Barbara Colombo (2014)
Developing Concepts in Applied Intelligence by Kishan G. Mehrotra, Chilukuri Mohan, Jae C. Oh, Pramod K. Varshney, Moonis Ali (2011)
Developing Security Tools of WSN and WBAN Networks Applications by Mohsen A. M. El-Bendary (2015)
Development and Application of the Finite Element Method based on Matlab by Herbert Baaser (2010)
Development of a Methodology for the Evaluation of Active Safety using the Example of Preventive Pedestrian Protection by Thomas Helmer (2015)
Developments and Challenges for Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles by Anthony Finn, Steve Scheding (2010)
Developments in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision by Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares, Renato Natal Jorge (2015)
Developments in Model-Based Optimization and Control by Sorin Olaru, Alexandra Grancharova, Fernando Lobo Pereira (2015)
Developments in the Flow of Complex Fluids in Tubes by Dennis A. Siginer (2015)
Device-Level Modeling and Synthesis of High-Performance Pipeline ADCs by Jesus Ruiz-Amaya, Manuel Delgado-Restituto, Angel Rodriguez-Vazquez (2011)
Diagnosis of Process Nonlinearities and Valve Stiction by Shoukat M. A. A. Choudhury, Sirish L. Shah, Nina F. Thornhill (2008)
Dialect Accent Features for Establishing Speaker Identity by Manisha Kulshreshtha, Ramkumar Mathur (2012)
Dictionary of Production Engineering/Worterbuch der Fertigungstechnik/Dictionnaire des Techniques de Production Mechanique Vol IV by C.I.R.P. (2011)
Dielectric Polymer Nanocomposites by J. Keith Nelson (2010)
Dielectric Spectroscopy in Biodiesel Production and Characterization by Silvia Daniela Romano, Patricio Anibal Sorichetti (2011)
Diesel Engine Management by Konrad Reif (2014)
Diesel Engine Transient Operation by Constantine D. Rakopoulos, Evangelos G. Giakoumis (2009)
Differential Evolution in Electromagnetics by Anyong Qing, Ching Kwang Lee (2010)
Differential Evolution: A Handbook for Global Permutation-Based Combinatorial Optimization by Godfrey C. Onwubolu, Donald Davendra (2009)
Differential Geometry by Marcelo Epstein (2014)
Differential Models by Alexander Pavlovich Solodov, Valery Fedorovich Ochkov (2005)
Differential Reynolds Stress Modeling for Separating Flows in Industrial Aerodynamics by Bernhard Eisfeld (2015)
Digital Communication by Apurba Das (2010)
Digital Control of Electrical Drives by Slobodan N. Vukosavic (2007)
Digital Control Systems by Ioan D. Landau, Zito Gianluca (2006)
Digital Defense by Joseph Pelton, Indu B. Singh (2015)
Digital Design and Implementation with Field Programmable Devices by Zainalabedin Navabi (2005)
Digital Enterprise Design & Management by PierreiJean Benghozi, Daniel Krob, Antoine Lonjon, Herve Panetto (2014)
Digital Enterprise Design and Management 2013 by Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Daniel Krob, Frantz Rowe (2013)
Digital Fabrication in Architecture, Engineering and Construction by Luca Caneparo (2014)
Digital Factory for Human-oriented Production Systems by Luca Canetta, Claudia Redaelli, Myrna Flores (2011)
Digital Filters by Dietrich Schlichtharle (2011)
Digital Geometry Algorithms by Valentin E. Brimkov, Reneta P. Barneva (2012)
Digital Holography and Wavefront Sensing by Ulf Schnars, Claas Falldorf, John Watson, Werner Juptner (2015)
Digital Image Forensics by Husrev Taha Sencar, Nasir Memon (2013)
Digital Image Processing by Bernd Jahne (2005)
Digital Noise Monitoring of Defect Origin by Telman Aliev (2007)
Digital Phase Lock Loops by Saleh R. Al-araji, Zahir M. Hussain, Mahmoud A. Al-qutayri (2006)
Digital Processing and Reconstruction of Complex AC Signals by Predrag Petrovii, Milorad Stevanovii (2009)
Digital Repetitive Control under Varying Frequency Conditions by German A. Ramos, Ramon Costa-Castello, Josep M. Olm (2013)
Digital Satellite Communications by Giovanni Corazza (2007)
Digital Self-tuning Controllers by Vladimir Bobal, Josef Bohm, Jaromir Fessl, Jiii Machaiek (2005)
Digital Signal Processing by Shlomo Engelberg (2008)
Digital Signal Processing by Peter O'Shea, Amin Z. Sadik, Zahir M. Hussain (2011)
Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety by John H.L. Hansen, Pinar Boyraz, Kazuya Takeda, Huseyin Abut (2012)
Digital Signal Processing for Measurement Systems by Gabriele D'Antona, Alessandro Ferrero (2006)
Digital Signal Processing for Medical Imaging Using Matlab by E.S. Gopi (2013)
Digital Signal Processing in Power System Protection and Control by Waldemar Rebizant, Janusz Szafran, Andrzej Wiszniewski (2011)
Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays by Uwe Meyer-Baese (2007)
Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays by Uwe Meyer-Baese (2014)
Digital Speech Processing Using Matlab by E. S. Gopi (2014)
Digital Synthesizers and Transmitters for Software Radio by Jouko Vankka (2005)
Digital System Test and Testable Design by Zainalabedin Navabi (2011)
Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Networks by Roland Beutler (2009)
Digital Timing Measurements by Wolfgang Maichen (2006)
Digital Transmission by Dayan Adionel Guimaraes (2009)
Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology by Walter Fischer (2008)
Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology by Walter Fischer (2010)
Digital VLSI Design with Verilog by John Williams (2008)
Digital VLSI Design with Verilog by John Michael Williams (2014)
Digital VLSI Systems Design by S. Ramachandran (2007)
Digitally-Assisted Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design for Software-Defined Radio by Kenichi Okada, Shouhei Kousai (2011)
Dimension-based Quality Modeling of Transmitted Speech by Marcel Waltermann (2013)
Dimensional Analysis by Qing-Ming Tan (2011)
Dimensionality Reduction with Unsupervised Nearest Neighbors by Oliver Kramer (2013)
Dimensions of the Sustainable City by Mike Jenks, Colin Jones (2010)
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IX by Jochen Frohlich, Hans Kuerten, Bernard J. Geurts, Vincenzo Armenio (2015)
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VI by Eric Lamballais, Rainer Friedrich, Bernard J. Geurts, Olivier Metais (2006)
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VIII by Hans Kuerten, Bernard Geurts, Vincenzo Armenio, Jochen Frohlich (2011)
Direct Methods for Limit and Shakedown Analysis of Structures by Paolo Fuschi, Aurora Angela Pisano, Dieter Weichert (2015)
Direct Methods for Limit States in Structures and Materials by Konstantinos Spiliopoulos, Dieter Weichert (2014)
Direct Transistor-level Layout for Digital Blocks by Prakash Gopalakrishnan, Rob A. Rutenbar (2005)
Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience by Michael Wibral, Raul Vicente, Joseph T. Lizier (2014)
Disassembly Automation by Supachai Vongbunyong, Wei Hua Chen (2015)
Discontinuity and Complexity in Nonlinear Physical Systems by J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu, Albert C J Luo (2014)
Discontinuous Control Systems by Igor Boiko (2009)
Discontinuous Finite Elements in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer by Ben Q. Li (2006)
Discontinuous Systems by Yury V. Orlov (2009)
Discovery and Selection of Semantic Web Services by Xia Wang, Wolfgang A. Halang (2013)
Discrete Control Systems by Yoshifumi Okuyama (2014)
Discrete Element Analysis Methods of Generic Differential Quadratures by Chang-New Chen (2006)
Discrete Event Systems by Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh (2014)
Discrete Optimization with Interval Data by Adam Kasperski (2008)
Discrete, Continuous, and Hybrid Petri Nets by Rene David, Hassane Alla (2010)
Discrete, Continuous, and Hybrid Petri Nets by Rene David, Hassane Alla (2005)
Discrete-Time Control System Design with Applications by C.A. Rabbath, N. Lechevin (2014)
Discrete-Time High Order Neural Control by Edgar N. Sanchez, Alma Y. Alanis, Alexander G. Loukianov (2008)
Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control by B. Bandyopadhyay, S. Janardhanan (2006)
Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society by Bart Custers, Toon Calders, Bart Schermer, Tal Zarsky (2013)
Dispersed Manufacturing Networks by Rob Dekkers (2009)
Disruptive Logic Architectures and Technologies by Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, Ian O'Connor, Fabien Clermidy (2012)
Dissecting Regulatory Interactions of RNA and Protein by Marvin Jens (2014)
Dissipative Systems Analysis and Control by Bernard Brogliato, Bernhard Maschke, Rogelio Lozano, Olav Egeland (2007)
Distances and Similarities in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets by Eulalia Szmidt (2014)
Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science by Marco Ceccarelli (2010)
Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science by Marco Ceccarelli (2007)
Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science by Marco Ceccarelli (2014)
Distributed and Parallel Systems by Zoltan Juhasz, Peter Kacsuk, Dieter Kranzlmuller (2005)
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems by M. Ani Hsieh, Gregory Chirikjian (2014)
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems by Alcherio Martinoli, Francesco Mondada, Nikolaus Correll, Gregory Mermoud, Magnus Egerstedt, M. Ani Hsieh, Lynne E. Parker, Kasper Stoy (2013)
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 6 by Rachid Alami, Raja Chatila, Hajime Asama (2007)
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 7 by Maria Gini, Richard Voyles (2006)
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 8 by Hajime Asama, Haruhisa Kurokawa, Jun Ota, Kosuke Sekiyama (2009)
Distributed CMOS Bidirectional Amplifiers by Ziad El-Khatib, Leonard MacEachern, Samy A. Mahmoud (2012)
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence by Andre Ponce Leon F. de Carvalho, Sara Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Juan F. Paz Santana, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez (2010)
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence by Sigeru Omatu, Juan F. De Paz Santana, Sara Rodriguez Gonzalez, Jose M. Molina, Ana M. Bernardos, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez (2012)
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence by Sigeru Omatu, Jose Neves, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Juan F Paz Santana, Sara Rodriguez Gonzalez (2013)
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 11th International Conference by Sigeru Omatu, Hugues Bersini, Juan M. Corchado, Sara Rodriguez, Pawei Pawlewski, Edgardo Bucciarelli (2014)
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 12th International Conference by Sigeru Omatu, Qutaibah M. Malluhi, Sara Rodriguez Gonzalez, Grzegorz Bocewicz, Edgardo Bucciarelli, Gianfranco Giulioni, Farkhund Iqba (2015)
Distributed Consensus in Multi-vehicle Cooperative Control by Wei Ren, Randal W. Beard (2008)
Distributed Consensus with Visual Perception in Multi-Robot Systems by Eduardo Montijano, Carlos Sagues (2015)
Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Networking, Instrumentation, and Measurements by Franco Davoli, Sergio Palazzo, Sandro Zappatore (2006)
Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Networks by Wei Ren, Yongcan Cao (2011)
Distributed Decision Making and Control by Rolf Johansson, Anders Rantzer (2012)
Distributed Embedded Control Systems by Matjaz Colnarii, Domen Verber, Wolfgang A. Halang (2008)
Distributed Embedded Smart Cameras by Christophe Bobda, Senem Velipasalar (2014)
Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology by Fiorenzo Franceschini, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacomo, Barbara Pralio (2011)
Distributed Manufacturing by Hermann Kuhnle (2010)
Distributed Model Predictive Control Made Easy by Jose M. Maestre, Rudy R. Negenborn (2014)
Distributed Optimization-Based Control of Multi-Agent Networks in Complex Environments by Minghui Zhu, Sonia Martinez (2015)
Distributed Space Missions for Earth System Monitoring by Marco D'Errico (2013)
Distributed Systems and Applications of Information Filtering and Retrieval by Cristian Lai, Alessandro Giuliani, Giovanni Semeraro (2014)
Distributed, Embedded and Real-time Java Systems by M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Andy J. Wellings (2012)
Distributed-Order Dynamic Systems by Zhuang Jiao, YangQuan Chen, Igor Podlubny (2012)
Disturbance Attenuation for Uncertain Control Systems by Hans Wilhelm Knobloch (2014)
Do Smart Adaptive Systems Exist? by Bogdan Gabrys, Kauko Leiviska, Jens Strackeljan (2005)
Domain of Attraction by Graziano Chesi (2011)
Domain-Level Reasoning for Spoken Dialogue Systems by Dirk Buhler, Wolfgang Minker (2011)
Don't Panic with Mechanics! by Oliver Romberg, Nikolaus Hinrichs (2006)
Dot-Dash to Dot.Com by Andrew Wheen (2011)
Doubt-Free Uncertainty In Measurement by Colin Ratcliffe, Bridget Ratcliffe (2015)
Drilling of Polymer-Matrix Composites by Vijayan Krishnaraj, Redouane Zitoune, J. Paulo Davim (2013)
Drive Solutions by Edwin Kiel (2008)
Drives and Control for Industrial Automation by Kok Kiong Tan, Andi Sudjana Putra (2011)
Driving Demand for Broadband Networks and Services by Raul L. Katz, Taylor A. Berry (2014)
DRM, a Design Research Methodology by Lucienne T.M. Blessing, Amaresh Chakrabarti (2009)
Droplets and Sprays by Sergei Sazhin (2014)
Dropwise Condensation on Inclined Textured Surfaces by Sameer Khandekar, Krishnamurthy Muralidhar (2014)
Dry Clutch Control for Automotive Applications by Pietro J. Dolcini, Carlos Canudas de Wit, Hubert Bechart (2010)
Dry Etching Technology for Semiconductors by Kazuo Nojiri (2015)
Drying and Wetting of Building Materials and Components by J.M.P.Q. Delgado (2014)
DSP Architecture Design Essentials by Dejan Markovii, Robert W. Brodersen (2012)
DSP for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems by Huseyin Abut, John H.L. Hansen, Kazuya Takeda (2005)
Dual Phase Evolution by David G. Green, Jing Liu, Hussein A. Abbass (2014)
Durability of Building Materials and Components by Vasco Peixoto de Freitas, J.M.P.Q. Delgado (2013)
Durability of Composites in a Marine Environment by Peter Davies, Yapa D.S. Rajapakse (2014)
Durability of Reinforced Concrete from Composition to Protection by Carmen Andrade, Joost Gulikers, Rob Polder (2015)
Durability of Strain-Hardening Fibre-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites (SHCC) by F. Wittmann, G. Van Zijl (2011)
Dynamic Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures by Srinivasan Chandrasekaran (2015)
Dynamic Analysis of Petri Net-Based Discrete Systems by Andrei Karatkevich (2007)
Dynamic and Robust Streaming in and between Connected Consumer-Electronic Devices by Peter Stok (2005)
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 by Bo Song, Daniel Casem, Jamie Kimberley (2015)
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 by Bo Song, Dan Casem, Jamie Kimberley (2014)
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 by Vijay Chalivendra, Bo Song, Daniel Casem (2013)
Dynamic Characterisation of Analogue-to-Digital Converters by Dominique Dallet, Jose Machado Silva (2005)
Dynamic Failure of Composite and Sandwich Structures by Serge Abrate, Bruno Castanie, Yapa D. S. Rajapakse (2013)
Dynamic Failure of Materials and Structures by Arun Shukla, Guruswami Ravichandran, Yapa D.S. Rajapakse (2010)
Dynamic Fracture of Piezoelectric Materials by Petia Dineva, Dietmar Gross, Ralf Muller, Tsviatko Rangelov (2014)
Dynamic Localization Phenomena in Elasticity, Acoustics and Electromagnetism by Richard V. Craster, Julius Kaplunov (2013)
Dynamic Management of Sustainable Development by Zigurds Krishans, Anna Mutule, Yuri Merkuryev, Irina Oleinikova (2011)
Dynamic Memory Management for Embedded Systems by David Atienza Alonso, Stylianos Mamagkakis, Christophe Poucet, Miguel Peon-Quiros, Alexandros Bartzas, Francky Catthoor, Dimitrios Soudris (2015)
Dynamic Methods for Damage Detection in Structures by Antonino Morassi, Fabrizio Vestroni (2008)
Dynamic Modeling, Predictive Control and Performance Monitoring by Biao Huang, Ramesh Kadali (2008)
Dynamic Modelling for Supply Chain Management by Adolfo Crespo Marquez (2010)
Dynamic Offset Compensated CMOS Amplifiers by Johan F. Witte, Kofi A. A. Makinwa, Johan H. Huijsing (2009)
Dynamic Programming by Lew Art, Holger Mauch (2007)
Dynamic Reconfigurable Architectures and Transparent Optimization Techniques by Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck Fl., Luigi Carro (2010)
Dynamic Reconfiguration in Real-Time Systems by Weixun Wang, Prabhat Mishra, Sanjay Ranka (2013)
Dynamic Response of Linear Mechanical Systems by Jorge Angeles (2012)
Dynamic Response of Pre-Stressed Spatially Curved Thin-Walled Beams of Open Profile by Yury A. Rossikhin, Marina V. Shitikova (2011)
Dynamic Stabilisation of the Biped Lucy Powered by Actuators with Controllable Stiffness by Bram Vanderborght (2010)
Dynamic Surface Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems by Bongsob Song, J. Karl Hedrick (2011)
Dynamic System Reconfiguration in Heterogeneous Platforms by Nikolaos S. Voros, Alberto Rosti, Michael Hubner (2009)
Dynamic Systems for Everyone by Asish Ghosh (2015)
Dynamic Thermal Analysis of Machines in Running State by Lihui Wang (2014)
Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Motion by Ernst D. Dickmanns (2007)
Dynamic-Mismatch Mapping for Digitally-Assisted DACs by Yongjian Tang, Hans Hegt, Arthur van Roermund (2013)
Dynamical Analysis of Vehicle Systems by Werner Schiehlen (2009)
Dynamical Contact Problems with Friction by Walter Sextro (2007)
Dynamical Inverse Problems: Theory and Application by Graham M. L. Gladwell, Antonino Morassi (2011)
Dynamical System Synchronization by Albert C. J. Luo (2013)
Dynamical Systems by Albert C.J. Luo (2010)
Dynamical Systems and Methods by Albert C.J. Luo, Jose Antonio Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu (2012)
Dynamical Systems, Wave-Based Computation and Neuro-Inspired Robots by Paolo Arena (2008)
Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems by Marco Platzner, Jurgen Teich, Norbert Wehn (2010)
Dynamics and Balancing of Multibody Systems by Himanshu Chaudhary, Subir Kumar Saha (2009)
Dynamics and Control of Electrical Drives by Piotr Wach (2011)
Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering by Wei He, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Bernard Voon Ee How, Yoo Sang Choo (2014)
Dynamics and Control of Switched Electronic Systems by Francesco Vasca, Luigi Iannelli (2012)
Dynamics and Vibrations by Seyed Habibollah Hashemi Kachapi, Davood Domairry Ganji (2014)
Dynamics in Logistics by Hans-Jorg Kreowski, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Klaus-Dieter Thoben (2013)
Dynamics in Logistics by Hans-Jorg Kreowski, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Hans-Dietrich Haasis (2008)
Dynamics in Logistics by Hans-Jorg Kreowski, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Klaus-Dieter Thoben (2011)
Dynamics of Bridges, Volume 5 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Dynamics of Charged Particulate Systems by Tarek I. Zohdi (2012)
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2 by Juan Caicedo, Shamim Pakzad (2015)
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4 by Fikret Necati Catbas (2014)
Dynamics of Combustion Systems by A. K. Oppenheim (2008)
Dynamics of Combustion Systems by Antoni K. Oppenheim (2006)
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 1 by Matt Allen, Randy Mayes, Daniel Rixen (2014)
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4 by Matt Allen, Randall L. Mayes, Daniel J. Rixen (2015)
Dynamics of Cyclic Machines by Iosif Vulfson (2015)
Dynamics of Flexible Multibody Systems by Edmund Wittbrodt, Iwona Adamiec-Wojcik, Stanisaw Wojciech (2006)
Dynamics of Machinery by Hans Dresig, Franz Holzweibig (2010)
Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Variable Mass by Hans Irschik, Alexander K. Belyaev (2014)
Dynamics of Microelectromechanical Systems by Nicolae Lobontiu (2007)
Dynamics of Multibody Systems by Jens Wittenburg (2008)
Dynamics of Parallel Robots by Sebastien Briot, Wisama Khalil (2015)
Dynamics of Pre-Strained Bi-Material Elastic Systems by Surkay D. Akbarov (2015)
Dynamics of Rods by Valery A. Svetlitsky (2005)
Dynamics of Rotating Systems by Giancarlo Genta (2005)
Dynamics of Soft Matter by Victoria Garcia Sakai, Christiane Alba-Simionesco, Sow-Hsin Chen (2012)
Dynamics of the Axially Moving Orthotropic Web by Krzysztof Marynowski (2008)
Dynamics of Tree-Type Robotic Systems by Suril Vijaykumar Shah, Subir Kumar Saha, Jayanta Kumar Dutt (2013)
Dynamics of Underactuated Multibody Systems by Robert Seifried (2014)
Dynamics of Vehicle-Road Coupled System by Shaopu Yang, Liqun Chen, Shaohua Li (2015)
E-commerce Platform Acceptance by Ewelina Lacka, Hing Kai Chan, Nick Yip (2014)
E-Expertise: Modern Collective Intelligence by Dmitry Gubanov, Nikolai Korgin, Dmitry Novikov, Alexander Raikov (2014)
E-Learning Paradigms and Applications by Mirjana Ivanovii, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
E-maintenance by Kenneth Holmberg, Adam Adgar, Aitor Arnaiz, Erkki Jantunen, Julien Mascolo, Samir Mekid (2010)
E-Service Intelligence by Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang, Da Ruan (2007)
e-Transformation: Enabling New Development Strategies by Nagy K. Hanna (2010)
Ear Biometrics in 2D and 3D by Surya Prakash, Phalguni Gupta (2015)
Early Software Reliability Prediction by Ajeet Kumar Pandey, Neeraj Kumar Goyal (2013)
Earthquake Resistant Buildings by M.Y.H. Bangash (2011)
Earthquakes and Tsunamis by A. Tugrul Tankut (2009)
ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium by Josef Eberhardsteiner, Christian Hellmich, Herbert A. Mang, Jacques Periaux (2009)
ECG Acquisition and Automated Remote Processing by Rajarshi Gupta, Madhuchhanda Mitra, Jitendranath Bera (2014)
ECG Signal Processing, Classification and Interpretation by Adam Gacek, Witold Pedrycz (2012)
Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials by Fernando Pacheco Torgal, Said Jalali (2011)
Eco-Urban Design by John A. Flannery, Karen M. Smith (2011)
ECODESIGN -- The Competitive Advantage by Wolfgang Wimmer, Kun-Mo Lee, Ferdinand Quella, John Polak (2010)
Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs by Jonathan Barnett, Larry Beasley (2015)
Econometrics of Risk by Van-Nam Huynh, Vladik Kreinovich, Songsak Sriboonchitta, Komsan Suriya (2015)
Economical Bridge Solutions based on innovative composite dowels and integrated abutments by Edward Petzek, Radu Bincili (2015)
Ecosystem Assessment and Fuzzy Systems Management by Bing-Yuan Cao, Sheng-Quan Ma, Hu-hua Cao (2014)
ECUMICT 2014 by Lieven Strycker (2014)
Education and Educational Technology by Yuanzhi Wang (2012)
Education Management, Education Theory and Education Application by Yuanzhi Wang (2012)
Educational Data Mining by Alejandro Pena-Ayala (2014)
Effective Functional Verification by Srivatsa Vasudevan (2006)
Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Materials by Mark Kachanov, Igor Sevostianov (2013)
Effective Resource Management in Manufacturing Systems by Massimiliano Caramia, Paolo Dell'Olmo (2006)
Efficiency and Innovation in Logistics by Uwe Clausen, Michael ten Hompel, J. Fabian Meier (2014)
Efficiency and Logistics by Uwe Clausen, Michael Hompel, Matthias Klumpp (2013)
Efficiency Evaluation of Energy Systems by Mehmet Kanoilu, Yunus A. cengel, ibrahim Dincer (2012)
Efficiency of Manufacturing Processes by Wen Li (2015)
Efficient 3D Scene Modeling and Mosaicing by Tudor Nicosevici, Rafael Garcia (2013)
Efficient Implementation of High-Order Accurate Numerical Methods on Unstructured Grids by Wanai Li (2014)
Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems by Javad Mohammadpour, Karolos M. Grigoriadis (2010)
Efficient Numerical Methods and Information-Processing Techniques for Modeling Hydro- and Environmental Systems by Reinhard Hinkelmann (2005)
Efficient Test Methodologies for High-Speed Serial Links by Dongwoo Hong, Kwang-Ting Cheng (2010)
Efficient Topology Estimation for Large Scale Optical Mapping by Armagan Elibol, Nuno Gracias, Rafael Garcia (2013)
EHV AC Undergrounding Electrical Power by Roberto Benato, Antonio Paolucci (2010)
EKC2008 Proceedings of the EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology by Seung-Deog Yoo (2008)
Elastic/Plastic Discs Under Plane Stress Conditions by Sergey Alexandrov (2015)
Elasticity by J. R. Barber (2010)
Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations by Albrecht Bertram (2008)
Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations by Albrecht Bertram (2012)
Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations by Albrecht Bertram (2005)
Elasticity for Geotechnicians by Paolo Podio-Guidugli, Antonino Favata (2014)
Elasticity of Transversely Isotropic Materials by Haojiang Ding, Weiqiu Chen, L. Zhang (2006)
Elasto-Plastic and Damage Analysis of Plates and Shells by George Z. Voyiadjis, Pawel Woelke (2008)
Elasto-Plasticity of Frame Structure Elements by Andreas ochsner (2014)
Elastomere Friction by Dieter Besdo, Bodo Heimann, Manfred Kluppel, Matthias Kroger, Peter Wriggers, Udo Nackenhorst (2010)
Elastoplasticity Theory by Koichi Hashiguchi (2014)
Elastoplasticity Theory by Koichi Hashiguchi (2009)
Electric Fields in Composite Dielectrics and their Applications by Tadasu Takuma, Boonchai Techaumnat (2010)
Electric Power Quality by Surajit Chattopadhyay, Madhuchhanda Mitra, Samarjit Sengupta (2011)
Electric Power System Planning by Hossein Seifi, Mohammad Sadegh Sepasian (2011)
Electrical Conductive Adhesives with Nanotechnologies by Yi Li, Daniel Lu, C. P. Wong (2010)
Electrical Design of Through Silicon Via by Manho Lee, Jun So Pak, Joungho Kim (2014)
Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing by Sio-Iong Ao, Len Gelman (2011)
Electrical Engineering and Control by Min Zhu (2011)
Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems by Sio-Iong Ao, Len Gelman (2013)
Electrical Machines by Dieter Gerling (2015)
Electrical Power Systems and Computers by Xiaofeng Wan (2011)
Electrical, Information Engineering and Mechatronics 2011 by Xudong Wang, Fuzhong Wang, Shaobo Zhong (2012)
Electrically Assisted Forming by Wesley A. Salandro, Joshua J. Jones, Cristina Bunget, Laine Mears, John T. Roth (2015)
Electro-Chemo-Mechanics of Anodic Porous Alumina Nano-Honeycombs: Self-Ordered Growth and Actuation by Chuan Cheng (2015)
Electroactive Polymer Gel Robots by Mihoko Otake (2010)
Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications by Kwang J. Kim, Satoshi Tadokoro (2007)
Electroactivity in Polymeric Materials by Lenore Rasmussen (2012)
Electrodialysis and Water Reuse by Andrea Moura Bernardes, Marco Antonio Siqueira Rodrigues, Jane Zoppas Ferreira (2014)
Electrokinetics and Electrohydrodynamics in Microsystems by Antonio Ramos (2011)
Electromagnetic Aquametry by Klaus Kupfer (2005)
Electromagnetic Behaviour of Metallic Wire Structures by S. T. Chui, Lei Zhou (2013)
Electromagnetic Compatibility for Device Design and System Integration by Karl-Heinz Gonschorek, Ralf Vick (2009)
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Railways by Ade Ogunsola, Andrea Mariscotti (2013)
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits by Sonia Ben Dhia, Mohamed Ramdani, Etienne Sicard (2006)
Electromagnetic Field Computation by Network Methods by Peter Russer, Mauro Mongiardo, Leopold B. Felsen (2009)
Electromagnetic Field Theories for Engineering by Md. Abdus Salam (2014)
Electromagnetic Field Theory by Gerd Mrozynski, Matthias Stallein (2013)
Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and Physicists by Gunther Lehner (2010)
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves in Fractional Dimensional Space by Muhammad Zubair, Muhammad Junaid Mughal, Qaisar Abbas Naqvi (2012)
Electromagnetic Fields in Stratified Media by Kai Li (2009)
Electromagnetic Properties of Multiphase Dielectrics by Tarek I. Zohdi (2012)
Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting Devices by Dirk Spreemann, Yiannos Manoli (2012)
Electromagnetics and Network Theory and their Microwave Technology Applications by Stefan Lindenmeier, Robert Weigel (2011)
Electromagnetics in Biology by Masamichi Kato (2006)
Electromechanical Properties in Composite Based on Ferroelectrics by Vitaly Yuryevich Topolov, Christopher R. Bowen (2009)
Electromigration Modeling at Circuit Layout Level by Cher Ming Tan, Feifei He (2013)
Electronic Beam Steering and Polarization Agile Planar Antennas in Liquid Crystal Technology by Onur Hamza Karabey (2014)
Electronic Business and Marketing by Tokuro Matsuo, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios (2013)
Electronic Circuits by Ulrich Tietze, Christoph Schenk, Eberhard Gamm (2008)
Electronic Commerce by Tokuro Matsuo, Juhnyoung Lee, Minjie Zhang, Takayuki Ito, Makoto Yokoo (2008)
Electronic Design Automation of Analog ICs combining Gradient Models with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms by Frederico A.E. Rocha, Ricardo M.F. Martins, Nuno C.C. Lourenco, Nuno C.G. Horta (2014)
Electronic Devices for Analog Signal Processing by Yu. K. Rybin (2012)
Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology by Sio-Iong Ao, Len Gelman (2010)
Electronic Noise and Interfering Signals by Gabriel Vasilescu (2005)
Electronic System Level Design by Sandro Rigo, Rodolfo Azevedo, Luiz Santos (2011)
Electronic Tap-changer for Distribution Transformers by Jawad Faiz, Behzad Siahkolah (2011)
Electronic Waste by Hugo Marcelo Veit, Andrea Moura Bernardes (2015)
Electronics and Signal Processing by Wensong Hu (2011)
Electronics for Guitarists by Denton J. Dailey (2013)
Electronics for Guitarists by Denton J. Dailey (2011)
Electronics Process Technology by Wilfried Sauer, Martin Oppermann, Sebastian Werner, Heinz Wohlrabe, Thomas Zerna, Gerald Weigert, Klaus-Jurgen Wolter (2006)
Electronics System Design Techniques for Safety Critical Applications by Luca Sterpone (2009)
Electrothermal Frequency References in Standard CMOS by S. Mahdi Kashmiri, Kofi A. A. Makinwa (2013)
Elementary Continuum Mechanics for Everyone by Esben Byskov (2013)
Elementi di fluidodinamica by Giorgio Riccardi, Danilo Durante (2006)
Ellipsometry at the Nanoscale by Maria Losurdo, Kurt Hingerl (2013)
EM Modeling of Antennas and RF Components for Wireless Communication Systems by Frank Gustrau, Dirk Manteuffel (2006)
Embedded and Multimedia Computing Technology and Service by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Young-Sik Jeong, Sang Oh Park, Hsing-Chung Chen (2012)
Embedded and Real Time System Development: A Software Engineering Perspective by Mohammad Ayoub Khan, Saqib Saeed, Ashraf Darwish, Ajith Abraham (2014)
Embedded Automation in Human-Agent Environment by Jeffrey W. Tweedale, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Embedded Control System Design by Alexandru Forrai (2013)
Embedded Image Processing on the TMS320C6000 DSP by Shehrzad Qureshi (2005)
Embedded Memories for Nano-Scale VLSIs by Kevin Zhang (2009)
Embedded Memory Design for Multi-Core and Systems on Chip by Baker Mohammad (2014)
Embedded Microcontroller Interfacing by Gourab Sen Gupta, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2010)
Embedded Software Design and Programming of Multiprocessor System-on-Chip by Katalin Popovici, Frederic Rousseau, Ahmed A. Jerraya, Marilyn Wolf (2010)
Embedded System Design by Daniel D. Gajski, Samar Abdi, Andreas Gerstlauer, Gunar Schirner (2009)
Embedded System Design by Peter Marwedel (2011)
Embedded System Design by Peter Marwedel (2006)
Embedded Systems - Modeling, Technology, and Applications by Gunter Hommel, Sheng Huanye (2006)
Embedded Systems Design Based on Formal Models of Computation by Ivan Radojevic, Zoran Salcic (2011)
Embedded Systems Design for High-Speed Data Acquisition and Control by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio (2015)
Embedded Systems Design with FPGAs by Peter Athanas, Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Nicolas Sklavos (2013)
Embedded Systems Development by Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Haibo Zeng, Marco Di Natale, Peter Marwedel (2014)
Embedded Systems for Smart Appliances and Energy Management by Christoph Grimm, Peter Neumann, Stefan Mahlknecht (2013)
Embedded Systems Specification and Design Languages by Eugenio Villar (2008)
Embodied Social Cognition by Jessica Lindblom (2015)
EMC of Analog Integrated Circuits by Jean-Michel Redoute, Michiel Steyaert (2010)
Emergence, Analysis and Evolution of Structures by Klaus Lucas, Peter Roosen (2010)
Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents by Akira Namatame, Satoshi Kurihara, Hideyuki Nakashima (2007)
Emergent Problems in Nonlinear Systems and Control by Bijoy K. Ghosh, Clyde F. Martin, Yishao Zhou (2009)
Emergent Trends in Robotics and Intelligent Systems by Peter Siniak, Pitoyo Hartono, Maria Viriikova, Jan Vasiak, Rudolf Jaksa (2015)
Emerging Computation and Information teChnologies for Education by Elwin Mao, Linli Xu, Wenya Tian (2012)
Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future - Proceedings of the 49th Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India (CSI) Volume 1 by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, A. Govardhan, K. Srujan Raju, J. K. Mandal (2015)
Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future - Proceedings of the 49th Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India CSI Volume 2 by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, A. Govardhan, K. Srujan Raju, J. K. Mandal (2015)
Emerging Intelligent Technologies in Industry by Dominik Ryiko, Henryk Rybiiski, Piotr Gawrysiak, Marzena Kryszkiewicz (2011)
Emerging Location Aware Broadband Wireless Ad Hoc Networks by Rajamani Ganesh, Sastri L. Kota, Kaveh Pahlavan, Ramon Agusti (2005)
Emerging Memory Technologies by Yuan Xie (2014)
Emerging Nanotechnologies by Mohammad Tehranipoor (2008)
Emerging Paradigms in Machine Learning by Sheela Ramanna, Lakhmi C Jain, Robert J. Howlett (2013)
Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications by N. R. Shetty, N.H. Prasad, N. Nalini (2015)
Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology by V Sridhar, Holalu Seenappa Sheshadri, M C Padma (2014)
Emerging Research Trends in Medical Textiles by N. Gokarneshan, D. Anitha Rachel, V. Rajendran, B. Lavanya, Arundhathi Ghoshal (2015)
Emerging Techniques in Power System Analysis by Zhaoyang Dong, Pei Zhang (2010)
Emerging Technological Risk by Stuart Anderson, Massimo Felici (2012)
Emerging Technologies and Circuits by Amara Amara, Thomas Ea, Marc Belleville (2010)
Emerging Technologies for Emerging Markets by John Vong, Insu Song (2015)
Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management by W. Eric Wong, Tinghuai Ma (2013)
Emerging Therapies in Neurorehabilitation by Jose L Pons, Diego Torricelli (2014)
Emerging Topics in Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media by Peter Vadasz (2008)
Emerging Trends in Communication Networks by Syed Faraz Hasan (2014)
Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication by Sabnam Sengupta, Kunal Das, Gitosree Khan (2014)
Emerging Trends in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, and Engineering by Tarek Sobh, Khaled Elleithy (2013)
Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology by S Sathiyamoorthy, B. Elizabeth Caroline, J Gnana Jayanthi (2012)
EMG Signals Characterization in Three States of Contraction by Fuzzy Network and Feature Extraction by Bita Mokhlesabadifarahani, Vinit Kumar Gunjan (2015)
EMI-Resilient Amplifier Circuits by Marcel J. van der Horst, Wouter A. Serdijn, Andre C. Linnenbank (2014)
Emotion Recognition using Speech Features by K. Sreenivasa Rao, Shashidhar G. Koolagudi (2013)
Emotional Cognitive Neural Algorithms with Engineering Applications by Leonid Perlovsky, Ross Deming, Roman Ilin (2011)
Emotional Engineering by Shuichi Fukuda (2011)
Emotional Engineering (Vol. 3) by Shuichi Fukuda (2015)
Emotional Engineering vol. 2 by Shuichi Fukuda (2013)
Emotional Feedback for Mobile Devices by Julia Seebode (2015)
Emotional Intelligence by Aruna Chakraborty, Amit Konar (2009)
Empowering Users through Design by David Bihanic (2015)
Enabling a Simulation Capability in the Organisation by Andrew Greasley (2008)
Enabling Enterprise Transformation by Nagy K. Hanna (2010)
Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability by Hoda A. ElMaraghy (2012)
Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability by Michael F. Zaeh (2014)
Encyclopedia of Analytical Surfaces by S.N. Krivoshapko, V.N. Ivanov (2015)
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering by Michael Beer, Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou, Edoardo Patelli, Siu-Kui Au (2015)
Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics by Dongqing Li (2008)
Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics by Dongqing Li (2015)
Encyclopedia of Systems and Control by John Baillieul, Tariq Samad (2015)
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses by Richard B. Hetnarski (2014)
Encyclopedia of Tribology by Q. Jane Wang, Yip-Wah Chung (2013)
Energiya-Buran by Bart Hendrickx, Bert Vis (2007)
Energy by Yaiar Demirel (2012)
Energy and the Wealth of Nations by Charles A. S. Hall, Kent A. Klitgaard (2012)
Energy Economics by Subhes C. Bhattacharyya (2011)
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Through Nanotechnology by Ling Zang (2011)
Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Systems by Sebastian Thiede (2012)
Energy Efficient Microwave Systems by Lambert E. Feher (2009)
Energy Efficient Smart Phones for 5G Networks by Ayman Radwan, Jonathan Rodriguez (2015)
Energy Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers by Yogendra Joshi, Pramod Kumar (2012)
Energy Flow Theory of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Applications by Jing Tang Xing (2015)
Energy for a Warming World by Alan J. Sangster (2010)
Energy Harvesting Systems by Tom J. Kaimierski, Steve Beeby (2011)
Energy Harvesting Technologies by Shashank Priya, Daniel J. Inman (2009)
Energy Management in Buildings Using Photovoltaics by Elena Papadopoulou (2012)
Energy Methods in Dynamics by Khanh Chau Le (2012)
Energy Methods in Dynamics by Khanh Chau Le, Lu Trong Khiem Nguyen (2014)
Energy Resources and Systems by Tushar K. Ghosh, Mark A. Prelas (2009)
Energy Resources and Systems by Tushar K. Ghosh, Mark A. Prelas (2011)
Energy Resources in East Africa by Herick O. Otieno, Joseph L. Awange (2006)
Energy Scalable Radio Design by Marian Verhelst, Wim Dehaene (2009)
Energy Storage by Robert A. Huggins (2010)
Energy Systems in the Era of Energy Vectors by Fabio Orecchini, Vincenzo Naso (2012)
Energy, Transport, & the Environment by Oliver Inderwildi, Sir David King (2012)
Energy-Efficient Communication Processors by Robert Fasthuber, Francky Catthoor, Praveen Raghavan, Frederik Naessens (2013)
Energy-Efficient Fault-Tolerant Systems by Jimson Mathew, Rishad A. Shafik, Dhiraj K. Pradhan (2014)
Engine Modeling and Control by Rolf Isermann (2014)
Engineering Acoustics by Michael Moser (2009)
Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization by Nikos D. Lagaros, Manolis Papadrakakis (2015)
Engineering and Management of IT-based Service Systems by Manuel Mora, Jorge Marx Gomez, Leonardo Garrido, Francisco Cervantes Perez (2014)
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics by Ku Zilati Ku Shaari, Mokhtar Awang (2015)
Engineering Applications of Residual Stress, Volume 8 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management by Dimitris Kiritsis, Christos Emmanouilidis, Andy Koronios, Joseph Mathew (2010)
Engineering Asset Management by Joseph Mathew, Jim Kennedy, Lin Ma, Andy Tan, Deryk Anderson (2006)
Engineering Asset Management - Systems, Professional Practices and Certification by Peter W. Tse, Joseph Mathew, King Wong, Rocky Lam, C.N. Ko (2015)
Engineering Asset Management 2011 by Jay Lee, Jun Ni, Jagnathan Sarangapani, Joseph Mathew (2014)
Engineering Asset Management and Infrastructure Sustainability by Joseph Mathew, Lin Ma, Andy Tan, Margot Weijnen, Jay Lee (2012)
Engineering Computation of Structures: The Finite Element Method by Maria Augusta Neto, Ana Amaro, Luis Roseiro, Jose Cirne, Rogerio Leal (2015)
Engineering Damage Mechanics by Jean Lemaitre, Rodrigue Desmorat (2005)
Engineering Decisions for Life Quality by J. S. Nathwani, N. C. Lind, M. D. Pandey (2009)
Engineering Design by Gerhard Pahl, Wolfgang Beitz, Jorg Feldhusen, Karl-Heinrich Grote (2007)
Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping by Ali K. Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr (2010)
Engineering Dynamics by Roger F. Gans (2013)
Engineering Economics and Finance for Transportation Infrastructure by Elena S. Prassas, Roger P. Roess (2013)
Engineering Education and Management by Liangchi Zhang, Chunliang Zhang (2012)
Engineering Education and Management by Liangchi Zhang, Chunliang Zhang (2011)
Engineering Education Quality Assurance by Arun Patil, Peter Gray (2009)
Engineering Electromagnetics by Nathan Ida (2015)
Engineering Embedded Systems by Peter Hintenaus (2015)
Engineering Ethics by W. Richard Bowen (2009)
Engineering Ethics by W. Richard Bowen (2014)
Engineering Evolutionary Intelligent Systems by Ajith Abraham, Crina Grosan, Witold Pedrycz (2008)
Engineering Fluid Mechanics by H. Yamaguchi (2008)
Engineering Haptic Devices by Thorsten A. Kern (2009)
Engineering Heat Transfer by Donatello Annaratone (2010)
Engineering in Translational Medicine by Weibo Cai (2014)
Engineering Interrelated Electricity Markets by Anke Weidlich (2008)
Engineering IT-Enabled Sustainable Electricity Services by Marija Ilic, Le Xie, Qixing Liu (2013)
Engineering Mechanics by Coenraad Hartsuijker, J. W. Welleman (2007)
Engineering Mechanics by C. Hartsuijker, J. W. Welleman (2006)
Engineering Mechanics 1 by Nimal Rajapakse, Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Jorg Schroder, Wolfgang A. Wall (2009)
Engineering Mechanics 1 by Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Jorg Schroder, Wolfgang A. Wall, Nimal Rajapakse (2013)
Engineering Mechanics 2 by Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Jorg Schroder, Wolfgang Wall, Javier Bonet (2011)
Engineering Mechanics 3 by Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Jorg Schroder, Wolfgang Wall, Sanjay Govindjee (2011)
Engineering Mechanics 3 by Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Jorg Schroder, Wolfgang A. Wall, Sanjay Govindjee (2014)
Engineering Peace and Justice by P. Aarne Vesilind (2010)
Engineering Physiology by Karl H. E. Kroemer, Hiltrud J. Kroemer, Katrin E. Kroemer-Elbert (2010)
Engineering the Guitar by Richard Mark French (2009)
Engineering Thermofluids by Mahmoud Massoud (2005)
Engineering Viscoelasticity by Danton Gutierrez-Lemini (2014)
Engineering, Development and Philosophy by Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, Carl Mitcham, Bocong Li, Yanming An (2012)
Enhanced Radio Access Technologies for Next Generation Mobile Communication by Yongwan Park, Fumiyuki Adachi (2007)
Enhancing Cognitive Assistance Systems with Inertial Measurement Units by Wolfgang Gunthner (2008)
Enhancing Embedded Systems Simulation by Christian Kohler (2011)
Enhancing Performance and Reducing Stress in Sports: Technological Advances by Tijana Ivancevic, Helen Greenberg, Ronald Greenberg (2015)
Enhancing Synergies in a Collaborative Environment by Pablo Cortes, Elvira Maeso-Gonzalez, Alejandro Escudero-Santana (2015)
Enhancing the Internet with the CONVERGENCE System by Fernando Almeida, Maria Teresa Andrade, Nicola Blefari Melazzi, Richard Walker, Heinrich Hussmann, Iakovos S. Venieris (2014)
Enric Trillas: A Passion for Fuzzy Sets by Luis Magdalena, Jose Luis Verdegay, Francesc Esteva (2015)
Ensemble Machine Learning by Cha Zhang, Yunqian Ma (2012)
Ensembles in Machine Learning Applications by Oleg Okun, Giorgio Valentini, Matteo Re (2011)
Enterprise Interoperability by Guy Doumeingts, Jorg Muller, Gerard Morel, Bruno Vallespir (2007)
Enterprise Interoperability II by Ricardo J. Goncalves, Jorg P. Muller, Kai Mertins, Martin Zelm (2007)
Enterprise Interoperability III by Kai Mertins, Rainer Ruggaber, Keith Popplewell, Xiaofei Xu (2008)
Enterprise Interoperability IV by Keith Popplewell, Jenny Harding, Raul Poler, Ricardo Chalmeta (2010)
Enterprise Interoperability V by Raul Poler, Guy Doumeingts, Bernhard Katzy, Ricardo Chalmeta (2012)
Enterprise Interoperability VI by Kai Mertins, Frederick Benaben, Raul Poler, Jean-Paul Bourrieres (2014)
Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing by Lihui Wang, S.C. Lenny Koh (2010)
Enterprise Risk Management in International Construction Operations by Xianbo Zhao, Bon-Gang Hwang, Sui Pheng Low (2015)
Entransy in Phase-Change Systems by Junjie Gu, Zhongxue Gan (2014)
Entropy and Energy by Ingo Muller, Wolf Weiss (2005)
Entropy and Information Theory by Robert M. Gray (2011)
Entropy Coders of the H.264/AVC Standard by Xiaohua Tian, Thinh M. Le, Yong Lian (2011)
Environment Learning for Indoor Mobile Robots by Juan Andrade-Cetto, Alberto Sanfeliu (2006)
Environmental Bioengineering by Lawrence K. Wang, Joo-Hwa Tay, Stephen Tiong Lee Tay, Yung-Tse Hung (2010)
Environmental Biotechnology by Lawrence K. Wang, Volodymyr Ivanov, Joo-Hwa Tay (2010)
Environmental Load Factors and System Strength Evaluation of Offshore Jacket Platforms by Zafarullah Nizamani (2015)
Environmental Management by Christina W.Y. Wong, Kee-hung Lai, Y.H. Venus Lun, T. C. E. Cheng (2015)
Environmental Silicate Nano-Biocomposites by Luc Averous, Eric Pollet (2012)
Environmental Stratified Flows by Vincenzo Armenio, Sutanu Sarkar (2005)
Environmental Wind Engineering and Design of Wind Energy Structures by Charalambos C. Baniotopoulos, Claudio Borri, Theodore Stathopoulos (2011)
Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection by Claus Zimmermann, Robert G. Dean, Valeri Penchev, Henk Jan Verhagen (2005)
Environmentally Friendly Machining by U.S. Dixit, D.K. Sarma, J. Paulo Davim (2012)
Environmentally-Friendly Product Development by Eberhard Abele, Reiner Anderl, Herbert Birkhofer (2005)
Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness by Kofi Kissi Dompere (2009)
ERP Systems and Organisational Change by Bernard Grabot, Anne Mayere, Isabelle Bazet (2008)
Error Analysis with Applications in Engineering by Zbigniew A. Kotulski, Wojciech Szczepinski (2010)
Error Control for Network-on-Chip Links by Bo Fu, Paul Ampadu (2012)
Error Correction Codes for Non-Volatile Memories by R. Micheloni, A. Marelli, R. Ravasio (2008)
ESD Design for Analog Circuits by Vladislav A. Vashchenko, Andrei Shibkov (2010)
ESD Protection Device and Circuit Design for Advanced CMOS Technologies by Oleg Semenov, Hossein Sarbishaei, Manoj Sachdev (2008)
Esercizi di Idraulica e di Meccanica dei Fluidi by Sandro Longo, Maria Giovanna Tanda (2009)
ESL Models and their Application by Brian Bailey, Grant Martin (2010)
Essential Issues in SOC Design by Youn-Long Steve Lin (2006)
Essentials of Applied Dynamic Analysis by Junbo Jia (2014)
Essentials of Modern Optical Fiber Communication by Reinhold Noe (2010)
Essentials of Water Systems Design in the Oil, Gas, and Chemical Processing Industries by Alireza Bahadori, Malcolm Clark, Bill Boyd (2013)
Estimating Spoken Dialog System Quality with User Models by Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht (2013)
Estimation and Control over Communication Networks by Andrey V. Savkin, Alexey S. Matveev (2009)
Ethics, Design and Planning of the Built Environment by Claudia Basta, Stefano Moroni (2013)
Eurofuse 2011 by Pedro Melo-Pinto, Pedro Couto, Carlos Serodio, Janos Fodor, Bernard Baets (2012)
European and Chinese Cognitive Styles and Their Impact on Teaching Mathematics by Filippo Spagnolo, Benedetto Paola (2010)
European Energy Futures 2030 by Timon Wehnert, Juan Pedro Lopez Araguas, Oliviero Bernardini, Lukasz Jaworski, Birte Holst Jorgensen, Wolfram Jor, Oliver Nielsen, Augusto Ninni, Anna Oniszk-Poplawska, Daniela Velte (2007)
European Energy Security by Nataliya Esakova (2012)
European Identity through Space by Christophe Venet, Blandina Baranes (2013)
European Robotics Symposium 2006 by Henrik I. Christensen (2006)
European Robotics Symposium 2008 by Herman Bruyninckx, Libor Pieuiil, Miroslav Kulich (2008)
European Socio-Economic Integration by Elias G. Carayannis, George M. Korres (2013)
Evolution of 3G Networks by Gottfried Punz (2010)
Evolution of Teaching and Learning Paradigms in Intelligent Environment by Lakhmi C. Jain, Raymond A. Tedman, Debra K. Tedman (2007)
Evolution of the Web in Artificial Intelligence Environments by Richi Nayak, Nikhi Ichalkaranje, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
Evolutionary Algorithms and Chaotic Systems by Ivan Zelinka, Sergej Celikovsky, Hendrik Richter, Guanrong Chen (2010)
Evolutionary Algorithms and Metaheuristics in Civil Engineering and Construction Management by Jorge Magalhaes-Mendes, David Greiner (2015)
Evolutionary Based Solutions for Green Computing by Samee Ullah Khan, Joanna Koiodziej, Juan Li, Albert Y. Zomaya (2013)
Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimization Problems by Shengxiang Yang, Xin Yao (2013)
Evolutionary Computation in Data Mining by Ashish Ghosh, Lakhmi C. Jain (2005)
Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments by Shengxiang Yang, Yew-Soon Ong, Yaochu Jin (2007)
Evolutionary Computation in Practice by Tina Yu, Lawrence Davis, Cem Baydar, Rajkumar Roy (2008)
Evolutionary Constrained Optimization by Rituparna Datta, Kalyanmoy Deb (2015)
Evolutionary Design of Intelligent Systems in Modeling, Simulation and Control by Oscar Castillo, Witold Pedrycz, Janusz Kacprzyk (2009)
Evolutionary Hierarchical Multi-Criteria Metaheuristics for Scheduling in Large-Scale Grid Systems by Joanna Koiodziej (2012)
Evolutionary Image Analysis and Signal Processing by Stefano Cagnoni (2009)
Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization in Uncertain Environments by Chi-Keong Goh, Kay Chen Tan (2009)
Evolutionary Optimization and Game Strategies for Advanced Multi-Disciplinary Design by Jacques Periaux, Felipe Gonzalez, Dong Seop Chris Lee (2015)
Evolutionary Paths Towards the Mobility Patterns of the Future by Michael Hulsmann, Dirk Fornahl (2014)
Evolutionary Scheduling by Keshav P. Dahal, Kay Chen Tan, Peter I. Cowling (2007)
Evolutionary Swarm Robotics by Vito Trianni (2008)
Evolvable Machines by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle (2005)
EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation II by Oliver Schutze, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, Emilia Tantar, Pascal Bouvry, Pierre Del Moral, Pierrick Legrand (2013)
EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation III by Oliver Schuetze, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, Emilia Tantar, Pascal Bouvry, Pierre Del Moral, Pierrick Legrand (2014)
EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation IV by Michael Emmerich, Andre Deutz, Oliver Schuetze, Thomas Back, Emilia Tantar, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, Pierre Del Moral, Pierrick Legrand, Pascal Bouvry, Carlos A. Coello (2013)
EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V by Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, Emilia Tantar, Jian-Qiao Sun, Wei Zhang, Qian Ding, Oliver Schutze, Michael Emmerich, Pierrick Legrand, Pierre Del Moral, Carlos A. Coello Coello (2014)
EVOLVE- A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics and Evolutionary Computation by Emilia Tantar, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, Pascal Bouvry, Pierre Del Moral, Pierrick Legrand, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Oliver Schutze (2013)
Evolving Fuzzy Systems - Methodologies, Advanced Concepts and Applications by Edwin Lughofer (2011)
Excavations and Foundations in Soft Soils by Hans-Georg Kempfert, Berhane Gebreselassie (2006)
Exoskeletons in Rehabilitation Robotics by Eduardo Rocon, Jose L. Pons (2011)
Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures by E. E. Gdoutos (2007)
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4 by Carlos E. Ventura, Wendy C. Crone, Cosme Furlong (2013)
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 6 by Nancy Sottos, Robert Rowlands, Kathryn Dannemann (2015)
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 6 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 6 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Steel-Fibrous Concrete by Jacek Tejchman, Jan Kozicki (2010)
Experimental Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid, and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 6 by G P Tandon, Srinivasan Arjun Tekalur, Carter Ralph, Nancy R Sottos, Benjamin Blaiszik (2014)
Experimental Mechanics on Emerging Energy Systems and Materials, Volume 5 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Experimental Robotics by Oussama Khatib, Vijay Kumar, George J. Pappas (2009)
Experimental Robotics by Oussama Khatib, Vijay Kumar, Daniela Rus (2008)
Experimental Robotics by Jaydev P. Desai, Gregory Dudek, Oussama Khatib, Vijay Kumar (2013)
Experimental Robotics by Oussama Khatib, Vijay Kumar, Gaurav Sukhatme (2014)
Experimental Robotics IX by Marcelo H. Ang, Oussama Khatib (2006)
Experimental Stress Analysis for Materials and Structures by Alessandro Freddi, Giorgio Olmi, Luca Cristofolini (2015)
Experimental Techniques, Rotating Machinery, and Acoustics, Volume 8 by James De Clerck (2015)
Experimental Unsaturated Soil Mechanics by T. Schanz (2007)
Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion by Bart Merci, Dirk Roekaerts, Amsini Sadiki (2011)
Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion of Diluted Sprays by Bart Merci, Eva Gutheil (2014)
Expert Fuzzy Information Processing by Olga Poleshchuk, Evgeniy Komarov (2011)
Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Alexandra Grancharova, Tor Arne Johansen (2012)
Explicit Stability Conditions for Continuous Systems by Michael I. Gil (2005)
Exploitation of Linkage Learning in Evolutionary Algorithms by Ying-ping Chen (2010)
Exploiting Nonlinear Behavior in Structural Dynamics by David J. Wagg, Lawrence Virgin (2012)
Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms by Teun Koetsier, Marco Ceccarelli (2012)
Exploring C for Microcontrollers by Jivan S. Parab, Vinod G. Shelake, Rajanish K. Kamat, Gourish M. Naik (2007)
Exploring Image Binarization Techniques by Nabendu Chaki, Soharab Hossain Shaikh, Khalid Saeed (2014)
Exploring Memory Hierarchy Design with Emerging Memory Technologies by Guangyu Sun (2014)
Exploring Sustainable Behavior Structure in Higher Education by Margarita Juarez-Najera (2015)
Explosion-Resistant Buildings by M.Y.H. Bangash, T. Bangash (2006)
Explosively Driven Pulsed Power by Andreas A. Neuber (2005)
Extended Warranties, Maintenance Service and Lease Contracts by D.N.Prabhakar Murthy, Nat Jack (2014)
Extending the Scalability of Linkage Learning Genetic Algorithms by Ying-ping Chen (2006)
Extraction and Representation of Prosody for Speaker, Speech and Language Recognition by Leena Mary (2012)
Extreme Hydrological Events: New Concepts for Security by O.F. Vasiliev, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder, E.J. Plate, M.V. Bolgov (2007)
Extreme Learning Machines 2013: Algorithms and Applications by Fuchen Sun, Kar-Ann Toh, Manuel Grana Romay, Kezhi Mao (2014)
Extreme Low-Power Mixed Signal IC Design by Armin Tajalli, Yusuf Leblebici (2010)
Extreme Statistics in Nanoscale Memory Design by Amith Singhee, Rob A. Rutenbar (2010)
Extremely Deformable Structures by Davide Bigoni (2015)
Extremum-Seeking Control and Applications by Chunlei Zhang, Raul Ordonez (2012)
Fabbriche, sistemi, organizzazioni by Ana Millan Gasca (2006)
Fabrication of Complex Optical Components by Ekkard Brinksmeier, Oltmann Riemer, Ralf M. Glabe (2013)
Factory Planning Manual by Michael Schenk, Siegfried Wirth, Egon Muller (2010)
Fading and Shadowing in Wireless Systems by P. Mohana Shankar (2012)
Failure Analysis by Jose Luis Otegui (2014)
Failure and Damage Analysis of Advanced Materials by Holm Altenbach, Tomasz Sadowski (2015)
Failure Rate Modelling for Reliability and Risk by Maxim Finkelstein (2008)
Fast Boundary Element Methods in Engineering and Industrial Applications by Ulrich Langer, Martin Schanz, Olaf Steinbach, Wolfgang L. Wendland (2012)
Fast Fourier Transform - Algorithms and Applications by K.R. Rao, D.N. Kim, J.-J. Hwang (2010)
Fast Hopping Frequency Generation in Digital CMOS by Mohammad Farazian, Lawrence E. Larson, Prasad S. Gudem (2013)
Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics by Moritz Diehl, Katja Mombaur (2006)
Fast Simulation of Electro-Thermal MEMS by Tamara Bechtold, Evgenii B. Rudnyi, Jan G. Korvink (2007)
Fast Solar Sailing by Giovanni Vulpetti (2013)
Fast Spectrum Reactors by Alan E. Waltar, Donald R. Todd, Pavel V. Tsvetkov (2012)
Fast, Efficient and Predictable Memory Accesses by Lars Wehmeyer, Peter Marwedel (2006)
Faster than Nyquist Signaling by Deepak Dasalukunte, Viktor owall, Fredrik Rusek, John B. Anderson (2014)
FastSLAM by Michael Montemerlo, Sebastian Thrun (2007)
Fatigue and Corrosion in Metals by Pietro Paolo Milella (2013)
Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering by J.J. Xiong, R.A. Shenoi (2011)
Fatigue of Beta Processed and Beta Heat-treated Titanium Alloys by Russell Wanhill, Simon Barter (2012)
Fatigue of Structures and Materials by Jaap Schijve (2009)
Fault Detection and Fault-Tolerant Control Using Sliding Modes by Halim Alwi, Christopher Edwards, Chee Pin Tan (2011)
Fault Detection and Flight Data Measurement by Ihab Samy, Da-Wei Gu (2011)
Fault Detection and Isolation by Nader Meskin, Khashayar Khorasani (2011)
Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control and Guidance for Aerospace Vehicles by Ali Zolghadri, David Henry, Jerome Cieslak, Denis Efimov, Philippe Goupil (2014)
Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control Strategies for Non-Linear Systems by Marcin Witczak (2014)
Fault Diagnosis of Analog Integrated Circuits by Prithviraj Kabisatpathy, Alok Barua, Satyabroto Sinha (2005)
Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Systems Using a Hybrid Approach by Ehsan Sobhani-Tehrani, Khashayar Khorasani (2009)
Fault Location on Power Networks by Murari Mohan Saha, Jan Izykowski, Eugeniusz Rosolowski (2010)
Fault Tolerant Control Design for Hybrid Systems by Hao Yang, Bin Jiang, Vincent Cocquempot (2010)
Fault Tolerant Control for Switched Linear Systems by Dongsheng Du, Bin Jiang, Peng Shi (2015)
Fault Tolerant Flight Control by Christopher Edwards, Thomas Lombaerts, Hafid Smaili (2010)
Fault-Diagnosis Applications by Rolf Isermann (2011)
Fault-Diagnosis Systems by Rolf Isermann (2006)
Fault-Tolerance Techniques for SRAM-based FPGAs by Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt, Luigi Carro, Ricardo Reis (2006)
Fault-tolerant Control Systems by Hassan Noura, Didier Theilliol, Jean-Christophe Ponsart, Abbas Chamseddine (2009)
Fault-Tolerant Design by Elena Dubrova (2013)
Fault-tolerant Flight Control and Guidance Systems by Guillaume J.J. Ducard (2009)
Fault-Tolerant Process Control by Prashant Mhaskar, Jinfeng Liu, Panagiotis D. Christofides (2013)
Feature Extraction by Isabelle Guyon, Masoud Nikravesh, Steve Gunn, Lotfi A. Zadeh (2006)
Feature Profile Evolution in Plasma Processing Using On-wafer Monitoring System by Seiji Samukawa (2014)
Feature Selection for Data and Pattern Recognition by Urszula Staiczyk, Lakhmi C. Jain (2015)
Feedback and Control for Everyone by Pedro Albertos, Iven Mareels (2010)
Feedback Control by Stephen J. Dodds (2015)
Feedback Control of MEMS to Atoms by Jason J. Gorman, Benjamin Shapiro (2012)
Feedback Strategies for Wireless Communication by Berna ozbek, Didier Le Ruyet (2014)
Feedforward Amplifiers for Wideband Communication Systems by Jon Legarda (2006)
Femtosecond Laser 3D Micromachining for Microfluidic and Optofluidic Applications by Koji Sugioka, Ya Cheng (2014)
Ferrous Materials by Hans Berns, Werner Theisen (2008)
Fiber Optic Sensing and Imaging by Jin U. Kang (2013)
Fiber Optics Engineering by Mohammad Azadeh (2009)
Fiber-Optic Transmission Networks by Stephan Pachnicke (2012)
Field and Service Robotics by Christian Laugier, Roland Siegwart (2008)
Field and Service Robotics by Andrew Howard, Karl Iagnemma, Alonzo Kelly (2010)
Field and Service Robotics by Luis Mejias, Peter Corke, Jonathan Roberts (2015)
Field and Service Robotics by Kazuya Yoshida, Satoshi Tadokoro (2014)
Field and Service Robotics by Shin'ichi Yuta, Hajima Asama, Erwin Prassler, Takashi Tsubouchi, Sebastian Thrun (2006)
Field and Service Robotics by Peter Corke, Salah Sukkariah (2006)
Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications by Dan E. Tamir, Naphtali D. Rishe, Abraham Kandel (2015)
Filtering and Control for Classes of Two-Dimensional Systems by Ligang Wu, Zidong Wang (2015)
Filtering Theory by Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Peddapullaiah Sannuti (2007)
Finance for Engineers by Frank Kenneth Crundwell (2008)
Fine- and Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Computing by Stamatis Vassiliadis, Dimitrios Soudris (2007)
FinFETs and Other Multi-Gate Transistors by Jean-Pierre Colinge (2008)
Finite Element Analysis for Satellite Structures by Gasser F. Abdelal, Nader Abuelfoutouh, Ahmed H. Gad (2013)
Finite Element Analysis of Beam-to-Beam Contact by Przemysiaw Litewka (2010)
Finite Element Analysis of the Collapse and Post-Collapse Behavior of Steel Pipes: Applications to the Oil Industry by Eduardo N Dvorkin, Rita G. Toscano (2013)
Finite Element Method in Machining Processes by Angelos P. Markopoulos (2013)
Finite Element Methods for Engineering Sciences by Joel Chaskalovic (2008)
Finite Element Methods: Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions by Duc Thai Nguyen (2006)
Finite Element Modeling for Materials Engineers Using MATLAB by Oluleke Oluwole (2011)
Finite Elements in Fracture Mechanics by Meinhard Kuna (2013)
Finite Elements Methods in Mechanics by M. Reza Eslami (2014)
Finite Rotation Shells by K. Wiiniewski (2010)
Finite State Machine Logic Synthesis for Complex Programmable Logic Devices by Robert Czerwinski, Dariusz Kania (2013)
Finite Zeros in Discrete Time Control Systems by Jerzy Tokarzewski (2006)
Finite-element-model Updating Using Computional Intelligence Techniques by Tshilidzi Marwala (2010)
Finite-Time Stability and Control by Francesco Amato, Roberto Ambrosino, Marco Ariola, Carlo Cosentino, Gianmaria De Tommasi (2014)
Fire Flow Water Consumption in Sprinklered and Unsprinklered Buildings by Code Consultants, Inc. (2012)
First Course on Fuzzy Theory and Applications by Kwang H. Lee (2005)
First European Biomedical Engineering Conference for Young Investigators by Akos Jobbagy (2015)
Flame Spray Technology by Rafael M. Trommer, Carlos P. Bergmann (2015)
Flash Memories by Detlev Richter (2014)
Flexibility Measurement in Production Systems by Sven Rogalski (2011)
Flexible AC Transmission Systems: Modelling and Control by Xiao-Ping Zhang, Christian Rehtanz, Bikash Pal (2012)
Flexible AC Transmission Systems: Modelling and Control by Xiao-Ping Zhang, Christian Rehtanz, Bikash Pal (2006)
Flexible Adaptation in Cognitive Radios by Shujun Li, Miecyslaw Kokar (2013)
Flexible Approaches in Data, Information and Knowledge Management by Olivier Pivert, Siawomir Zadroiny (2014)
Flexible Databases Supporting Imprecision and Uncertainty by Gloria Bordogna, Giuseppe Psaila (2006)
Flexible Multibody Dynamics by O. A. Bauchau (2011)
Flexible Ridesharing by Volker Handke, Helga Jonuschat (2013)
Flexural Testing of Weld Site and HVOF Coating Characteristics by Bekir Sami Yilbas, Iyad Al-Zaharnah, Ahmet Sahin (2014)
Flight Physics by E. Torenbeek, H. Wittenberg (2009)
Flinovia - Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects by Elena Ciappi, Sergio De Rosa, Francesco Franco, Jean-Louis Guyader, Stephen A. Hambric (2015)
Flip-Flop Design in Nanometer CMOS by Massimo Alioto, Elio Consoli, Gaetano Palumbo (2015)
Float Glass Innovation in the Flat Glass Industry by Olavi Uusitalo (2014)
FLOMANIA - A European Initiative on Flow Physics Modelling by Werner Haase, Bertrand Aupoix, Ulf Bunge, Dieter Schwamborn (2006)
Flotation Technology by Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, William A. Selke, Donald B. Aulenbach (2010)
Flow and Combustion in Reciprocating Engines by C. Arcoumanis, Take Kamimoto (2009)
Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer in Laminar and Turbulent Mist Gas-Droplets Stream over a Flat Plate by Victor I. Terekhov, Maksim A. Pakhomov (2014)
Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media by Peter Dietrich, Rainer Helmig, Martin Sauter, Heinz Hotzl, Jurgen Kongeter, Georg Teutsch (2005)
Flow Boiling in Microgap Channels by Tamanna Alam, Poh Seng Lee, Liwen Jin (2014)
Flow Shop Lot Streaming by Subhash C. Sarin, Puneet Jaiprakash (2007)
Flow-Induced Pulsation and Vibration in Hydroelectric Machinery by Peter Dorfler, Mirjam Sick, Andre Coutu (2013)
Flows in Polymers, Reinforced Polymers and Composites by Christophe Binetruy, Francisco Chinesta, Roland Keunings (2015)
Fluid Dynamics of Cavitation and Cavitating Turbopumps by Luca d'Agostino, Maria Vittoria Salvetti (2007)
Fluid Effects in Polymers and Polymeric Composites by Y. Jack Weitsman (2012)
Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Boiling in Micro-Channels by L.P. Yarin, A. Mosyak, G. Hetsroni (2009)
Fluid Machinery and Fluid Mechanics by Jianzhong Xu, Yulin Wu, Yangjun Zhang, Junyue Zhang (2009)
Fluid Mechanics by H.Joseph Spurk, Nuri Aksel (2008)
Fluid Mechanics by Egon Krause (2005)
Fluid Mechanics for Engineers by Meinhard T. Schobeiri (2010)
Fluid Mechanics of Flow Metering by Wolfgang Merzkirch, Klaus Gersten, Franz Peters, Venkatesa Vasanta Ram, Ernst Lavante, Volker Hans (2005)
Fluid Mechanics of Viscoplasticity by Raja R. Huilgol (2015)
Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control by Yu Zhou, Yang Liu, Lixi Huang, Dewey H. Hodges (2014)
Flying Insects and Robots by Dario Floreano, Jean-Christophe Zufferey, Mandyam V. Srinivasan, Charlie Ellington (2010)
Focal-Plane Sensor-Processor Chips by Akos Zarandy (2011)
Fondamenti di Ingegneria Clinica by Francesco Paolo Branca (2008)
Fondamenti di Meccanica e Biomeccanica by Bruno Picasso (2013)
Forensic Speaker Recognition by Amy Neustein, Hemant A. Patil (2012)
Forging New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers I by Masoud Nikravesh, Janusz Kacprzyk, Lofti A. Zadeh (2007)
Forging New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers II by Masoud Nikravesh, Janusz Kacprzyk, Lofti A. Zadeh (2008)
Formability by Wilko C. Emmens (2011)
Formal Development of a Network-Centric RTOS by Eric Verhulst, Raymond T. Boute, Jose Miguel Sampaio Faria, Bernhard H.C. Sputh, Vitaliy Mezhuyev (2011)
Formal Methods for Mining Structured Objects by Gemma C Garriga (2013)
Formal Specification Level by Mathias Soeken, Rolf Drechsler (2015)
Formalisms for Reuse and Systems Integration by Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel, Stuart H. Rubin (2015)
FORMS/FORMAT 2010 by Eckehard Schnieder, Geza Tarnai (2011)
Formulas of Acoustics by Fridolin P. Mechel (2008)
Forward Error Correction Based On Algebraic-Geometric Theory by Jafar A. Alzubi, Omar A. Alzubi, Thomas M. Chen (2014)
Foundations & Principles of Distributed Manufacturing by Hermann Kuhnle, Gunter Bitsch (2015)
Foundations and Advances in Data Mining by Wesley Chu, Tsau Lin (2005)
Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Systems by Fuchun Sun, Tianrui Li, Hongbo Li (2014)
Foundations and Applications of Sensor Management by Alfred O. Hero, David A. Castanon, Douglas Cochran, Keith Kastella (2008)
Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data Mining by Tsau Young Lin, Setsuo Ohsuga, Churn-Jung Liau, Xiaohua Hu (2006)
Foundations and Practical Applications of Cognitive Systems and Information Processing by Fuchun Sun, Dewen Hu, Huaping Liu (2014)
Foundations in Grammatical Evolution for Dynamic Environments by Ian Dempsey, Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2009)
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 2 by Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham, Francisco Herrera (2009)
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 3 by Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Patrick Siarry, Andries Engelbrecht (2009)
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 4 by Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Andre Ponce de Leon F. Carvalho (2009)
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 5 by Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Vaclav Snasel (2009)
Foundations of Computational, Intelligence Volume 1 by Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Witold Pedrycz (2009)
Foundations of Computational, IntelligenceVolume 6 by Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Andre Ponce Leon F. de Carvalho, Vaclav Snasel (2009)
Foundations of Data Mining and knowledge Discovery by Tsau Young Lin, Setsuo Ohsuga, Churn-Jung Liau, Xiaohua Hu, Shusaku Tsumoto (2005)
Foundations of Global Genetic Optimization by Robert Schaefer (2007)
Foundations of Intelligent Systems by Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (2012)
Foundations of Intelligent Systems by Zhenkun Wen, Tianrui Li (2014)
Foundations of Learning Classifier Systems by Larry Bull, Tim Kovacs (2005)
Foundations of Micropolar Mechanics by Victor A. Eremeyev, Leonid P Lebedev, Holm Altenbach (2013)
Foundations of Reasoning under Uncertainty by Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Luis Magdalena, Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Jose-Luis Verdegay, Ronald R. Yager (2010)
Foundations of the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method by Theodore Hromadka, Robert Whitley (2014)
FPGA Based Accelerators for Financial Applications by Christian De Schryver (2015)
FPGA Design by Philip Simpson (2010)
FPGA Design by Philip Andrew Simpson (2015)
FPGA Implementations of Neural Networks by Amos R. Omondi, Jagath C. Rajapakse (2006)
Fractal Analysis in Machining by Prasanta Sahoo, Tapan Barman, Joao Paulo Davim (2011)
Fractals in Engineering by Jacques Levy-Vehel, Evelyne Lutton (2005)
Fractional Calculus for Scientists and Engineers by Manuel Duarte Ortigueira (2011)
Fractional Dynamics and Control by Dumitru Baleanu, Jose Antonio Tenreiro Machado, Albert C. J. Luo (2012)
Fractional Linear Systems and Electrical Circuits by Tadeusz Kaczorek, Krzysztof Rogowski (2015)
Fractional Order Differentiation and Robust Control Design by Jocelyn Sabatier, Patrick Lanusse, Pierre Melchior, Alain Oustaloup (2015)
Fractional Order Signal Processing by Saptarshi Das, Indranil Pan (2012)
Fractional Processes and Fractional-Order Signal Processing by Hu Sheng, YangQuan Chen, TianShuang Qiu (2012)
Fractional Thermoelasticity by Yuriy Povstenko (2015)
Fractional-order Systems and Controls by Concepcion A. Monje, YangQuan Chen, Blas M. Vinagre, Dingyu Xue, Vicente Feliu (2010)
Fracture and Failure of Natural Building Stones by STAVROS K. KOURKOULIS (2006)
Fracture and Fatigue, Volume 7 by Carroll Jay (2014)
Fracture Mechanics by E.E. Gdoutos (2005)
Fracture Mechanics by Alan T. Zehnder (2012)
Fracture Mechanics by Dietmar Gross, Thomas Seelig (2011)
Fracture Mechanics by H. D. Bui (2006)
Fracture Mechanics by Dietmar Gross, Thomas Seelig (2006)
Fracture Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics of Reinforced Elastomeric Blends by Wolfgang Grellmann, Gert Heinrich, Michael Kaliske, Manfred Kluppel, Konrad Schneider, Thomas Vilgis (2013)
Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Solids by Daining Fang, Jinxi Liu (2013)
Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures by E. E. Gdoutos (2006)
Fracture Phenomena in Nature and Technology by Davide Bigoni, Angelo Carini, Massimiliano Gei, Alberto Salvadori (2014)
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure, and Damage Evolution, Volume 5 by Jay Carroll, Samantha Daly (2015)
Fragmentation of Rings and Shells by Dennis Grady (2006)
Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer by De-Yi Shang (2012)
Free-Convective Heat Transfer by Oleg G. Martynenko, Pavel P. Khramtsov (2005)
FREIGHTVISION - Sustainable European Freight Transport 2050 by Stephan Helmreich, Hartmut Keller (2011)
Frequency Domain Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Systems based on Volterra Series Expansion by Xingjian Jing, Ziqiang Lang (2015)
Frequency Domain Criteria for Absolute Stability by Dmitry Altshuller (2013)
Frequency References, Power Management for SoC, and Smart Wireless Interfaces by Andrea Baschirotto, Kofi A.A. Makinwa, Pieter Harpe (2014)
Frequency-Shaped and Observer-Based Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control by Axaykumar Mehta, Bijnan Bandyopadhyay (2015)
Friction and Wear by Giovanni Straffelini (2015)
Friction Material Composites by K. L. Sundarkrishnaa (2015)
Friction Welding by Bekir Sami Yilbas, Ahmet Z. Sahin (2014)
Friction-Induced Vibration in Lead Screw Drives by Orang Vahid-Araghi, Farid Golnaraghi (2011)
Fringe 2005 by Wolfgang Osten (2006)
Fringe 2009 by Wolfgang Osten, Malgorzata Kujawinska (2009)
Fringe 2013 by Wolfgang Osten (2014)
From Animals to Robots and Back: Reflections on Hard Problems in the Study of Cognition by Jeremy L. Wyatt, Dean D. Petters, David C. Hogg (2014)
From Boolean Logic to Switching Circuits and Automata by Radomir S. Stankovii, Jaakko Astola (2011)
From Creep Damage Mechanics to Homogenization Methods by Holm Altenbach, Tetsuya Matsuda, Dai Okumura (2015)
From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning by Achim Zielesny (2011)
From Hamiltonian Chaos to Complex Systems by Xavier Leoncini, Marc Leonetti (2013)
From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots by Olivier Sigaud, Jan Peters (2010)
From Multiscale Modeling to Meso-Science by Jinghai Li, Wei Ge, Wei Wang, Ning Yang, Xinhua Liu, Limin Wang, Xianfeng He, Xiaowei Wang, Junwu Wang, Mooson Kwauk (2013)
From Pattern Formation to Material Computation by Jeff Jones (2015)
From Product Description to Cost: A Practical Approach by Pierre Foussier (2006)
From Product Description to Cost: A Practical Approach by Pierre Foussier (2006)
From Robot to Human Grasping Simulation by Beatriz Leon, Antonio Morales, Joaquin Sancho-Bru (2014)
From scientific instrument to industrial machine by Richard Doornbos, Sjir van Loo (2012)
Frontier and Future Development of Information Technology in Medicine and Education by Shaozi Li, Qun Jin, Xiaohong Jiang, James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park (2014)
Frontier and Innovation in Future Computing and Communications by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Albert Zomaya, Hwa-Young Jeong, Mohammad Obaidat (2014)
Frontiers and Progress in Multiphase Flow I by Lixin Cheng (2014)
Frontiers in Biochip Technology by Wan-Li Xing, Jing Cheng (2006)
Frontiers in Computer Education by Sabo Sambath, Egui Zhu (2012)
Frontiers in Computing Technologies for Manufacturing Applications by Yoshiaki Shimizu, Zhong Zhang, Rafael Batres (2007)
Frontiers in Fusion Research by Mitsuru Kikuchi (2011)
Frontiers of Assembly and Manufacturing by Sukhan Lee, Raul Suarez, Byung-Wook Choi (2010)
Frontiers of Computational Science by Yukio Kaneda, Hiroshi Kawamura, Masaki Sasai (2007)
Frontiers of Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes by Kazuhiko Matsumoto (2015)
Frontiers of Higher Order Fuzzy Sets by Alireza Sadeghian, Hooman Tahayori (2015)
Frontiers of Intelligent Autonomous Systems by Sukhan Lee, Kwang-Joon Yoon, Jangmyung Lee (2013)
Fuel Cell Micro-grids by Shin'ya Obara (2009)
Fuel Cell Technology by Nigel Sammes (2006)
Fuel Cells in the Waste-to-Energy Chain by Stephen J. McPhail, Viviana Cigolotti, Angelo Moreno (2012)
Fuels From Biomass: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Michael Klaas, Stefan Pischinger, Wolfgang Schroder (2015)
Full-Chip Nanometer Routing Techniques by Tsung-Yi Ho, Yao-Wen Chang, Sao-Jie Chen (2007)
Fully-Depleted SOI CMOS Circuits and Technology by Takayasu Sakurai, Akira Matsuzawa, Takakuni Douseki (2006)
Functional Design Errors in Digital Circuits by Kai-hui Chang, Igor L. Markov, Valeria Bertacco (2009)
Functional Fractional Calculus by Shantanu Das (2011)
Functional Fractional Calculus for System Identification and Controls by Shantanu Das (2008)
Functional Observers for Dynamical Systems by Hieu Trinh, Tyrone Fernando (2012)
Functional Structures in Networks by Thomas G. Muth (2005)
Functional Thinking for Value Creation by Jurgen Hesselbach, Christoph Herrmann (2011)
Functional Verification Coverage Measurement and Analysis by Andrew Piziali (2008)
Functional Verification of Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA-based Systems by Lingkan Gong, Oliver Diessel (2015)
Functional Verification of Programmable Embedded Architectures by Prabhat Mishra, Nikil D. Dutt (2005)
Fundamental Algorithms in Computational Fluid Dynamics by Thomas H. Pulliam, David W. Zingg (2014)
Fundamental Medical and Engineering Investigations on Protective Artificial Respiration by Michael Klaas, Edmund Koch, Wolfgang Schroder (2011)
Fundamental Numerical Methods for Electrical Engineering by Stanisiaw Rosioniec (2008)
Fundamentals in Information Theory and Coding by Monica Borda (2011)
Fundamentals of Adaptive Signal Processing by Aurelio Uncini (2015)
Fundamentals of Air Cleaning Technology and Its Application in Cleanrooms by Zhonglin Xu (2014)
Fundamentals of Airplane Flight Mechanics by David G. Hull (2007)
Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology by Konrad Reif (2014)
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology by Gautam B. Singh (2015)
Fundamentals of Combustion Processes by Sara McAllister, Jyh-Yuan Chen, A. Carlos Fernandez-Pello (2011)
Fundamentals of Digital Manufacturing Science by Zude Zhou, Shane (Shengquan) Xie, Dejun Chen (2012)
Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by Andre Veltman, Duco W.J. Pulle, Rik W. De Doncker (2007)
Fundamentals of GPS Receivers by Dan Doberstein (2012)
Fundamentals of III-V Semiconductor MOSFETs by Serge Oktyabrsky, Peide Ye (2010)
Fundamentals of Inertial Navigation, Satellite-based Positioning and their Integration by Aboelmagd Noureldin, Tashfeen B. Karamat, Jacques Georgy (2013)
Fundamentals of Lead-Free Solder Interconnect Technology by Tae-Kyu Lee, Thomas R. Bieler, Choong-Un Kim, Hongtao Ma (2015)
Fundamentals of Mass Determination by Michael Borys, Roman Schwartz, Arthur Reichmuth, Roland Nater (2012)
Fundamentals of Modern Unsteady Aerodynamics by ulgen Gulcat (2011)
Fundamentals of Multibody Dynamics by Farid M. L. Amirouche (2006)
Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors by Amit Chaudhry (2013)
Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices by B. Jayant Baliga (2008)
Fundamentals of Production Logistics by Peter Nyhuis, Hans-Peter Wiendahl (2009)
Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems by S. Sumathi, S. Esakkirajan (2007)
Fundamentals of Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks by Slawomir Stanczak, Marcin Wiczanowski, Holger Boche (2008)
Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems by Jorge Angeles (2007)
Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems by Jorge Angeles (2014)
Fundamentals of Shock Wave Propagation in Solids by Lee Davison (2008)
Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering by Manijeh Razeghi (2009)
Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering by Manijeh Razeghi (2006)
Fundamentals of Space Biology by Gilles Clement, Klaus Slenzka (2006)
Fundamentals of Space Medicine by Gilles Clement (2005)
Fundamentals of Space Medicine by Gilles Clement (2011)
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control by F. Landis Markley, John L. Crassidis (2014)
Fundamentals of Spherical Array Processing by Boaz Rafaely (2015)
Fundamentals of Statistics with Fuzzy Data by Hung Nguyen, Berlin Wu (2006)
Fundamentals of Structural Engineering by Jerome J. Connor, Susan Faraji (2013)
Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics by Keith D. Hjelmstad (2005)
Fundamentals of Sustainable Neighbourhoods by Avi Friedman (2015)
Fundamentals of Switching Theory and Logic Design by Jaakko T. Astola, Radomir S. Stankovii (2006)
Fundamentals of the Fuzzy Logic-Based Generalized Theory of Decisions by Rafik Aziz Aliev (2013)
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Applications by Ingo Muller, Wolfgang H. Muller (2009)
Fundamentals of Turbomachines by Erik Dick (2015)
Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays by Lester W. Schmerr Jr. (2015)
Furniture Design by Jerzy Smardzewski (2015)
Fusion Methods for Unsupervised Learning Ensembles by Bruno Baruque, Emilio Corchado (2011)
Fusion of Smart, Multimedia and Computer Gaming Technologies by Dharmendra Sharma, Margarita Favorskaya, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett (2015)
Future Communication, Computing, Control and Management by Ying Zhang (2012)
Future Communication, Computing, Control and Management by Ying Zhang (2012)
Future Computer, Communication, Control and Automation by Tianbiao Zhang (2012)
Future Control and Automation by Wei Deng (2012)
Future Control and Automation by Wei Deng (2012)
Future Information Communication Technology and Applications by Hoe-Kyung Jung, Jung Tae Kim, Tony Sahama, Chung-Huang Yang (2013)
Future Information Technology by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Ivan Stojmenovic, Min Choi, Fatos Xhafa (2014)
Future Information Technology by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Yi Pan, Cheon-Shik Kim, Yun Yang (2014)
Future Information Technology - II by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Yi Pan, Cheonshik Kim, Yun Yang (2015)
Future Information Technology, Application, and Service by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Victor C.M. Leung, Cho-Li Wang, Taeshik Shon (2012)
Future Information Technology, Application, and Service by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Victor C.M. Leung, Cho-Li Wang, Taeshik Shon (2012)
Future Intelligent Information Systems by Dehuai Zeng (2011)
Future Spacecraft Propulsion Systems by Paul A. Czysz, Claudio Bruno (2009)
Future Spacecraft Propulsion Systems by Paul A. Czysz, Claudio Bruno (2006)
Future Trends in Production Engineering by Gunther Schuh, Reimund Neugebauer, Eckart Uhlmann (2013)
Future Visions on Biomedicine and Bioinformatics 1 by Lodewijk Bos, Denis Carroll, Luis Kun, Andrew Marsh, Laura M. Roa (2011)
Future Visions on Biomedicine and Bioinformatics 2 by Lodewijk Bos, Denis Carroll, Luis Kun, Andrew Marsh, Laura M. Roa (2011)
Future Wireless Networks and Information Systems by Ying Zhang (2012)
Future Wireless Networks and Information Systems by Ying Zhang (2012)
Fuzziness and Approximate Reasoning by Kofi Kissi Dompere (2009)
Fuzziness and Foundations of Exact and Inexact Sciences by Kofi Kissi Dompere (2013)
Fuzziness and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections and Application Systems in Health Care by Rudolf Seising, Marco Elio Tabacchi (2013)
Fuzziness, Democracy, Control and Collective Decision-choice System: A Theory on Political Economy of Rent-Seeking and Profit-Harvesting by Kofi Kissi Dompere (2014)
Fuzzy Algebraic Hyperstructures by Bijan Davvaz, Irina Cristea (2015)
Fuzzy and Rough Techniques in Medical Diagnosis and Medication by Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson (2007)
Fuzzy Applications in Industrial Engineering by Cengiz Kahraman (2006)
Fuzzy Chaotic Systems by Zhong Li (2006)
Fuzzy Choice Functions by Irina Georgescu (2007)
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps by Michael Glykas (2010)
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Applied Sciences and Engineering by Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou (2014)
Fuzzy Control by Kai Michels, Frank Klawonn, Rudolf Kruse, Andreas Nurnberger (2006)
Fuzzy Control and Filter Design for Uncertain Fuzzy Systems by Wudhichai Assawinchaichote, Sing Kiong Nguang, Peng Shi (2006)
Fuzzy Control of Queuing Systems by Runtong Zhang, Yannis A. Phillis, Vassilis S. Kouikoglou (2005)
Fuzzy Control Systems with Time-Delay and Stochastic Perturbation by Ligang Wu, Xiaojie Su, Peng Shi (2015)
Fuzzy Database Modeling of Imprecise and Uncertain Engineering Information by Zongmin Ma (2006)
Fuzzy Engineering and Operations Research by Bing-Yuan Cao, Xiang-Jun Xie (2012)
Fuzzy Engineering Economics with Applications by Cengiz Kahraman (2008)
Fuzzy Equational Logic by Radim Bilohlavek, Vilem Vychodil (2005)
Fuzzy Evidence in Identification, Forecasting and Diagnosis by Alexander P. Rotshtein, Hanna B. Rakytyanska (2012)
Fuzzy Group Theory by John Mordeson, Kiran Bhutani, Azriel Rosenfeld (2005)
Fuzzy Hierarchical Model for Risk Assessment by Hing Kai Chan, Xiaojun Wang (2013)
Fuzzy Implications by Michai Baczyiski, Balasubramaniam Jayaram (2008)
Fuzzy Information & Engineering and Operations Research & Management by Bing-Yuan Cao, Hadi Nasseri (2014)
Fuzzy Information and Engineering by Bing-yuan Cao, Cheng-yi Zhang, Tai-fu Li (2009)
Fuzzy Information and Engineering by Bing-Yuan Cao (2007)
Fuzzy Information and Engineering 2010 by Bing-yuan Cao, Guo-jun Wang, Si-zong Guo, Shui-li Chen (2010)
Fuzzy Information and Engineering Volume 2 by Bingyuan Cao, Tai-Fu Li, Cheng-Yi Zhang (2009)
Fuzzy Knowledge Management for the Semantic Web by Zongmin Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng (2014)
Fuzzy Logic by Paul P. Wang, Da Ruan, Etienne E. Kerre (2007)
Fuzzy Logic by Enric Trillas, Luka Eciolaza (2015)
Fuzzy Logic Applications in Engineering Science by J. Harris (2006)
Fuzzy Logic Augmentation of Nature-Inspired Optimization Metaheuristics by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin (2015)
Fuzzy Logic in Action: Applications in Epidemiology and Beyond by Eduardo Massad, Neli Regina Siqueira Ortega, Laecio Carvalho Barros, Claudio Jose Struchiner (2008)
Fuzzy Logic in Financial Analysis by Anna Maria Gil-Lafuente (2005)
Fuzzy Logic, Identification and Predictive Control by Jairo Espinosa, Joos Vandewalle, Vincent Wertz (2005)
Fuzzy Logic-Based Algorithms for Video De-Interlacing by Piedad Brox, Iluminada Baturone, Santiago Sanchez-Solano (2010)
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming and Fuzzy Matrix Games by C. R. Bector, Suresh Chandra (2005)
Fuzzy Mathematics: Approximation Theory by George A. Anastassiou (2010)
Fuzzy Modeling and Fuzzy Control by Huaguang Zhang, Derong Liu (2006)
Fuzzy Networks for Complex Systems by Alexander Gegov (2011)
Fuzzy Optimization by Weldon A. Lodwick, Janusz Kacprzyk (2010)
Fuzzy Portfolio Optimization by Pankaj Gupta, Mukesh Kumar Mehlawat, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Suresh Chandra (2014)
Fuzzy Preference Ordering of Interval Numbers in Decision Problems by Atanu Sengupta, Tapan Kumar Pal (2009)
Fuzzy Probabilities by James J. Buckley (2005)
Fuzzy Probability and Statistics by James J. Buckley (2006)
Fuzzy Quantifiers by Ingo Glockner (2006)
Fuzzy Rationality by Kofi Kissi Dompere (2009)
Fuzzy Semirings with Applications to Automata Theory by Javed Ahsan, John N. Mordeson, Muhammad Shabir (2012)
Fuzzy Sets and Their Extensions: Representation, Aggregation and Models by Humberto Bustince, Francisco Herrera, Javier Montero (2008)
Fuzzy Social Choice Models by Peter C. Casey, Michael B. Gibilisco, Carly A. Goodman, Kelly Nelson Pook, John N. Mordeson, Mark J. Wierman, Terry D. Clark (2014)
Fuzzy Social Choice Theory by Michael B. Gibilisco, Annie M. Gowen, Karen E. Albert, John N. Mordeson, Mark J. Wierman, Terry D. Clark (2014)
Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization by Shuming Wang, Junzo Watada (2012)
Fuzzy Systems Engineering by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Mourelle (2005)
Fuzzy Systems in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology by Yaochu Jin, Lipo Wang (2009)
Fuzzy XML Data Management by Li Yan, Zongmin Ma, Fu Zhang (2014)
Fuzzy-Like Multiple Objective Decision Making by Jiuping Xu, Xiaoyang Zhou (2011)
Fuzzy-Like Multiple Objective Multistage Decision Making by Jiuping Xu, Ziqiang Zeng (2014)
GALILEO Positioning Technology by Jari Nurmi, Elena Simona Lohan, Stephan Sand, Heikki Hurskainen (2015)
Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security by Kjell Hausken, Jun Zhuang (2015)
Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security by Kjell Hausken, Jun Zhuang (2015)
Game Theoretic Risk Analysis of Security Threats by Vicki M. M. Bier, M. Naceur Azaiez (2009)
Gas Hydrates by Carlo Giavarini, Keith Hester (2011)
Gas Transport in Porous Media by Clifford K. Ho, Stephen W. Webb (2006)
Gasoline Engine Management by Konrad Reif (2015)
Gearing up and accelerating cross?fertilization between academic and industrial robotics research in Europe: by Florian Rohrbein, Germano Veiga, Ciro Natale (2014)
Gearing Up and Accelerating Cross?fertilization between Academic and Industrial Robotics Research in Europe: by Florian Rohrbein, Germano Veiga, Ciro Natale (2014)
Gene Expression Programming by Candida Ferreira (2006)
Gene Therapy for Cartilage and Bone Tissue Engineering by Yu-Chen Hu (2014)
Generalized Continua and Dislocation Theory by Carlo Sansour, Sebastian Skatulla (2012)
Generalized Continua from the Theory to Engineering Applications by Holm Altenbach, Victor A. Eremeyev (2013)
Generalized Low-Voltage Circuit Techniques for Very High-Speed Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters by Sai-Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, Rui Paulo Martins (2011)
Generalized Plasticity by Mao-Hong Yu, Guo-Wei Ma, Hong-Fu Qiang, Yong-Qiang Zhang (2006)
Generalized Rough Sets by Anjan Mukherjee (2015)
Generalized Voronoi Diagram: A Geometry-Based Approach to Computational Intelligence by Marina L. Gavrilova (2008)
Generating Analog IC Layouts with LAYGEN II by Ricardo M. F. Martins, Nuno C. C. Lourenco, Nuno C. G. Horta (2013)
Generating Hardware Assertion Checkers by Marc Boule, Zeljko Zilic (2008)
Genetic Algorithms for Applied CAD Problems by Viktor M. Kureichik, Sergey P. Malioukov, Vladimir V. Kureichik, Alexander S. Malioukov (2009)
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing by Hui Sun, Chin-Yu Yang, Chun-Wei Lin, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham (2015)
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing by Jeng-Shyang Pan, Pavel Kromer, Vaclav Snasel (2014)
Genetic Engineering in Livestock by Margret Engelhard, Kristin Hagen, Mathias Boysen (2009)
Genetic Systems Programming by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle, Ajith Abraham (2006)
Genome Clustering by Alexander Bolshoy, Zeev (Vladimir) Volkovich, Valery Kirzhner, Zeev Barzily (2010)
Geocomputation and Urban Planning by Beniamino Murgante, Giuseppe Borruso, Alessandra Lapucci (2009)
Geocomputation, Sustainability and Environmental Planning by Beniamino Murgante, Giuseppe Borruso, Alessandra Lapucci (2011)
Geolocation of RF Signals by Ilir Progri (2011)
Geolocation Techniques by Camillo Gentile, Nayef Alsindi, Ronald Raulefs, Carole Teolis (2013)
Geomechanics of Failures by Alexander M. Puzrin, Eduardo E. Alonso, Nuria Pinyol (2010)
Geomechanics of Failures. Advanced Topics by Eduardo E. Alonso, Nuria M. Pinyol, Alexander M. Puzrin (2010)
Geometric Continuum Mechanics and Induced Beam Theories by Simon R. Eugster (2015)
Geometric Control of Patterned Linear Systems by Sarah C. Hamilton, Mireille E. Broucke (2012)
Geometric Modeling and Reasoning of Human-Centered Freeform Products by Charlie C. L. Wang (2013)
Geometric Theory of Information by Frank Nielsen (2014)
Geometric Tolerances by Bianca M. Colosimo, Nicola Senin (2011)
Geometrical Dynamics of Complex Systems by Vladimir G. Ivancevic, Tijana T. Ivancevic (2006)
Geometrical Foundations of Continuum Mechanics by Paul Steinmann (2015)
Geometrical Methods for Power Network Analysis by Stefano Bellucci, Bhupendra Nath Tiwari, Neeraj Gupta (2013)
Geometrical Multiresolution Adaptive Transforms by Agnieszka Lisowska (2014)
Geometrical Objects by Anthony Gerbino (2014)
Geometry of Knowledge for Intelligent Systems by Germano Resconi (2013)
Geometry of Single-point Turning Tools and Drills by Viktor P. Astakhov (2010)
Geostationary Satellites Collocation by Hengnian Li (2014)
Geosynthetics in Civil and Environmental Engineering by Guangxin Li, Yunmin Chen, Xiaowu Tang (2009)
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering by Ikuo Towhata (2008)
Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) Sensors by Candid Reig, Susana Cardoso, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2013)
Gigaseal Formation in Patch Clamping by Majid Malboubi, Kyle Jiang (2014)
GIS to Support Cost-effective Decisions on Renewable Sources by Alberto Gemelli, Adriano Mancini, Claudia Diamantini, Sauro Longhi (2013)
Gizopoulos / Advances in ElectronicTesting by Dimitris Gizopoulos (2006)
Global Aerospace Monitoring and Disaster Management by Valery A. Menshikov, Anatoly N. Perminov, Yuri M. Urlichich (2012)
Global Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics by Jian-Qiao Sun, Albert C. J. Luo (2012)
Global Claims in Construction by Ali Haidar (2011)
Global Design to Gain a Competitive Edge by Xiu-Tian Yan, William J. Ion, Benoit Eynard (2008)
Global Life Cycle Impact Assessments of Material Shifts by A.S.G. Andrae (2010)
Global Mobile Satellite Communications by Stojce Dimov Ilcev (2005)
Global Perspective for Competitive Enterprise, Economy and Ecology by Shuo-Yan Chou, Amy Trappey, Jerzy Pokojski, Shana Smith (2009)
Global Product by John Stark (2007)
Global Product Development by Alain Bernard (2011)
Global Risk Governance by Ortwin Renn, Katherine D. Walker (2008)
Global Specification and Validation of Embedded Systems by G. Nicolescu, A. A. Jerraya (2007)
Global Warming by Ibrahim Dincer, Arif Hepbasli, Adnan Midilli, T. Hikmet Karakoc (2010)
Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications by Ramjee Prasad, Sudhir Dixit, Richard van Nee, Tero Ojanpera (2011)
Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing by Jurgen Hesselbach, Christoph Herrmann (2011)
GPU Computing and Applications by Yiyu Cai, Simon See (2015)
Grammar-Based Feature Generation for Time-Series Prediction by Anthony Mihirana De Silva, Philip H. W. Leong (2015)
Granular Computing and Decision-Making by Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (2015)
Granular Computing and Intelligent Systems by Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (2011)
Granular Computing in Decision Approximation by Lech Polkowski, Piotr Artiemjew (2015)
Granular Computing: At the Junction of Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets by Rafael Bello, Rafael Falcon, Witold Pedrycz, Janusz Kacprzyk (2008)
Graph Embedding for Pattern Analysis by Yun Fu, Yunqian Ma (2013)
Graph Theory with Algorithms and its Applications by Santanu Saha Ray (2013)
Graphene Nanoelectronics by Raghu Murali (2012)
Grasp Interaction with Tablets by Katrin Wolf (2015)
Grasping in Robotics by Giuseppe Carbone (2013)
Green Building by Michael Bauer, Peter Mosle, Michael Schwarz (2010)
Green Communications and Networks by Yuhang Yang, Maode Ma (2012)
Green Energy by Xianguo Li (2011)
Green IT: Technologies and Applications by Jae H. Kim, Myung J. Lee (2011)
Green Manufacturing by David A. Dornfeld (2013)
Green Processes for Nanotechnology by Vladimir A. Basiuk, Elena V. Basiuk (2015)
Green Software Defined Radios by Liesbet Van der Perre, Jan Craninckx, Antoine Dejonghe (2009)
Green Tribology by Michael Nosonovsky, Bharat Bhushan (2012)
Green's Functions and Finite Elements by Friedel Hartmann (2013)
Greening Airports by Milan Janii (2011)
Greening the Supply Chain by Joseph Sarkis (2006)
Grid Enabled Remote Instrumentation by Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore (2009)
Grid Integration and Dynamic Impact of Wind Energy by Vijay Vittal, Raja Ayyanar (2013)
Grind Hardening Process by Konstantinos Salonitis (2015)
Grippers in Motion by Andreas Wolf, Ralf Steinmann, Henrik Schunk (2005)
Ground Vehicle Dynamics by Karl Popp, Werner Schiehlen (2010)
Group Coordination and Cooperative Control by Kristin Y. Pettersen, Jan Tommy Gravdahl, Henk Nijmeijer (2006)
Group Search Optimization for Applications in Structural Design by Lijuan Li, Feng Liu (2011)
Growing Adaptive Machines by Taras Kowaliw, Nicolas Bredeche, Rene Doursat (2014)
GSN - The Goal Structuring Notation by John Spriggs (2012)
Guide to Diagnosis and Appraisal of AAR Damage to Concrete in Structures by Bruno Godart, Mario de Rooij, Jonathan G.M. Wood (2013)
Guide to FPGA Implementation of Arithmetic Functions by Jean-Pierre Deschamps, Gustavo D. Sutter, Enrique Canto (2012)
Guided Self-Organization: Inception by Mikhail Prokopenko (2014)
Guidelines for Applying Cohesive Models to the Damage Behaviour of Engineering Materials and Structures by Karl-Heinz Schwalbe, Ingo Scheider, Alfred Cornec (2013)
H?-Control and Estimation of State-multiplicative Linear Systems by Eli Gershon, Uri Shaked, Isaac Yaesh (2005)
Haar Wavelets by ulo Lepik, Helle Hein (2014)
Handbook Factory Planning and Design by Hans-Peter Wiendahl, Jurgen Reichardt, Peter Nyhuis (2015)
Handbook for Heat Exchangers and Tube Banks design by Donatello Annaratone (2010)
Handbook of Adhesion Technology by Lucas F. M. da Silva, Andreas ochsner, Robert D. Adams (2011)
Handbook of Atomization and Sprays by Nasser Ashgriz (2011)
Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis by Jasjit S. Suri, David L. Wilson, Swamy Laxminarayan (2005)
Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis by Jasjit S. Suri, David L. Wilson, Swamy Laxminarayan (2005)
Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis by Jasjit S. Suri, David L. Wilson, Swamy Laxminarayan (2005)
Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation by Wei-Yin Chen, John Seiner, Toshio Suzuki, Maximilian Lackner (2012)
Handbook of Cosmic Hazards and Planetary Defense by Joseph N. Pelton, Firooz Allahdadi (2015)
Handbook of Damage Mechanics by George Z. Voyiadjis (2015)
Handbook of Diesel Engines by Klaus Mollenhauer, Helmut Tschoke (2010)
Handbook of Digital Homecare by Kanagasingam Yogesan, Lodewijk Bos, Peter Brett, Michael Christopher Gibbons (2009)
Handbook of Digital Homecare by Lodewijk Bos, Adrie Dumay, Leonard Goldschmidt, Griet Verhenneman, Kanagasingam Yogesan (2011)
Handbook of Force Transducers by Dan Mihai itefinescu (2011)
Handbook of FPGA Design Security by Ted Huffmire, Cynthia Irvine, Thuy D. Nguyen, Timothy Levin, Ryan Kastner, Timothy Sherwood (2010)
Handbook of Fractional-Horsepower Drives by Eberhard Kallenbach, Hans-Dieter Stolting, Wolfgang Amrhein (2008)
Handbook of Information and Communication Security by Peter Stavroulakis, Mark Stamp (2010)
Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles by Azim Eskandarian (2012)
Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering by Mohamed Ben-Daya, Salih O. Duffuaa, Abdul Raouf, Jezdimir Knezevic, Daoud Ait-Kadi (2009)
Handbook of Manufacturing Control by Hermann Lodding (2013)
Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by Andrew Y. C. Nee (2015)
Handbook of Mathematics by Ilja N. Bronshtein, Konstantin A. Semendyayev, Gerhard Musiol, Heiner Muehlig (2007)
Handbook of Mathematics by I.N. Bronshtein, K.A. Semendyayev, Gerhard Musiol, Heiner Muhlig (2015)
Handbook of Memetic Algorithms by Ferrante Neri, Carlos Cotta, Pablo Moscato (2012)
Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems by Dimitrios Hristu-Varsakelis, William S. Levine (2005)
Handbook of Nuclear Engineering by Dan Gabriel Cacuci (2010)
Handbook of Optimization by Ivan Zelinka, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham (2013)
Handbook of Performability Engineering by Krishna B. Misra (2008)
Handbook of Power Systems I by Panos M. Pardalos, Steffen Rebennack, Mario V. F. Pereira, Niko A. Iliadis (2010)
Handbook of Purified Gases by Helmut Schoen (2015)
Handbook of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety in Engineering Design by Rudolph Frederick Stapelberg (2009)
Handbook of Satellite Applications by Joseph N. Pelton, Scott Madry, Sergio Camacho-Lara (2013)
Handbook of Satellite Orbits by Michel Capderou (2014)
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems by Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Ed F. Deprettere, Rainer Leupers, Jarmo Takala (2013)
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems by Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Ed F. Deprettere, Rainer Leupers, Jarmo Takala (2010)
Handbook of Space Security by Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Peter L. Hays, Jana Robinson, Denis Moura, Christina Giannopapa (2015)
Handbook of Sustainable Engineering by Joanne Kauffman, Kun-Mo Lee (2013)
Handbook of Swarm Intelligence by Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Yuhui Shi, Meng-Hiot Lim (2011)
Handbook of Technical Diagnostics by Horst Czichos (2013)
Handbook of Transparent Conductors by David S. Ginley (2011)
Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Kimon P. Valavanis, George J. Vachtsevanos (2015)
Handbook of Visual Display Technology by Janglin Chen, Wayne Cranton, Mark Fihn (2012)
Handbook on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technologies for Biomedical Devices by Andres Diaz Lantada (2013)
Handbook on Decision Making by Lakhmi C. Jain, Chee Peng Lim (2010)
Handbook on Decision Making by Jie Lu, Lakhmi C. Jain, Guangquan Zhang (2012)
Handbook on Neural Information Processing by Monica Bianchini, Marco Maggini, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Handbook Timing Belts by Raimund Perneder, Ian Osborne (2012)
Handover in DVB-H by Xiaodong Yang (2008)
Haptic Interaction by Hiroyuki Kajimoto, Hideyuki Ando, Ki-Uk Kyung (2015)
Haptic Teleoperation Systems by Jae-young Lee, Shahram Payandeh (2015)
Haptics for Virtual Reality and Teleoperation by Matjaz Mihelj, Janez Podobnik (2012)
Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems by Ben M. Chen, Kemao Peng, Tong H. Lee, Venkatakrishnan Venkataramanan (2006)
Hardware Acceleration of EDA Algorithms by Kanupriya Gulati, Sunil P. Khatri (2010)
Hardware Based Packet Classification for High Speed Internet Routers by Chad R. Meiners, Alex X. Liu, Eric Torng (2010)
Hardware for Soft Computing and Soft Computing for Hardware by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle (2014)
Hardware Software Co-Design of a Multimedia SOC Platform by Sao-Jie Chen, Guang-Huei Lin, Pao-Ann Hsiung, Yu-Hen Hu (2009)
Hardware Verification with C++ by Mike Mintz, Robert Ekendahl (2006)
Hardware Verification with SystemVerilog by Mike Mintz, Robert Ekendahl (2007)
Hardware-dependent Software by Wolfgang Ecker, Wolfgang Muller, Rainer Domer (2009)
Hardware/Software Architectures for Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems by Muhammad Shafique, Jorg Henkel (2011)
Hardware/Software Co-Design and Optimization for Cyberphysical Integration in Digital Microfluidic Biochips by Yan Luo, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Tsung-Yi Ho (2015)
Hardware/Software Co-design for Heterogeneous Multi-core Platforms by Koen Bertels (2012)
Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation by J. -D. Fournier, J. Grimm, J. Leblond, J. R. Partington (2006)
Harmonization and Development of Resources and Tools for Italian Natural Language Processing within the PARLI Project by Roberto Basili, Cristina Bosco, Rodolfo Delmonte, Alessandro Moschitti, Maria Simi (2015)
Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design Optimization by Zong Woo Geem (2009)
Harnessing Biological Complexity by Taishin Nomura, Yoshiyuki Asai (2011)
Harnessing VLSI System Design with EDA Tools by Rajanish K. Kamat, Santosh A. Shinde, Pawan K. Gaikwad, Hansraj Guhilot (2012)
HDPE Geomembranes in Geotechnics by Werner W. Muller (2007)
Healthcare and Biomedical Technology in the 21st Century by George R. Baran, Mohammad F. Kiani, Solomon Praveen Samuel (2014)
Heat and Mass Transfer by Hans Dieter Baehr, Karl Stephan (2006)
Heat and Mass Transfer in Particulate Suspensions by Efstathios E (Stathis) Michaelides (2013)
Heat and Mass Transfer in the Melting of Frost by William F. Mohs, Francis A. Kulacki (2015)
Heat and Mass Transfer Intensification and Shape Optimization by Lingai Luo (2013)
Heat Conduction by Latif M. Jiji (2009)
Heat Conduction by Liqiu Wang, Xuesheng Zhou, Xiaohao Wei (2008)
Heat Convection by Latif M. Jiji (2009)
Heat Convection by Latif M. Jiji (2006)
Heat Transfer by Peter Bockh, Thomas Wetzel (2012)
Heat Transfer Modeling by George Sidebotham (2015)
Heat Transfers and Related Effects in Supercritical Fluids by Bernard Zappoli, Daniel Beysens, Yves Garrabos (2015)
Hermann Haken: From the Laser to Synergetics by Bernd Kroger (2015)
Hermann Schlichting - 100 Years by Rolf Radespiel, Cord-Christian Rossow, Benjamin Winfried Brinkmann (2009)
Hesitant Fuzzy Sets Theory by Zeshui Xu (2014)
Heterogeneous Multicore Processor Technologies for Embedded Systems by Kunio Uchiyama, Fumio Arakawa, Hironori Kasahara, Tohru Nojiri, Hideyuki Noda, Yasuhiro Tawara, Akio Idehara, Kenichi Iwata, Hiroaki Shikano (2012)
Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks by Ekram Hossain (2009)
Heuristic Reasoning by Emiliano Ippoliti (2015)
Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm by Martin Pelikan (2005)
Hierarchical Neural Network Structures for Phoneme Recognition by Daniel Vasquez, Rainer Gruhn, Wolfgang Minker (2013)
Hierarchical Sliding Mode Control for Under-actuated Cranes by Dianwei Qian, Jianqiang Yi (2015)
Hierarchical Voronoi Graphs by Jan Oliver Wallgrun (2010)
High Above by Chris Forrester (2011)
High Dimensional Neurocomputing by Bipin Kumar Tripathi (2015)
High Efficiency Video Coding by Mathias Wien (2015)
High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) by Vivienne Sze, Madhukar Budagavi, Gary J. Sullivan (2014)
High Impulse Voltage and Current Measurement Techniques by Klaus Schon (2013)
High Mobility and Quantum Well Transistors by Geert Hellings, Kristin De Meyer (2013)
High Performance AC Drives by Mukhtar Ahmad (2010)
High Performance Cloud Auditing and Applications by Keesook J. Han, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song (2014)
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites 6 by Gustavo J. Parra-Montesinos, Hans W. Reinhardt, A. E. Naaman (2012)
High Performance Grinding and Advanced Cutting Tools by Mark J. Jackson, Michael P. Hitchiner (2013)
High Performance Marine Vessels by Liang Yun, Alan Bliault (2012)
High Performance Multi-Channel High-Speed I/O Circuits by Taehyoun Oh, Ramesh Harjani (2014)
High Permittivity Gate Dielectric Materials by Samares Kar (2013)
High Quality Test Pattern Generation and Boolean Satisfiability by Stephan Eggersglu, Rolf Drechsler (2012)
High Speed and Wide Bandwidth Delta-Sigma ADCs by Muhammed Bolatkale, Lucien J. Breems, Kofi A. A. Makinwa (2014)
High Speed Serdes Devices and Applications by James Donald Rockrohr, Amanullah Mohammad, Clarence Rosser Ogilvie, Kent Dramstad, Michael A. Sorna, Jeanne Trinko Mechler, David Robert Stauffer (2009)
High Temperature Gas Dynamics by Tarit K. Bose (2014)
High-/Mixed-Voltage Analog and RF Circuit Techniques for Nanoscale CMOS by Pui-In Mak, Rui Paulo Martins (2012)
High-Bandwidth Memory Interface by Chulwoo Kim, Hyun-Woo Lee, Junyoung Song (2014)
High-Dimensional and Low-Quality Visual Information Processing by Yue Deng (2015)
High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) Vision by Bernd Hoefflinger (2007)
High-Frequency Oscillator Design for Integrated Transceivers by Johan Tang, Dieter Kasperkovitz, Arthur Roermund (2005)
High-Level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated Systems by Ewout S. J. Martens, Georges G. E. Gielen (2008)
High-Level Synthesis by Philippe Coussy, Adam Morawiec (2008)
High-Level Verification by Sudipta Kundu, Sorin Lerner, Rajesh K. Gupta (2011)
High-Linearity CMOS RF Front-End Circuits by Yongwang Ding, Ramesh Harjani (2005)
High-Performance AD and DA Converters, IC Design in Scaled Technologies, and Time-Domain Signal Processing by Pieter Harpe, Andrea Baschirotto, Kofi A. A. Makinwa (2015)
High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe's Research Communities by Mihnea Dulea, Aneta Karaivanova, Anastasis Oulas, Ioannis Liabotis, Danica Stojiljkovic, Ognjen Prnjat (2014)
High-Performance Computing Using FPGAs by Wim Vanderbauwhede, Khaled Benkrid (2013)
High-Performance D/A-Converters by Martin Clara (2013)
High-Performance Energy-Efficient Microprocessor Design by Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Ram K. Krishnamurthy (2006)
High-performance Packet Switching Architectures by Itamar Elhanany, Mounir Hamdi (2007)
High-Quality Visual Experience by Marta Mrak, Mislav Grgic, Murat Kunt (2010)
High-Resolution If-To-Baseband ?? Adc For Car Radios by Paulo G. R. Silva, Johan H. Huijsing (2008)
High-Resolution Methods for Incompressible and Low-Speed Flows by Dimitris Drikakis, William Rider (2005)
High-Resolution Profiling of Protein-RNA Interactions by Mathias Munschauer (2015)
High-Speed DSP and Analog System Design by Thanh T. Tran (2010)
High-Speed Optical Receivers with Integrated Photodiode in Nanoscale CMOS by Filip Tavernier, Michiel Steyaert (2011)
High-Speed Photodiodes in Standard CMOS Technology by Sasa Radovanovii, Anne-Johan Annema, Bram Nauta (2006)
High-Tc SQUIDs for Biomedical Applications: Immunoassays, Magnetoencephalography, and Ultra-Low Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Fredrik oisjoen (2013)
High-Voltage Test and Measuring Techniques by Wolfgang Hauschild, Eberhard Lemke (2014)
Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems by Javier Bajo Perez, Juan M. Corchado, Maria N. Moreno, Vicente Julian, Philippe Mathieu, Joaquin Canada-Bago, Alfonso Ortega, Antonio Fernandez Caballero (2011)
Highlights on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems by Javier Bajo Perez, Miguel A. Sanchez, Philippe Mathieu, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Emmanuel Adam, Alfonso Ortega, Maria N. Moreno, Elena Navarro, Benjamin Hirsch, Henrique Lopes-Cardoso, Vicente Julian (2012)
Historic Mortars by Jan Valek, John J. Hughes, Caspar J. W. P. Groot (2012)
Historical Earthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area by Nicola Ruggieri, Gennaro Tampone, Raffaele Zinno (2015)
History of Machines for Heritage and Engineering Development by J. M. Portilla, Marco Ceccarelli (2011)
History of Rotating Machinery Dynamics by J. S. Rao (2011)
History of Virtual Work Laws by Danilo Capecchi (2012)
Holistic Engineering Education by Domenico Grasso, Melody Brown Burkins (2010)
Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes by Th. Triantafyllidis (2015)
Holonic Execution: A BDI Approach by Jacqueline Jarvis, Dennis Jarvis, Ralph Ronnquist, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
Homogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Systems by Graziano Chesi, Andrea Garulli, Alberto Tesi, Antonio Vicino (2009)
Hot Carrier Degradation in Semiconductor Devices by Tibor Grasser (2015)
House Rating Schemes by Maria Kordjamshidi (2011)
How Mechanics Shaped the Modern World by David H. Allen (2014)
How Nature Works by Ivan Zelinka, Ali Sanayei, Hector Zenil, Otto E. Rossler (2014)
How to Gain Gain by Burkhard Vogel (2008)
How to Gain Gain by Burkhard Vogel (2013)
How to Write Technical Reports by Lutz Hering, Heike Hering (2010)
Human - Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2 by Zdzisiaw S. Hippe, Juliusz L. Kulikowski, Teresa Mroczek (2012)
Human - Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2 by Zdzisiaw S. Hippe, Juliusz L. Kulikowski, Teresa Mroczek (2012)
Human Action Analysis with Randomized Trees by Gang Yu, Junsong Yuan, Zicheng Liu (2015)
Human and Nature Minding Automation by Spyros G. Tzafestas (2010)
Human Centered Robot Systems by Helge Ritter, Gerhard Sagerer, Rudiger Dillmann, Martin Buss (2009)
Human Centric Technology and Service in Smart Space by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Qun Jin, Martin Sang-soo Yeo, Bin Hu (2012)
Human Computer Interaction Using Hand Gestures by Prashan Premaratne (2014)
Human Factors and Voice Interactive Systems by Daryle Gardner-Bonneau, Harry E. Blanchard (2008)
Human Factors on the Flight Deck by Hans-Joachim Ebermann, Joachim Scheiderer (2013)
Human Interaction with Machines by G. Hommel, Sheng Huanye (2006)
Human Migration to Space by Elizabeth Song Lockard (2014)
Human Missions to Mars by Donald Rapp (2008)
Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation by P. Carlo Cacciabue, Magnus Hjalmdahl, Andreas Luedtke, Costanza Riccioli (2011)
Human Paleoneurology by Emiliano Bruner (2015)
Human Reliability and Error in Transportation Systems by B. S. Dhillon (2007)
Human Reliability, Error, and Human Factors in Power Generation by B. S. Dhillon (2014)
Human Resource Management and Technological Challenges by Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim (2014)
Human Walking in Virtual Environments by Frank Steinicke, Yon Visell, Jennifer Campos, Anatole Lecuyer (2013)
Human-Centric Decision-Making Models for Social Sciences by Peijun Guo, Witold Pedrycz (2014)
Human-Centric Information Processing Through Granular Modelling by Andrzej Bargiela, Witold Pedrycz (2009)
Human-Computer Interaction: The Agency Perspective by Marielba Zacarias, Jose Valente Oliveira (2012)
Human-Computer Systems Interaction by Zdzisiaw S. Hippe, Juliusz L. Kulikowski (2009)
Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3 by Zdzisiaw S. Hippe, Juliusz L. Kulikowski, Teresa Mroczek, Jerzy Wtorek (2014)
Human-Like Biomechanics by Vladimir G. Ivancevic, Tijana T. Ivancevic (2006)
Humanitarian Logistics and Sustainability by Matthias Klumpp, Sander Leeuw, Alberto Regattieri, Robert Souza (2015)
Hybrid Classifiers by Michal Wozniak (2014)
Hybrid Dynamical Systems by Mohamed Djemai, Michael Defoort (2015)
Hybrid Estimation of Complex Systems by Michael W. Hofbaur (2005)
Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms by Ajith Abraham, Crina Grosan, Hisao Ishibuchi (2007)
Hybrid Fault Tolerance Techniques to Detect Transient Faults in Embedded Processors by Jose Rodrigo Azambuja, Fernanda Kastensmidt, Jurgen Becker (2014)
Hybrid Hydrogen Systems by Said Al-Hallaj, Kristofer Kiszynski (2011)
Hybrid Intelligent Systems by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (2007)
Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Pattern Recognition Using Soft Computing by Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo (2005)
Hybrid Metaheuristics by Christian Blum, Maria Jose Blesa Aguilera, Andrea Roli, Michael Sampels (2008)
Hybrid Metaheuristics by El-Ghazali Talbi (2013)
Hybrid Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing by Ramon Quiza, Omar Lopez-Armas, J. Paulo Davim (2012)
Hybrid Predictive Control for Dynamic Transport Problems by Alfredo A. Nunez, Doris A. Saez, Cristian E. Cortes (2013)
Hybrid Random Fields by Antonino Freno, Edmondo Trentin (2011)
Hybrid Self-Organizing Modeling Systems by Godfrey C. Onwubolu (2009)
Hydraulic Structures by Sheng-Hong Chen (2015)
Hydraulically Actuated Hexapod Robots by Kenzo Nonami, Ranjit Kumar Barai, Addie Irawan, Mohd Razali Daud (2014)
Hydrodynamic Lubrication by Yukio Hori (2006)
Hydrogel Sensors and Actuators by Gerald Gerlach, Karl-Friedrich Arndt (2010)
Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Road Vehicles by Pasquale Corbo, Fortunato Migliardini, Ottorino Veneri (2011)
Hydrogen Storage Materials by Darren P. Broom (2011)
Hydrogen Technology by Aline Leon (2008)
Hydrogen-based Autonomous Power Systems by Emmanuel I. Zoulias, N. Lymberopoulos (2008)
Hydropneumatic Suspension Systems by Wolfgang Bauer (2011)
Hydropower Economics by Finn R. Forsund (2007)
Hygrothermal Behavior, Building Pathology and Durability by V. Peixoto Freitas, J.M.P.Q. Delgado (2013)
Hygrothermal Numerical Simulation Tools Applied to Building Physics by Joao M.P.Q. Delgado, Eva Barreira, Nuno M.M. Ramos, Vasco Peixoto Freitas (2013)
Hygrothermal Risk on Building Heritage by Joao M.P.Q. Delgado, Ana Sofia Guimaraes, Vasco Peixoto Freitas (2015)
Hyper Bio Assembler for 3D Cellular Systems by Tatsuo Arai, Fumihito Arai, Masayuki Yamato (2015)
Hypergraph Theory by Alain Bretto (2013)
IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Haeng Kon Kim, Sio-Iong Ao, Mahyar A. Amouzegar, Burghard B. Rieger (2014)
IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Haeng Kon Kim, Sio-Iong Ao, Burghard B. Rieger (2013)
IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-Iong Ao, Xu Huang, Oscar Castillo (2013)
IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-long Ao, Len Gelman (2013)
ICAF 2009, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Operational Practice by M. J. Bos (2009)
ICAF 2011 Structural Integrity: Influence of Efficiency and Green Imperatives by Jerzy Komorowski (2011)
ICoRD'13 by Amaresh Chakrabarti, Raghu V. Prakash (2013)
ICoRD'15 - Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 1 by Amaresh Chakrabarti (2015)
ICoRD'15 - Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 2 by Amaresh Chakrabarti (2015)
ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India- Vol I by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, P. S. Avadhani, Siba K. Udgata, Sadasivuni Lakshminarayana (2014)
ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India- Vol II by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, P. S. Avadhani, Siba K. Udgata, Sadasivuni Lakshminarayana (2014)
ICT Innovations 2009 by Danco Davcev, Jorge Marx Gomez (2010)
ICT Innovations 2011 by Ljupco Kocarev (2012)
ICT Innovations 2012 by Smile Markovski, Marjan Gusev (2013)
ICT Innovations 2013 by Vladimir Trajkovik, Misev Anastas (2014)
ICT Innovations 2014 by Ana Madevska Bogdanova, Dejan Gjorgjevikj (2015)
ICT Innovations for Sustainability by Lorenz M. Hilty, Bernard Aebischer (2015)
Ideal Sequence Design in Time-Frequency Space by Richard Tolimieri, Andrzej K. Brodzik, Myoung An (2009)
Identification and Control by Ricardo S. Sanchez Pena, Vicenc Puig Cayuela, Joseba Quevedo Casin (2007)
Identification for Automotive Systems by Daniel Alberer, Hakan Hjalmarsson, Luigi Re (2012)
Identification of Continuous-time Models from Sampled Data by Hugues Garnier, Liuping Wang (2008)
Identification of Damage Using Lamb Waves by Zhongqing Su, Lin Ye (2009)
Identification of Dynamic Systems by Rolf Isermann, Marco Munchhof (2011)
Identification of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks and Polynomial Models by Andrzej Janczak (2005)
Identifying Product and Process State Drivers in Manufacturing Systems Using Supervised Machine Learning by Thorsten Wuest (2015)
IDIHOM: Industrialization of High-Order Methods - A Top-Down Approach by Norbert Kroll, Charles Hirsch, Francesco Bassi, Craig Johnston, Koen Hillewaert (2015)
Idraulica dei sistemi fognari by Corrado Gisonni, Willi H. Hager (2012)
IEC 61131-3: Programming Industrial Automation Systems by Karl Heinz John, Michael Tiegelkamp (2010)
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics by C. A. Motasoares, J. A. C. Martins, H. C. Rodrigues, Jorge A. C. Ambrosio, C. A. B. Pina, C. M. Motasoares, E. B. R. Pereira, J. Folgado (2006)
Image Correlation for Shape, Motion and Deformation Measurements by Hubert Schreier, Jean-Jose Orteu, Michael A. Sutton (2009)
Image Fusion by H. B. Mitchell (2010)
Image Processing & Communications Challenges 6 by Ryszard S. Chorai (2015)
Image Processing and Communications Challenges 2 by Ryszard S. Chorai (2010)
Image Processing and Communications Challenges 3 by Ryszard S. Chorai (2011)
Image Processing and Communications Challenges 4 by Ryszard S. Chorai (2013)
Image Processing and Communications Challenges 5 by Ryszard S. Choras (2014)
Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks by Thomas Lindblad, Jason M. Kinser (2013)
Image Processing Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks by T. Lindblad, J.M. Kinser (2005)
Image-Based Computational Modeling of the Human Circulatory and Pulmonary Systems by Krishnan B. Chandran, H. S. Udaykumar, Joseph M. Reinhardt (2011)
Image-Based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation by Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang (2013)
Image-Guided Interventions by Terry Peters, Kevin Cleary (2008)
Imaging for Detection and Identification by Jim Byrnes (2007)
Imaging for Forensics and Security by Ahmed Bouridane (2009)
Imaging Heat and Mass Transfer Processes by Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Krishnamurthy Muralidhar (2013)
Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis by Wolfgang Nitsche, Christoph Dobriloff (2009)
Imaging Methods for Novel Materials and Challenging Applications, Volume 3 by Helena Jin, Cesar Sciammarella, Cosme Furlong, Sanichiro Yoshida (2013)
Imaging the Cheops Pyramid by H.D. Bui (2012)
Imaging with Electromagnetic Spectrum by Annamalai Manickavasagan, Hemantha Jayasuriya (2014)
Impact Engineering of Composite Structures by Serge Abrate (2011)
Implantable Neural Prostheses 1 by Elias Greenbaum, David Zhou (2009)
Implantable Neural Prostheses 2 by David Zhou, Elias Greenbaum (2010)
Implementing Software Defined Radio by Eugene Grayver (2013)
Improvement in the Quality of Delivery of Electrical Energy using Power Electronics Systems by Grzegorz Benysek (2007)
Improving Complex Systems Today by Daniel D. Frey, Shuichi Fukuda, Georg Rock (2011)
Improving Energy Decisions by Bert Droste-Franke, M. Carrier, M. Kaiser, Miranda Schreurs, Christoph Weber, Thomas Ziesemer (2015)
Improving the Earthquake Resilience of Buildings by Izuru Takewaki, Abbas Moustafa, Kohei Fujita (2013)
Impulse Breakdown of Liquids by Vasily Y. Ushakov (2007)
In Situ Assessment of Structural Timber by Bohumil Kasal, Thomas Tannert (2011)
In-Phase and Quadrature Imbalance by Yabo Li (2014)
In-Situ Gelling Polymers by Xian Jun Loh (2015)
In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior by Kazuya Takeda, John H. L. Hansen, Hakan Erdoian, Huseyin Abut (2009)
InCIEC 2013 by Rohana Hassan, Marina Yusoff, Zulhabri Ismail, Norliyati Mohd Amin, Mohd Arshad Fadzil (2014)
InCIEC 2014 by Rohana Hassan, Marina Yusoff, Anizahyati Alisibramulisi, Norliyati Mohd Amin, Zulhabri Ismail (2015)
Incineration Technologies by Alfons Buekens (2013)
Inclusive Designing by P. M. Langdon, J. Lazar, A. Heylighen, H. Dong (2014)
Incorporating Knowledge Sources into Statistical Speech Recognition by Wolfgang Minker, Satoshi Nakamura, Konstantin Markov, Sakriani Sakti (2009)
Increasing Perceptual Skills of Robots Through Proximal Force/Torque Sensors by Matteo Fumagalli (2014)
Incremental Learning for Motion Prediction of Pedestrians and Vehicles by Alejandro Dizan Vasquez Govea (2010)
Independent Component Analysis of Edge Information for Face Recognition by Kailash Jagannath Karande, Sanjay Talbar (2014)
Index and Query Methods in Road Networks by Jun Feng, Toyohide Watanabe (2015)
Index Matrices: Towards an Augmented Matrix Calculus by Krassimir T. Atanassov (2014)
Indistinguishability Operators by Jordi Recasens (2011)
Indoor Location Technologies by Subrata Goswami (2013)
Induction and Direct Resistance Heating by Sergio Lupi, Michele Forzan, Aleksandr Aliferov (2015)
Induction Motor Control Design by Riccardo Marino, Patrizio Tomei, Cristiano M. Verrelli (2010)
Inductive Inference for Large Scale Text Classification by Catarina Silva, Bernardete Ribeiro (2010)
Inductive Powering by Koenraad Schuylenbergh, Robert Puers (2009)
Industrial Applications of Affective Engineering by Junzo Watada, Hisao Shiizuka, Kun-Pyo Lee, Tsuyoshi Otani, Chee-Peng Lim (2014)
Industrial Applications of Evolutionary Algorithms by Ernesto Sanchez, Giovanni Squillero, Alberto Tonda (2012)
Industrial Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems by Armando W. Colombo, Thomas Bangemann, Stamatis Karnouskos, Jerker Delsing, Petr Stluka, Robert Harrison, Francois Jammes, Jose L. Lastra (2014)
Industrial Competitiveness Cost Reduction by GIDEON HALEVI (2006)
Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics by Christopher M. Schlick (2009)
Industrial Engineering: Innovative Networks by Suresh P. Sethi, Marija Bogataj, Lorenzo Ros-McDonnell (2012)
Industrial Management- Control and Profit by Gideon Halevi (2014)
Industrial Process Identification and Control Design by Tao Liu, Furong Gao (2012)
Industrial Robots Programming by J. Norberto Pires (2007)
Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures by Milos Kojii, Klaus-Jurgen Bathe (2005)
Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading by Holm Altenbach, Michael Brunig (2015)
Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) Fusion by George H. Miley, S. Krupakar Murali (2014)
Infobiotics by Vincenzo Manca (2013)
Informatics and Communication Technologies for Societal Development by Elijah Blessing Rajsingh, Anand Bhojan, J. Dinesh Peter (2015)
Informatics and Management Science I by Wenjiang Du (2013)
Informatics and Management Science II by Wenjiang Du (2013)
Informatics and Management Science III by Wenjiang Du (2013)
Informatics and Management Science IV by Wenjiang Du (2013)
Informatics and Management Science V by Wenjiang Du (2013)
Informatics and Management Science VI by Wenjiang Du (2013)
Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics by Juan Andrade Cetto, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Jose Miguel Costa dias Pereira, Joaquim Filipe (2008)
Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics by Juan Andrade Cetto, Joaquim Filipe, Jean-Louis Ferrier (2011)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Jean-Louis Ferrier, Alain Bernard, Oleg Gusikhin, Kurosh Madani (2014)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Joaquim Filipe, Juan Andrade Cetto, Jean-Louis Ferrier (2009)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Juan Andrade Cetto, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Joaquim Filipe (2009)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Jean-Louis Ferrier, Alain Bernard, Oleg Gusikhin, Kurosh Madani (2013)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Dehuai Yang (2012)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Jean-Louis Ferrier, Oleg Gusikhin, Kurosh Madani, Jurek Sasiadek (2015)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Juan Andrade Cetto, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Joaquim Filipe (2011)
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics by Honghua Tan (2011)
Information Adaptation: The Interplay Between Shannon Information and Semantic Information in Cognition by Hermann Haken, Juval Portugali (2015)
Information and Control in Networks by Giacomo Como, Bo Bernhardsson, Anders Rantzer (2014)
Information Engineering and Applications by Rongbo Zhu, Yan Ma (2012)
Information Ergonomics by Michael Stein, Peter Sandl (2012)
Information Granularity, Big Data, and Computational Intelligence by Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (2015)
Information Hiding and Applications by Jeng-Shyang Pan, Hsiang-Cheh Huang, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Information Modeling for Interoperable Dimensional Metrology by Yaoyao (Fiona) Zhao, Robert Brown, Thomas R. Kramer, Xun Xu (2011)
Information Processing and Biological Systems by Samuli Niiranen, Andre Ribeiro (2011)
Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed Environments by Alessandro Soro, Eloisa Vargiu, Giuliano Armano, Gavino Paddeu (2011)
Information Routing, Correspondence Finding, and Object Recognition in the Brain by Philipp Wolfrum (2010)
Information Science and Applications by Kuinam J. Kim (2015)
Information Security for Automatic Speaker Identification by Fathi E. Abd El-Samie (2011)
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications by J. K. Mandal, Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Manas Kumar Sanyal, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Anirban Mukhopadhyay (2015)
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications by J. K. Mandal, Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Manas Kumar Sanyal, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Anirban Mukhopadhyay (2015)
Information Technologies in Biomedicine by Ewa Pietka, Jacek Kawa (2008)
Information Technologies in Biomedicine by Ewa Pieitka, Jacek Kawa (2010)
Information Technologies in Biomedicine, Volume 3 by Ewa Piitka, Jacek Kawa, Wojciech Wieclawek (2014)
Information Technologies in Biomedicine, Volume 4 by Ewa Piitka, Jacek Kawa, Wojciech Wieclawek (2014)
Information Technology and Agricultural Engineering by Egui Zhu, Sabo Sambath (2012)
Information Technology Convergence by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Leonard Barolli, Fatos Xhafa, Hwa-Young Jeong (2013)
Information Technology Convergence, Secure and Trust Computing, and Data Management by Jong Hyuk (James) Park, Jongsung Kim, Deqing Zou, Yang Sun Lee (2012)
Information Theory and Network Coding by Raymond W. Yeung (2008)
Infranomics by Adrian V. Gheorghe, Marcelo Masera, Polinpapilinho F. Katina (2014)
Infrared Thermography for Thermo-Fluid-Dynamics by Tommaso Astarita, Giovanni Maria Carlomagno (2013)
Infrastructure and Safety in a Collaborative World by Evangelos Bekiaris, Marion Wiethoff, Evangelia Gaitanidou (2011)
Infrastructure Investments in Developing Economies by Giang Dang, Low Sui Pheng (2015)
Ingegneria degli acquiferi by Antonio Molfetta, Rajandrea Sethi (2012)
Ingenieria Acustica by Michael Moser, Jose Luis Barros (2009)
Ingredients for Successful System Level Design Methodology by Hiren D. Patel, Sandeep K. Shukla (2008)
Inhibitory Rules in Data Analysis by Pawel Delimata, Mikhail Ju. Moshkov, Andrzej Skowron, Zbigniew Suraj (2009)
Initial Airworthiness by Guy Gratton (2015)
Injection Molding by Rong Zheng, Roger I. Tanner, Xi-Jun Fan (2011)
Injection Technologies for the Repair of Damaged Concrete Structures by V.V. Panasyuk, V.I. Marukha, V.P. Sylovanyuk (2014)
Inner Solar System by Viorel Badescu, Kris Zacny (2015)
Innovating in Product/Process Development by Mikel Sorli, Dragan Stokic (2009)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Elias G. Carayannis, Elpida T. Samara, Yannis L. Bakouros (2015)
Innovation By Design by Battula Kalyana Chakravarthy, Janaki Krishnamoorthi (2013)
Innovation Cell by Burkard Wordenweber, Uwe Weissflog (2005)
Innovation Design by Elke den Ouden (2012)
Innovation for Sustainable Electricity Systems by Barbara Praetorius, Dierk Bauknecht, Martin Cames, Corinna Fischer, Martin Pehnt, Katja Schumacher, Jan-Peter Vo (2009)
Innovation in Electric Arc Furnaces by Yuri N. Toulouevski, Ilyaz Y. Zinurov (2013)
Innovation in Electric Arc Furnaces by Yuri N. Toulouevski, Ilyaz Yunusovich Zinurov (2010)
Innovation in European Freight Transportation by Eva Savelsberg (2008)
Innovation in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development by Daniel Brissaud, Serge Tichkiewitch, Peggy Zwolinski (2006)
Innovation in Product Design by Monica Bordegoni, Caterina Rizzi (2011)
Innovation Management by Promoting the Informal by Fritz Bohle, Markus Burgermeister, Stephanie Porschen (2012)
Innovation Management for Technical Products by Walter Eversheim (2009)
Innovation performance accounting by Wilhelm Schmeisser, Hermann Mohnkopf, Matthias Hartmann, Gerhard Metze (2009)
Innovation Systems in Small Catching-Up Economies by Elias G. Carayannis, Urmas Varblane, Tonu Roolaht (2012)
Innovation through Knowledge Transfer by Robert James Howlett (2010)
Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2010 by Robert J. Howlett (2011)
Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2012 by Robert J. Howlett, Bogdan Gabrys, Katarzyna Musial-Gabrys, Jim Roach (2013)
Innovation, Human Capital and Trade Competitiveness by Marzenna Anna Weresa (2014)
Innovations and Advanced Techniques in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering by Tarek Sobh (2007)
Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering by Tarek Sobh (2010)
Innovations and Advances in Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering by Khaled Elleithy, Tarek Sobh (2013)
Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, Networking and Engineering by Tarek Sobh, Khaled Elleithy (2015)
Innovations and the Environment by Yoram Krozer (2008)
Innovations in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiations by Takayuki Ito, Minjie Zhang, Valentin Robu, Shaheen Fatima, Tokuro Matsuo, Hirofumi Yamaki (2011)
Innovations in Bayesian Networks by Dawn E. Holmes, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications by Ajith Abraham, Pavel Kromer, Vaclav Snasel (2014)
Innovations in Defence Support Systems - 1 by Anthony Finn, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Innovations in Defence Support Systems - 3 by Paolo Remagnino, Dorothy N. Monekosso, Lakhmi C. Jain (2011)
Innovations in Defence Support Systems -2 by Lakhmi C. Jain, Eugene V. Aidman, Canicious Abeynayake (2011)
Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning by Jos P. Leeuwen, Harry J. P. Timmermans (2006)
Innovations in Digital Watermarking Techniques by Feng-Hsing Wang, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Innovations in E-learning, Instruction Technology, Assessment, and Engineering Education by Magued Iskander (2007)
Innovations in Fuzzy Clustering by Mika Sato-Ilic, Lakhmi C. Jain (2006)
Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems by Emilio Corchado, Juan M. Corchado, Ajith Abraham (2007)
Innovations in Intelligent Image Analysis by Halina Kwainicka, Lakhmi C. Jain (2011)
Innovations in Intelligent Machines - 1 by Javaan Singh Chahl, Lakhmi C. Jain, Akiko Mizutani, Mika Sato-Ilic (2007)
Innovations in Intelligent Machines - 2 by Toyohide Watanabe, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Innovations in Intelligent Machines -3 by Ivan Jordanov, Lakhmi C Jain (2013)
Innovations in Intelligent Machines-4 by Colette Faucher, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
Innovations in Intelligent Machines-5 by Valentina Emilia Balas, Petia Koprinkova-Hristova, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
Innovations in Machine Learning by Dawn E. Holmes, Lakhmi C. Jain (2006)
Innovations in Multi-Agent Systems and Applications - 1 by Dipti Srinivasan, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Innovations in Neural Information Paradigms and Applications by Monica Bianchini, Marco Maggini, Franco Scarselli, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Innovations in Power Systems Reliability by George Anders, Alfredo Vaccaro (2011)
Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control by Srikanta Patnaik, Lakhmi Jain, Spyros Tzafestas, Germano Resconi, Amit Konar (2005)
Innovations in Swarm Intelligence by Chee Peng Lim, Lakhmi C. Jain, Satchidananda Dehuri (2009)
Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Telecommunications by Tarek Sobh, Khaled Elleithy, Ausif Mahmood, Mohammed Karim (2007)
Innovative Applications in Data Mining by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza Macedo Mourelle, Janusz Kacprzyk (2009)
Innovative Approaches to Cell Biomechanics by Kennedy Omondi Okeyo, Hiromi Miyoshi, Taiji Adachi (2015)
Innovative Computational Intelligence: A Rough Guide to 134 Clever Algorithms by Bo Xing, Wen-Jing Gao (2014)
Innovative Computing Methods and Their Applications to Engineering Problems by Nadia Nedjah, Leandro Santos Coelho, Viviana Cocco Mariani, Luiza Macedo Mourelle (2011)
Innovative Control Systems for Tracked Vehicle Platforms by Aleksander. M Nawrat. M (2014)
Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering by Ram P. Bajpai, U. Chandrasekhar, Avinash R. Arankalle (2014)
Innovative Hand Exoskeleton Design for Extravehicular Activities in Space by Pierluigi Freni, Eleonora Marina Botta, Luca Randazzo, Paolo Ariano (2014)
Innovative Management in Information and Production by Junzo Watada, Bing Xu, Berlin Wu (2014)
Innovative Materials and Techniques in Concrete Construction by Michael N. Fardis (2012)
Innovative Technologies in Management and Science by Ryszard Klempous, Jan Nikodem (2015)
Innovative Technologies in Urban Mapping by Antonella Contin, Paolo Paolini, Rossella Salerno (2014)
Innovative Tools for Business Coalitions in B2B Applications by Pierluigi Argoneto, Paolo Renna (2011)
INS/CNS/GNSS Integrated Navigation Technology by Wei Quan, Jianli Li, Xiaolin Gong, Jiancheng Fang (2015)
Inside NAND Flash Memories by Rino Micheloni, Luca Crippa, Alessia Marelli (2010)
Inside Solid State Drives (SSDs) by Rino Micheloni, Alessia Marelli, Kam Eshghi (2013)
Insight into Magnetorheological Shock Absorbers by Janusz Goidasz, Bogdan Sapiiski (2015)
Instabilities of Flows: With and Without Heat Transfer and Chemical Reaction by Tapan K. Sengupta, Thierry Poinsot (2010)
Instability and Control of Massively Separated Flows by Vassilis Theofilis, Julio Soria (2015)
Institutional Learning and Knowledge Transfer Across Epistemic Communities by Elias G. Carayannis, Ali Pirzadeh, Denisa Popescu (2012)
Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems by Tianbiao Zhang (2012)
Insulation Measurement and Supervision in Live AC and DC Unearthed Systems by Piotr Olszowiec (2014)
Insulation Measurement and Supervision in Live AC and DC Unearthed Systems by Piotr Olszowiec (2013)
Intakes and Outfalls for Seawater Reverse-Osmosis Desalination Facilities by Thomas M. Missimer, Burton Jones, Robert G. Maliva (2015)
Integral and Diagnostic Intrusive Prediction of Speech Quality by Nicolas Cote (2011)
Integral Biomathics by Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith, Andree C. Ehresmann (2012)
Integral Transform Techniques for Green's Function by Kazumi Watanabe (2014)
Integral Transform Techniques for Green's Function by Kazumi Watanabe (2015)
Integrated 60GHz RF Beamforming in CMOS by Yikun Yu, Peter G.M. Baltus, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2011)
Integrated Circuit Authentication by Mohammad Tehranipoor, Hassan Salmani, Xuehui Zhang (2014)
Integrated Circuit Packaging, Assembly and Interconnections by William J. Greig (2007)
Integrated Circuit Test Engineering by Ian A. Grout (2006)
Integrated Circuits for Analog Signal Processing by Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle (2013)
Integrated Computer-Aided Design in Automotive Development by Hirz Mario, Wilhelm Dietrich, Anton Gfrerrer, Johann Lang (2013)
Integrated Design for Space Transportation System by B.N. Suresh, K. Sivan (2015)
Integrated Filters for Short Range Wireless and Biomedical Applications by Costas Laoudias, Costas Psychalinos (2012)
Integrated Frequency Synthesis for Convergent Wireless Solutions by Jad G. Atallah, Mohammed Ismail (2012)
Integrated Maintenance Planning in Manufacturing Systems by Umar M. Al-Turki, Tahir Ayar, Bekir Sami Yilbas, Ahmet Ziyaettin Sahin (2014)
Integrated Management Systems by Marek Bugdol, Piotr Jedynak (2015)
Integrated Occupational Safety and Health Management by Seppo Vayrynen, Kari Hakkinen, Toivo Niskanen (2015)
Integrated Optical Interconnect Architectures for Embedded Systems by Ian O'Connor, Gabriela Nicolescu (2013)
Integrated Risk and Vulnerability Management Assisted by Decision Support Systems by Adrian V. Gheorghe (2005)
Integrated Seismic Design of Structure and Control Systems by Paolo Castaldo (2014)
Integrated System-Level Modeling of Network-on-Chip enabled Multi-Processor Platforms by Tim Kogel, Rainer Leupers, Heinrich Meyr (2006)
Integrated Systems, Design and Technology 2010 by Madjid Fathi, Alexander Holland, Fazel Ansari, Christian Weber (2011)
Integrated Systems: Innovations and Applications by Madjid Fathi (2015)
Integrated Uncertainty Management and Applications by Van-Nam Huynh, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Jonathan Lawry, Masahiro Inuiguchi (2010)
Integration of Functional Oxides with Semiconductors by Alexander A. Demkov, Agham B. Posadas (2014)
Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Chaos Theory by Zhong Li, Wolfgang A. Halang, Guanrong Chen (2006)
Integration of Practice-Oriented Knowledge Technology: Trends and Prospectives by Madjid Fathi (2013)
Integration of Reusable Systems by Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel, Stuart H. Rubin (2014)
Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries by Christian Brecher (2012)
Intellectual Property in Consumer Electronics, Software and Technology Startups by Gerald B. Halt, Jr., John C. Donch, Jr., Amber R. Stiles, Robert Fesnak (2014)
Intelligence and Security Informatics by Hsinchun Chen, Christopher C. Yang (2008)
Intelligence Computation and Evolutionary Computation by Zhenyu Du (2013)
Intelligence for Embedded Systems by Cesare Alippi (2014)
Intelligence-Based Systems Engineering by Andreas Tolk, Lakhmi C. Jain (2011)
Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning by Thanasis Daradoumis, Stavros N. Demetriadis, Fatos Xhafa (2012)
Intelligent Agents in the Evolution of Web and Applications by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Intelligent and Adaptive Educational-Learning Systems by Alejandro Pena-Ayala (2013)
Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems by Mitsuo Gen, David Green, Osamu Katai, Bob McKay, Akira Namatame, Ruhul A. Sarker, Byoung-Tak Zhang (2009)
Intelligent and Soft Computing in Infrastructure Systems Engineering by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, Halil Ceylan, Nii O. Attoh-Okine (2009)
Intelligent Assistive Robots by Samer Mohammed, Juan C. Moreno, Kyoungchul Kong, Yacine Amirat (2015)
Intelligent Audio Analysis by Bjorn W. Schuller (2013)
Intelligent Automation and Computer Engineering by Xu Huang, Sio-Iong Ao, Oscar Castillo (2010)
Intelligent Automation and Systems Engineering by Sio-Iong Ao, Mahyar Amouzegar, Burghard B. Rieger (2011)
Intelligent Autonomous Systems by Dilip Kumar Pratihar, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12 by Sukhan Lee, Hyungsuck Cho, Kwang-Joon Yoon, Jangmyung Lee (2013)
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12 by Sukhan Lee, Hyungsuck Cho, Kwang-Joon Yoon, Jangmyung Lee (2013)
Intelligent Autonomy for Unmanned Marine Vehicles by Carlos C. Insaurralde (2015)
Intelligent Collaborative e-Learning Systems and Applications by Thanasis Daradoumis, Santi Caballe, Joan Manuel Marques, Fatos Xhafa (2009)
Intelligent Computational Optimization in Engineering by Mario Koppen, Gerald Schaefer, Ajith Abraham (2011)
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2009 by Dimitri Plemenos, Georgios Miaoulis (2009)
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2010 by Dimitri Plemenos, Georgios Miaoulis (2010)
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2011 by Dimitri Plemenos, Georgios Miaoulis (2012)
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2012 by Dimitri Plemenos, Georgios Miaoulis (2013)
Intelligent Computer Techniques in Applied Electromagnetics by Siawomir Wiak, Andrzej Krawczyk, Ivo Dolezel (2008)
Intelligent Computing and Applications by Durbadal Mandal, Rajib Kar, Swagatam Das, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi (2015)
Intelligent Computing Based on Chaos by Ljupco Kocarev, Zbigniew Galias, Shiguo Lian (2009)
Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition by De-Shuang Huang, Kang Li, George William Irwin (2006)
Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices by Lakhmi C. Jain, Srikanta Patnaik, Nikhil Ichalkaranje (2015)
Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices by Lakhmi C. Jain, Srikanta Patnaik, Nikhil Ichalkaranje (2015)
Intelligent Computing, Networking, and Informatics by Durga Prasad Mohapatra, Srikanta Patnaik (2014)
Intelligent Control by Nazmul Siddique (2014)
Intelligent Control and Automation by De-Shuang Huang, Kang Li, George William Irwin (2006)
Intelligent Control and Computer Engineering by Sio-Iong Ao, Oscar Castillo, Xu Huang (2011)
Intelligent Control and Innovative Computing by Sio Iong Ao, Oscar Castillo, Xu Huang (2012)
Intelligent Control Systems with LabVIEW by Pedro Ponce-Cruz, Fernando D. Ramirez-Figueroa (2010)
Intelligent Counting Under Information Imprecision by Maciej Wygralak (2013)
Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications by Ajith Abraham, Xin Hua Jiang, Vaclav Snasel, Jeng-Shyang Pan (2015)
Intelligent Data analysis and its Applications, Volume I by Jeng-Shyang Pan, Vaclav Snasel, Emilio S. Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Shyue-Liang Wang (2014)
Intelligent Data analysis and its Applications, Volume II by Jeng-Shyang Pan, Vaclav Snasel, Emilio S. Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Shyue-Liang Wang (2014)
Intelligent Data Mining by Da Ruan, Guoqing Chen, Etienne Kerre, Geert Wets (2005)
Intelligent Decision and Policy Making Support Systems by Ruan, Frank Hardeman, Klaas Meer (2008)
Intelligent Decision Making: An AI-Based Approach by Gloria Phillips-Wren, Nikhil Ichalkaranje, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
Intelligent Decision Systems in Large-Scale Distributed Environments by Pascal Bouvry, Horacio Gonzalez-Velez, Joanna Koiodziej (2011)
Intelligent Decision Technologies by Rui Neves-Silva, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett (2015)
Intelligent Decision Technologies by Junzo Watada, Gloria Phillips-Wren, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett (2011)
Intelligent Decision Technologies by Junzo Watada, Toyohide Watanabe, Gloria Phillips-Wren, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Intelligent Decision Technologies by Junzo Watada, Toyohide Watanabe, Gloria Phillips-Wren, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems by Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Guisseppi A. Forgionne, Manuel Mora T. (2006)
Intelligent Distributed Computing by Rajkumar Buyya, Sabu M. Thampi (2015)
Intelligent Distributed Computing III by George Angelos Papadopoulos, Costin Badica (2009)
Intelligent Distributed Computing IV by Mohammad Essaaidi, Michele Malgeri, Costin Badica (2010)
Intelligent Distributed Computing V by F. M. T. Brazier, Kees Nieuwenhuis, Gregor Pavlin, Martijn Warnier, Costin Badica (2012)
Intelligent Distributed Computing VI by Giancarlo Fortino, Costin Badica, Michele Malgeri, Rainer Unland (2013)
Intelligent Distributed Computing VII by Filip Zavoral, Jason J. Jung, Costin Badica (2014)
Intelligent Distributed Computing VIII by David Camacho, Lars Braubach, Salvatore Venticinque, Costin Badica (2015)
Intelligent Distributed Computing, Systems and Applications by Costin Badica, Giuseppe Mangioni, Vincenza Carchiolo, Dumitru Dan Burdescu (2008)
Intelligent Educational Machines by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle, Mario Neto Borges, Nival Nunes de Almeida (2007)
Intelligent Environmental Sensing by Henry Leung, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2015)
Intelligent Financial Portfolio Composition based on Evolutionary Computation Strategies by Antonio Gorgulho, Rui F.M.F. Neves, Nuno C.G. Horta (2013)
Intelligent Fractional Order Systems and Control by Indranil Pan, Saptarshi Das (2013)
Intelligent Freeway Transportation Systems by Robert L. Gordon (2010)
Intelligent Informatics by Ajith Abraham, Sabu M Thampi (2013)
Intelligent Information Access by Giuliano Armano, Marco Gemmis, Giovanni Semeraro, Eloisa Vargiu (2010)
Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining by Mieczysiaw A. Kiopotek, Siawomir T. Wierzchoi, Krzysztof Trojanowski (2006)
Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining by Mieczysiaw A. Kiopotek, Siawomir T. Wierzchoi, Krzysztof Trojanowski (2005)
Intelligent Infrastructures by Rudy R. Negenborn, Zofia Lukszo, Hans Hellendoorn (2010)
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services by George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett (2011)
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services by Ernesto Damiani, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain, Luigi Gallo, Giuseppe De Pietro (2015)
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services by George A. Tsihrintzis, Ernesto Damiani, Maria Virvou, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services in Practice by George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett, Toyohide Watanabe (2015)
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia: Systems and Services by Toyohide Watanabe, Junzo Watada, Naohisa Takahashi, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Intelligent Interactive Systems in Knowledge-Based Environments by Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
Intelligent Mathematics: Computational Analysis by George A. Anastassiou (2011)
Intelligent Mechatronic Systems by Rochdi Merzouki, Arun Kumar Samantaray, Pushparaj Mani Pathak, Belkacem Ould Bouamama (2013)
Intelligent Methods for Cyber Warfare by Ronald R. Yager, Marek Z. Reformat, Naif Alajlan (2015)
Intelligent Mobile Robot Navigation by Federico Cuesta, Anibal Ollero (2005)
Intelligent Monitoring, Control, and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems by Elias Kyriakides, Marios Polycarpou (2015)
Intelligent Multimedia Analysis for Security Applications by Husrev Taha Sencar, Sergio Velastin, Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Shiguo Lian (2010)
Intelligent Multimedia Communication: Techniques and Applications by Chang Wen Chen, Zhu Li, Shiguo Lian (2010)
Intelligent Multimedia Data Hiding by Jeng-Shyang Pan, Hsiang-Cheh Huang, Lakhmi C. Jain, Wai-Chi Fang (2007)
Intelligent Multimedia Processing with Soft Computing by Yap-Peng Tan, Kim Hui Yap, Lipo Wang (2005)
Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control by Zhijun Li, Yuanqing Xia, Chun-Yi Su (2015)
Intelligent Networking, Collaborative Systems and Applications by Santi Caballe, Fatos Xhafa, Ajith Abraham (2011)
Intelligent Open Learning Systems by Przemysiaw Roiewski, Emma Kusztina, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Oleg Zaikin (2011)
Intelligent Paradigms for Assistive and Preventive Healthcare by N. Ichalkaranje, A. Ichalkaranje, L.C. Jain (2006)
Intelligent Paradigms for Healthcare Enterprises by Barry Silverman, Ashlesha Jain, Ajita Ichalkaranje, Lakhmi Jain (2005)
Intelligent Patient Management by Sally McClean, Peter Millard, Elia El-Darzi, Chris Nugent (2009)
Intelligent Routines by George A. Anastassiou, Iuliana F. Iatan (2013)
Intelligent Routines II by George A. Anastassiou, Iuliana F. Iatan (2014)
Intelligent Scene Modelling Information Systems by Georgios Miaoulis, Dimitri Plemenos (2009)
Intelligent Sensing, Instrumentation and Measurements by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2013)
Intelligent Surveillance Systems by Huihuan Qian, Xinyu Wu, Yangsheng Xu (2011)
Intelligent Systems by Crina Grosan, Ajith Abraham (2011)
Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing in Power Engineering by Abhisek Ukil (2007)
Intelligent Systems and Technologies by Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Junzo Watada, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Intelligent Systems for Knowledge Management by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Edward Szczerbicki (2009)
Intelligent Systems for Science and Information by Liming Chen, Supriya Kapoor, Rahul Bhatia (2014)
Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Theory by Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova, Petr Silhavy (2015)
Intelligent Systems in Oil Field Development under Uncertainty by Marco A. C. Pacheco, Marley M. B. R. Vellasco (2009)
Intelligent Systems in Science and Information 2014 by Kohei Arai, Supriya Kapoor, Rahul Bhatia (2015)
Intelligent Systems in Technical and Medical Diagnostics by Jozef Korbicz, Marek Kowal (2014)
Intelligent Systems'2014 by D. Filev, J. Jabikowski, J. Kacprzyk, M. Krawczak, I. Popchev, L. Rutkowski, V. Sgurev, E. Sotirova, P. Szynkarczyk, S. Zadrozny (2015)
Intelligent Systems'2014 by P. Angelov, K.T. Atanassov, L. Doukovska, M. Hadjiski, V. Jotsov, J. Kacprzyk, N. Kasabov, S. Sotirov, E. Szmidt, S. Zadroiny (2015)
Intelligent Systems: Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks by George A. Anastassiou (2011)
Intelligent Systems: From Theory to Practice by Vassil Sgurev, Mincho Hadjiski, Janusz Kacprzyk (2010)
Intelligent Systems: Models and Applications by Endre Pap (2013)
Intelligent Technical Systems by Natividad Martinez Madrid, Ralf E.D. Seepold (2009)
Intelligent Techniques and Tools for Novel System Architectures by Panagiotis Chountas, Ilias Petrounias, Janusz Kacprzyk (2008)
Intelligent Techniques in Engineering Management by Cengiz Kahraman, Sezi cevik Onar (2015)
Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems by Jengnan Juang, Yi-Cheng Huang (2013)
Intelligent Text Categorization and Clustering by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza Macedo Mourelle, Janusz Kacprzyk, Felipe M. G. Franca, Alberto Ferreira De Souza (2009)
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform by Robert Bembenik, Lukasz Skonieczny, Henryk Rybinski, Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Marek Niezgodka (2013)
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform by Robert Bembenik, Lukasz Skonieczny, Henryk Rybiiski, Marek Niezgodka (2012)
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform: From Research to Implementation by Robert Bembenik, iukasz Skonieczny, Henryk Rybiiski, Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Marek Niezgodka (2014)
Intelligent Transport Systems by Syed Faraz Hasan, Nazmul Siddique, Shyam Chakraborty (2013)
Intelligent Transportation and Evacuation Planning by Arab Naser, Ali K. Kamrani (2012)
Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and Applications by Agus Budiyono, Bambang Riyanto, Endra Joelianto (2009)
Intelligent Video Event Analysis and Understanding by Jianguo Zhang, Ling Shao, Lei Zhang, Graeme A. Jones (2010)
Intelligentized Methodology for Arc Welding Dynamical Processes by Shan-Ben Chen, Jing Wu (2009)
Intention Recognition, Commitment and Their Roles in the Evolution of Cooperation by The Anh Han (2013)
Inter-area Oscillations in Power Systems by Arturo Roman Messina (2009)
Inter-cooperative Collective Intelligence: Techniques and Applications by Fatos Xhafa, Nik Bessis (2014)
Interactive Collaborative Information Systems by Robert Babuska, Frans C. A. Groen (2010)
Interactive Multimedia Learning by Johannes Konert (2015)
Interactive Segmentation Techniques by Jia He, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo (2014)
Interactive Video by Riad I. Hammoud (2006)
Interconnect Noise Optimization in Nanometer Technologies by Mohamed A. Elgamel, Magdy A. Bayoumi (2006)
Interconnect-Centric Design for Advanced SoC and NoC by Jari Nurmi, Hannu Tenhunen, Jouni Isoaho, Axel Jantsch (2005)
Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematics by Andres Kecskemethy, Veljko Potkonjak, Andreas Muller (2011)
Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematics by Andres Kecskemethy, Francisco Geu Flores (2015)
Interdisciplinary Research and Trans-disciplinary Validity Claims by C. F. Gethmann, M. Carrier, G. Hanekamp, M. Kaiser, G. Kamp, S. Lingner, M. Quante, F. Thiele (2015)
Interfacial Compatibility in Microelectronics by Tomi Laurila, Vesa Vuorinen, Mervi Paulasto-Krockel, Markus Turunen, Toni T. Mattila, Jorma Kivilahti (2012)
Interfacial Fluid Mechanics by Vladimir S. Ajaev (2012)
Interfacial Transport Phenomena by John C. Slattery, Leonard Sagis, Eun-Suok Oh (2007)
Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers to Peripherial Devices by Bohdan Borowik (2011)
Interfacing with C++ by Jayantha Katupitiya, Kim Bentley (2006)
Interference Calculus by Martin Schubert, Holger Boche (2012)
Interference Cancellation Using Space-Time Processing and Precoding Design by Feng Li (2013)
Interference-optical Methods of Solid Mechanics by Igor A. Razumovsky (2011)
Interior Design: Conceptual Basis by Anthony Sully (2015)
Intermediate Dynamics: A Linear Algebraic Approach by R. A. Howland (2006)
Intermediate Mechanics of Materials by J. R. Barber (2011)
International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation (IEMI2012) Proceedings by Ershi Qi, Jiang Shen, Runliang Dou (2013)
International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology by Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa (2011)
International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology by Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa, Anca I. Nicu (2009)
International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology; 5th - 7th June 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania by Simona Vlad, Radu V. Ciupa (2014)
International Human Resources Management by Carolina Machado (2015)
International Joint Conference by Alvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Javier Sedano, Hector Quintian, Emilio Corchado (2015)
International Joint Conference CISIS'12-ICEUTE'12-SOCO'12 Special Sessions by Alvaro Herrero, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Ivan Zelinka, Bruno Baruque, Hector Quintian, Jose Luis Calvo, Javier Sedano, Emilio Corchado (2013)
International Joint Conference SOCO'13-CISIS'13-ICEUTE'13 by Alvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Fanny Klett, Ajith Abraham, Vaclav Snasel, Andre C.P.L.F. Carvalho, Pablo Garcia Bringas, Ivan Zelinka, Hector Quintian, Emilio Corchado (2014)
International Joint Conference SOCO'14-CISIS'14-ICEUTE'14 by Jose Gaviria Puerta, Ivan Garcia Ferreira, Pablo Garcia Bringas, Fanny Klett, Ajith Abraham, Andre C.P.L.F. Carvalho, Alvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Hector Quintian, Emilio Corchado (2014)
International Operations Networks by John Johansen, Sami Farooq, Yang Cheng (2014)
International Steam Tables by Wolfgang Wagner, Hans-Joachim Kretzschmar (2008)
International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, 10-12 October, 2012, Riga, Latvia by Yuri Dekhtyar, Alexei Katashev, Linda Lancere (2013)
International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence by Ajith Abraham, Juan M. Corchado, Sara Rodriguez Gonzalez, Juan F. Paz Santana (2011)
International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2008 (DCAI 2008) by Juan M. Corchado, Sara Rodriguez, James Llinas, Jose M. Molina (2009)
International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms by Hong-Sen Yan, Marco Ceccarelli (2009)
International Technology Robotics Applications by Ignacio Gonzalez Alonso (2014)
International Workshop on Evidence-Based Technology Enhanced Learning by Pierpaolo Vittorini, Rosella Gennari, Ivana Marenzi, Fernando Prieta, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez (2012)
Internationalisation of Logistics Systems by Frank Straube, Michael Bohn, Shihua Ma (2008)
Internet - Technical Development and Applications by Ewaryst Tkacz, Adrian Kapczynski (2009)
Internet - Technical Developments and Applications 2 by Adrian Kapczyiski, Ewaryst Tkacz, Maciej Rostanski (2012)
Internet Addiction by Christian Montag, Martin Reuter (2015)
Internet Naming and Discovery by Joud S. Khoury, Chaouki T. Abdallah (2013)
Internet of Things by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2014)
Internet of Things and Inter-cooperative Computational Technologies for Collective Intelligence by Nik Bessis, Fatos Xhafa, Dora Varvarigou, Richard Hill, Maozhen Li (2013)
Internet of Things Based on Smart Objects by Giancarlo Fortino, Paolo Trunfio (2014)
Internet Optical Infrastructure by Janos Tapolcai, Pin-Han Ho, Peter Babarczi, Lajos Ronyai (2015)
Internet Privacy by Johannes A. Buchmann (2013)
Internet Tiered Services by George N. Rouskas (2009)
Internet-based Control Systems by Shuang-Hua Yang (2011)
Interplanetary Mission Analysis and Design by Stephen Kemble (2006)
Interval / Probabilistic Uncertainty and Non-Classical Logics by Van-Nam Huynh, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Hiroakira Ono, Jonathan Lawry, Vkladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen (2008)
Introducing Spoken Dialogue Systems into Intelligent Environments by Tobias Heinroth, Wolfgang Minker (2013)
Introduction to Advanced System-on-Chip Test Design and Optimization by Erik Larsson (2005)
Introduction to Analytical Methods for Internal Combustion Engine Cam Mechanisms by J J Williams (2013)
Introduction to Annotated Logics by Jair Minoro Abe, Seiki Akama, Kazumi Nakamatsu (2015)
Introduction to Autonomous Manipulation by Giacomo Marani, Junku Yuh (2014)
Introduction to Avionics Systems by R.P.G. Collinson (2011)
Introduction to Biosensors by Jeong-Yeol Yoon (2013)
Introduction to Circuit Analysis and Design by Tildon H. Glisson (2011)
Introduction to Computational Mass Transfer by Kuo-Tsong Yu, Xigang Yuan (2014)
Introduction to Contact Mechanics by Anthony C. Fischer-Cripps (2007)
Introduction to Data Mining and its Applications by S. Sumathi, S. N. Sivanandam (2006)
Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling by Theodore T. Allen (2011)
Introduction to Discrete Event Systems by Christos G. Cassandras, Stephane Lafortune (2008)
Introduction to Dynamics by Friedrich Pfeiffer, Thorsten Schindler (2015)
Introduction to Embedded System Design Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays by Rahul Dubey (2009)
Introduction to Embedded Systems by Manuel Jimenez, Rogelio Palomera, Isidoro Couvertier (2014)
Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics by Yeon Ho Lee (2013)
Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Lean Sigma by Theodore T. Allen (2010)
Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma by Theodore T. Allen (2006)
Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms by Xinjie Yu, Mitsuo Gen (2010)
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB by S. N. Sivanandam, S. Sumathi, S. N. Deepa (2007)
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms by S.N. Sivanandam, S.N. Deepa (2008)
Introduction to Hardware Security and Trust by Mohammad Tehranipoor, Cliff Wang (2012)
Introduction to Humanoid Robotics by Shuuji Kajita, Hirohisa Hirukawa, Kensuke Harada, Kazuhito Yokoi (2014)
Introduction to Hydro Energy Systems by Hermann-Josef Wagner, Jyotirmay Mathur (2011)
Introduction to Linear Elasticity by Phillip L. Gould (2013)
Introduction to Micromechanisms and Microactuators by Amitabha Ghosh, Burkhard Corves (2015)
Introduction to Microsystem Design by Werner Karl Schomburg (2011)
Introduction to Microsystem Design by Werner Karl Schomburg (2015)
Introduction to Mixed-Signal, Embedded Design by Alex Doboli, Edward H. Currie (2011)
Introduction to Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engine Systems by Lino Guzzella, Christopher H. Onder (2010)
Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control by Boris S. Kerner (2009)
Introduction to Network Simulator NS2 by Teerawat Issariyakul, Ekram Hossain (2009)
Introduction to Network Simulator NS2 by Teerawat Issariyakul, Ekram Hossain (2012)
Introduction to Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis by Nam-Ho Kim (2015)
Introduction to Open Core Protocol by W David Schwaderer (2012)
Introduction to Optimization Analysis in Hydrosystem Engineering by Ehsan Goodarzi, Mina Ziaei, Edward Zia Hosseinipour (2014)
Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of Combustion by Michael A. Liberman (2008)
Introduction to Printed Electronics by Katsuaki Suganuma (2014)
Introduction to Product/Service-System Design by Tomohiko Sakao, Mattias Lindahl (2009)
Introduction to Quality and Reliability Engineering by Renyan Jiang (2015)
Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing by Christophe Bobda (2007)
Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in Hydrosystem Engineering by Ehsan Goodarzi, Mina Ziaei, Lee Teang Shui (2013)
Introduction to Robotics by Tadej Bajd, Matjaz Mihelj, Marko Munih (2013)
Introduction to Scientific Publishing by Andreas ochsner (2013)
Introduction to Semiconductor Lasers for Optical Communications by David J. Klotzkin (2014)
Introduction to Skin Biothermomechanics and Thermal Pain by Feng Xu, Tianjian Lu (2011)
Introduction to Solid Mechanics by Jacob Lubliner, Panayiotis Papadopoulos (2014)
Introduction to Space Systems by Miguel A. Aguirre (2013)
Introduction to the Mechanics of Deformable Solids by David H. Allen (2013)
Introduction to the Mechanics of Space Robots by Giancarlo Genta (2012)
Introduction to THz Wave Photonics by Xi-Cheng Zhang, Jingzhou Xu (2010)
Introduction to Transonic Aerodynamics by Roelof Vos, Saeed Farokhi (2015)
Introduction to Ultra Wideband for Wireless Communications by Homayoun Nikookar, Ramjee Prasad (2009)
Introduction to Wind Energy Systems by Hermann-Josef Wagner, Jyotirmay Mathur (2009)
Introductory MEMS by Thomas M. Adams, Richard A. Layton (2010)
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Aggregation and Clustering by Zeshui Xu (2012)
Intuitionistic Preference Modeling and Interactive Decision Making by Zeshui Xu (2014)
Intuitive Probability and Random Processes Using MATLAB by Steven M. Kay (2006)
Inventive Thinking through TRIZ by Orloff Michael (2006)
Inverse Analyses with Model Reduction by Vladimir Buljak (2012)
Inverse Problems by Alexander G. Ramm (2005)
Inverse Problems in Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics by V. L. Chechurin, N. V. Korovkin, M. Hayakawa (2007)
Inverse Problems in Vibration by Graham M. L. Gladwell (2005)
Investment Strategies Optimization based on a SAX-GA Methodology by Antonio M.L. Canelas, Rui F.M.F. Neves, Nuno C.G. Horta (2013)
IP Network-based Multi-agent Systems for Industrial Automation by D. P. Buse, Q. H. Wu (2007)
IP Traffic Theory and Performance by Christian Grimm, Georg Schluchtermann (2008)
Iris Analysis for Biometric Recognition Systems by Rajesh M. Bodade, Sanjay N. Talbar (2014)
Iris Image Recognition by Amol D. Rahulkar, Raghunath S. Holambe (2014)
Iron Phosphate Materials as Cathodes for Lithium Batteries by Pier Paolo Prosini (2011)
Irreducibility and Computational Equivalence by Hector Zenil (2013)
Irreversible Electroporation by Boris Rubinsky (2010)
Irreversible Phenomena by Kunio Terao (2007)
ISCS 2013: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems by Ali Sanayei, Ivan Zelinka, Otto E. Rossler (2014)
ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems by Ali Sanayei, Otto E. Rossler, Ivan Zelinka (2015)
Isogeometric Methods for Numerical Simulation by Gernot Beer, Stephane Bordas (2015)
ISSE 2010 Securing Electronic Business Processes by Norbert Pohlmann, Helmut Reimer, Wolfgang Schneider (2011)
Issues and Challenges in Artificial Intelligence by Zdzisiaw S. Hippe, Juliusz L. Kulikowski, Teresa Mroczek, Jerzy Wtorek (2014)
Issues and Challenges of Intelligent Systems and Computational Intelligence by Laszlo T. Koczy, Claudiu R. Pozna, Janusz Kacprzyk (2014)
IT Convergence and Security 2012 by Kuinam J. Kim, Kyung-Yong Chung (2013)
IT Convergence and Services by James J. Park, Hamid Arabnia, Hang-Bae Chang, Taeshik Shon (2011)
IT Security Management by Alberto Partida, Diego Andina (2010)
It's ONLY Rocket Science by Lucy Rogers (2008)
Iterative Learning Control by Hyo-Sung Ahn, YangQuan Chen, Kevin L. Moore (2007)
Iterative Learning Control for Electrical Stimulation and Stroke Rehabilitation by Chris T. Freeman, Eric Rogers, Jane H. Burridge, Ann-Marie Hughes, Katie L. Meadmore (2015)
Iterative-Interpolation Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction by Vivek Bannore (2009)
IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Micro- and Nanofluidics by Marco Ellero, Xiangyu Hu, Jochen Frohlich, Nikolaus Adams (2009)
IUTAM Symposium on Chaotic Dynamics and Control of Systems and Processes in Mechanics by G. Rega, F. Vestroni (2005)
IUTAM Symposium on Computational Approaches to Multiphase Flow by S. Balachandar, A. Prosperetti (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics by Peter Wriggers, Udo Nackenhorst (2007)
IUTAM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence by Yukio Kaneda (2008)
IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities by Alain Combescure, Rene Borst, Ted Belytschko (2007)
Iutam Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainty by H. Y. Hu, Edwin Kreuzer (2007)
IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments by Gabor Stepan, Laszlo L. Kovacs, Andras Toth (2011)
IUTAM Symposium on Elastohydrodynamics and Micro-elastohydrodynamics by R. W. Snidle, H. P. Evans (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures: Significance in Turbulence Dynamics by SHIGEO KIDA (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics by K. Gupta (2011)
IUTAM Symposium on Flow Control and MEMS by J. F. Morrison, D. M. Birch, P. Lavoie (2008)
IUTAM Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interaction in Ocean Engineering by Edwin Kreuzer (2008)
IUTAM Symposium on Impact Biomechanics: From Fundamental Insights to Applications by M. D. Gilchrist (2005)
IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition by Rama Govindarajan (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition and Finite Amplitude Solutions by Tom Mullin, Rich Kerswell (2005)
IUTAM Symposium on Mechanical Behavior and Micro-Mechanics of Nanostructured Materials by Y. L. Bai, Q. S. Zheng, Y. G. Wei (2007)
IUTAM Symposium on Mechanical Properties of Cellular Materials by Han Zhao, N. A. Fleck (2009)
IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics and Reliability of Actuating Materials by W. Yang (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Multi-Functional Material Structures and Systems by B. Dattaguru, Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan, V. K. Aatre (2010)
IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials by Tomasz Sadowski (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials by Meinhard Kuna, Andreas Ricoeur (2011)
IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Problems in Multibody System Contacts by Peter Eberhard (2007)
IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Advanced Technologies and Engineering Design by Marian Wiercigroch, Giuseppe Rega (2013)
IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics and Control by W. Q. Zhu, Y. K. Lin, G. Q. Cai (2011)
IUTAM Symposium on One Hundred Years of Boundary Layer Research by G. E. A. Meier, K. R. Sreenivasan, H.-J. Heinemann (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Physicochemical and Electromechanical Interactions in Porous Media by G. M. L. Gladwell, J.M. Huyghe, Peter A.C. Raats, Stephen C. Cowin (2005)
IUTAM Symposium on Recent Advances of Acoustic Waves in Solids by Tsung-Tsong Wu, Chien-Ching Ma (2010)
IUTAM Symposium on Relations of Shell Plate Beam and 3D Models by George Jaiani, Paolo Podio-Guidugli (2008)
IUTAM Symposium on Scaling in Solid Mechanics by F.M. Borodich (2009)
IUTAM Symposium on Size Effects on Material and Structural Behavior at Micron- and Nano-Scales by Q. P. Sun, P. Tong (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Surface Effects in the Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Heterostructures by Alan Cocks, Jianxiang Wang (2013)
IUTAM Symposium on The Physics of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows on Rough Walls by T. B. Nickels (2010)
IUTAM Symposium on the Vibration Analysis of Structures with Uncertainties by Alexander K. Belyaev, Robin S. Langley (2011)
IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical, Computational and Modelling Aspects of Inelastic Media by B. Daya Reddy (2008)
IUTAM Symposium on Topological Design Optimization of Structures, Machines and Materials by Martin Philip Bendsoe, Niels Olhoff, Ole Sigmund (2006)
IUTAM Symposium on Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Oceans by David Dritschel (2010)
IUTAM Symposium on Variational Concepts with Applications to the Mechanics of Materials by Klaus Hackl (2010)
IUTAM Symposium on Vibration Control of Nonlinear Mechanisms and Structures by H. Ulbrich, W. Gunthner (2005)
IV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering 2007, Bioengineering Solutions for Latin America Health by Carmen Muller-Karger, Sara Wong, Alexandra Cruz (2008)
Just-In-Time Scheduling: Models and Algorithms for Computer and Manufacturing Systems by Joanna Jozefowska (2007)
Justifying the Dependability of Computer-based Systems by Pierre-Jacques Courtois (2008)
Kernel Based Algorithms for Mining Huge Data Sets by Te-Ming Huang, Vojislav Kecman, Ivica Kopriva (2006)
Kernel Learning Algorithms for Face Recognition by Jun-Bao Li, Shu-Chuan Chu, Jeng-Shyang Pan (2014)
Kernel-based Data Fusion for Machine Learning by Shi Yu, Leon-Charles Tranchevent, Bart Moor, Yves Moreau (2011)
Kinematics and Dynamics of Multibody Systems with Imperfect Joints by P. Flores, J. Ambrosio, J.C. Pimenta Claro, Hamid M. Lankarani (2008)
Kinematics of Machinery Through HyperWorks by J.S. Rao (2011)
Knee Joint Vibroarthrographic Signal Processing and Analysis by Yunfeng Wu (2015)
Knowledge Acquisition in Practice by N. R. Milton (2007)
Knowledge and Systems Engineering by Viet-Ha Nguyen, Anh-Cuong Le, Van-Nam Huynh (2015)
Knowledge and Systems Engineering by Van Nam Huynh, Thierry Denoeux, Dang Hung Tran, Anh Cuong Le, Son Bao Pham (2014)
Knowledge and Systems Engineering by Van Nam Huynh, Thierry Denoeux, Dang Hung Tran, Anh Cuong Le, Son Bao Pham (2014)
Knowledge and the Family Business by Manlio Del Giudice, Maria Rosaria Della Peruta, Elias G. Carayannis (2011)
Knowledge Annotation: Making Implicit Knowledge Explicit by Alexiei Dingli (2011)
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining by Honghua Tan (2012)
Knowledge Discovery Enhanced with Semantic and Social Information by Bettina Berendt, Dunja Mladenii, Marco Gemmis, Giovanni Semeraro, Myra Spiliopoulou, Gerd Stumme, Vojtich Svatek, Filip Zelezny (2009)
Knowledge Engineering and Management by Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (2011)
Knowledge Engineering and Management by Fuchun Sun, Tianrui Li, Hongbo Li (2014)
Knowledge Engineering and Management by Zhenkun Wen, Tianrui Li (2014)
Knowledge Incorporation in Evolutionary Computation by Yaochu Jin (2005)
Knowledge Management and Information Tools for Building Maintenance and Facility Management by Cinzia Talamo, Marcella Bonanomi (2015)
Knowledge Mining by Spiros Sirmakessis (2005)
Knowledge Perspectives of New Product Development by Dimitris G. Assimakopoulos, Elias G. Carayannis, Rafiq Dossani (2012)
Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-Based Systems by Lakhmi C. Jain, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2009)
Knowledge Representation Techniques by Patrick Doherty, Witold iukaszewicz, Andrzej Skowron, Andrzej Szaias (2006)
Knowledge Representations for Planning Manipulation Tasks by Franziska Zacharias (2012)
Knowledge Seeker - Ontology Modelling for Information Search and Management by Edward H. Y. Lim, James N. K. Liu, Raymond S. T. Lee (2011)
Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Hospitals by Lihong Zhou, Jose Miguel Baptista Nunes (2015)
Knowledge-Based Driver Assistance Systems by Michael Huelsen (2014)
Knowledge-Based Information Systems in Practice by Jeffrey W. Tweedale, Lakhmi C. Jain, Junzo Watada, Robert J. Howlett (2015)
Knowledge-Based Neurocomputing: A Fuzzy Logic Approach by Eyal Kolman, Michael Margaliot (2009)
Knowledge-Based Systems in Biomedicine and Computational Life Science by Tuan D. Pham, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Knowledge-Based Virtual Education by Claude Ghaoui, Mitu Jain, Vivek Bannore, Lakhmi C. Jain (2005)
Knowledge-Driven Computing by Carlos Cotta, Simeon Reich, Robert Schaefer, Antoni Ligiza (2008)
Knowledge-Driven Entrepreneurship by Thomas Andersson, Martin G. Curley, Piero Formica (2010)
Knowledge-Free and Learning-Based Methods in Intelligent Game Playing by Jacek Maidziuk (2010)
L'ambientalista nucleare by Juan Jose Gomez Cadenas (2012)
La scienza delle costruzioni in Italia nell'Ottocento by Danilo Capecchi, Giuseppe Ruta (2011)
Lab-on-a-Chip Devices and Micro-Total Analysis Systems by Jaime Castillo-Leon, Winnie E. Svendsen (2015)
LabVIEW based Advanced Instrumentation Systems by S. Sumathi, P. Surekha (2007)
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control 2006 by F. Allguwer, P. Fleming, P. Kokotovic, A.B. Kurzhanski, H. Kwakernaak, A. Rantzer, J.N. Tsitsiklis, Francesco Bullo, Kenji Fujimoto (2007)
Language Identification Using Excitation Source Features by K. Sreenivasa Rao, Dipanjan Nandi (2015)
Language Identification Using Spectral and Prosodic Features by K. Sreenivasa Rao, V. Ramu Reddy, Sudhamay Maity (2015)
Language-driven Exploration and Implementation of Partially Re-configurable ASIPs by Anupam Chattopadhyay, Rainer Leupers, Heinrich Meyr, Gerd Ascheid (2009)
Languages for Embedded Systems and their Applications by Martin Radetzki (2009)
Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design by Marie-Minerve Louerat, Torsten Maehne (2015)
Lanthanide-Doped Luminescent Nanomaterials by Xueyuan Chen, Yongsheng Liu, Datao Tu (2014)
Large Floating Structures by C.M. Wang, B.T. Wang (2015)
Large-Scale PDE-Constrained Optimization in Applications by Subhendu Bikash Hazra (2010)
Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials by Dongdong Gu (2015)
Laser Drilling by Bekir Sami Yilbas (2013)
Laser Fabrication and Machining of Materials by Narendra B. Dahotre, Sandip P. Harimkar (2008)
Laser Forming and Welding Processes by Bekir Sami Yilbas, Sohail Akhtar, Shahzada Zaman Shuja (2013)
Laser Material Processing by William M. Steen, Jyotirmoy Mazumder (2010)
Laser Pulse Heating of Surfaces and Thermal Stress Analysis by Bekir S. Yilbas, Ahmad Y. Al-Dweik, Nasser Al-Aqeeli, Hussain M. Al-Qahtani (2014)
Laser Surface Processing and Model Studies by Bekir Sami Yilbas, Shahzada Zaman Shuja (2013)
Lasers Based Manufacturing by Shrikrishna N. Joshi, Uday Shanker Dixit (2015)
Lasers with Nuclear Pumping by S.P. Melnikov, A.A. Sinyanskii, A.N. Sizov, George H. Miley (2015)
Latest Advances in Robot Kinematics by Jadran Lenarcic, Manfred Husty (2012)
Lattice Boltzmann Method by A. A. Mohamad (2011)
Launching IFMBE into the 21st Century: 50 Years and Counting by Herbert Voigt, Ratko Magjarevic (2014)
Lazare and Sadi Carnot by Charles Coulston Gillispie, Raffaele Pisano (2014)
LDA Application Methods by Zhengji Zhang (2010)
LDPC Coded Modulations by Michele Franceschini, Gianluigi Ferrari, Riccardo Raheli (2009)
Lead Free Solder by John Hock Lye Pang (2012)
Lead-Free Electronic Solders by K. N. Subramanian (2007)
Lead-Free Piezoelectrics by Shashank Priya, Sahn Nahm (2012)
Lead-Free Soldering by Jasbir Bath (2007)
Leakage in Nanometer CMOS Technologies by Siva G. Narendra, Anantha Chandrakasan (2006)
Lean Construction Management by Shang Gao, Sui Pheng Low (2014)
Lean Management Beyond Manufacturing by Sanjay Bhasin (2015)
Lean Manufacturing in the Developing World by Jorge Luis Garcia-Alcaraz, Aide Aracely Maldonado-Macias, Guillermo Cortes-Robles (2014)
Lean Six Sigma Case Studies in the Healthcare Enterprise by Sandra L. Furterer (2014)
Learning Classifier Systems in Data Mining by Larry Bull, Ester Bernado-Mansilla, John Holmes (2008)
Learning in Non-Stationary Environments by Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh, Edwin Lughofer (2012)
Learning Motor Skills by Jens Kober, Jan Peters (2014)
Learning Structure and Schemas from Documents by Marenglen Biba, Fatos Xhafa (2011)
Lecture Notes on Composite Materials by Rene Borst, Tomasz Sadowski (2009)
Lee de Forest by Mike Adams (2012)
Leonardo da Vinci's Giant Crossbow by Matthew Landrus (2010)
Leonardo's Lost Robots by Mark Elling Rosheim (2006)
Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World by David A. Dornfeld, Barbara S. Linke (2012)
Liapunov Functions and Stability in Control Theory by Andrea Bacciotti, Lionel Rosier (2005)
Life Distributions by Albert W. Marshall, Ingram Olkin (2007)
Life-Cycle Assessment of Semiconductors by Sarah B. Boyd (2012)
Lifetime Estimation of Welded Joints by Tadeusz iagoda (2008)
Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts by Friedhelm Stangenberg, Rolf Breitenbucher, Otto T. Bruhns, Dietrich Hartmann, Rudiger Hoffer, Detlef Kuhl, Gunther Meschke (2009)
Light Gauge Metal Structures Recent Advances by Jacques Rondal, Dan Dubina (2005)
Light, Water, Hydrogen by Craig A. Grimes, Oomman K. Varghese, Sudhir Ranjan (2008)
Lighter than Air Robots by Yasmina Bestaoui Sebbane (2012)
Limit State of Materials and Structures by Gery Saxce, Abdelbacet Oueslati, Eric Charkaluk, Jean-Bernard Tritsch (2013)
Limit States of Materials and Structures by Weichert Dieter, Ponter Alan (2009)
Limits, Modeling and Design of High-Speed Permanent Magnet Machines by Aleksandar Borisavljevic (2013)
Linear and Nonlinear Control of Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopters by Ioannis A. Raptis, Kimon P. Valavanis (2011)
Linear CMOS RF Power Amplifiers by Hector Solar Ruiz, Roc Berenguer Perez (2014)
Linear CMOS RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Applications by Paulo Augusto Dal Fabbro, Maher Kayal (2010)
Linear Estimation and Detection in Krylov Subspaces by Guido K.E. Dietl (2007)
Linear Models in the Mathematics of Uncertainty by John N. Mordeson, Mark J. Wierman, Terry D. Clark, Alex Pham, Michael A. Redmond (2013)
Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems by Corentin Briat (2015)
Linear Parameter-Varying Control for Engineering Applications by Andrew P. White, Guoming Zhu, Jongeun Choi (2013)
Linear Systems by Panos J. Antsaklis, Anthony N. Michel (2006)
Linear Systems by S. P. Bhattacharyya, L.H. Keel, D.N. Mohsenizadeh (2014)
Linear Systems Control by Elbert Hendricks, Ole Jannerup, Paul Haase Sorensen (2008)
Linear Time-Varying Systems by Henri Bourles, Bogdan Marinescu (2011)
Linear, Time-varying Approximations to Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Maria Tomas-Rodriguez, Stephen P. Banks (2010)
Linguistic Fuzzy Logic Methods in Social Sciences by Badredine Arfi (2010)
Linkage in Evolutionary Computation by Ying-ping Chen, Meng-Hiot Lim (2008)
Linking Models and Experiments, Volume 2 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Liquid Crystal Display Drivers by David J.R. Cristaldi, Salvatore Pennisi, Francesco Pulvirenti (2009)
Lithium-Ion Batteries Hazard and Use Assessment by Celina Mikolajczak, Michael Kahn, Kevin White, Richard Thomas Long (2011)
LMI Approach to Analysis and Control of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Time Delay by Chong Lin, Qing-Guo Wang, Tong Heng Lee, Yong He (2007)
LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers by Paul Leroux, Michiel Steyaert (2005)
Load-Pull Techniques with Applications to Power Amplifier Design by Fadhel M. Ghannouchi, Mohammad S. Hashmi (2013)
Local Binary Patterns: New Variants and Applications by Sheryl Brahnam, Lakhmi C. Jain, Loris Nanni, Alessandra Lumini (2014)
Localization in Wireless Networks by Jessica Feng Sanford, Miodrag Potkonjak, Sasha Slijepcevic (2012)
Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Complex Systems by Ricardo Carretero-Gonzalez, Jesus Cuevas-Maraver, Dimitri Frantzeskakis, Nikos Karachalios, Panayotis Kevrekidis, Faustino Palmero-Acebedo (2014)
Location Theory and Decision Analysis by Yupo Chan (2011)
Location, Localization, and Localizability by Yunhao Liu, Zheng Yang (2011)
Location, Transport and Land-Use by Yupo Chan (2005)
Lock-in Thermography by Otwin Breitenstein, Wilhelm Warta, Martin Langenkamp (2010)
Logic Circuit Design by Shimon P. Vingron (2012)
Logic Synthesis for Compositional Microprogram Control Units by Alexander Barkalov, Larysa Titarenko (2008)
Logic Synthesis for FSM-Based Control Units by Alexander Barkalov, Larysa Titarenko (2009)
Logic Synthesis for Genetic Diseases by Pey-Chang Kent Lin, Sunil P. Khatri (2014)
Logical Foundations for Rule-Based Systems by Antoni Ligeza (2006)
Logistic Core Operations with SAP by Jens Kappauf, Bernd Lauterbach, Matthias Koch (2011)
Logistic Core Operations with SAP by Jens Kappauf, Bernd Lauterbach, Matthias Koch (2012)
Logistics Management by Jan Dethloff, Hans-Dietrich Haasis, Herbert Kopfer, Herbert Kotzab, Jorn Schonberger (2015)
Long Term Warranty and After Sales Service by Anisur Rahman, Gopinath Chattopadhyay (2015)
Look-Ahead Based Sigma-Delta Modulation by Erwin Janssen, Arthur van Roermund (2011)
Low Complexity MIMO Detection by Lin Bai, Jinho Choi (2012)
Low Complexity MIMO Receivers by Lin Bai, Jinho Choi, Quan Yu (2014)
Low Power and Reliable SRAM Memory Cell and Array Design by Koichiro Ishibashi, Kenichi Osada (2011)
Low Power Design Essentials by Jan Rabaey (2009)
Low Power Design with High-Level Power Estimation and Power-Aware Synthesis by Sumit Ahuja, Avinash Lakshminarayana, Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2012)
Low Power Hardware Synthesis from Concurrent Action-Oriented Specifications by Gaurav Singh, Sandeep K. Shukla (2010)
Low Power Interconnect Design by Sandeep Saini (2015)
Low Power Methodology Manual by Michael Keating, David Flynn, Robert Aitken, Alan Gibbons, Kaijian Shi (2007)
Low Power Networks-on-Chip by Cristina Silvano, Marcello Lajolo, Gianluca Palermo (2011)
Low Power RF Circuit Design in Standard CMOS Technology by Unai Alvarado, Guillermo Bistue, Inigo Adin (2012)
Low Power Uwb Cmos Radar Sensors by Nuno Paulino, Adolfo Steiger Garcao, Joao Goes (2008)
Low Power VCO Design in CMOS by Marc Tiebout (2006)
Low Rank Approximation by Ivan Markovsky (2012)
Low Voltage Power MOSFETs by Jacek Korec (2011)
Low-Complexity Controllers for Time-Delay Systems by Alexandre Seuret, Hitay ozbay, Catherine Bonnet, Hugues Mounier (2014)
Low-Frequency Noise In Advanced Mos Devices by Martin von Haartman, Mikael ostling (2007)
Low-Noise Low-Power Design for Phase-Locked Loops by Feng Zhao, Fa Foster Dai (2015)
Low-Power Crystal and MEMS Oscillators by Eric Vittoz (2010)
Low-Power High-Level Synthesis for Nanoscale CMOS Circuits by Priyardarsan Patra, Elias Kougianos, Nagarajan Ranganathan, Saraju P. Mohanty (2008)
Low-Power High-Resolution Analog to Digital Converters by Amir Zjajo, Jose Pineda de Gyvez (2011)
Low-Power High-Speed ADCs for Nanometer CMOS Integration by Zhiheng Cao, Shouli Yan (2008)
Low-Power Low-Voltage Sigma-Delta Modulators in Nanometer CMOS by Libin Yao, Michiel Steyaert, Willy Sansen (2006)
Low-Power Smart Imagers for Vision-Enabled Sensor Networks by Jorge Fernandez-Berni, Ricardo Carmona-Galan, Angel Rodriguez-Vazquez (2012)
Low-Power Variation-Tolerant Design in Nanometer Silicon by Swarup Bhunia, Saibal Mukhopadhyay (2011)
Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems by Ajit Pal (2015)
Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks by Jukka Suhonen, Mikko Kohvakka, Ville Kaseva, Timo D. Hamalainen, Marko Hannikainen (2012)
LTE-Advanced Relay Technology and Standardization by Yifei Yuan (2013)
Lunar Outpost by Erik Seedhouse (2009)
Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Difference Equations by Leonid Shaikhet (2011)
Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Functional Differential Equations by Leonid Shaikhet (2013)
M-Health by Robert S. H. Istepanian, Swamy Laxminarayan, Constantinos S. Pattichis (2006)
Machine Learning and Robot Perception by Bruno Apolloni, Ashish Ghosh, Ferda Alpaslan, Lakhmi Jain, Srikanta Patnaik (2005)
Machine Learning and Systems Engineering by Sio-Iong Ao, Burghard Rieger, Mahyar A. Amouzegar (2010)
Machine Learning for Adaptive Many-Core Machines - A Practical Approach by Noel Lopes, Bernardete Ribeiro (2015)
Machine Learning for Computer Vision by Roberto Cipolla, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella (2013)
Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition by Simone Marinai, Hiromichi Fujisawa (2008)
Machine Learning in Healthcare Informatics by Sumeet Dua, U. Rajendra Acharya, Prerna Dua (2014)
Machine Learning Paradigms by Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos, George A. Tsihrintzis (2015)
Machine Medical Ethics by Simon Peter van Rysewyk, Matthijs Pontier (2015)
Machine Tool Vibrations and Cutting Dynamics by Brandon C. Gegg, C. Steve Suh, Albert C. J. Luo (2011)
Machine Tools for High Performance Machining by L.N. Lopez de Lacalle, A. Lamikiz (2009)
Machine Vision and Mechatronics in Practice by John Billingsley, Peter Brett (2015)
Machine Vision Beyond Visible Spectrum by Riad Hammoud, Guoliang Fan, Robert W. McMillan, Katsushi Ikeuchi (2011)
Machine Vision Handbook by Bruce G. Batchelor (2012)
Machines and Signs by Edoardo Rovida (2013)
Machining by Joao Paulo Davim (2008)
Machining Dynamics by Tony L. Schmitz, Kevin S. Smith (2009)
Machining Dynamics by Kai Cheng (2009)
Machining of Complex Sculptured Surfaces by J. Paulo Davim (2012)
Machining of Hard Materials by J. Paulo Davim (2011)
Machining of Metal Matrix Composites by J. Paulo Davim (2012)
Machining of Polymer Composites by Jamal Ahmad (2009)
Machining of Titanium Alloys by J. Paulo Davim (2014)
Machining with Abrasives by Mark J. Jackson, J. Paulo Davim (2011)
Macroscopic Transport Equations for Rarefied Gas Flows by Henning Struchtrup (2005)
Maglev Trains by Zhigang Liu, Zhiqiang Long, Xiaolong Li (2015)
Magnetic Bearings by Eric H. Maslen, Gerhard Schweitzer (2009)
Magnetic Control of Tokamak Plasmas by Marco Ariola, Alfredo Pironti (2008)
Magnetoencephalography by Selma Supek, Cheryl J. Aine (2014)
Magnetohydrodynamics by Sergei Molokov, Rene Moreau, Keith Moffatt (2007)
Maintenance for Industrial Systems by Riccardo Manzini, Alberto Regattieri, Hoang Pham, Emilio Ferrari (2010)
Maintenance Management in Network Utilities by Juan F Gomez Fernandez, Adolfo Crespo Marquez (2012)
Maintenance of Process Instrumentation in Nuclear Power Plants by H. M. Hashemian (2006)
Maintenance Overtime Policies in Reliability Theory by Toshio Nakagawa, Xufeng Zhao (2015)
Maintenance Theory of Reliability by Toshio Nakagawa (2005)
Make and Test Projects in Engineering Design by Andrew Emery Samuel (2006)
Making Friends on the Fly: Advances in Ad Hoc Teamwork by Samuel Barrett (2015)
Making It to the Forefront by Neslihan Aydogan-Duda (2012)
Man-Machine Interactions by Krzysztof A. Cyran, Stanisiaw Kozielski, James F. Peters, Urszula Staiczyk, Alicja Wakulicz-Deja (2009)
Man-Machine Interactions 2 by Tadeusz Czachorski, Stanisiaw Kozielski, Urszula Staiczyk (2011)
Man-Machine Interactions 3 by Dr. Aleksandra Gruca, Tadeusz Czachorski, Stanisiaw Kozielski (2014)
Management and Minimisation of Uncertainties and Errors in Numerical Aerodynamics by Bernhard Eisfeld, Holger Barnewitz, Willy Fritz, Frank Thiele (2013)
Management Intelligent Systems by Jorge Casillas, Francisco J. Martinez-Lopez, Rosa Vicari, Fernando De la Prieta (2013)
Management Intelligent Systems by Jorge Casillas, Francisco J. Martinez-Lopez, Juan Manuel Corchado Rodriguez (2012)
Management of Complex Multi-reservoir Water Distribution Systems using Advanced Control Theoretic Tools and Techniques by Wojciech Z. Chmielowski (2013)
Management of Health Risks from Environment and Food by Hajime Sato (2010)
Management of Knowledge Imperfection in Building Intelligent Systems by Eugene Roventa, Tiberiu Spircu (2009)
Management of Speech and Video Telephony Quality in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks by Biaiej Lewcio (2014)
Management of Uncertainty by Gudela Grote (2009)
Managing and Engineering in Complex Situations by Samuel F. Kovacic, Andres Sousa-Poza (2013)
Managing Complexity by Cesareo Hernandez, Adolfo Lopez-Paredes, Jose M. Perez-Rios (2014)
Managing Complexity: Practical Considerations in the Development and Application of ABMs to Contemporary Policy Challenges by Mirsad Hadzikadic, Sean O'Brien, Moutaz Khouja (2013)
Managing Cooperation in Supply Network Structures and Small or Medium-sized Enterprises by Agostino Villa (2011)
Managing Green Business Model Transformations by Axel Sommer (2012)
Managing Product Life Cycle in a Supply Chain by Sameer Kumar, William A. Krob (2005)
Managing Science by Frederick Betz (2011)
Managing Supply Chain Risk and Vulnerability by Teresa Wu, Jennifer Blackhurst (2009)
Managing Temperature Effects in Nanoscale Adaptive Systems by David Wolpert, Paul Ampadu (2012)
Managing the Continuum: Certainty, Uncertainty, Unpredictability in Large Engineering Projects by Franco Caron (2013)
Managing the Dynamics of New Product Development Processes by Arie Karniel, Yoram Reich (2011)
Manufacturing Execution Systems - MES by Jurgen Kletti (2007)
Manufacturing Outsourcing by Asbjorn Rolstadas, Bjonar Henriksen, David O'Sullivan (2012)
Manufacturing Process Design and Costing by Simmy Grewal (2011)
Manufacturing Processes 1 by Fritz Klocke (2011)
Manufacturing Processes 2 by Fritz Klocke (2009)
Manufacturing Processes 4 by Fritz Klocke (2013)
Manufacturing Scheduling Systems by Jose M. Framinan, Rainer Leisten, Ruben Ruiz Garcia (2014)
Manufacturing Simulation with Plant Simulation and SimTalk by Steffen Bangsow (2010)
Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier by Mamoru Mitsuishi, Kanji Ueda, Fumihiko Kimura (2008)
Manufacturing Systems Control Design by Stjepan Bogdan, Frank L. Lewis, Zdenko Kovaiii, Jose Mireles (2006)
Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Analysis by Guy L. Curry, Richard M. Feldman (2011)
Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Analysis by Guy L. Curry, Richard M. Feldman (2009)
Manufacturing Systems: Theory and Practice by George Chryssolouris (2006)
Mapping Nanotechnology Innovations and Knowledge by Mihail Roco, Hsinchun Chen (2009)
Mapping Sustainability by Nazli Choucri, Dinsha Mistree, Farnaz Haghseta, Toufic Mezher, Wallace R. Baker, Carlos I. Ortiz (2007)
MARINE 2011, IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering by Luis Eca, Eugenio Onate, Julio Garcia-Espinosa, Trond Kvamsdal, Pal Bergan (2013)
Marine Robot Autonomy by Mae L. Seto (2013)
Maritime Governance and Policy-Making by Michael Roe (2013)
Marketing Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing by Jorge Casillas, Francisco J. Martinez-Lopez (2010)
Markov Networks in Evolutionary Computation by Siddhartha Shakya, Roberto Santana (2012)
Mars by Viorel Badescu (2009)
Masonry Constructions: Mechanical Models and Numerical Applications by Massimiliano Lucchesi, Nicola Zani, Cristina Padovani, Giuseppe Pasquinelli (2008)
Mass Customization by Flavio S. Fogliatto, Giovani J. C. da Silveira (2011)
Mass Customization and Footwear: Myth, Salvation or Reality? by Claudio R. Boer, Sergio Dulio (2007)
Mass Customization and Sustainability by Claudio R. Boer, Paolo Pedrazzoli, Andrea Bettoni, Marzio Sorlini (2013)
Mastering Calculations in Linear and Nonlinear Mechanics by Pierre Ladeveze, Jean-Pierre Pelle (2005)
Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making by Nikos Karacapilidis (2014)
Mastication Robots by Weiliang Xu, John E. Bronlund (2010)
Matching Properties of Deep Sub-Micron MOS Transistors by Jeroen A. Croon, Willy Sansen, Herman E. Maes (2005)
Material Inhomogeneities and their Evolution by Marcelo Epstein, Marek Elianowski (2007)
Material Properties under Intensive Dynamic Loading by Mikhail V. Zhernokletov, Boris L. Glushak (2006)
Materials and Joints in Timber Structures by Simon Aicher, H.-W. Reinhardt, Harald Garrecht (2014)
Materials for Construction and Civil Engineering by M. Clara Goncalves, Fernanda Margarido (2015)
Materials for Information Technology by Ehrenfried Zschech, Caroline Whelan, Thomas Mikolajick (2005)
Materials for Nuclear Plants by Wolfgang Hoffelner (2013)
Materials for Springs by Yoshiro Yamada, Toshio Kuwabara (2007)
Materials, Technologies and Practice in Historic Heritage Structures by Maria Bostenaru Dan, Richard Piikryl, Akos Torok (2010)
Materiomics: Multiscale Mechanics of Biological Materials and Structures by Markus J. Buehler, Roberto Ballarini (2013)
Mathematical and Computational Analyses of Cracking Formation by Yoichi Sumi (2014)
Mathematical Control Theory I by M. Kanat Camlibel, A. Agung Julius, Ramkrishna Pasumarthy, Jacquelien M.A. Scherpen (2015)
Mathematical Control Theory II by Madhu N. Belur, M. Kanat Camlibel, Paolo Rapisarda, Jacquelien M.A. Scherpen (2015)
Mathematical Methods for Mechanics by Eckart W. Gekeler (2008)
Mathematical Methods for Robust and Nonlinear Control by Matthew C. Turner, Declan G. Bates (2007)
Mathematical Methods in Electro-Magneto-Elasticity by Demosthenis I. Bardzokas, Michael L. Filshtinsky, Leonid A. Filshtinsky (2007)
Mathematical Methods in Engineering by Nuno Miguel Fonseca Ferreira, Jose Antonio Tenreiro Machado (2014)
Mathematical Methods in Engineering by K. Tai, J. A. Tenreiro Machado, D. Baleanu (2007)
Mathematical Modeling by Stefan Heinz (2011)
Mathematical Modeling of Disperse Two-Phase Flows by Christophe Morel (2015)
Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis I by Ken Anjyo (2014)
Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis II by Hiroyuki Ochiai, Ken Anjyo (2015)
Mathematical Summary for Digital Signal Processing Applications with Matlab by E. S. Gopi (2010)
Mathematical Theories of Distributed Sensor Networks by Sitharama S. Iyengar, Kianoosh G. Boroojeni, N. Balakrishnan (2014)
Mathematical Theory of Elasticity of Quasicrystals and Its Applications by Tianyou Fan (2011)
Mathematics of Fuzziness - Basic Issues by Xuzhu Wang, Da Ruan, Etienne E. Kerre (2009)
Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic by Barnabas Bede (2013)
Mathematics of Uncertainty by Hans-Walter Bandemer (2006)
MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis by A. J. M. Ferreira (2009)
MATLAB Guide to Finite Elements by Peter I. Kattan (2008)
Matrix Information Geometry by Frank Nielsen, Rajendra Bhatia (2013)
Maximum Dissipation Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and its Geometric Structure by Henry W. Haslach Jr. (2011)
Measurement, Control, and Communication Using IEEE 1588 by John C. Eidson (2006)
Measurements, Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems by Edward Layer, Krzysztof Tomczyk (2010)
Measuring Signal Generators by Yuriy K. Rybin (2014)
Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation in Electrical Engineering by Zhixiang Hou (2012)
Measuring Time by Mario Vanhoucke (2009)
Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties by MARIA S. KONSTA-GDOUTOS (2006)
Meccanica delle strutture e controllo attivo strutturale by Attilio Carotti (2006)
Mechanical and Chemical Signaling in Angiogenesis by Cynthia A. Reinhart-King (2013)
Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Modern Structure and Component Design by Andreas ochsner, Holm Altenbach (2015)
Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials by Joachim Rosler, Martin. Baker, Harald. Harders (2007)
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials by Dominique Francois, Andre Pineau, Andre Zaoui (2013)
Mechanical Behaviour of Soils Under Environmentally Induced Cyclic Loads by Claudio Prisco, David Muir Wood (2012)
Mechanical Design Optimization Using Advanced Optimization Techniques by R. Venkata Rao, Vimal J. Savsani (2012)
Mechanical Engineering by Ariacutty Jayendran (2006)
Mechanical Engineering and Technology by Tianbiao Zhang (2012)
Mechanical Modelling and Computational Issues in Civil Engineering by Michel Fremond, Franco Maceri (2005)
Mechanical Properties of Aging Soft Tissues by Brian Derby, Riaz Akhtar (2015)
Mechanical Properties of Ceramics by Joshua Pelleg (2014)
Mechanical Properties of Materials by Joshua Pelleg (2013)
Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete by Kamal H. Khayat, Geert De Schutter (2014)
Mechanical Response of Composites by Pedro P. Camanho, Carlos G. Davila, Silvestre T. Pinho, Joris J. C. Remmers (2008)
Mechanical Self-Assembly by Xi Chen (2013)
Mechanical System Dynamics by Friedrich Pfeiffer (2008)
Mechanical Systems by Roger F. Gans (2015)
Mechanical Vibration: Where do we Stand? by Isaac Elishakoff (2007)
Mechanical Vibrations by Tony L. Schmitz, K. Scott Smith (2012)
Mechanics and Control of Soft-fingered Manipulation by Takahiro Inoue, Shinichi Hirai (2009)
Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Magneto- and Electro-elastic Materials by Ray W. Ogden, David J. Steigmann (2011)
Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems by Alexander K. Belyaev, Hans Irschik, Michael Krommer (2014)
Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Smart Materials and Structures by Hans Irschik, Michael Krommer, Kazumi Watanabe, Toshio Furukawa (2010)
Mechanics and Strength of Materials by Vitor Dias Silva (2006)
Mechanics Down Under by James P. Denier, Matthew D. Finn (2013)
Mechanics of Advanced Materials by Vadim V. Silberschmidt, Valery P. Matveenko (2015)
Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 2 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 4 by Francois Barthelat, Pablo Zavattieri, Chad S. Korach, Barton C. Prorok, K. Jane Grande-Allen (2014)
Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 5 by Barton C. Prorok, Francois Barthelat, Chad S. Korach, K. Jane Grande-Allen, Elizabeth Lipke, George Lykofatitits, Pablo Zavattieri (2013)
Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Volume 7 by Francois Barthelat, Chad Korach, Pablo Zavattieri, Barton C. Prorok, K. Jane Grande-Allen (2015)
Mechanics of Biological Tissue by Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Ray W. Ogden (2006)
Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB by George Z. Voyiadjis, Peter I. Kattan (2005)
Mechanics of Crustal Rocks by Yves M. Leroy, Florian K. Lehner (2011)
Mechanics of Elastic Structures with Inclined Members by Chen Hao Chang (2005)
Mechanics of Failure Mechanisms in Structures by R.L. Carlson, G.A. Kardomateas, J.I. Craig (2012)
Mechanics of Localized Slippage in Tactile Sensing by Anh-Van Ho, Shinichi Hirai (2014)
Mechanics of Masonry Structures by Maurizio Angelillo (2014)
Mechanics of Materials by Parviz Ghavami (2015)
Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems by Nicolae Lobontiu, Ephrahim Garcia (2005)
Mechanics of Microelectronics by G. Q. Zhang, W. D. Driel, X. J. Fan (2006)
Mechanics of Microstructured Solids by J.-F. Ganghoffer, Franco Pastrone (2009)
Mechanics of Microstructured Solids 2 by Jean-Francois Ganghoffer, Franco Pastrone (2010)
Mechanics of Moving Materials by Nikolay Banichuk, Juha Jeronen, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Tytti Saksa, Tero Tuovinen (2014)
Mechanics of Natural Solids by Dimitrios Kolymbas, Gioacchino Viggiani (2009)
Mechanics of non-holonomic systems by Shervani Kh. Soltakhanov, Mikhail P. Yushkov, Sergei A. Zegzhda (2009)
Mechanics of Structural Elements by Vladimir Slivker (2007)
Mechanics of Terrestrial Locomotion by Carsten Behn, Igor Zeidis, Klaus Zimmermann (2009)
Mechanics of the 21st Century by Witold Gutkowski, Tomasz A. Kowalewski (2005)
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 3 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Mechanics of Wood Machining by Etele Csanady, Endre Magoss (2013)
Mechanics Over Micro and Nano Scales by Suman Chakraborty (2011)
Mechanics, Models and Methods in Civil Engineering by Michel Fremond, Franco Maceri (2012)
Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB by Dan B. Marghitu (2009)
Mechanisms in Ancient Chinese Books with Illustrations by Kuo-Hung Hsiao, Hong-Sen Yan (2014)
Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications by Burkhard Corves, Erwin-Christian Lovasz, Mathias Husing (2015)
Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications by Erwin-Christian Lovasz, Burkhard Corves (2012)
Mechanobiology of Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions by A. Wagoner Johnson, Brendan A.C. Harley (2011)
Mechanosensing and Mechanochemical Transduction in Extracellular Matrix by Frederick H. Silver (2006)
Mechatronic Modeling of Real-Time Wheel-Rail Contact by Nicola Bosso, Maksym Spiryagin, Antonio Gugliotta, Aurelio Soma (2013)
Mechatronic Systems by Rolf Isermann (2005)
Mechatronic Systems by El-Kebir Boukas, Fouad M. AL-Sunni (2012)
Mechatronic Systems Design by Klaus Janschek (2012)
Mechatronic Systems: Theory and Applications by Mohamed Slim Abbes, Jean-Yves Choley, Fakher Chaari, Abdessalem Jarraya, Mohamed Haddar (2014)
Mechatronics by A. Preumont (2006)
Mechatronics by Ryszard Jabloiski, Tomas Biezina (2012)
Mechatronics - Ideas for Industrial Application by Jan Awrejcewicz, Roman Szewczyk, Maciej Trojnacki, Maigorzata Kaliczyiska (2015)
Mechatronics 2013 by Tomas Biezina, Ryszard Jabloiski (2014)
Mechatronics and Automatic Control Systems by Wego Wang (2014)
Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems for Off-road Vehicles by Francisco Rovira Mas, Qin Zhang, Alan C. Hansen (2011)
Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice by John Billingsley, Robin Bradbeer (2008)
Mechatronics by Bond Graphs by Vjekoslav Damii, John Montgomery (2015)
Mechatronics in Action by David Bradley, David W. Russell (2010)
Media Access Control and Resource Allocation by Nirwan Ansari, Jingjing Zhang (2013)
Media Art and the Urban Environment by Francis T. Marchese (2015)
Medical Applications for Biomaterials in Bolivia by Susan Arias, Sujata K. Bhatia (2015)
Medical Image Reconstruction by Gengsheng Lawrence Zeng (2010)
Medical Imaging Informatics by Alex A.T. Bui, Ricky K. Taira (2010)
Medical Imaging Technology by Khin Wee Lai, Dyah Ekashanti Octorina Dewi (2015)
MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German Initiatives for Aerodynamic Simulation and Optimization in Aircraft Design by Norbert Kroll, Dieter Schwamborn, Klaus Becker, Herbert Rieger, Frank Thiele (2009)
MEGAFLOW - Numerical Flow Simulation for Aircraft Design by Norbert Kroll, Jens K. Fassbender (2005)
Membrane and Desalination Technologies by Lawrence K. Wang, Jiaping Paul Chen, Yung-Tse Hung, Nazih K. Shammas (2011)
Membrane Reactors for Hydrogen Production Processes by Marcello De Falco, Luigi Marrelli, Gaetano Iaquaniello (2011)
Memories in Wireless Systems by Rino Micheloni, Giovanni Campardo, Piero Olivo (2008)
Memory Controllers for Real-Time Embedded Systems by Benny Akesson, Kees Goossens (2012)
Memory Mass Storage by Giovanni Campardo, Federico Tiziani, Massimo Iaculo (2011)
Memory-Based Logic Synthesis by Tsutomu Sasao (2011)
Memristors and Memristive Systems by Ronald Tetzlaff (2014)
MEMS and Nanotechnology, Volume 2 by Tom Proulx (2011)
MEMS and Nanotechnology, Volume 4 by Tom Proulx (2011)
MEMS and Nanotechnology, Volume 5 by Gordon Shaw III, Barton C. Prorok, LaVern Starman, Cosme Furlong (2014)
MEMS and Nanotechnology, Volume 6 by Gordon A. Shaw, Barton C. Prorok, LaVern A. Starman (2013)
MEMS and Nanotechnology, Volume 8 by Barton C. Prorok, LaVern Starman, Jennifer Hay, Gordon Shaw, III (2015)
MEMS Linear and Nonlinear Statics and Dynamics by Mohammad I. Younis (2011)
MEMS Materials and Processes Handbook by Reza Ghodssi, Pinyen Lin (2011)
MEMS Product Engineering by Dirk Ortloff, Thilo Schmidt, Kai Hahn, Tomasz Bieniek, Grzegorz Janczyk, Rainer Bruck (2014)
MEMS Reliability by Allyson L. Hartzell, Mark G. da Silva, Herbert R. Shea (2011)
MEMS Vibratory Gyroscopes by Cenk Acar, Andrei Shkel (2009)
MEMS-based Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communication by Christian C Enz, Andreas Kaiser (2013)
MEMS: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Applications by Jan G. Korvink, Oliver Paul (2006)
Mendel 2015 by Radek Matousek (2015)
Mental Health Informatics by Margaret Lech, Insu Song, Peter Yellowlees, Joachim Diederich (2014)
Mercury 13 by Martha Ackmann (2011)
Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Heart by Jian'an Wang, Xiaojie Xie (2009)
Meshless Methods in Biomechanics by Jorge Belinha (2014)
Meta-Learning in Computational Intelligence by Norbert Jankowski, Wiodzisiaw Duch, Krzysztof Graibczewski (2011)
Meta-Learning in Decision Tree Induction by Krzysztof Gribczewski (2014)
Metacognition: Fundaments, Applications, and Trends by Alejandro Pena-Ayala (2015)
Metaheuristic Clustering by Swagatam Das, Ajith Abraham, Amit Konar (2009)
Metaheuristics for Bi-level Optimization by El-Ghazali Talbi (2013)
Metaheuristics for Dynamic Optimization by Enrique Alba, Amir Nakib, Patrick Siarry (2013)
Metaheuristics for Scheduling in Distributed Computing Environments by Fatos Xhafa, Ajith Abraham (2008)
Metaheuristics for Scheduling in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications by Fatos Xhafa, Ajith Abraham (2008)
Metal Fatigue by Les Pook (2007)
Metal Forming Practise by Heinz Tschaetsch (2006)
Metal Matrix Composites by Nanjappan Natarajan, Vijayan Krishnaraj, J. Paulo Davim (2015)
Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Organic Solvents by Markus Niederberger, Nicola Pinna (2009)
Metallic Micro and Nano Materials by Masumi Saka (2011)
Metallurgical Process Engineering by Ruiyu Yin (2011)
Metamaterials by Tie Jun Cui, David Smith, Ruopeng Liu (2010)
Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Fundamentals, Modelling, Applications by Said Zouhdi, Ari Sihvola, Alexey P. Vinogradov (2009)
Methane Gas Hydrate by Ayhan Demirbas (2010)
Method of Dimensionality Reduction in Contact Mechanics and Friction by Valentin L. Popov, Markus He (2015)
Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning by Tania Di Mascio, Rosella Gennari, Pierpaolo Vittorini, Fernando De la Prieta (2015)
Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning by Tania Di Mascio, Rosella Gennari, Pierpaolo Vitorini, Rosa Vicari, Fernando de la Prieta (2014)
Methodologies and Techniques for Advanced Maintenance by Lorenzo Fedele (2011)
Methodology, Models and Algorithms in Thermographic Diagnostics by Jozef Ziviak, Radovan Hudak, Ladislav Madarasz, Imre J. Rudas (2013)
Methods and Experimental Techniques in Computer Engineering by Francesco Amigoni, Viola Schiaffonati (2014)
Methods and Supporting Technologies for Data Analysis by Danuta Zakrzewska, Ernestina Menasalvas, Liliana Byczkowska-Lipinska (2009)
Methods and Tools for Effective Knowledge Life-Cycle-Management by Alain Bernard, Serge Tichkiewitch (2008)
Methods for Constructing Exact Solutions of Partial Differential Equations by S. V. Meleshko (2005)
Methods for Handling Imperfect Spatial Information by Robert Jeansoulin, Odile Papini, Henri Prade, Steven Schockaert (2010)
Methods of Signal Processing for Adaptive Antenna Arrays by Larysa Titarenko, Alexander Barkalov (2013)
Metric- Driven Design Verification by Hamilton B. Carter, Shankar Hemmady (2007)
Micro and Macro Mixing by Henning Bockhorn, Dieter Mewes, Wolfgang Peukert, Hans-Joachim Warnecke (2010)
Micro and Nano Fabrication by Hans H. Gatzen, Volker Saile, Jurg Leuthold (2015)
Micro and Nanomanufacturing by Mark J. Jackson (2007)
Micro and Smart Devices and Systems by K. J. Vinoy, G. K. Ananthasuresh, Rudra Pratap, S. B. Krupanidhi (2014)
Micro Cogeneration by Martin Pehnt, Barbara Praetorius, Katja Schumacher, Corinna Fischer, Lambert Schneider, Martin Cames, Jan-Peter Vo (2006)
Micro Metal Forming by Frank Vollertsen (2013)
Micro Transport Phenomena During Boiling by Xiaofeng Peng (2010)
Micro- and Opto-Electronic Materials and Structures: Physics, Mechanics, Design, Reliability, Packaging by E. Suhir, Y. C. Lee, C. P. Wong (2007)
Micro-Macro-interaction by Albrecht Bertram, Jurgen Tomas (2008)
Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems and Their Applications by Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, Masahiro Nakajima (2013)
Micro-Relay Technology for Energy-Efficient Integrated Circuits by Hei Kam, Fred Chen (2015)
Micro-scaled Products Development via Microforming by Ming Wang Fu, Wai Lun Chan (2014)
Micro-Tomographic Atlas of the Mouse Skeleton by Itai Bab, Carmit Hajbi-Yonissi, Yankel Gabet, Ralph Muller (2007)
Microactuators and Micromechanisms by Erwin-Christian Lovasz, Gondi Kondaiah Ananthasuresh, Burkhard Corves, Victor Petuya (2015)
Microarchitecture of Network-on-Chip Routers by Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos, Anastasios Psarras, Ioannis Seitanidis (2015)
Microcontrollers in Practice by Marian Mitescu, Ioan Susnea (2005)
Microelectronic Test Structures for CMOS Technology by Manjul Bhushan, Mark B. Ketchen (2011)
Microfluidic Technologies for Miniaturized Analysis Systems by Steffen Hardt, Friedhelm Schonfeld (2007)
Microfluidics and Microfabrication by Suman Chakraborty (2010)
Microfluidics for Biological Applications by Erin Finehout, Wei-Cheng Tian (2009)
Microgravity Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer by Kamiel S. Gabriel (2007)
Micromachined Thin-Film Sensors for SOI-CMOS Co-Integration by J. Laconte, D. Flandre, J. -P. Raskin (2006)
Micromachining with Nanostructured Cutting Tools by Mark J. Jackson (2013)
Micromanufacturing by Kornel F. Ehmann, David Bourell, Martin L. Culpepper, Thom J. Hodgson, Thomas R. Kurfess, Marc Madou, Kamlakar Rajurkar, Richard Devor (2007)
Micromechanics and Microactuators by Gondi Kondaiah Ananthasuresh, Burkhard Corves, Victor Petuya (2012)
Micromechanics and Nanosimulation of Metals and Composites by Siegfried Schmauder, Leon Mishnaevsky (2009)
Micromechanics Modelling of Ductile Fracture by Zengtao Chen, Cliff Butcher (2013)
Micromechanics of Composite Materials by George Dvorak (2013)
Micromechanics of Contact and Interphase Layers by Stanisiaw Stupkiewicz (2007)
Micromehcanics of Heterogenous Materials by Valeriy A. Buryachenko (2007)
Microphone Array Signal Processing by Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen, Yiteng Huang (2008)
Microscale Diagnostic Techniques by Kenneth S. Breuer (2005)
Microscale Heat Transfer Fundamentals and Applications by S. Kakac, L.L. Vasiliev, Y. Bayazitoilu, Y. Yener (2005)
Microstructuring of Thermo-Mechanically Highly Stressed Surfaces by Berend Denkena, Adrian Rienacker, Gunter Knoll, Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach, Hans Jurgen Maier, Eduard Reithmeier, Friedrich Dinkelacker (2015)
Microsystems Dynamics by Vytautas Ostasevicius, Rolanas Dauksevicius (2011)
Microsystems Mechanical Design by Francesco Bona, Eniko T. Enikov (2006)
Microwave Circuits for 24 GHz Automotive Radar in Silicon-based Technologies by Vadim Issakov (2010)
Microwave Systems Design by Zaiki Awang (2014)
Microwave Tomography by Sima Noghanian, Abas Sabouni, Travis Desell, Ali Ashtari (2014)
Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources and Applications by Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh, Irina T. Sorokina (2008)
Migration on Wings by Lakshmi Kantha (2012)
Millimeter-Wave Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifiers by Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu (2014)
Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits by Eoin Carey, Sverre Lidholm (2005)
Millimeter-Wave Receiver Concepts for 77 GHz Automotive Radar in Silicon-Germanium Technology by Dietmar Kissinger (2012)
MIMO Communication for Cellular Networks by Howard Huang, Constantinos B. Papadias, Sivarama Venkatesan (2012)
MIMO Signals and Systems by Horst J. Bessai (2005)
Mine Planning and Equipment Selection by Carsten Drebenstedt, Raj Singhal (2014)
Mine Safety by B.S. Dhillon (2010)
Mini-Micro Fuel Cells by S. Kakac, A. Pramuanjaroenkij, L. Vasiliev (2008)
Minimizing and Exploiting Leakage in VLSI Design by Nikhil Jayakumar, Suganth Paul, Rajesh Garg, Kanupriya Gulati, Sunil P. Khatri (2010)
Minimizing Spurious Tones in Digital Delta-Sigma Modulators by Kaveh Hosseini, Michael Peter Kennedy (2011)
Minimum Error Entropy Classification by Joaquim P. Marques de Sa, Luis M.A. Silva, Jorge M.F. Santos, Luis A. Alexandre (2013)
Mining and Analyzing Social Networks by I-Hsien Ting, Hui-Ju Wu, Tien-Hwa Ho (2010)
Mining and Control of Network Traffic by Computational Intelligence by Federico Montesino Pouzols, Diego R. Lopez, Angel Barriga Barros (2011)
Mining Complex Data by Djamel A. Zighed, Shusaku Tsumoto, Zbigniew W. Ras, Hakim Hacid (2009)
Mining Equipment Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety by Balbir S. Dhillon (2008)
Mining for Strategic Competitive Intelligence by Cai-Nicolas Ziegler (2012)
Mining of Data with Complex Structures by Fedja Hadzic, Henry Tan, Tharam S. Dillon (2010)
Mission Mars by Ajey Lele (2014)
Mixed Finite Element Technologies by Carsten Carstensen, Peter Wriggers (2009)
Mixed Reality and Human-Robot Interaction by Xiangyu Wang (2011)
Mixed-Signal Layout Generation Concepts by Chieh Lin, Arthur H. M. Roermund, Domine M. W. Leenaerts (2005)
Mixture Formation in Internal Combustion Engine by Baumgarten Carsten (2006)
mm-Wave Silicon Technology by Ali M. Niknejad, Hossein Hashemi (2008)
Mobile and Wireless Network Security and Privacy by S. Kami Makki, Peter Reiher, Kia Makki, Niki Pissinou, Shamila Makki (2007)
Mobile and Wireless Technology 2015 by Kuinam J. Kim, Naruemon Wattanapongsakorn (2015)
Mobile Broadband by Mustafa Ergen (2009)
Mobile Health by Sasan Adibi (2015)
Mobile Hybrid Intrusion Detection by Alvaro Herrero, Emilio Corchado (2011)
Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Standards by Fa-Long Luo (2009)
Mobile Phone Programming by Frank H. P. Fitzek, Frank Reichert (2007)
Mobile Phone Security and Forensics by Iosif I. Androulidakis (2012)
Mobile Robot Navigation with Intelligent Infrared Image Interpretation by William L. Fehlman, Mark K. Hinders (2009)
Mobile Robots: The Evolutionary Approach by Nadia Nedjah, Leandro dos Santos Coelho, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle (2007)
Mobile Speech and Advanced Natural Language Solutions by Amy Neustein, Judith A. Markowitz (2013)
Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Hojjat Adeli, Namje Park, Isaac Woungang (2014)
Mobility-based Time References for Wireless Sensor Networks by Fabio Sebastiano, Lucien J. Breems, Kofi A. A. Makinwa (2013)
Modal Analysis of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems by Gaetan Kerschen (2014)
Modal Analysis Topics, Volume 3 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Modal Array Signal Processing: Principles and Applications of Acoustic Wavefield Decomposition by Heinz Teutsch (2007)
Model Abstraction in Dynamical Systems: Application to Mobile Robot Control by Patricia Mellodge, Pushkin Kachroo (2008)
Model and Design of Bipolar and MOS Current-Mode Logic by Massimo Alioto, Gaetano Palumbo (2005)
Model Predictive control by E. F. Camacho, C. Bordons (2007)
Model Predictive Control of Wastewater Systems by Carlos Ocampo-Martinez (2010)
Model Predictive Control System Design and Implementation Using MATLAB by Liuping Wang (2009)
Model Predictive Vibration Control by Gergely Takacs, Boris Rohai-Ilkiv (2012)
Model Reduction for Circuit Simulation by Peter Benner, Michael Hinze, E. Jan W. ter Maten (2011)
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3 by H. Sezer Atamturktur, Babak Moaveni, Costas Papadimitriou, Tyler Schoenherr (2015)
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3 by H. Sezer Atamturktur, Babak Moaveni, Costas Papadimitriou, Tyler Schoenherr (2014)
Model-Based Control: by Paul M.J. Hof, Carsten Scherer, Peter S.C. Heuberger (2009)
Model-Based Design of Adaptive Embedded Systems by Twan Basten, Roelof Hamberg, Frans Reckers, Jacques Verriet (2013)
Model-based Fault Diagnosis Techniques by Steven X. Ding (2008)
Model-Based Fault Diagnosis Techniques by Steven X. Ding (2013)
Model-based Process Supervision by Arun K. Samantaray, Belkacem Ould Bouamama (2008)
Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology by Lorenzo Magnani, Walter Carnielli, Claudio Pizzi (2010)
Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine by Janusz Kacprzyk, Lorenzo Magnani, Ping Li (2007)
Model-Driven Design Using IEC 61499 by Li Hsien Yoong, Partha S. Roop, Zeeshan E. Bhatti, Matthew M. Y. Kuo (2015)
Model-Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces by Heinrich Hussmann, Gerrit Meixner, Detlef Zuehlke (2011)
Modeling and Control for a Blended Wing Body Aircraft by Martin Kozek, Alexander Schirrer (2015)
Modeling and Control for Efficient Bipedal Walking Robots by Vincent Duindam, Stefano Stramigioli (2009)
Modeling and Control of a Large Nuclear Reactor by S R Shimjith, A P Tiwari, B Bandyopadhyay (2013)
Modeling and Control of Antennas and Telescopes by Wodek Gawronski (2008)
Modeling and Control of Complex Physical Systems by Vincent Duindam, Alessandro Macchelli, Stefano Stramigioli, Herman Bruyninckx (2009)
Modeling and Control of Dialysis Systems by Ahmad Taher Azar (2013)
Modeling and Control of Discrete-event Dynamic Systems by Branislav Hruz, MengChu Zhou (2007)
Modeling and Control of Greenhouse Crop Growth by Francisco Rodriguez, Manuel Berenguel, Jose Luis Guzman, Armando Ramirez-Arias (2015)
Modeling and Control of Hydrosystems by Xavier Litrico, Vincent Fromion (2009)
Modeling and Control of Magnetic Fluid Deformable Mirrors for Adaptive Optics Systems by Zhizheng Wu, Azhar Iqbal, Foued Ben Amara (2013)
Modeling and Control of Sustainable Power Systems by Lingfeng Wang (2012)
Modeling and Identification of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems by Roland Toth (2010)
Modeling and Imaging of Bioelectrical Activity by Bin He (2005)
Modeling and Processing for Next-Generation Big-Data Technologies by Fatos Xhafa, Leonard Barolli, Admir Barolli, Petraq Papajorgji (2015)
Modeling and Simulation for RF System Design by Ronny Frevert, Joachim Haase, Roland Jancke, Uwe Knochel, Peter Schwarz, Ralf Kakerow, Mohsen Darianian (2005)
Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications by Abdelmalek Amine, Ait Mohamed Otmane, Ladjel Bellatreche (2013)
Modeling Approaches to Natural Convection in Porous Media by Yan Su, Jane H. Davidson (2015)
Modeling Biomolecular Networks in Cells by Luonan Chen, Ruiqi Wang, Chunguang Li, Kazuyuki Aihara (2010)
Modeling Dependence in Econometrics by Van-Nam Huynh, Vladik Kreinovich, Songsak Sriboonchitta (2014)
Modeling Intention in Email by Vitor R. Carvalho (2011)
Modeling Machine Emotions for Realizing Intelligence by Toyoaki Nishida, Lakhmi C. Jain, Colette Faucher (2010)
Modeling Mobility with Open Data by Michael Behrisch, Melanie Weber (2015)
Modeling Multi-commodity Trade: Information Exchange Methods by Mariusz Kaleta, Tomasz Traczyk (2012)
Modeling Multiphase Materials Processes by Manabu Iguchi, Olusegun J. Ilegbusi (2011)
Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints by Lucas Filipe Martins da Silva, Andreas ochsner (2008)
Modeling of Biological Materials by Francesco Mollica, Luigi Preziosi, K. R. Rajagopal (2007)
Modeling of Creep for Structural Analysis by Konstantin Naumenko, Holm Altenbach (2007)
Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes by Prakash M. Dixit, Uday S. Dixit (2008)
Modeling of Nanotoxicity by Ruhong Zhou (2015)
Modeling of Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Manufacturing Processes by C. V. Nielsen, W. Zhang, L. M. Alves, N. Bay, P. A. F. Martins (2013)
Modeling of Wind Turbines with Doubly Fed Generator System by Jens Fortmann (2015)
Modeling Solar Radiation at the Earth's Surface by Viorel Badescu (2008)
Modeling Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Roberto Bove, Stefano Ubertini (2008)
Modeling Uncertainty with Fuzzy Logic by Asli Celikyilmaz, I. Burhan Turksen (2009)
Modeling Users' Experiences with Interactive Systems by Evangelos Karapanos (2013)
Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Network-on-Chip Communication Architectures by Umit Y. Ogras, Radu Marculescu (2013)
Modeling, Control and Coordination of Helicopter Systems by Beibei Ren, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Chang Chen, Cheng-Heng Fua, Tong Heng Lee (2012)
Modeling, Control and Implementation of Smart Structures by B. Bandyopadhyay, T. C. Manjunath, M. Umapathy (2007)
Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties by Andreas Rauh, Ekaterina Auer (2011)
Modeling, Diagnostics and Process Control by Jozef Korbicz, Jan Maciej Koicielny (2011)
Modeling, Estimation and Control by Alessandro Chiuso, Stefano Pinzoni, Augusto Ferrante (2007)
Modeling, Learning, and Processing of Text Technological Data Structures by Alexander Mehler, Kai-Uwe Kuhnberger, Henning Lobin, Harald Lungen, Angelika Storrer, Andreas Witt (2012)
Modeling, Simulation and Control of Nonlinear Engineering Dynamical Systems by Jan Awrejcewicz (2009)
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Science and Technology by William Fitzgibbon, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Olivier Pironneau (2014)
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Bipedal Walking by Katja Mombaur, Karsten Berns (2013)
Modelli decisionali per la produzione, la logistica e i servizi energetici by Roberto Pinto, Maria Teresa Vespucci (2011)
Modelling and Analysis of Hybrid Supervisory Systems by Emilia Villani, Paulo E. Miyagi, Robert Valette (2007)
Modelling and Control for Intelligent Industrial Systems by Gerasimos G. Rigatos (2011)
Modelling and Control of Dialysis Systems by Ahmad Taher Azar (2013)
Modelling and Control of Dynamical Systems: Numerical Implementation in a Behavioral Framework by Ricardo Zavala Yoe (2008)
Modelling and Control of Mini-Flying Machines by Pedro Castillo, Rogelio Lozano, Alejandro E. Dzul (2005)
Modelling and Estimation Strategies for Fault Diagnosis of Non-Linear Systems by Marcin Witczak (2007)
Modelling and Identification with Rational Orthogonal Basis Functions by Peter S.C. Heuberger, Paul M.J. Hof, Bo Wahlberg (2005)
Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes by Michael Schabacker, Kilian Gericke, Nikoletta Szelig, Sandor Vajna (2015)
Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes by Peter Heisig, P. John Clarkson, Sandor Vajna (2010)
Modelling and Optimization of Biotechnological Processes by Lei Zhi Chen, Xiao Dong Chen, Sing Kiong Nguang (2006)
Modelling and Reasoning with Vague Concepts by Jonathan Lawry (2006)
Modelling Behaviour by Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Martin Tamke, Christoph Gengnagel, Billie Faircloth, Fabian Scheurer (2015)
Modelling Diesel Combustion by P. A. Lakshminarayanan, Yoghesh V. Aghav (2010)
Modelling Dynamics in Processes and Systems by Wojciech Mitkowski, Janusz Kacprzyk (2009)
Modelling in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics by Nikolay Avgoustinov (2007)
Modelling of Corroding Concrete Structures by Carmen Andrade, Giuseppe Mancini (2011)
Modelling of Powder Die Compaction by P. R. Brewin, O. Coube, P. Doremus, J. H. Tweed (2008)
Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials with Mathematica by William Wyatt Sampson (2009)
Modelling with Transparent Soils by Magued Iskander (2010)
Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences by Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2015)
Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences by Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2015)
Modelling, Monitoring and Diagnostic Techniques for Fluid Power Systems by John Watton (2007)
Modelling, Simulation and Software Concepts for Scientific-Technological Problems by Ernst Stephan, Peter Wriggers (2011)
Models for Computer Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing by Joseph K. Davidson (2007)
Models in Hardware Testing by Hans-Joachim Wunderlich (2010)
Models of Mechanics by Anders Klarbring (2006)
Models, Methods, and Tools for Complex Chip Design by Jan Haase (2014)
Modern Advances in Intelligent Systems and Tools by Wei Ding, He Jiang, Moonis Ali, Mingchu Li (2012)
Modern Antennas by S. Drabowitch, A. Papiernik, H. D. Griffiths, J. Encinas, B. L. Smith (2005)
Modern Circuit Placement by Gi-Joon Nam, Jason Cong (2007)
Modern Computational Intelligence Methods for the Interpretation of Medical Images by Marek R. Ogiela, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz (2008)
Modern Control Theory by Zdzislaw Bubnicki (2005)
Modern Energy Markets by Maria Kopsakangas-Savolainen, Rauli Svento (2012)
Modern Linear Control Design by Paolo Caravani (2013)
Modern Manufacturing Engineering by J. Paulo Davim (2015)
Modern Mathematical Tools and Techniques in Capturing Complexity by Leandro Pardo, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Maria Angeles Gil (2011)
Modern Mechanical Engineering by J. Paulo Davim (2014)
Modern Methods of Construction Design by Ladislav seviik, Petr Lepsik, Michal Petri, Ivan Masin, Rudolf Martonka (2014)
Modern Power Systems Analysis by Xi-Fan Wang, Yonghua Song, Malcolm Irving (2008)
Modern Sliding Mode Control Theory by Giorgio Bartolini, Leonid Fridman, Alessandro Pisano, Elio Usai (2008)
Modern Testing Techniques for Structural Systems by Oreste S. Bursi, David Wagg (2008)
Modern Trends and Techniques in Computer Science by Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Petr Silhavy, Zdenka Prokopova (2014)
Modern Trends in Geomechanics by Wei Wu, Hai-Sui Yu (2006)
Modern TRIZ by Michael A. Orloff (2012)
Modern Water Resources Engineering by Lawrence K. Wang, Chih Ted Yang (2014)
Modular Neural Networks and Type-2 Fuzzy Systems for Pattern Recognition by Patricia Melin (2012)
Modular System Design and Evaluation by Mark Sh. Levin (2015)
Moisture Sensitivity of Plastic Packages of IC Devices by X.J. Fan, E. Suhir (2010)
Molecular Communications and Nanonetworks by Barii Atakan (2014)
Molecular Computing by Weng-Long Chang, Athanasios V. Vasilakos (2014)
Molecular Electronics Materials, Devices and Applications by Antoine Jalabert, Amara Amara, Fabien Clermidy (2008)
Molecular Imaging of the Brain by M. M. Kaila, Rakhi Kaila (2013)
Molecular Modeling and Multiscaling Issues for Electronic Material Applications by Nancy Iwamoto, Matthew M.F. Yuen, Haibo Fan (2012)
Molecular Modeling and Multiscaling Issues for Electronic Material Applications by Artur Wymyslowski, Nancy Iwamoto, Matthew Yuen, Haibo Fan (2015)
Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems by Barbara Dunin-Kiplicz, Andrzej Jankowski, Andrzej Skowron, Marcin Szczuka (2005)
Mono- and Multivariable Control and Estimation by Eric Ostertag (2011)
Monte Carlo Methods in Fuzzy Optimization by James J. Buckley, Leonard J. Jowers (2008)
Moon by Viorel Badescu (2012)
More Playful User Interfaces by Anton Nijholt (2015)
More than Moore by Guo Qi Zhang, Alfred Roosmalen (2009)
More than Moore Technologies for Next Generation Computer Design by Rasit O. Topaloglu (2015)
Morphogenesis by Paul Bourgine, Annick Lesne (2011)
MOSFET Technologies for Double-Pole Four-Throw Radio-Frequency Switch by Viranjay M. Srivastava, Ghanshyam Singh (2014)
Motion and Operation Planning of Robotic Systems by Giuseppe Carbone, Fernando Gomez-Bravo (2015)
Motion and Vibration Control by Heinz Ulbrich, Lucas Ginzinger (2009)
Motion Control in Offshore and Dredging by P. Albers (2010)
Motion Coordination for VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Abdelkader Abdessameud, Abdelhamid Tayebi (2013)
Motion Correction in Thoracic Positron Emission Tomography by Fabian Gigengack, Xiaoyi Jiang, Mohammad Dawood, Klaus P. Schafers (2015)
Motion Estimation for Video Coding by Indrajit Chakrabarti, Kota Naga Srinivasarao Batta, Sumit Kumar Chatterjee (2015)
Motion Estimation Techniques for Digital Video Coding by Shilpa Metkar, Sanjay Talbar (2013)
Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots by Kensuke Harada, Eiichi Yoshida, Kazuhito Yokoi (2010)
Motion Planning in Medicine: Optimization and Simulation Algorithms for Image-Guided Procedures by Ron Alterovitz, Ken Goldberg (2008)
MotionCast for Mobile Wireless Networks by Xinbing Wang (2013)
Motorbike Suspensions by Dario Croccolo, Massimiliano Agostinis (2013)
Moving Interfaces in Crystalline Solids by Franz Dieter Fischer (2005)
Moving Millions by F. Moavenzadeh, M. J. Markow (2007)
Multi Criteria Analysis in the Renewable Energy Industry by Jose Ramon San Cristobal Mateo (2012)
Multi-Agent Based Beam Search for Real-Time Production Scheduling and Control by Shu Gang Kang, Shiu Hong Choi (2013)
Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots by M. D. Zivanovic, M. K. Vukobratovic (2006)
Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum 2007 by Simon Plass, Armin Dammann, Stefan Kaiser, Khaled Fazel (2007)
Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum by Khaled Fazel, Stefan Kaiser (2006)
Multi-Carrier Systems & Solutions 2009 by Simon Plass, Armin Dammann, Stefan Kaiser, Khaled Fazel (2009)
Multi-Level Decision Making by Guangquan Zhang, Jie Lu, Ya Gao (2015)
Multi-Locomotion Robotic Systems by Toshio Fukuda, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Kosuke Sekiyama, Tadayoshi Aoyama (2012)
Multi-Net Optimization of VLSI Interconnect by Konstantin Moiseev, Avinoam Kolodny, Shmuel Wimer (2015)
Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures by Cristina Silvano, William Fornaciari, Eugenio Villar (2011)
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery from Databases by Ashish Ghosh, Satchidananda Dehuri, Susmita Ghosh (2008)
Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimisation for Product Design and Manufacturing by Lihui Wang, Amos H. C. Ng, Kalyanmoy Deb (2011)
Multi-Objective Machine Learning by Yaochu Jin (2006)
Multi-objective Management in Freight Logistics by Massimiliano Caramia, Paolo Dell'Olmo (2008)
Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithms by Chi-Keong Goh, Yew-Soon Ong, Kay Chen Tan (2009)
Multi-Objective Optimization in Physical Synthesis of Integrated Circuits by David A. Papa, Igor L. Markov (2013)
Multi-objective Swarm Intelligence by Satchidananda Dehuri, Alok Kumar Jagadev, Mrutyunjaya Panda (2015)
Multi-Objective Swarm Intelligent Systems by Nadia Nedjah, Leandro Santos Coelho, Luiza Macedo Mourelle (2010)
Multi-Photon Quantum Interference by Zhe-Yu Jeff Ou (2007)
Multi-point Cooperative Communication Systems: Theory and Applications by Ming Ding, Hanwen Luo (2013)
Multi-point Interaction with Real and Virtual Objects by Federico Barbagli, Domenico Prattichizzo, Kenneth Salisbury (2005)
Multi-Robot Systems. From Swarms to Intelligent Automata Volume III by Lynne E. Parker, Frank E. Schneider, Alan C. Schultz (2005)
Multi-Scale Modeling and Characterization of Infrastructure Materials by Niki Kringos, Bjorn Birgisson, David Frost, Linbing Wang (2013)
Multi-Sensor Data Fusion by H.B. Mitchell (2007)
Multi-state System Reliability Analysis and Optimization for Engineers and Industrial Managers by Anatoly Lisnianski, Ilia Frenkel, Yi Ding (2010)
Multi-Wafer Rotating MEMS Machines by Jeffrey Lang (2010)
Multiagent based Supply Chain Management by Brahim Chaib-draa, Jorg P. Muller (2006)
Multiagent Coordination Enabling Autonomous Logistics by Arne Schuldt (2011)
Multiagent Systems and Applications by Dennis Jarvis, Jacqueline Jarvis, Ralph Ronnquist, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Multiagent Systems and Applications by Maria Ganzha, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Multibody Dynamics by Jean-Claude Samin, Paul Fisette (2013)
Multibody Dynamics by Krzysztof Arczewski, Wojciech Blajer, Janusz Fraczek, Marek Wojtyra (2011)
Multibody Dynamics by Zdravko Terze (2014)
Multibody Dynamics by Carlo L. Bottasso (2009)
Multibody Dynamics by Juan Carlos Garcia Orden, Jose M. Goicolea, Javier Cuadrado (2007)
Multibody Mechanics and Visualization by Harry J. Dankowicz (2005)
Multibody Mechatronic Systems by Marco Ceccarelli, Eusebio Eduardo Hernandez Martinez (2015)
Multibody System Dynamics, Robotics and Control by Hubert Gattringer, Johannes Gerstmayr (2013)
Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques by Lucia Recchia, Paolo Boncinelli, Enrico Cini, Marco Vieri, Francesco Garbati Pegna, Daniele Sarri (2011)
Multicriteria and Multiagent Decision Making with Applications to Economics and Social Sciences by Aldo G. S. Ventre, Antonio Maturo, sarka Hoskova-Mayerova, Janusz Kacprzyk (2013)
Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition by Serkan Kiranyaz, Turker Ince, Moncef Gabbouj (2014)
Multifield Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics by Rainer Helmig, Alexander Mielke, Barbara I. Wohlmuth (2006)
Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Applications by Sonke Svenson, Robert K. Prud'homme (2012)
Multilayer Integrated Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators by Yafei Zhang, Da Chen (2013)
Multilayer Neural Networks by Maciej Krawczak (2013)
Multimedia Analysis, Processing and Communications by Weisi Lin, Dacheng Tao, Janusz Kacprzyk, Zhu Li, Ebroul Izquierdo, Haohong Wang (2011)
Multimedia and Internet Systems: Theory and Practice by Aleksander Zgrzywa, Kazimierz Choroi, Andrzej Siemiiski (2013)
Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Joseph Kee-Yin Ng, Hwa-Young Jeong, Borgy Waluyo (2013)
Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Shu-Ching Chen, Joon-Min Gil, Neil Y. Yen (2014)
Multimedia Content Analysis by Ajay Divakaran (2009)
Multimedia Multiprocessor Systems by Akash Kumar, Henk Corporaal, Bart Mesman, Yajun Ha (2010)
Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications by Punitha P. Swamy, Devanur S. Guru (2013)
Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata by Michael Granitzer, Mathias Lux, Marc Spaniol (2008)
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments by George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments by George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments by George A. Tsihrintzis, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments by George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments by George A. Tsihrintzis, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Multimedia Signal Coding and Transmission by Jens-Rainer Ohm (2015)
Multimodal Interaction in Image and Video Applications by Angel D. Sappa, Jordi Vitria (2013)
Multimodal Location Estimation of Videos and Images by Jaeyoung Choi, Gerald Friedland (2015)
Multimodal User Interfaces by Dimitrios Tzovaras (2008)
Multiobjective Shape Design in Electricity and Magnetism by Paolo Di Barba (2010)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics by Nikolay I. Kolev (2007)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 1 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2012)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 1 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2015)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 1 by Nikolay I. Kolev (2005)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 2 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2012)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 2 by Nikolay I. Kolev (2005)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 2 by Nikolay I. Kolev (2007)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2012)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3 by Nikolay I. Kolev (2007)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 4 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2012)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 4 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2009)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 5 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2012)
Multiphase Flow Dynamics 5 by Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (2015)
Multiphase Microfluidics: The Diffuse Interface Model by Roberto Mauri (2012)
Multiphase Reacting Flows: Modelling and Simulation by Daniele L. Marchisio, Rodney O. Fox (2007)
Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales by Lyesse Laloui, Alessio Ferrari (2013)
Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation for Systems Design and Monitoring by Mohamed Haddar, Mohamed Slim Abbes, Jean-Yves Choley, Taoufik Boukharouba, Tamer Elnady, Andrei Kanaev, Mounir Ben Amar, Fakher Chaari (2015)
Multiple Abstraction Hierachies for Mobile Robot Operation in Large Environments by Cipriano Galindo, Juan-Antonio Fernandez-Madrigal, Javier Gonzaez (2007)
Multiple Fuzzy Classification Systems by Rafai Scherer (2012)
Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Anibal Ollero, Ivan Maza (2007)
Multiple Impacts in Dissipative Granular Chains by Ngoc Son Nguyen, Bernard Brogliato (2014)
Multiprocessor Scheduling for Real-Time Systems by Sanjoy Baruah, Marko Bertogna, Giorgio Buttazzo (2015)
Multiprocessor System-on-Chip by Michael Hubner, Jurgen Becker (2011)
Multiprocessor Systems on Chip by Torsten Kempf, Gerd Ascheid, Rainer Leupers (2011)
Multirate Statistical Signal Processing by Omid S. Jahromi (2007)
Multiresolution Approach to Processing Images for Different Applications by Igor Vujovii (2015)
Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID by Stevan Preradovic, Nemai Chandra Karmakar (2012)
Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics by Ronaldo I. Borja (2011)
Multiscale Computer Modeling in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering by Amit Gefen (2013)
Multiscale Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation of Engineering Materials: Structural Integrity and Microstructural Worthiness by G. C. Sih (2008)
Multiscale Methods in Computational Mechanics by Rene Borst, Ekkehard Ramm (2011)
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Composite Materials and Structures by Young W. Kwon, David H. Allen, Ramesh Talreja (2008)
Multiscale Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification of Materials and Structures by Manolis Papadrakakis, George Stefanou (2014)
Multiscale Modeling in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology by Suvranu De, Wonmuk Hwang, Ellen Kuhl (2015)
Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials by Tomasz Sadowski, Patrizia Trovalusci (2014)
Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials by Tomasz Sadowski (2005)
Multiscale Modelling of Plasticity and Fracture by Means of Dislocation Mechanics by Reinhard Pippan, Peter Gumbsch (2010)
Multiscale Signal Analysis and Modeling by Xiaoping Shen, Ahmed I. Zayed (2013)
Multiscaling in Molecular and Continuum Mechanics: Interaction of Time and Size from Macro to Nano by G. C. Sih (2007)
Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems by Hernsoo Hahn, Hanseok Ko, Sukhan Lee (2009)
Multivariable Computer-controlled Systems by Efim N. Rosenwasser, Bernhard P. Lampe (2006)
Multivariate Statistical Process Control by Zhiqiang Ge, Zhihuan Song (2013)
Music-Inspired Harmony Search Algorithm by Zong Woo Geem (2009)
Musical Robots and Interactive Multimodal Systems by Jorge Solis, Kia Ng (2011)
My personal Adaptive Global NET (MAGNET) by Ramjee Prasad (2010)
Myocardial Tissue Engineering by Aldo R. Boccaccini, Sian E. Harding (2011)
Nano-Bio-Sensing by Sandro Carrara (2011)
Nano-Electronic Devices by Dragica Vasileska, Stephen M. Goodnick (2011)
Nano-tribology and Materials in MEMS by Sujeet K. Sinha, N. Satyanarayana, Seh Chun Lim (2013)
Nanodiamonds by Dean Ho (2010)
Nanoelectronic Circuit Design by Niraj K. Jha, Deming Chen (2011)
Nanoenergy by Flavio Leandro de Souza, Edson Roberto Leite (2013)
Nanofins by Navdeep Singh, Debjyoti Banerjee (2014)
Nanofluidics by Efstathios E. (Stathis) Michaelides (2014)
Nanoimprint Lithography: An Enabling Process for Nanofabrication by Weimin Zhou (2013)
Nanoindentation by Anthony C. Fischer-Cripps (2011)
Nanomaterials by K.T. Ramesh (2009)
Nanomaterials for Solid State Hydrogen Storage by Robert A. Varin, Tomasz Czujko, Zbigniew S. Wronski (2009)
Nanomaterials: A Danger or a Promise? by Roberta Brayner, Fernand Fievet, Thibaud Coradin (2013)
Nanomechanical Analysis of High Performance Materials by Atul Tiwari (2014)
Nanomechanics of Materials and Structures by T. -J. Chuang, P. M. Anderson, M. -K. Wu, S. Hsieh (2006)
Nanometer CMOS RFICs for Mobile TV Applications by Ahmed A. Youssef, James Haslett (2010)
Nanometer CMOS Sigma-Delta Modulators for Software Defined Radio by Alonso Morgado, Rocio del Rio, Jose M. Rosa (2012)
Nanometer Technology Designs High-Quality Delay Tests by Mohammad Tehranipoor, Nisar Ahmed (2008)
Nanometer Variation-Tolerant SRAM by Mohamed H. Abu-Rahma, Mohab Anis (2013)
Nanoparticle Emissions From Combustion Engines by Jerzy Merkisz, Jacek Pielecha (2015)
Nanopores by Samir M. Iqbal, Rashid Bashir (2011)
Nanorobotics by Constantinos Mavroidis, Antoine Ferreira (2013)
Nanoscale and Microscale Phenomena by Yogesh M. Joshi, Sameer Khandekar (2015)
Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Applications by J. Ping Liu, Eric Fullerton, Oliver Gutfleisch, D.J. Sellmyer (2009)
Nanoscale Memory Repair by Masashi Horiguchi, Kiyoo Itoh (2011)
Nanoscale Surface Modification for Enhanced Biosensing by Guigen Zhang (2015)
Nanoscale Transistors by Mark S. Lundstrom, Jing Guo (2006)
Nanostructured Materials for Engineering Applications by Carlos Perez Bergmann, Monica Jung Andrade (2011)
Nanosystems Design and Technology by Giovanni Micheli, Yusuf Leblebici, Martin Gijs, Janos Voros (2009)
Nanotechnology by H. Brune, H. Ernst, A. Grunwald, W. Grunwald, H. Hofmann, H. Krug, P. Janich, M. Mayor, W. Rathgeber, G. Schmid, U. Simon, V. Vogel, D. Wyrwa (2006)
Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics by W. R. Fahrner (2005)
Nanotechnology and Neuroscience: Nano-electronic, Photonic and Mechanical Neuronal Interfacing by Massimo De Vittorio, Luigi Martiradonna, John Assad (2014)
Nanotechnology Enabled In situ Sensors for Monitoring Health by Thomas J. Webster (2011)
Nanotechnology for Chemical Engineers by Said Salaheldeen Elnashaie, Firoozeh Danafar, Hassan Hashemipour Rafsanjani (2015)
Nanotechnology for Water Treatment and Purification by Anming Hu, Allen Apblett (2014)
Nanotechnology in Civil Infrastructure by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, Bjorn Birgisson, Peter Taylor, Nii O. Attoh-Okine (2011)
Nanotribology and Nanomechanics I by Bharat Bhushan (2011)
Nanotribology and Nanomechanics II by Bharat Bhushan (2011)
Nanowire Field Effect Transistors: Principles and Applications by Dae Mann Kim, Yoon-Ha Jeong (2014)
National Registration for Producers of Electronic Waste by Stefan Dully, Carsten Ulbricht, Hans-Jochen Luckefett, Engelbert Westkamper (2009)
National Strategies to Harness Information Technology by Nagy K. Hanna, Peter T. Knight (2012)
Natural Computing in Computational Finance by Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill, Dietmar Maringer (2012)
Natural Computing in Computational Finance by Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill (2008)
Natural Computing in Computational Finance by Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill (2009)
Natural Computing in Computational Finance by Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill, Dietmar G. Maringer (2010)
Natural Convection from Circular Cylinders by Sandra K. S. Boetcher (2014)
Natural Convection in Superposed Fluid-Porous Layers by Aniruddha Bagchi, Francis A. Kulacki (2014)
Natural Convective Heat Transfer from Narrow Plates by Patrick H. Oosthuizen, Abdulrahim Y. Kalendar (2013)
Natural Convective Heat Transfer from Short Inclined Cylinders by Patrick H. Oosthuizen, Abdulrahim Y. Kalendar (2014)
Natural Intelligence for Scheduling, Planning and Packing Problems by Raymond Chiong, Sandeep Dhakal (2009)
Natural Interaction with Robots, Knowbots and Smartphones by Joseph Mariani, Sophie Rosset, Martine Garnier-Rizet, Laurence Devillers (2014)
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2007) by Natalio Krasnogor, Giuseppe Nicosia, Mario Pavone, David Pelta (2008)
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2008) by Natalio Krasnogor, Maria Belen Melian-Batista, Jose Andres Moreno Perez, J. Marcos Moreno-Vega, David Alejandro Pelta (2009)
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2010) by Juan R. Gonzalez, David Alejandro Pelta, Carlos Cruz, German Terrazas, Natalio Krasnogor (2010)
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2011) by David Alejandro Pelta, Natalio Krasnogor, Dan Dumitrescu, Camelia Chira, Rodica Lung (2011)
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2013) by German Terrazas, Fernando E. B. Otero, Antonio D. Masegosa (2014)
Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Optimisation by Raymond Chiong (2009)
Nature-Inspired Fluid Mechanics by Cameron Tropea, Horst Bleckmann (2012)
Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations by Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian (2012)
Navigating Safety by Rene Amalberti (2013)
Navigation in Space by X-ray Pulsars by Amir Abbas Emadzadeh, Jason Lee Speyer (2011)
Near-Field Characterization of Micro/Nano-Scaled Fluid Flows by Kenneth D. Kihm (2011)
Near-Space Remote Sensing by Wen-Qin Wang (2011)
Negotiation in Decentralization by Ming Yang, Fan Yang (2012)
Network Enterprises by Gianfranco Dioguardi (2010)
Network Inference in Molecular Biology by Jesse M. Lingeman, Dennis Shasha (2012)
Network Models and Optimization by Mitsuo Gen, Runwei Cheng, Lin Lin (2008)
Network Reliability and Resilience by Ilya Gertsbakh, Yoseph Shpungin (2011)
Network-Aware Security for Group Communications by Yan Sun, Wade Trappe, K. J. R. Liu (2008)
Network-Embedded Management and Applications by Alexander Clemm, Ralf Wolter (2013)
Network-on-Chip Architectures by Chrysostomos Nicopoulos, Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Chita R. Das (2010)
Networked and Distributed Predictive Control by Panagiotis D. Christofides, Jinfeng Liu, David Munoz de la Pena (2011)
Networked Control Systems by Fei-Yue Wang, Derong Liu (2008)
Networked Control Systems by Alberto Bemporad, Maurice Heemels, Mikael Johansson (2010)
Networked Embedded Sensing and Control by Panos J. Antsaklis, Paulo Tabuada (2006)
Networked Knowledge - Networked Media by Tassilo Pellegrini, Soren Auer, Klaus Tochtermann, Sebastian Schaffert (2009)
Networked Sensing Information and Control by Venkatesh Saligrama (2008)
Networks and Communications (NetCom2013) by Natarajan Meghanathan, Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (2014)
Networks and Grids Technology and Theory by Thomas G. Robertazzi (2007)
Networks for Pervasive Services by Antonio Liotta, George Exarchakos (2011)
Neural Correlates of Quality Perception for Complex Speech Signals by Jan-Niklas Antons (2015)
Neural Engineering by Bin He (2013)
Neural Engineering by Bin He (2005)
Neural Nets and Surroundings by Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis, Anna Esposito, Francesco Carlo Morabito (2013)
Neural Network-Based State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems by Heidar A. Talebi, Farzaneh Abdollahi, Rajni V. Patel, Khashayar Khorasani (2010)
Neural Networks and Sea Time Series by Brunello Tirozzi, Silvia Puca, Stefano Pittalis, Antonello Bruschi, Sara Morucci, Enrico Ferraro, Stefano Corsini (2006)
Neural Networks and Statistical Learning by Ke-Lin Du, M. N. S. Swamy (2014)
Neural Networks in a Softcomputing Framework by K. -L. Du, M. N. S. Swamy (2006)
Neural Networks Theory by Alexander I. Galushkin (2007)
Neural Networks with Discontinuous/Impact Activations by Marat Akhmet, Enes Yilmaz (2014)
Neural Networks: Computational Models and Applications by Huajin Tang, Kay Chen Tan, Zhang Yi (2007)
Neural Tissue Biomechanics by Lynne E. Bilston (2011)
Neurally Based Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Noise by Yoshiharu Soeta, Yoichi Ando (2015)
Neuro-Fuzzy Associative Machinery for Comprehensive Brain and Cognition Modelling by Vladimir G. Ivancevic, Tijana T. Ivancevic (2007)
Neuroeconomia, Neuromarketing e Processi Decisionali by Fabio Babiloni, Vittorio Marco Meroni, Ramon Soranzo (2007)
Neuroelectrical Brain Imaging Tools for the Study of the Efficacy of TV Advertising Stimuli and their Application to Neuromarketing by Giovanni Vecchiato, Patrizia Cherubino, Arianna Trettel, Fabio Babiloni (2013)
Neuroscience in Space by Gilles Clement, Millard F. Reschke (2008)
New Advances in Gastrointestinal Motility Research by L. K. Cheng, A. J. Pullan, G. Farrugia (2013)
New Advances in Intelligent Decision Technologies by Kazumi Nakamatsu, Gloria Phillips-Wren, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett (2009)
New Advances in Intelligent Signal Processing by Antonio E. Ruano, Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy (2011)
New Advances in Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications by Victor Petuya, Charles Pinto, Erwin-Christian Lovasz (2014)
New Advances in Virtual Humans by Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Lakhmi C. Jain, Nikhil Ichalkaranje (2008)
New Algorithms, Architectures and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing by Patrick Lysaght, Wolfgang Rosenstiel (2005)
New Antibody Microarray Tube for Cellular Localization and Signaling Pathways by Lin Wang, Minghu Jiang, Stefan Wolfl (2009)
New Approaches in Modeling Multiphase Flows and Dispersion in Turbulence, Fractal Methods and Synthetic Turbulence by F.C.G.A. Nicolleau, C. Cambon, J.-M. Redondo, J.C. Vassilicos, M. Reeks, A.F. Nowakowski (2012)
New Challenges for Data Design by David Bihanic (2015)
New Challenges for Intelligent Information and Database Systems by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Bogdan Trawiiski, Jason J. Jung (2011)
New Challenges in Applied Intelligence Technologies by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Radoslaw Katarzyniak (2008)
New Challenges in Computational Collective Intelligence by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Radosiaw Piotr Katarzyniak, Adam Janiak (2009)
New Challenges in Distributed Information Filtering and Retrieval by Cristian Lai, Giovanni Semeraro, Eloisa Vargiu (2013)
New Computational Methods in Power System Reliability by David Elmakias (2008)
New Concepts and Applications in Soft Computing by Valentina Emilia Balas, Janos Fodor, Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy (2013)
New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies by Alvaro Rocha, Ana Maria Correia, Sandra Costanzo, Luis Paulo Reis (2015)
New Development in Robot Vision by Yu Sun, Aman Behal, Chi-Kit Ronald Chung (2015)
New Developments and Applications in Sensing Technology by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Aime Lay-Ekuakille, Anton Fuchs (2011)
New Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics by Kozo Fujii, Kazuhiro Nakahashi, Shigeru Obayashi, Satoko Komurasaki (2005)
New Developments in Formal Languages and Applications by Gemma Bel-Enguix, M. Dolores Jimenez-Lopez, Carlos Martin-Vide (2008)
New Developments in Sensing Technology for Structural Health Monitoring by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2011)
New Directions and Applications in Control Theory by Wijesuriya Dayawansa, Anders Lindquist, Yishao Zhou (2005)
New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia by George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2008)
New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services - 2 by Ernesto Damiani, Jechang Jeong, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
New Directions in Web Data Management 1 by Athena Vakali, Lakhmi C. Jain (2011)
New Directions in Wireless Communications Research by Vahid Tarokh (2009)
New Horizons in Evolutionary Robotics by Stephane Doncieux, Nicolas Bredeche, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (2011)
New Methods of Concurrent Checking by Michael Goessel, Vitaly Ocheretny, Egor Sogomonyan, Daniel Marienfeld (2008)
New Network Architectures by Tania Tronco (2010)
New Paradigms in Internet Computing by Srikanta Patnaik, Piyu Tripathy, Sagar Naik (2013)
New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies, Volume 1 by Alvaro Rocha, Ana Maria Correia, Felix . B Tan, Karl . A Stroetmann (2014)
New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies, Volume 2 by Alvaro Rocha, Ana Maria Correia, Felix . B Tan, Karl . A Stroetmann (2014)
New Perspectives on Computational and Cognitive Strategies for Word Sense Disambiguation by Oi Yee Kwong (2013)
New Product Development by Sameer Kumar, Promma Phrommathed (2005)
New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry by Berend Denkena (2014)
New Research in Multimedia and Internet Systems by Aleksander Zgrzywa, Kazimierz Choroi, Andrzej Siemiiski (2015)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Ewald Kramer, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Ulrich Rist (2014)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics V by Hans-Josef Rath, Carsten Holze, Hans-Joachim Heinemann, Rolf Henke, Heinz Honlinger (2006)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VI by Cameron Tropea, Suad Jakirlic, Hans-Joachim Heinemann, Rolf Henke, Heinz Honlinger (2008)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Michael Klaas, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Wolfgang Schroder (2010)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VIII by Andreas Dillmann, Gerd Heller, Hans-Peter Kreplin, Wolfgang Nitsche, Inken Peltzer (2013)
New Software Engineering Paradigm Based on Complexity Science by Jay Xiong (2011)
New Technologies, Mobility and Security by Houda Labiod, Mohamad Badra (2007)
New Trends in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiations by Takayuki Ito, Minjie Zhang, Valentin Robu, Shaheen Fatima, Tokuro Matsuo (2012)
New Trends in Computational Collective Intelligence by David Camacho, Sang-Wook Kim, Bogdan Trawiiski (2015)
New Trends in Database and Information Systems II by Nick Bassiliades, Mirjana Ivanovic, Margita Kon-Popovska, Yannis Manolopoulos, Themis Palpanas, Goce Trajcevski, Athena Vakali (2015)
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems by Mykola Pechenizkiy, Marek Wojciechowski (2013)
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems by Barbara Catania, Tania Cerquitelli, Silvia Chiusano, Giovanna Guerrini, Mirko Kampf, Alfons Kemper, Boris Novikov, Themis Palpanas, Jaroslav Pokorny, Athena Vakali (2014)
New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory by Juan Carlos Garcia-Prada, Cristina Castejon (2014)
New Trends in Emission Control in the European Union by Jerzy Merkisz, Jacek Pielecha, Stanisiaw Radzimirski (2014)
New Trends in Intelligent Information and Database Systems by Dariusz Barbucha, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, John Batubara (2015)
New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science by Fernando Viadero, Marco Ceccarelli (2013)
New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science by Paulo Flores, Fernando Viadero (2015)
New Trends in Mechanism Science by Doina Pisla, Marco Ceccarelli, Manfred Husty, Burkhard Corves (2010)
New Trends in Medical and Service Robots by Doina Pisla, Hannes Bleuler, Aleksandar Rodic, Calin Vaida, Adrian Pisla (2014)
New Trends in Medical and Service Robots by Aleksandar Rodii, Doina Pisla, Hannes Bleuler (2014)
New Trends in Nanotechnology and Fractional Calculus Applications by Dumitru Baleanu, Ziya B. Guvenc, J. A. Tenreiro Machado (2010)
New Trends in Networking, Computing, E-learning, Systems Sciences, and Engineering by Khaled Elleithy, Tarek Sobh (2015)
New Trends in Optimal Filtering and Control for Polynomial and Time-Delay Systems by Michael Basin (2008)
New Trends in Structural Health Monitoring by Wieslaw Ostachowicz, J. Alfredo Guemes (2013)
New Trends in Thin Structures: Formulation, Optimization and Coupled Problems by Paulo Mattos Pimenta, Peter Wriggers (2010)
New Trends in Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring by Arnaud Deraemaeker, Keith Worden (2010)
New World Situation: New Directions in Concurrent Engineering by Jerzy Pokojski, Shuichi Fukuda, Jozef Salwiiski (2010)
Newton-Euler Dynamics by Mark D. Ardema (2005)
Newtonian Nonlinear Dynamics for Complex Linear and Optimization Problems by Luis Vazquez, Salvador Jimenez (2013)
Next Frontier in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation by Katsuhide Fujita, Takayuki Ito, Minjie Zhang, Valentin Robu (2015)
Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational Intelligence by Nik Bessis, Fatos Xhafa (2011)
Next Generation Design and Verification Methodologies for Distributed Embedded Control Systems by S. Ramesh, Prahladavaradan Sampath (2007)
Next Generation Intelligent Environments by Wolfgang Minker, Tobias Heinroth (2011)
Next Generation Intelligent Optical Networks by Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos (2008)
Next Generation Microchannel Heat Exchangers by Michael Ohadi, Kyosung Choo, Serguei Dessiatoun, Edvin Cetegen (2013)
Next Generation Transport Networks by Manohar Naidu Ellanti, Lakshmi G. Raman, Steven Scott Gorshe, Wayne D. Grover (2005)
Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs by Toshiro Higuchi, Koichi Suzumori, Satoshi Tadokoro (2010)
Next-Generation FTTH Passive Optical Networks by Josep Prat (2008)
No More Muddling Through by Rainer Zust, Peter Troxler (2006)
Noise and Vibration in Friction Systems by Vladimir P. Sergienko, Sergey N. Bukharov (2015)
Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems by Tatsuo Maeda, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Carl E. Hanson, Brian Hemsworth, James Tuman Nelson, Burkhard Schulte-Werning, David Thompson, Paul Vos (2012)
Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems by Jens C.O. Nielsen, David Anderson, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Masanobu Iida, James T. Nelson, David Thompson, Thorsten Tielkes, David A. Towers, Paul de Vos (2015)
Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems by Burkhard Schulte-Werning, David Thompson, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Carl Hanson, Brian Hemsworth, James Nelson, Tatsuo Maeda, Paul Vos (2008)
Noise Reduction in Speech Processing by Israel Cohen, Yiteng Huang, Jingdong Chen, Jacob Benesty (2009)
Noise Sources in Turbulent Shear Flows: Fundamentals and Applications by Roberto Camussi (2013)
Noise-Driven Phenomena in Hysteretic Systems by Mihai Dimian, Petru Andrei (2014)
Noise-Shaping All-Digital Phase-Locked Loops by Francesco Brandonisio, Michael Peter Kennedy (2014)
Non-Additive Measures by Vicenc Torra, Yasuo Narukawa, Michio Sugeno (2014)
Non-Destructive Assessment of Concrete Structures: Reliability and Limits of Single and Combined Techniques by Denys Breysse (2012)
Non-Equilibrium Phenomena near Vapor-Liquid Interfaces by Alexei Kryukov, Vladimir Levashov, Yulia Puzina (2013)
Non-Equilibrium Reacting Gas Flows by Ekaterina Nagnibeda, Elena Kustova (2009)
Non-functional Requirements in Systems Analysis and Design by Kevin MacG. Adams (2015)
Non-Linear Electromechanics by Dmitry Skubov, Kamil Shamsutdinovich Khodzhaev (2008)
Non-Linear Feedback Neural Networks by Mohd. Samar Ansari (2014)
Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics by Wilhelm Rust (2015)
Non-Linear Mechanics of Materials by Jacques Besson, Georges Cailletaud, Jean-Louis Chaboche, Samuel Forest (2010)
Non-Linguistic Analysis of Call Center Conversations by Sunil Kumar Kopparapu (2015)
Non-parametric Tuning of PID Controllers by Igor Boiko (2013)
Non-smooth Problems in Vehicle Systems Dynamics by Per Grove Thomsen, Hans True (2010)
Non-Standard Parameter Adaptation for Exploratory Data Analysis by Wesam Ashour Barbakh, Ying Wu, Colin Fyfe (2009)
Nonblocking Electronic and Photonic Switching Fabrics by Wojciech Kabaciiski (2005)
Nonblocking Supervisory Control of State Tree Structures by Chuan Ma, W. Murray Wonham (2005)
Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures by Oral Buyukozturk, Mehmet Ali Taidemir (2013)
Nondeterministic Mechanics by Isaac Elishakoff, Christian Soize (2012)
Nonlinear Analysis and Prediction of Time Series in Multiphase Reactors by Mingyan Liu, Zongding Hu (2014)
Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control by Declan Bates, Martin Hagstrom (2007)
Nonlinear Analysis of Gas-Water/Oil-Water Two-Phase Flow in Complex Networks by Zhong-Ke Gao, Ning-De Jin, Wen-Xu Wang (2014)
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control with Applications by Alessandro Astolfi, Dimitrios Karagiannis, Romeo Ortega (2008)
Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics by Jose Antonio Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu, Albert C. J. Luo (2011)
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications by Liming Dai, Reza N. Jazar (2012)
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications by Liming Dai, Reza N. Jazar (2015)
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications 2 by Reza N. Jazar, Liming Dai (2014)
Nonlinear Behaviour and Stability of Thin-Walled Shells by Natalia I. Obodan, Olexandr G. Lebedeyev, Vasilii A. Gromov (2013)
Nonlinear Continua by Eduardo N. Dvorkin, Marcela B. Goldschmit (2005)
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics and Large Inelastic Deformations by Yuriy I. Dimitrienko (2011)
Nonlinear Control and Filtering Using Differential Flatness Approaches by Gerasimos G. Rigatos (2015)
Nonlinear Control of Vehicles and Robots by Bela Lantos, Lirinc Marton (2011)
Nonlinear Control Synthesis for Electrical Power Systems Using Controllable Series Capacitors by N S Manjarekar, Ravi N. Banavar (2012)
Nonlinear Dynamic Phenomena in Mechanics by Jerzy Warminski, Stefano Lenci, Matthew P. Cartmell, Giuseppe Rega, Marian Wiercigroch (2012)
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Economics by Marji Lines (2005)
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Engineering by Vasile Marinca, Nicolae Herisanu (2011)
Nonlinear Dynamics by Valery N. Pilipchuk (2010)
Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity by Valentin Afraimovich, Albert C. J. Luo, Xilin Fu (2014)
Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex Systems by Armin Fuchs (2013)
Nonlinear Dynamics in Human Behavior by Raoul Huys, Viktor K. Jirsa (2011)
Nonlinear Dynamics New Directions by Hernan Gonzalez-Aguilar, Edgardo Ugalde (2015)
Nonlinear Dynamics New Directions by Hernan Gonzalez-Aguilar, Edgardo Ugalde (2015)
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Wheeled Vehicle by Ryszard Andrzejewski, Jan Awrejcewicz (2005)
Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures by Sergio Oller (2014)
Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 2 by Gaetan Kerschen (2014)
Nonlinear Elastic Waves in Materials by Jeremiah J. Rushchitsky (2014)
Nonlinear Estimation and Control of Automotive Drivetrains by Hong Chen, Bingzhao Gao (2014)
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods by Peter Wriggers (2008)
Nonlinear H2/H? Constrained Feedback Control by Murad Abu-Khalaf, Jie Huang, Frank L. Lewis (2006)
Nonlinear Kalman Filtering for Force-Controlled Robot Tasks by Tine Lefebvre, Herman Bruyninckx, Joris Schutter (2005)
Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications by Shoumei Li, Xia Wang, Yoshiaki Okazaki, Jun Kawabe, Toshiaki Murofushi, Li Guan (2011)
Nonlinear Mechanics of Crystals by John D. Clayton (2011)
Nonlinear Mechanics of Soft Fibrous Materials by Luis Dorfmann, Raymond W. Ogden (2015)
Nonlinear Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures by Yury Vetyukov (2014)
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Lars Grune, Jurgen Pannek (2011)
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Lalo Magni, Davide Martino Raimondo, Frank Allgower (2009)
Nonlinear Modeling and Applications, Volume 2 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Nonlinear Observers and Applications by Gildas Besancon (2007)
Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Engineering by Alexander Fidlin (2006)
Nonlinear Science and Complexity by J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Albert C.J. Luo, Ramiro S. Barbosa, Manuel F. Silva, Lino B. Figueiredo (2011)
Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Incomplete Information by Bo Shen, Zidong Wang, Huisheng Shu (2013)
Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Network-Induced Phenomena by Jun Hu, Zidong Wang, Huijun Gao (2015)
Nonlinear Structural Engineering by Demeter G. Fertis (2006)
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics by Walter Lacarbonara (2013)
Nonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer in Mechanical and Structural Systems by A. F. Vakakis, O. V. Gendelman, L. A. Bergman, D. M. McFarland, G. Kerschen, Y. S. Lee (2009)
Nonlinear Theory of Electroelastic and Magnetoelastic Interactions by Luis Dorfmann, Ray W. Ogden (2014)
Nonlinear Vibration with Control by David Wagg, Simon Neild (2010)
Nonlinear Vibration with Control by David Wagg, Simon Neild (2015)
Nonlinear Waves in Fluids: Recent Advances and Modern Applications by Roger Grimshaw (2005)
Nonlinearities and Synchronization in Musical Acoustics and Music Psychology by Rolf Bader (2013)
Nonsmooth Mechanics of Solids by Jaroslav Haslinger, Georgios E. Stavroulakis (2006)
Nonsmooth Modeling and Simulation for Switched Circuits by Vincent Acary, Olivier Bonnefon, Bernard Brogliato (2011)
Nontraditional Machining Processes by J. Paulo Davim (2013)
Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems by Ivan Zelinka, Guanrong Chen, Otto E. Rossler, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham (2013)
Nostradamus 2014: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems by Ivan Zelinka, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Guanrong Chen, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Otto Rossler (2014)
Nostradamus: Modern Methods of Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Nonlinear Systems by Ivan Zelinka, Otto E. Rossler, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Emilio S. Corchado (2013)
Notes on Continuum Mechanics by Eduardo W. V. Chaves (2013)
Novel 3D Media Technologies by Ahmet Kondoz, Tasos Dagiuklas (2015)
Novel Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunications and Networking by Tarek Sobh, Khaled Elleithy, Ausif Mahmood (2010)
Novel Algorithms and Techniques In Telecommunications, Automation and Industrial Electronics by Tarek Sobh, Khaled Elleithy, Ausif Mahmood, Mohammad A. Karim (2008)
Novel Algorithms for Fast Statistical Analysis of Scaled Circuits by Amith Singhee, Rob A. Rutenbar (2009)
Novel Insights in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation by Ivan Marsa-Maestre, Miguel A. Lopez-Carmona, Takayuki Ito, Minjie Zhang, Quan Bai, Katsuhide Fujita (2014)
Novel Sensors for Food Inspection: Modelling, Fabrication and Experimentation by Mohd Syaifudin Abdul Rahman, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Pak-Lam Yu (2014)
Novel Techniques for Dialectal Arabic Speech Recognition by Mohamed Elmahdy, Rainer Gruhn, Wolfgang Minker (2012)
Novel Three-state Quantum Dot Gate Field Effect Transistor by Supriya Karmakar (2014)
Nuclear Computational Science by Yousry Azmy, Enrico Sartori (2010)
Nuclear Principles in Engineering by Tatjana Jevremovic (2005)
Nuclear Principles in Engineering by Tatjana Jevremovic (2009)
Nuclear Reactor Design by Yoshiaki Oka (2014)
Nuclear Waste Management, Nuclear Power, and Energy Choices by Michael Greenberg (2013)
Nulling Interferometers for Space-based High-Contrast Visible Imaging and Measurement of Exoplanetary Environments by Brian Hicks (2014)
Numerical Analysis of Vibrations of Structures under Moving Inertial Load by Czesiaw I. Bajer, Bartiomiej Dyniewicz (2012)
Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control by Paul Van Dooren, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya, Raymond H. Chan, Vadim Olshevsky, Aurobinda Routray (2011)
Numerical Methods and Optimization by eric Walter (2014)
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Optimization, and Technological Problems by Sergey Repin, Timo Tiihonen, Tero Tuovinen (2013)
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Engineering Models by John R. Hauser (2009)
Numerical Methods for Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems by Vincent Acary, Bernard Brogliato (2008)
Numerical Methods for Reliability and Safety Assessment by Seifedine Kadry, Abdelkhalak El Hami (2015)
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Cracking by Gunter Hofstetter, Gunther Meschke (2011)
Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics by Lars Larsson, Frederick Stern, Michel Visonneau (2014)
Numerical Simulation of Distributed Parameter Processes by Tiberiu Colosi, Mihail-Ioan Abrudean, Mihaela-Ligia Unguresan, Vlad Muresan (2013)
Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of Composite Materials by Sergio Oller (2014)
Numerical Simulation of Mechatronic Sensors and Actuators by Manfred Kaltenbacher (2015)
Numerical Simulation of Mechatronic Sensors and Actuators by Manfred Kaltenbacher (2007)
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation by Christophe Brun, Daniel Juve, Michael Manhart, Claus-Dieter Munz (2009)
Numerical Simulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering by Sergio R. Idelsohn (2014)
Numerics of Unilateral Contacts and Friction by Christian Studer (2009)
Nyquist AD Converters, Sensor Interfaces, and Robustness by Arthur H.M. van Roermund, Andrea Baschirotto, Michiel Steyaert (2013)
Object-Oriented User Interfaces for Personalized Mobile Learning by Efthimios Alepis, Maria Virvou (2014)
Observational Calculi and Association Rules by Jan Rauch (2013)
Observer-Based Fault Estimation and Accomodation for Dynamic Systems by Ke Zhang, Bin Jiang, Peng Shi (2013)
Ocean Wave Energy by Joao Cruz (2008)
Of Ants and Men by David G. Green (2014)
OFDM by Hermann Rohling (2011)
Offset Reduction Techniques in Highspeed Analog-To-Digital Converters by Pedro M. Figueiredo, Joao C. Vital (2009)
Offshore Risk Assessment by Jan Erik Vinnem (2007)
Offshore Risk Assessment vol 1. by Jan-Erik Vinnem (2014)
Offshore Risk Assessment vol 2. by Jan-Erik Vinnem (2014)
Offshore Wind Energy by Julia Koller, Johann Koppel, Wolfgang Peters (2006)
Offshore Wind Energy Cost Modeling by Mark J Kaiser, Brian F Snyder (2012)
Oil and Security by Ernst Gabriel Frankel (2007)
Oil Transport Management by Y.H. Venus Lun, Olli-Pekka Hilmola, Alexander M. Goulielmos, Kee-hung Lai, T.C. Edwin Cheng (2013)
Omnidirectional Inductive Powering for Biomedical Implants by Bert Lenaerts, Robert Puers (2009)
On and Off-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance in VLSI Design by Chunjie Duan, Brock J. LaMeres, Sunil P. Khatri (2010)
On Collective Intelligence by Theo J. Bastiaens, Ulrike Baumol, Bernd J. Kramer (2011)
On Fuzziness by Rudolf Seising, Enric Trillas, Claudio Moraga, Settimo Termini (2013)
On Fuzziness by Rudolf Seising, Enric Trillas, Claudio Moraga, Settimo Termini (2013)
On Hierarchical Models for Visual Recognition and Learning of Objects, Scenes, and Activities by Jens Spehr (2015)
On Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the National Airspace System by Konstantinos Dalamagkidis, Kimon P. Valavanis, Les A. Piegl (2012)
On Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the National Airspace System by Konstantinos Dalamagkidis, Kimon P. Valavanis, Les. A. Piegl (2009)
On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Theory by Krassimir T. Atanassov (2012)
On Orbit and Beyond by Douglas A. Vakoch (2013)
On Statistical Pattern Recognition in Independent Component Analysis Mixture Modelling by Addisson Salazar (2013)
On the Achievable Rate of Stationary Fading Channels by Meik Dorpinghaus (2011)
On the Formation of the Upper Monastic Area of Seon Buddhist Temples from Korea's Late Silla to the Goryeo Era by Lee Seung-yeon (2013)
On the Mathematical Modeling of Memristor, Memcapacitor, and Meminductor by Ahmed G. Radwan, Mohammed E. Fouda (2015)
On the Power of Fuzzy Markup Language by Giovanni Acampora, Vincenzo Loia, Chang-Shing Lee, Mei-Hui Wang (2013)
On the Uniqueness of Humankind by Hans-Rainer Duncker, Kathrin Prieb, Friederike Wutscher (2005)
On-Chip Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Protection for Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits by Qiang Cui, Juin J. Liou, Jean-Jacques Hajjar, Javier Salcedo, Yuanzhong Zhou, Parthasarathy Srivatsan (2015)
On-chip High-Voltage Generator Design by Toru Tanzawa (2013)
On-Chip Instrumentation by Neal Stollon (2011)
On-Chip Interconnect with aelite by Andreas Hansson, Kees Goossens (2011)
On-Line Trajectory Generation in Robotic Systems by Torsten Kroger (2010)
Onboard Computers, Onboard Software and Satellite Operations by Jens Eickhoff (2012)
One-Dimensional Finite Elements by Andreas ochsner, Markus Merkel (2013)
One-of-a-Kind Production by Yiliu Tu, Paul Dean (2011)
Online Damage Detection in Structural Systems by Saeed Eftekhar Azam (2014)
Online Location of Faults on AC Cables in Underground Transmission Systems by Christian Flytkjar Jensen (2014)
Online Scheduling in Manufacturing by Haruhiko Suwa, Hiroaki Sandoh (2013)
OntoCAPE by Wolfgang Marquardt, Jan Morbach, Andreas Wiesner, Aidong Yang (2010)
Ontologies for Urban Development by Jacques Teller, John R. Lee, Catherine Roussey (2007)
Ontology Modeling in Physical Asset Integrity Management by Vahid Ebrahimipour, Soumaya Yacout (2015)
Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation by Andreas Tolk (2013)
Ontology-Based Multi-Agent Systems by Maja Hadzic, Pornpit Wongthongtham, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang (2009)
Open Verification Methodology Cookbook by Mark Glasser (2009)
Open-Channel Flow by M. Hanif Chaudhry (2008)
Opening Science by Sonke Bartling, Sascha Friesike (2014)
Opera House Acoustics Based on Subjective Preference Theory by Yoichi Ando (2015)
Operation of a Cryogenic Rocket Engine by Wolfgang Kitsche (2011)
Operational Amplifiers by Johan Huijsing (2011)
Operational Freight Carrier Planning by Jorn Schonberger (2005)
Operational Modal Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures by Carlo Rainieri, Giovanni Fabbrocino (2014)
Operations Management in Automotive Industries by Marco Gobetto (2014)
Operations Research and Big Data by Ana Paula Ferreira Dias Barbosa Povoa, Joao Luis de Miranda (2015)
Operations Research Problems by Raul Poler, Josefa Mula, Manuel Diaz-Madronero (2014)
Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks by Zhe Wang, Wei Zhang (2015)
Opportunities and Challenges for Next-Generation Applied Intelligence by Been-Chian Chien, Tzung-Pei Hong (2009)
Oppositional Concepts in Computational Intelligence by Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Mario Ventresca (2008)
Optical Code Division Multiple Access Communication Networks by Hongxi Yin, David J. Richardson (2009)
Optical Interconnects for Future Data Center Networks by Christoforos Kachris, Keren Bergman, Ioannis Tomkos (2013)
Optical Measurements, Modeling, and Metrology, Volume 5 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Optical Network Design and Planning by Jane M. Simmons (2008)
Optical Network Design and Planning by Jane M. Simmons (2014)
Optical Networking Standards: A Comprehensive Guide by Khurram Kazi (2006)
Optical Remote Sensing by Saurabh Prasad, Lori M. Bruce, Jocelyn Chanussot (2011)
Optical Scanning Holography with MATLAB by Ting-Chung Poon (2007)
Optical Soliton Communication Using Ultra-Short Pulses by Iraj Sadegh Amiri, Harith Ahmad (2015)
Optical Switching by Tarek S. El-Bawab (2006)
Optical Transmission by Antonio Teixeira, Giorgio Maria Tosi Beleffi (2012)
Optimal Analysis of Structures by Concepts of Symmetry and Regularity by Ali Kaveh (2013)
Optimal Control and Optimization of Stochastic Supply Chain Systems by Dong-Ping Song (2013)
Optimal Control of Constrained Piecewise Affine Systems by Frank J. Christophersen (2007)
Optimal Control of Hybrid Vehicles by Bram Jager, Thijs Keulen, John Kessels (2013)
Optimal Control of Stochastic Difference Volterra Equations by Leonid Shaikhet (2015)
Optimal Control of Wind Energy Systems by Iulian Munteanu, Nicolaos-Antonio Cutululis, Antoneta Iuliana Bratcu, Emil Ceangi (2008)
Optimal Control with Aerospace Applications by James M Longuski, Jose J. Guzman, John E. Prussing (2014)
Optimal Control with Engineering Applications by Hans P. Geering (2007)
Optimal Design of Complex Mechanical Systems by Giampiero Mastinu, Massimiliano Gobbi, Carlo Miano (2006)
Optimal Design of Distributed Control and Embedded Systems by Arben cela, Mongi Ben Gaid, Xu-Guang Li, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu (2014)
Optimal Linear Controller Design for Periodic Inputs by Goele Pipeleers, Bram Demeulenaere, Jan Swevers (2009)
Optimal Mobile Sensing and Actuation Policies in Cyber-physical Systems by Christophe Tricaud, YangQuan Chen (2012)
Optimal Models and Methods with Fuzzy Quantities by Bing-Yuan Cao (2010)
Optimal Observation for Cyber-physical Systems by Zhen Song, YangQuan Chen, Chellury Ram Sastry, Nazif Cihan Tas (2009)
Optimal Production Planning for PCB Assembly by William Ho, Ping Ji (2007)
Optimal Real-time Control of Sewer Networks by Magdalene Marinaki, Markos Papageorgiou (2005)
Optimal Sensor Networks Scheduling in Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems by Maciej Patan (2012)
Optimal Time-Domain Noise Reduction Filters by Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen (2011)
Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics by Dominique Thevenin, Gabor Janiga (2008)
Optimization and Control Methods in Industrial Engineering and Construction by Honglei Xu, Xiangyu Wang (2014)
Optimization and Cooperative Control Strategies by Michael J. Hirsch, Clayton W. Commander, Panos M. Pardalos, Robert Murphey (2009)
Optimization and Optimal Control in Automotive Systems by Harald Waschl, Ilya Kolmanovsky, Maarten Steinbuch, Luigi del Re (2014)
Optimization and Performance Analysis of High Speed Mobile Access Networks by Thushara Weerawardane (2012)
Optimization Based Clearance of Flight Control Laws by Andreas Varga, Anders Hansson, Guilhem Puyou (2012)
Optimization in the Energy Industry by Josef Kallrath, Panos M. Pardalos, Steffen Rebennack, Max Scheidt (2009)
Optimization Methods by Marco Cavazzuti (2013)
Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Systems by Djamila Rekioua, Ernest Matagne (2012)
Optimization of PID Controllers Using Ant Colony and Genetic Algorithms by Muhammet unal, Ayca Ak, Vedat Topuz, Hasan Erdal (2013)
Optimized ASIP Synthesis from Architecture Description Language Models by Oliver Schliebusch, Heinrich Meyr, Rainer Leupers (2007)
Optimizing Stormwater Treatment Practices by Andrew J. Erickson, Peter T Weiss, John S Gulliver (2013)
Optimizing Wireless Communication Systems by Francisco Rodrigo Porto Cavalcanti, Soren Andersson (2009)
Optimum Cooling of Data Centers by Jun Dai, Michael M. Ohadi, Diganta Das, Michael G. Pecht (2014)
Optimum Design of Steel Structures by Jozsef Farkas, Karoly Jarmai (2013)
Orbital Mechanics and Astrodynamics by Gerald R. Hintz (2015)
Ordinal Optimization by Yu-Chi Ho, Qian-Chuan Zhao, Qing-Shan Jia (2007)
Organic Field Effect Transistors by Ioannis Kymissis (2009)
Orifice Plates and Venturi Tubes by Michael Reader-Harris (2015)
Origins and Successors of the Compact Disc by Hans Peek, Jan Bergmans, Jos van Haaren, Frank Toolenaar, Sorin Stan (2009)
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Wireless Communications by Ye Li, Gordon L. Stuber (2006)
Oscillating Heat Pipes by Hongbin Ma (2015)
Oscillation-Based Test in Mixed-Signal Circuits by Gloria Huertas Sanchez, Diego Vazquez Garcia de la Vega, Adoracion Rueda Rueda, Jose Luis Huertas Diaz (2006)
Out-of-order Parallel Discrete Event Simulation for Electronic System-level Design by Weiwei Chen (2015)
Oversampling A/D Converters with Improved Signal Transfer Functions by Bupesh Pandita (2011)
Packaging for Sustainability by Karli Verghese, Helen Lewis, Leanne Fitzpatrick (2012)
PAL Driven Organizational Learning: Theory and Practices by Kris M. Y. Law, Kong Bieng Chuah (2015)
Paraconsistent Intelligent-Based Systems by Jair Minoro Abe (2015)
Paradigm Shift for Future Tennis by Tijana T. Ivancevic, Bojan Jovanovic, Sasa Jovanovic, Milka Djukic, Natalia Djukic, Alexandar Lukman (2011)
Paradise Regained by Les Johnson, Gregory L. Matloff, C Bangs (2010)
Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence by Francisco Fernandez Vega, Erick Cantu-Paz (2010)
Parallel and Distributed Logic Programming by Alakananda Bhattacharya, Amit Konar, Ajit K. Mandal (2006)
Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms by Francisco Fernandez de Vega, Jose Ignacio Hidalgo Perez, Juan Lanchares (2012)
Parallel Evolutionary Computations by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle, Enrique Alba (2006)
Parallel Genetic Algorithms by Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba (2011)
Parallel Kinematics by Xin-Jun Liu, Jinsong Wang (2014)
Parallel Robotic Machine Tools by Dan Zhang (2010)
Parallel Robots by J. -P. Merlet (2006)
Parameter Identification of Materials and Structures by Zenon Mroz, Georgios E. Stavroulakis (2005)
Parameter Setting in Evolutionary Algorithms by Fernando G. Lobo, Claudio F. Lima, Zbigniew Michalewicz (2007)
Parametric Analog Signal Amplification Applied to Nanoscale CMOS Technologies by Joao P. Oliveira, Joao Goes (2012)
Parametric Packet-based Audiovisual Quality Model for IPTV services by Marie-Neige Garcia (2014)
Parametric Resonance in Dynamical Systems by Thor I. Fossen, Henk Nijmeijer (2012)
Parasitic Antenna Arrays for Wireless MIMO Systems by Antonis Kalis, Athanasios G. Kanatas, Constantinos B. Papadias (2014)
Partial Covers, Reducts and Decision Rules in Rough Sets by Mikhail Ju. Moshkov, Marcin Piliszczuk, Beata Zielosko (2008)
Partial Reconfiguration on FPGAs by Dirk Koch (2013)
Partial Stabilization and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems with Elastic Elements by Alexander L. Zuyev (2015)
Particle Filters for Random Set Models by Branko Ristic (2013)
Particle Image Velocimetry by Markus Raffel, Christian E. Willert, Steve T. Wereley, Jurgen Kompenhans (2007)
Particle-Based Methods by Eugenio Onate, Roger Owen (2011)
Partitional Clustering Algorithms by M. Emre Celebi (2015)
Parts Management Models and Applications by Sameer Kumar (2005)
Passive Eye Monitoring by Riad I. Hammoud (2008)
Passive Methods as a Solution for Improving Indoor Environments by Jose A. Orosa, Armando C. Oliveira (2012)
Passivity-Based Control and Estimation in Networked Robotics by Takeshi Hatanaka, Nikhil Chopra, Masayuki Fujita, Mark W. Spong (2015)
Passivity-Based Model Predictive Control for Mobile Vehicle Motion Planning by Adnan Tahirovic, Gianantonio Magnani (2013)
Patient-Specific Computational Modeling by Begona Calvo Lopez, Estefania Pena (2012)
Patient-Specific Modeling in Tomorrow's Medicine by Amit Gefen (2012)
Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things by Ajith Abraham, Azah Kamilah Muda, Yun-Huoy Choo (2015)
Pattern Formation at Interfaces by Pierre Colinet, Alexander Nepomnyashchy (2010)
Pattern Recognition - Applications and Methods by Pedro Latorre Carmona, J. Salvador Sanchez, Ana L.N. Fred (2013)
Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods by Ana Fred, Maria De Marsico (2015)
Pattern Recognition using Neural and Functional Networks by Vasantha Kalyani David, Sundaramoorthy Rajasekaran (2009)
PBX Security and Forensics by Iosif I. Androulidakis (2013)
Peak-to-Peak Output Current Ripple Analysis in Multiphase and Multilevel Inverters by Jelena Loncarski (2014)
Pedestrian and Cyclist Impact by Ciaran Simms, Denis Wood (2009)
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics by Richard D. Peacock, Erica D. Kuligowski, Jason D. Averill (2011)
PEM Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts and Catalyst Layers by Jiujun Zhang (2008)
PEM Fuel Cells with Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems by Marta S. Basualdo, Diego Feroldi, Rachid Outbib (2012)
Perception-based Data Mining and Decision Making in Economics and Finance by Ildar Batyrshin, Janusz Kacprzyk, Leonid Sheremetov, Lotfi A. Zadeh (2007)
Perception-Based Data Processing in Acoustics by Boiena Kostek (2005)
Perceptual Image Coding with Discrete Cosine Transform by Ee-Leng Tan, Woon-Seng Gan (2015)
Perfecting Engineering and Technical Drawing by Ron Hanifan (2015)
Performance Measurement with Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis by Ali Emrouznejad, Madjid Tavana (2014)
Performance of Cement-Based Materials in Aggressive Aqueous Environments by Mark Alexander, Alexandra Bertron, Nele De Belie (2013)
Performance-Based Contracts for Road Projects by Ashish Gajurel (2014)
Peridynamic Theory and Its Applications by Erdogan Madenci, Erkan Oterkus (2014)
Periodic Systems by Sergio Bittanti, Patrizio Colaneri (2009)
Perovskite Oxide for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Tatsumi Ishihara (2009)
Perpendicular Magnetic Recording by Sakhrat Khizroev, Dmitri Litvinov (2005)
Personality in Speech by Tim Polzehl (2015)
Perspectives in Mathematical System Theory, Control, and Signal Processing by Jan C. Willems, Shinji Hara, Yoshito Ohta, Hisaya Fujioka (2010)
Perspectives of Neural-Symbolic Integration by Barbara Hammer, Pascal Hitzler (2007)
Perspectives on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) by Joseph M. Sussman (2005)
Persuasive Recommender Systems by Kyung-Hyan Yoo, Ulrike Gretzel, Markus Zanker (2013)
Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Octavian A. Postolache (2013)
Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications by Roberto Verdone, Alberto Zanella (2012)
PGD-Based Modeling of Materials, Structures and Processes by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto (2014)
Phase Interaction in the Metal - Oxide Melts - Gas -System by Vladislav Boronenkov, Michael Zinigrad, Leopold Leontiev, Edward Pastukhov, Mikhail Shalimov, Sergey Shanchurov (2012)
Phenomena and Computational Models of Non-Proportional Fatigue of Materials by Dariusz Skibicki (2014)
Phenomenological and Mathematical Modelling of Structural Instabilities by Marcello Pignataro, Victor Gioncu (2005)
Philosophical, Logical and Scientific Perspectives in Engineering by Zekai ien (2014)
Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence by Vincent C. Muller (2013)
Phoneme-Based Speech Segmentation using Hybrid Soft Computing Framework by Mousmita Sarma, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma (2014)
Phonetic Search Methods for Large Speech Databases by Ami Moyal, Vered Aharonson, Ella Tetariy, Michal Gishri (2013)
Photonic Microsystems by Olav Solgaard (2009)
Photonic Network-on-Chip Design by Keren Bergman, Luca P. Carloni, Aleksandr Biberman, Johnnie Chan, Gilbert Hendry (2014)
Photonic Packaging Sourcebook by Ulrich H. P. Fischer-Hirchert (2015)
Photophysics of Carbon Nanotubes Interfaced with Organic and Inorganic Materials by Igor A. Levitsky, William B. Euler, Victor A. Karachevtsev (2012)
Photovoltaic Industrial Systems by Elena Papadopoulou (2011)
Physical Approach to Short-Term Wind Power Prediction by Matthias Lange, Ulrich Focken (2006)
Physical Asset Management by Nicholas A. J. Hastings (2010)
Physical Computation and Cognitive Science by Nir Fresco (2014)
Physical Design Essentials by Khosrow Golshan (2007)
Physical Layer Multi-Core Prototyping by Maxime Pelcat, Slaheddine Aridhi, Jonathan Piat, Jean-Francois Nezan (2013)
Physical Limitations of Semiconductor Devices by V. A. Vashchenko, V. F. Sinkevitch (2008)
Physical Unclonable Functions in Theory and Practice by Christoph Bohm, Maximilian Hofer (2013)
Physics of Nanostructured Solid State Devices by Supriyo Bandyopadhyay (2012)
Physics of Semiconductor Devices by Massimo Rudan (2015)
PID Control by J. Crowe, K.K. Tan, T.H. Lee, R. Ferdous, M.R. Katebi, H.-P. Huang, J.-C. Jeng, K.S. Tang, G.R. Chen, K.F. Man, S. Kwong, A. Sanchez, Q.-G. Wang, Yong Zhang, Yu Zhang, P. Martin, M.J. Grimble, D.R. Greenwood (2005)
PID Control for Multivariable Processes by Qing-Guo Wang, Zhen Ye, Wen-Jian Cai, Chang-Chieh Hang (2008)
PID Control in the Third Millennium by Ramon Vilanova, Antonio Visioli (2012)
PID Controller Tuning Using the Magnitude Optimum Criterion by Konstantinos G. Papadopoulos (2015)
PID Controllers for Time-Delay Systems by Guillermo J. Silva, Aniruddha Datta, S. P. Bhattachaiyya (2005)
Piezoelectric Accelerometers with Integral Electronics by Felix Levinzon (2015)
Piezoelectric and Acoustic Materials for Transducer Applications by Ahmad Safari, E. Koray Akdoian (2008)
Piezoelectric Multilayer Beam Bending Actuators by Rudiger G. Ballas (2007)
Piezoelectric Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications by Gianni Ciofani, Arianna Menciassi (2012)
Piezoelectric Transducers and Applications by Antonio Arnau Vives (2008)
Piezoelectric Transducers for Vibration Control and Damping by S. O. Reza Moheimani, Andrew J. Fleming (2006)
Piezoelectric-Based Vibration Control by Nader Jalili (2010)
Piezoresistor Design and Applications by Joseph C. Doll, Beth L. Pruitt (2013)
Pinning Control of Complex Networked Systems by Housheng Su, Xiaofan Wang (2013)
Pipelined ADC Design and Enhancement Techniques by Imran Ahmed (2010)
Pipelined Multiprocessor System-on-Chip for Multimedia by Haris Javaid, Sri Parameswaran (2014)
Pistons and engine testing by MAHLE GmbH (2012)
Planar Double-Gate Transistor by Amara Amara, Olivier Rozeau (2009)
Planar Metamaterial Based Microwave Sensor Arrays for Biomedical Analysis and Treatment by Margarita Puentes Vargas (2014)
Planning and Control of Maintenance Systems by Salih O. Duffuaa, A. Raouf (2015)
Planning and Decision Making for Aerial Robots by Yasmina Bestaoui Sebbane (2014)
Planning and Roadmapping Technological Innovations by Tugrul U. Daim, Melinda Pizarro, Rajasree Talla (2014)
Planning and Scheduling for Maritime Container Yards by Wenkai Li, Yong Wu, Mark Goh (2015)
Plasticity by Ronaldo I. Borja (2013)
Plasticity and Beyond by Jorg Schroder, Klaus Hackl (2014)
Plasticity and Creep of Metals by Andrew Rusinko, Konstantin Rusinko (2011)
Plasticity of Pressure-Sensitive Materials by Holm Altenbach, Andreas ochsner (2014)
Plastics End Use Applications by Donald V. Rosato (2011)
Plate and Panel Structures of Isotropic, Composite and Piezoelectric Materials, Including Sandwich Construction by Jack R. Vinson (2005)
Plate Structures by Victor Birman (2011)
Platelet-Rich Plasma by Jose Fabio Santos Duarte Lana, Maria Helena Andrade Santana, William Dias Belangero, Angela Cristina Malheiros Luzo (2014)
Plates and FEM by J. Blaauwendraad (2010)
Platform Based Design at the Electronic System Level by Mark Burton, Adam Morawiec (2006)
Playful User Interfaces by Anton Nijholt (2014)
Pneumatic Drives by Peter Beater (2007)
Pocket Data Mining by Mohamed Medhat Gaber, Frederic Stahl, Joao Bartolo Gomes (2014)
POF Handbook by Olaf Ziemann, Jurgen Krauser, Peter E. Zamzow, Werner Daum (2008)
Poisson Point Processes by Roy L. Streit (2010)
Polarization Effects in Semiconductors by Colin Wood, Debdeep Jena (2008)
Pole Solutions for Flame Front Propagation by Oleg Kupervasser (2015)
Policies and Programs for Sustainable Energy Innovations by Tugrul U. Daim, Jisun Kim, Ibrahim Iskin, Rimal Abu Taha, Kevin C. van Blommestein (2015)
Pollution Control in Oil, Gas and Chemical Plants by Alireza Bahadori (2014)
Poly-, Quasi- and Rank-One Convexity in Applied Mechanics by Jorg Schroder, Patrizio Neff (2010)
Poly-SiGe for MEMS-above-CMOS Sensors by Pilar Gonzalez Ruiz, Kristin De Meyer, Ann Witvrouw (2014)
Polymer Engineering Science and Viscoelasticity by Hal F. Brinson, L. Catherine Brinson (2015)
Polynomial and Rational Matrices by Tadeusz Kaczorek (2007)
Polynomial Chaos Methods for Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations by Mass Per Pettersson, Gianluca Iaccarino, Jan Nordstrom (2015)
Polynomial Theory of Error Correcting Codes by Giovanni Cancellieri (2015)
Porous Semiconductors by Vladimir Kochergin, Helmut Foll (2009)
Portfolio Analysis by Xiaoxia Huang (2010)
Portfolio Choice Problems by Nicolas Chapados (2011)
Pose-varied Multi-axis Optical Finishing Systems by Haobo Cheng (2015)
Positive Polynomials in Control by Didier Henrion, Andrea Garulli (2005)
Positive Systems by Rafael Bru, Sergio Romero-Vivo (2009)
Positive Trigonometric Polynomials and Signal Processing Applications by Bogdan Dumitrescu (2007)
Possibility for Decision by Christer Carlsson, Robert Fuller (2011)
Possibility Theory and the Risk by Irina Georgescu (2012)
Post-Silicon and Runtime Verification for Modern Processors by Ilya Wagner, Valeria Bertacco (2011)
Potentials and Trends in Biomimetics by Arnim Gleich, Christian Pade, Ulrich Petschow, Eugen Pissarskoi (2010)
Power Conversion of Renewable Energy Systems by Ewald F. Fuchs, Mohammad A. S. Masoum (2011)
Power Distribution Networks with On-Chip Decoupling Capacitors by Renatas Jakushokas, Mikhail Popovich, Andrey V. Mezhiba, Selcuk Kose, Eby G. Friedman (2011)
Power Distribution Networks with On-Chip Decoupling Capacitors by Mikhhail Popovich, Andrey V. Mezhiba, Eby G. Friedman (2008)
Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control by Seddik Bacha, Iulian Munteanu, Antoneta Iuliana Bratcu (2014)
Power Electronic Packaging by Yong Liu (2012)
Power Electronics by Branko L. Dokii, Branko Blanusa (2015)
Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems by C. Kamalakannan, L. Padma Suresh, Subhransu Sekhar Dash, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi (2015)
Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks by Ryszard Michal Strzelecki, Grzegorz Benysek (2008)
Power from Pellets by Stefan Doring (2013)
Power Generation from Solid Fuels by Hartmut Spliethoff (2010)
Power Grid Complexity by Shengwei Mei, Xuemin Zhang, Ming Cao (2011)
Power Management of Digital Circuits in Deep Sub-Micron CMOS Technologies by Stephan Henzler (2007)
Power Quality by Antonio Moreno-Munoz (2007)
Power System Modelling and Scripting by Federico Milano (2010)
Power Theories for Improved Power Quality by Grzegorz Benysek, Marian Pasko (2012)
Power Transmissions by George Dobre (2013)
Power, Control and Optimization by Ivan Zelinka, Pandian Vasant, Nader Barsoum (2013)
Power-Aware Architecting for data-dominated applications by Maarten Ditzel, Ralph H. J. M. Otten, Wouter A. Serdijn (2007)
Power-Aware Testing and Test Strategies for Low Power Devices by Patrick Girard, Nicola Nicolici, Xiaoqing Wen (2010)
Power-Efficient High-Speed Parallel-Sampling ADCs for Broadband Multi-carrier Systems by Yu Lin, Hans Hegt, Kostas Doris, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2015)
Power-efficient System Design by Preeti Ranjan Panda, B. V. N. Silpa, Aviral Shrivastava, Krishnaiah Gummidipudi (2010)
POWER/HVMOS Devices Compact Modeling by Wladyslaw Grabinski, Thomas Gneiting (2010)
Powered Flight by David R. Greatrix (2012)
Practical Applications of Evolutionary Computation to Financial Engineering by Hitoshi Iba, Claus C. Aranha (2012)
Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems by Zhenkun Wen, Tianrui Li (2014)
Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems by Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (2012)
Practical Aspects of Embedded System Design using Microcontrollers by Jivan S. Parab, Santosh A. Shinde, Vinod G. Shelake, Rajanish K. Kamat, Gourish M. Naik (2008)
Practical Boundary Surveying by Paul Gay (2015)
Practical Grey-box Process Identification by Torsten Bohlin (2006)
Practical Iterative Learning Control with Frequency Domain Design and Sampled Data Implementation by Danwei Wang, Yongqiang Ye, Bin Zhang (2014)
Practical Optimization by Andreas Antoniou, Wu-Sheng Lu (2007)
Practical PID Control by Antonio Visioli (2006)
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation by Sung Kyu Lim (2008)
Precision Instrumentation Amplifiers and Read-Out Integrated Circuits by Rong Wu, Johan H. Huijsing, Kofi A. A. Makinwa (2013)
Precision Manufacturing by David Dornfeld, Dae-Eun Lee (2008)
Precision Motion Control by Tan Kok Kiong, Lee Tong Heng, Huang Sunan (2008)
Precision Nanometrology by Wei Gao (2010)
Precoding Techniques for Digital Communication Systems by C.-C. Jay Kuo, Shang-Ho Tsai, Layla Tadjpour, Yu-Hao Chang (2008)
Predicting Prosody from Text for Text-to-Speech Synthesis by K. Sreenivasa Rao (2012)
Prediction and Classification of Respiratory Motion by Suk Jin Lee, Yuichi Motai (2014)
Predictive Approaches to Control of Complex Systems by Gorazd Karer, Igor skrjanc (2013)
Predictive Functional Control by Jacques Richalet, Donal O'Donovan (2009)
Predictive Modeling of Dynamic Processes by Stefan Hiermaier (2009)
Predictive Technology Model for Robust Nanoelectronic Design by Yu Cao (2011)
Preferences and Decisions by Salvatore Greco, Ricardo Alberto Marques Pereira, Massimo Squillante, Ronald R. Yager, Janusz Kacprzyk (2010)
Preferences and Similarities by Giacomo Riccia, Didier Dubois, Rudolf Kruse, Hans-Joachim Lenz (2008)
Preliminary Reconnaissance Report of the 2011 Tohoku-Chiho Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake by Architectural Institute of Japan (2012)
Pressure and Temperature Sensitive Paints by Tianshu Liu, John P. Sullivan (2005)
Pressure Vessel Design by Donatello Annaratone (2007)
Prevention, Detection and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Threats by Samuel Apikyan, David Diamond, Ralph Way (2008)
Preventive Biomechanics by Gerhard Silber, Christophe Then (2013)
Principia Designae ? Pre-Design, Design, and Post-Design by Toshiharu Taura (2015)
Principles and Models of Biological Transport by Morton H. Friedman (2008)
Principles of Adaptive Filters and Self-learning Systems by Anthony Zaknich (2005)
Principles of Bacterial Detection: Biosensors, Recognition Receptors and Microsystems by Mohammed Zourob, Souna Elwary, Anthony Turner (2008)
Principles of Computer Systems and Network Management by Dinesh Chandra Verma (2009)
Principles of Human Joint Replacement by Frederick F. Buechel, Michael J. Pappas (2012)
Principles of Human Joint Replacement by Frederick F. Buechel, Michael J. Pappas (2015)
Principles of Hyperplasticity by G. T. Houlsby, A. M. Puzrin (2007)
Principles of Loads and Failure Mechanisms by T. Tinga (2013)
Principles of Mobile Communication by Gordon L. Stuber (2012)
Principles of Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation by Bernard C. Levy (2008)
Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems by Don Torrieri (2011)
Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems by Don Torrieri (2015)
Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems by Don Torrieri (2005)
Principles of Terahertz Science and Technology by Yun-Shik Lee (2009)
Principles of VLSI RTL Design by Sanjay Churiwala, Sapan Garg (2011)
Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning for Speech Processing by Manas A. Pathak (2013)
Proactive Condition Monitoring of Low-Speed Machines by Zhaklina Stamboliska, Eugeniusz Rusiiski, Przemyslaw Moczko (2015)
Proactive Spoken Dialogue Interaction in Multi-Party Environments by Petra-Maria Straub, Wolfgang Minker (2010)
Probabilistic and Randomized Methods for Design under Uncertainty by Giuseppe Calafiore, Fabrizio Dabbene (2006)
Probabilistic Approaches to Robotic Perception by Joao Filipe Ferreira, Jorge Miranda Dias (2014)
Probabilistic Composition of Preferences, Theory and Applications by Annibal Parracho Sant'Anna (2015)
Probabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-Motor Systems by Pierre Bessiere, Christian Laugier, Roland Siegwart (2008)
Probability Collectives by Anand Jayant Kulkarni, Kang Tai, Ajith Abraham (2015)
Probability Distributions in Risk Management Operations by Constantinos Artikis, Panagiotis Artikis (2015)
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties by Robert M. Gray (2009)
Proceedings of 2013 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference by Zengqi Sun, Zhidong Deng (2013)
Proceedings of 2013 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference by Zengqi Sun, Zhidong Deng (2013)
Proceedings of 2013 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference by Zengqi Sun, Zhidong Deng (2013)
Proceedings of All India Seminar on Biomedical Engineering 2012 (AISOBE 2012) by Veerendra Kumar, Mukta Bhatele (2013)
Proceedings of China Modern Logistics Engineering by Logistics Engineering Institution, CMES (2015)
Proceedings of ELM-2014 Volume 1 by Jiuwen Cao, Kezhi Mao, Erik Cambria, Zhihong Man, Kar-Ann Toh (2015)
Proceedings of ELM-2014 Volume 2 by Jiuwen Cao, Kezhi Mao, Erik Cambria, Zhihong Man, Kar-Ann Toh (2015)
Proceedings of EUCOMES 08 by Marco Ceccarelli (2009)
Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by Kedar Nath Das, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Atulya Nagar (2015)
Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by Kedar Nath Das, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Atulya Nagar (2015)
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing by Aswatha Kumar M., Selvarani R., T V Suresh Kumar (2012)
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Tribology and Engineering Systems by Himanshu C. Patel, Gunamani Deheri, Harshvadan S. Patel, Shreya M. Mehta (2014)
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology by Srikanta Patnaik, Xiaolong Li (2014)
Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Computing and Information Communications by Swamidoss Sathiakumar, Lalit Kumar Awasthi, M. Roberts Masillamani, S S Sridhar (2014)
Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Engineering Application by Srikanta Patnaik, Xiaolong Li (2014)
Proceedings of International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013) by Veena S. Chakravarthi, Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur, Rekha Prasad (2013)
Proceedings of ISES World Congress 2007 (Vol. I - Vol. V) by D. Yogi Goswami, Yuwen Zhao (2009)
Proceedings of Light-Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy Conference by Ronald Waynant, Darrell B. Tata (2008)
Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks by Radhakrishna Maringanti, Murlidhar Tiwari, Anish Arora (2014)
Proceedings of SAE-China Congress 2014: Selected Papers by Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China) (2015)
Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2012) by Jagdish Chand Bansal, Pramod Kumar Singh, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Atulya K. Nagar (2013)
Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2012) by Jagdish Chand Bansal, Pramod Singh, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Atulya Nagar (2013)
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining - Aachen 2014 by Christian Niemann-Delius (2015)
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering by Shengzhao Long, Balbir S. Dhillon (2014)
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering by Shengzhao Long, Balbir S. Dhillon (2015)
Proceedings of the 14th International Meshing Roundtable by Byron W. Hanks (2005)
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering by Shengzhao Long, Balbir S. Dhillon (2015)
Proceedings of the 15th International Meshing Roundtable by Philippe P. Pebay (2006)
Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable by Michael L. Brewer, David Marcum (2008)
Proceedings of the 17th International Meshing Roundtable by Rao V. Garimella (2008)
Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems - Volume 2 by Hisashi Handa, Hisao Ishibuchi, Yew-Soon Ong, Kay-Chen Tan (2015)
Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Volume 1 by Hisashi Handa, Hisao Ishibuchi, Yew-Soon Ong, Kay Chen Tan (2015)
Proceedings of the 18th International Meshing Roundtable by Brett W. Clark (2009)
Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable by Suzanne Shontz (2010)
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on High-Speed and Intercity Railways by Yi-Qing Ni, Xiao-Wei Ye (2012)
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on High-Speed and Intercity Railways by Yi-Qing Ni, Xiao-Wei Ye (2012)
Proceedings of the 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science by Ford Lumban Gaol, Quang Vinh Nguyen (2012)
Proceedings of the 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science by Ford Lumban Gaol, Quang Vinh Nguyen (2012)
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Computer Engineering (ICCE2011) November 1920, 2011, Melbourne, Australia by Liangzhong Jiang (2012)
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Computer Engineering (ICCE2011) November 1920, 2011, Melbourne, Australia by Liangzhong Jiang (2012)
Proceedings of the 2011, International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Computer Engineering (ICCE2011) November 1920, 2011, Melbourne, Australia by Liangzhong Jiang (2012)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference of Modern Computer Science and Applications by Zhenyu Du (2013)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012) by Tong-Cun Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang, Samuel Kaplan, Bill Skarnes (2014)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012) by Tong-Cun Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang, Samuel Kaplan, Bill Skarnes (2014)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012) by Tong-Cun Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang, Samuel Kaplan, Bill Skarnes (2014)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Communication, Electronics and Automation Engineering by George Yang (2013)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Cybernetics and Informatics by Shaobo Zhong (2014)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering by Wei Lu, Guoqiang Cai, Weibin Liu, Weiwei Xing (2013)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering by Wei Lu, Guoqiang Cai, Weibin Liu, Weiwei Xing (2013)
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering by Wei Lu, Guoqiang Cai, Weibin Liu, Weiwei Xing (2013)
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT2013)-Volume I by Limin Jia, Zhigang Liu, Yong Qin, Minghua Zhao, Lijun Diao (2014)
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT2013)-Volume II by Limin Jia, Zhigang Liu, Yong Qin, Minghua Zhao, Lijun Diao (2014)
Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference by Zhidong Deng, Hongbo Li (2015)
Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference by Zhidong Deng, Hongbo Li (2015)
Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference by Zhidong Deng, Hongbo Li (2015)
Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Roundtable by William Roshan Quadros (2012)
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014 by Ershi Qi, Jiang Shen, Runliang Dou (2015)
Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable by Xiangmin Jiao, Jean-Christophe Weill (2013)
Proceedings of the 22nd International Meshing Roundtable by Josep Sarrate, Matthew Staten (2014)
Proceedings of the 26th Conference of Spacecraft TT&C Technology in China by Rongjun Shen, Weiping Qian (2013)
Proceedings of the 27th Conference of Spacecraft TT&C Technology in China by Rongjun Shen, Weiping Qian (2015)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks 2012 (GCN 2012): Volume 1 by Yuhang Yang, Maode Ma (2013)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks 2012 (GCN 2012): Volume 2 by Yuhang Yang, Maode Ma (2013)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks 2012 (GCN 2012): Volume 3 by Yuhang Yang, Maode Ma (2013)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks 2012 (GCN 2012): Volume 4 by Yuhang Yang, Maode Ma (2013)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks 2012 (GCN 2012): Volume 5 by Yuhang Yang, Maode Ma (2013)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES2013) by Jengnan Juang, Cheng-Yi Chen, Cheng-Fu Yang (2014)
Proceedings of the 35th International MATADOR Conference by Srichand Hinduja, Kuang-Chao Fan (2007)
Proceedings of the 36th International MATADOR Conference by Srichand Hinduja, Lin Li (2010)
Proceedings of the 37th International MATADOR Conference by Srichand Hinduja, Lin Li (2013)
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense by Vasilios Siris, Kostas Anagnostakis, Sotiris Ioannidis, Panagiotis Trimintzios (2009)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014 by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Bhabendra Narayan Biswal, Siba K. Udgata, J.K. Mandal (2015)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014 by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Bhabendra Narayan Biswal, Siba K. Udgata, J. K. Mandal (2015)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT 2013) by Aly A. Farag, Jian Yang, Feng Jiao (2014)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE 2005) by Kazuyuki Murase, Kosuke Sekiyama, Tomohide Naniwa, Naoyuki Kubota, Joaquin Sitte (2006)
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks by W. Eric Wong (2015)
Proceedings of the 6th CIRP-Sponsored International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology by George Q. Huang, K. L. Mak, Paul G. Maropoulos (2010)
Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation (MCPC 2014), Aalborg, Denmark, February 4th - 7th, 2014 by Thomas D. Brunoe, Kjeld Nielsen, Kaj A. Joergensen, Stig B. Taps (2014)
Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2012) by Woo Bang Lee, Byeongkuen Choi, Lin Ma, Joseph Mathew (2015)
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES 2013 by Robert Burduk, Konrad Jackowski, Marek Kurzynski, Michai Wozniak, Andrzej Zolnierek (2013)
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning by Angui Li, Yingxin Zhu, Yuguo Li (2014)
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning by Angui Li, Yingxin Zhu, Yuguo Li (2014)
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning by Angui Li, Yingxin Zhu, Yuguo Li (2014)
Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics by Paolo Pennacchi (2015)
Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA), 2013 by Zhixiang Yin, Linqiang Pan, Xianwen Fang (2013)
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management by Jiuping Xu, Virgilio Antonio Cruz-Machado, Benjamin Lev, Stefan Nickel (2014)
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management by Jiuping Xu, Virgilio Antonio Cruz-Machado, Benjamin Lev, Stefan Nickel (2014)
Proceedings of the European Computing Conference by Nikos Mastorakis, Valeri Mladenov, Vassiliki T. Kontargyri (2009)
Proceedings of the European Computing Conference by Nikos Mastorakis, Valeri Mladenov, Vassiliki T. Kontargyri (2009)
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications IBICA 2014 by Pavel Komer, Ajith Abraham, Vaclav Snasel (2014)
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng-2013) by Tutut Herawan, Mustafa Mat Deris, Jemal Abawajy (2014)
Proceedings of the First Symposium on Aviation Maintenance and Management-Volume I by Jinsong Wang (2014)
Proceedings of the First Symposium on Aviation Maintenance and Management-Volume II by Jinsong Wang (2014)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress by SAE-China (2013)
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012) by Mohan S, S Suresh Kumar (2013)
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012) by Mohan S, S Suresh Kumar (2013)
Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2013 by Yi-Kuei Lin, Yu-Chung Tsao, Shi-Woei Lin (2013)
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014) by Rahmat Adnan, Shariman Ismadi Ismail, Norasrudin Sulaiman (2014)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Siba K. Udgata, Bhabendra Narayan Biswal (2013)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2013 by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Siba K Udgata, Bhabendra Narayan Biswal (2014)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-centric Computing 2011 and Embedded and Multimedia Computing 2011 by Jame J. Park, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Ran Zheng (2011)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA) 2012 by Zhicai Zhong (2013)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA) 2012 by Zhicai Zhong (2013)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA) 2012 by Zhicai Zhong (2013)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA) 2012 by Zhicai Zhong (2013)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA) 2012 by Zhicai Zhong (2013)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications 2012 (INDIA 2012) held in Visakhapatnam, India, January 2012 by Suresh Chandra Satapathy, P. S. Avadhani, Ajith Abraham (2012)
Proceedings of the International Conference on IT Convergence and Security 2011 by Kuinam J. Kim, Seong Jin Ahn (2012)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering by Sehijpal Singh Khangura, Paramjit Singh, Harwinder Singh, Gurinder Singh Brar (2014)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2011) December 20-22, 2011 by Kusum Deep, Atulya Nagar, Millie Pant, Jagdish Chand Bansal (2012)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2011) December 20-22, 2011 by Kusum Deep, Atulya Nagar, Millie Pant, Jagdish Chand Bansal (2012)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education by R. Natarajan (2015)
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM - 2012) by Subrata Chakraborty, Gautam Bhattacharya (2013)
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems CISIS'08 by Emilio Corchado, Rodolfo Zunino, Paolo Gastaldo, Alvaro Herrero (2009)
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX. June 30 - July 4, 2014, Brunow, Poland by Wojciech Zamojski, Jacek Mazurkiewicz, Jarosiaw Sugier, Tomasz Walkowiak, Janusz Kacprzyk (2014)
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management by Jiuping Xu, Stefan Nickel, Virgilio Cruz Machado, Asaf Hajiyev (2015)
Proceedings of the Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems Workshop by Ramon Lopez-Cozar Delgado, Tetsunori Kobayashi (2011)
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic Control by Wego Wang (2015)
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2012), December 28-30, 2012 by B. V. Babu, Atulya Nagar, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Kanad Ray, Umesh Gupta (2014)
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management by Jiuping Xu, Masoom Yasinzai, Benjamin Lev (2013)
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, August, 2011 by Milos Kudilka, Jaroslav Pokorny, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham (2013)
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by Millie Pant, Kusum Deep, Atulya Nagar, Jagdish Chand Bansal (2014)
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by Millie Pant, Kusum Deep, Atulya Nagar, Jagdish Chand Bansal (2014)
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing by Vinu V. Das (2013)
Process and Plant Safety by Ulrich Hauptmanns (2015)
Process Automation Handbook by Jonathan Love (2007)
Process Control by Jie Bao, Peter L. Lee (2007)
Process Control for Sheet-Metal Stamping by Yongseob Lim, Ravinder Venugopal, A Galip Ulsoy (2014)
Process Control Performance Assessment by Nina Thornhill, Alexander Horch, Dale Seborg, David Laing, Michael Grimble, Pawel Majecki, Hao Xia, Marco Boll, Marcus Nohr, Sandro Corsi, Martin Bannauer, Gerta Zimmer (2007)
Process Grammar: The Basis of Morphology by Michael Leyton (2012)
Process Machine Interactions by Berend Denkena, Ferdinand Hollmann (2013)
Process Modelling for Control by Benoit Codrons (2005)
Process Modelling, Identification, and Control by Jan Mikles, Miroslav Fikar (2007)
Process Planning and Scheduling for Distributed Manufacturing by Lihui Wang, Weiming Shen (2007)
Process Variations and Probabilistic Integrated Circuit Design by Manfred Dietrich, Joachim Haase (2012)
Processor and System-on-Chip Simulation by Rainer Leupers, Olivier Temam (2010)
Processor Design by Jari Nurmi (2007)
Product Concept Design by Turkka Keinonen, Roope Takala (2006)
Product Development in the Socio-sphere by Dirk Schaefer (2014)
Product Engineering by Doru Talaba, Angelos Amditis (2008)
Product Engineering by Doru Talabi, Thomas Roche (2005)
Product Lifecycle Management by John Stark (2011)
Product Lifecycle Management by John Stark (2015)
Product Lifecycle Management by John Stark (2005)
Product of Random Stochastic Matrices and Distributed Averaging by Behrouz Touri (2012)
Product Platform and Product Family Design by Timothy W. Simpson, Zahed Siddique, Jianxin Roger Jiao (2006)
Product Realization by Mileta Tomovic, Shaoping Wang (2009)
Product Reliability by Dodderi Narshima Prabhakar Murthy, Marvin Rausand, Trond Osteras (2008)
Product Research by N. R. Srinivasa Raghavan, John A. Cafeo (2009)
Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions by Horst Meier (2013)
Production Development by Monica Bellgran, Kristina Safsten (2010)
Production Engineering and Management under Fuzziness by Cengiz Kahraman, Mesut Yavuz (2010)
Production of Advanced Materials by Methods of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis by Giorgi F. Tavadze, Alexander S. Shteinberg (2013)
Production of biodiesel using lipase encapsulated in ?-carrageenan by Pogaku Ravindra, Kenthorai Raman Jegannathan (2015)
Production Planning in Production Networks by Pierluigi Argoneto, Giovanni Perrone, Paolo Renna, Giovanna Nigro, Manfredi Bruccoleri, Sergio Noto Diega (2008)
Production Systems and Supply Chain Management in Emerging Countries: Best Practices by Gonzalo Mejia, Nubia Velasco (2012)
Production Systems Engineering by Jingshan Li, Semyon M. Meerkov (2009)
Professor I. I. Glass: A Tribute and Memorial by Kazuyoshi Takayama, Ozer Igra (2013)
Programming Finite Elements in Java by Gennadiy Nikishkov (2010)
Programming Heterogeneous MPSoCs by Jeronimo Castrillon Mazo, Rainer Leupers (2014)
Programming Many-Core Chips by Andras Vajda (2011)
Programming Mobile Robots with Aria and Player by Amanda Whitbrook (2010)
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques by Roman Szewczyk, Cezary Zieliiski, Maigorzata Kaliczyiska (2015)
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques by Roman Szewczyk, Cezary Zieliiski, Maigorzata Kaliczyiska (2015)
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques by Roman Szewczyk, Cezary Zieliiski, Maigorzata Kaliczyiska (2015)
Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling by Shia-Hui Peng, Piotr Doerffer, Werner Haase (2010)
Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling by Song Fu, Werner Haase, Shia-Hui Peng, Dieter Schwamborn (2012)
Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling by Sharath Girimaji, Werner Haase, Shia-Hui Peng, Dieter Schwamborn (2015)
Progress in Optomechatronic Technologies by Rainer Tutsch, Young-June Cho, Wei-Chih Wang, Hyungsuck Cho (2014)
Progress in Scale Modeling by Kozo Saito (2008)
Progress in Scale Modeling, Volume II by Kozo Saito, Akihiko Ito, Yuji Nakamura, Kazunori Kuwana (2015)
Progress in Systems Engineering by Henry Selvaraj, Dawid Zydek, Grzegorz Chmaj (2015)
Progress in Turbulence by Joachim Peinke, Achim Kittel, Stephan Barth, Martin Oberlack (2005)
Progress in Turbulence II by Martin Oberlack, George Khujadze, Silke Gunther, Tanja Weller, Michael Frewer, Joachim Peinke, Stephan Barth (2007)
Progress in Turbulence III by Joachim Peinke, Martin Oberlack, Alessandro Talamelli (2010)
Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment by Enric Vazquez (2013)
Progress on Meshless Methods by A. J. M. Ferreira, E. J. Kansa, G. E. Fasshauer, V. M. A. Leitao (2009)
Project Communication Management in Complex Environments by Zhong Ying, Low Sui Pheng (2014)
Project Management and Engineering by Jose Luis Ayuso Munoz, Jose Luis Yague Blanco, Salvador F. Capuz-Rizo (2015)
Project Management for Building Construction by Hans Sommer (2010)
Project Management for Facility Constructions by Alberto De Marco (2011)
Project Management for the Creation of Organisational Value by Ofer Zwikael, John Smyrk (2011)
Project Quality Management by Sui Pheng Low, Joy Ong (2014)
Project-Based Knowledge in Organizing Open Innovation by Sara Bonesso, Anna Comacchio, Claudio Pizzi (2014)
Promoting Balanced Competitiveness Strategies of Firms in Developing Countries by Vivienne Wang, Elias G. Carayannis (2012)
Propagation Engineering in Radio Links Design by Abdollah Ghasemi, Ali Abedi, Farshid Ghasemi (2013)
Propagation Engineering in Wireless Communications by Abdollah Ghasemi, Ali Abedi, Farshid Ghasemi (2012)
Propagation of Interval and Probabilistic Uncertainty in Cyberinfrastructure-related Data Processing and Data Fusion by Christian Servin, Vladik Kreinovich (2015)
Propagation of SLF/ELF Electromagnetic Waves by Weiyan Pan, Kai Li (2014)
Propagation Phenomena in Real World Networks by Dariusz Krol, Damien Fay, Bogdan Gabryi (2015)
Prosopagnosia by Davide Rivolta (2014)
Protecting Chips Against Hold Time Violations Due to Variability by Gustavo Neuberger, Gilson Wirth, Ricardo Reis (2014)
Protection of Civilian Infrastructure from Acts of Terrorism by Konstantin V. Frolov, Gregory B. Baecher (2006)
Protective Relaying of Power Systems Using Mathematical Morphology by Q.H. Wu, Z. Lu, T.Y. Ji (2009)
Pulsed Power by Gennady A. Mesyats (2005)
Pulsed Power Systems by Hansjoachim Bluhm (2006)
Pumps and Pipes by Mark G. Davies, Alan B. Lumsden, William E. Kline, Ioannis Kakadiaris (2011)
Purposeful Engineering Economics by Ronald A. Chadderton (2015)
Putting the "I" in IHY by Barbara J. Thompson, Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy, Joseph M. Davila, Hans J. Haubold (2009)
Python for Signal Processing by Jose Unpingco (2014)
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network Control for Mechanical Systems by Jinkun Liu (2013)
Radiation Effects on Embedded Systems by RAOUL VELAZCO, PASCAL FOUILLAT, RICARDO REIS (2007)
Radiation-Tolerant Delta-Sigma Time-to-Digital Converters by Ying Cao, Paul Leroux, Michiel Steyaert (2015)
Radio Design in Nanometer Technologies by MOHAMMED ISMAIL, DELIA RODRIGUEZ DE LLERA GONZALEZ (2006)
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design for Cognitive Radio Systems by Amr Fahim (2015)
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Technologies by Frank Ellinger (2007)
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Technologies by Frank Ellinger (2008)
Radio Frequency Propagation Made Easy by Saleh Faruque (2015)
Radio Frequency Source Coding Made Easy by Saleh Faruque (2015)
Radio Monitoring by Anatoly Rembovsky, Alexander Ashikhmin, Vladimir Kozmin, Sergey Smolskiy (2009)
Radio Systems Engineering by Hector J. De Los Santos, Christian Sturm, Juan Pontes (2015)
Radio Wave Propagation by John A. Richards (2008)
Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications by Herve Sizun (2005)
Radioactive Waste by Christian Streffer, Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Georg Kamp, Wolfgang Kroger, Eckard Rehbinder, Ortwin Renn, Klaus-Jurgen Rohlig (2012)
Radioactive Waste Engineering and Management by Shinya Nagasaki, Shinichi Nakayama (2015)
Radioisotope Thin-Film Powered Microsystems by Rajesh Duggirala, Amit Lal, Shankar Radhakrishnan (2010)
Radiolocation in Ubiquitous Wireless Communication by Danko Antolovic (2010)
Railway Infrastructure Security by Roberto Setola, Antonio Sforza, Valeria Vittorini, Concetta Pragliola (2015)
Random Finite Sets for Robot Mapping and SLAM by John Mullane, Ba-Ngu Vo, Martin Adams, Ba-Tuong Vo (2011)
Random Maintenance Policies by Toshio Nakagawa (2014)
Random Sets and Random Fuzzy Sets as Ill-Perceived Random Variables by Ines Couso, Didier Dubois, Luciano Sanchez (2014)
Random Signals and Processes Primer with MATLAB by Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek (2013)
Random Vibrations in Spacecraft Structures Design by Jaap Wijker (2009)
Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems by Roberto Tempo, Giuseppe Calafiore, Fabrizio Dabbene (2013)
Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems by Roberto Tempo, Fabrizio Dabbene, Giuseppe Calafiore (2005)
Randomized Algorithms in Automatic Control and Data Mining by Oleg Granichin, Zeev (Vladimir) Volkovich, Dvora Toledano-Kitai (2015)
Rapid Modelling and Quick Response by Gerald Reiner (2010)
Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness by Gerald Reiner (2009)
Rapid One-of-a-kind Product Development by Shane (S.Q.) Xie, Yiliu Tu (2011)
Rapid Prototyping by Ali Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr (2006)
Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems by James O. Hamblen, Tyson S. Hall, Michael D. Furman (2006)
Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems by James O. Hamblen, Tyson S. Hall, Michael D. Furman (2008)
Rapid Tooling Guidelines For Sand Casting by Wanlong Wang, Henry W. Stoll, James G. Conley (2010)
Rare Diseases in the Age of Health 2.0 by Rajeev K. Bali, Lodewijk Bos, Michael Christopher Gibbons, Simon Ibell (2014)
Rarefied Gas Dynamics by Ching Shen (2005)
Rational Exuberance for Renewable Energy by Srinivasan Sunderasan (2011)
Rational, Robust, and Secure Negotiations in Multi-Agent Systems by Takayuki Ito, Hiromitsu Hattori, Minjie Zhang, Tokuro Matsuo (2008)
Re-engineering Manufacturing for Sustainability by Andrew Y. C. Nee, Bin Song, Soh-Khim Ong (2013)
Re-engineering of Products and Processes by Federico Rotini, Yuri Borgianni, Gaetano Cascini (2012)
Re-imaging the City by Somaiyeh Falahat (2014)
Reaction-Diffusion Automata: Phenomenology, Localisations, Computation by Andrew Adamatzky (2013)
Ready by Roberto Dillon (2015)
Real World Applications of Computational Intelligence by Mircea Negoita, Bernd Reusch (2005)
Real-Time Applications with Stochastic Task Execution Times by Sorin Manolache, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng (2007)
Real-Time Heterogeneous Video Transcoding for Low-Power Applications by Tarek Elarabi, Ahmed Abdelgawad, Magdy Bayoumi (2014)
Real-time Iterative Learning Control by Jian-Xin Xu, Sanjib K. Panda, Tong Heng Lee (2009)
Real-Time Management of Resource Allocations Systems by Spyros A. Reveliotis (2005)
Real-Time Object Uniform Design Methodology with UML by Bui Minh Duc (2007)
Real-time Systems' Quality of Service by Roman Gumzej, Wolfgang A. Halang (2010)
Real-Time Visual Effects for Game Programming by Chang-Hun Kim, Sun-Jeong Kim, Soo-Kyun Kim, Shin-Jin Kang (2015)
Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks by Koen Langendoen, Wen Hu, Federico Ferrari, Marco Zimmerling, Luca Mottola (2014)
Realization Theory and Design of Digital Images by Yasumichi Hasegawa, Tatsuo Suzuki (2006)
Reanalysis of Structures by Uri Kirsch (2008)
Reasoning in Event-Based Distributed Systems by Sven Helmer, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Fatos Xhafa (2011)
Receding Horizon Control by Wook Hyun Kwon, Soohee Han (2005)
Recent Advancements in System Modelling Applications by R Malathi, J Krishnan (2013)
Recent Advances in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques by Roman Szewczyk, Cezary Zieliiski, Maigorzata Kaliczyiska (2014)
Recent Advances in Boundary Element Methods by George D. Manolis, D. Polyzos (2009)
Recent Advances in Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging by Jianhua Yao, Ben Glocker, Tobias Klinder, Shuo Li (2015)
Recent Advances in Computational Optimization by Stefka Fidanova (2013)
Recent Advances in Computational Optimization by Stefka Fidanova (2015)
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by Zhihong Qian, Lei Cao, Weilian Su, Tingkai Wang, Huamin Yang (2012)
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by Zhihong Qian, Lei Cao, Weilian Su, Tingkai Wang, Huamin Yang (2012)
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by Zhihong Qian, Lei Cao, Weilian Su, Tingkai Wang, Huamin Yang (2012)
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by Zhihong Qian, Lei Cao, Weilian Su, Tingkai Wang, Huamin Yang (2012)
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by Zhihong Qian, Lei Cao, Weilian Su, Tingkai Wang, Huamin Yang (2012)
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering by Zhihong Qian, Lei Cao, Weilian Su, Tingkai Wang, Huamin Yang (2012)
Recent Advances in Contact Mechanics by Georgios E. Stavroulakis (2013)
Recent Advances in Decision Making by Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson, Ronald R. Yager, Nikhil Ichalkaranje, Lakhmi C. Jain (2009)
Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization by Carlos Cotta, Jano Hemert (2008)
Recent Advances in Formal Languages and Applications by Zoltan Esik, Carlos Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana (2006)
Recent Advances In Harmony Search Algorithm by Zong Woo Geem (2010)
Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology by Sirapat Boonkrong, Herwig Unger, Phayung Meesad (2014)
Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2015 by Herwig Unger, Phayung Meesad, Sirapat Boonkrong (2015)
Recent Advances in Information Hiding and Applications by Jeng-Shyang Pan, Hsiang-Cheh Huang, Lakhmi C Jain, Yao Zhao (2013)
Recent Advances in Information Technology by G. P. Biswas, Sushanta Mukhopadhyay (2014)
Recent Advances in Intelligent Control Systems by Wen Yu (2009)
Recent Advances in Intelligent Engineering Systems by Janos Fodor, Ryszard Klempous, Carmen Paz Suarez Araujo (2012)
Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics by Sabu M. Thampi, Ajith Abraham, Sankar Kumar Pal, Juan Manuel Corchado Rodriguez (2014)
Recent Advances in Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin (2012)
Recent Advances in Knowledge-based Paradigms and Applications by Jeffrey W. Tweedale, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
Recent Advances in Learning and Control by Vincent D. Blondel, Stephen P. Boyd, Hidenori Kimura (2008)
Recent Advances in Maintenance and Infrastructure Management by Roberto D. Cigolini, Abhijit V. Deshmukh, Lorenzo Fedele, Sara A. McComb (2009)
Recent Advances in Mechanics by Anthony N. Kounadis, Emmanuel E. Gdoutos (2011)
Recent Advances in Mechanism Design for Robotics by Shaoping Bai, Marco Ceccarelli (2015)
Recent Advances in Mechatronics by Ryszard Jabioiski, Mateusz Turkowski, Roman Szewczyk (2007)
Recent Advances in Mechatronics by Tomas Brezina, Ryszard Jablonski (2010)
Recent Advances in Memetic Algorithms by William E. Hart, J. E. Smith, N. Krasnogor (2005)
Recent Advances in Modeling Landslides and Debris Flows by Wei Wu (2015)
Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications by Mislav Grgic, Kresimir Delac, Mohammed Ghanbari (2009)
Recent Advances in Natural Computing by Yasuhiro Suzuki, Masami Hagiya (2015)
Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization by Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Wolfgang A. Halang, Herwig Unger, Jean Chamberlain Chedjou, Nikolai F. Rulkov, Zhong Li (2009)
Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering by Moritz Diehl, Francois Glineur, Elias Jarlebring, Wim Michiels (2010)
Recent Advances in Radial Basis Function Collocation Methods by Wen Chen, Zhuo-Jia Fu, C.S. Chen (2014)
Recent Advances in Reliability and Quality in Design by Hoang Pham (2008)
Recent Advances in Research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Fariba Fahroo, Le Yi Wang, George Yin (2013)
Recent Advances in Robotics and Automation by Gourab Sen Gupta, Donald Bailey, Serge Demidenko, Dale Carnegie (2013)
Recent Advances in Sensing Technology by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Gourab Sen Gupta, Ray Yueh-Min Huang (2009)
Recent Advances in Sliding Modes: From Control to Intelligent Mechatronics by Xinghuo Yu, Mehmet onder Efe (2015)
Recent Advances in Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation by Xin-She Yang (2015)
Recent Advances in System Reliability by Anatoly Lisnianski, Ilia Frenkel (2012)
Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes by Hendrik Richter, Andries Engelbrecht (2014)
Recent Advances of Neural Network Models and Applications by Simone Bassis, Anna Esposito, Francesco Carlo Morabito (2014)
Recent Advances on Hybrid Approaches for Designing Intelligent Systems by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Witold Pedrycz, Janusz Kacprzyk (2014)
Recent Advances on Hybrid Intelligent Systems by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Janusz Kacprzyk (2013)
Recent Advances on Soft Computing and Data Mining by Tutut Herawan, Rozaida Ghazali, Mustafa Mat Deris (2014)
Recent Development in Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks by Srikanta Patnaik, Xiaolong Li, Yeon-Mo Yang (2015)
Recent Developments and Innovative Applications in Computational Mechanics by Dana Mueller-Hoeppe, Stefan Loehnert, Stefanie Reese (2011)
Recent Developments and New Directions in Soft Computing by Lotfi A. Zadeh, Ali M. Abbasov, Ronald R. Yager, Shahnaz N. Shahbazova, Marek Z. Reformat (2014)
Recent Developments in Computational Collective Intelligence by Amelia Badica, Bogdan Trawinski, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2014)
Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws by Rainer Ansorge, Hester Bijl, Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar (2013)
Recent Developments in the Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators: Theory and Practice by Ronald R. Yager, Janusz Kacprzyk, Gleb Beliakov (2011)
Recent Developments of Electrical Drives by S. Wiak, M. Dems, K. Komiza (2006)
Recent Progress in Data Engineering and Internet Technology by Ford Lumban Gaol (2012)
Recent Progress in Data Engineering and Internet Technology by Ford Lumban Gaol (2013)
Recent Progress in Robotics: Viable Robotic Service to Human by Sukhan Lee, Il Hong Suh, Mun Sang Kim (2008)
Recent Trends in Intelligent and Emerging Systems by Kandarpa Kumar Sarma, Manash Pratim Sarma, Mousmita Sarma (2015)
Recognition Receptors in Biosensors by Mohammed Zourob (2010)
Recognizing Variable Environments by Tiansi Dong (2012)
Recommender Systems for Learning by Nikos Manouselis, Hendrik Drachsler, Katrien Verbert, Erik Duval (2013)
Recommender Systems for Location-based Social Networks by Panagiotis Symeonidis, Dimitrios Ntempos, Yannis Manolopoulos (2014)
Recommender Systems for the Social Web by Jose J. Pazos Arias, Ana Fernandez Vilas, Rebeca P. Diaz Redondo (2012)
Reconfigurable Computing by Joao M. P. Cardoso, Michael Hubner (2011)
Reconfigurable Computing by Maya Gokhale, Paul S. Graham (2005)
Reconfigurable Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Jan H. Richter (2011)
Reconfigurable Distributed Control by Hector Benitez-Perez, Fabian Garcia-Nocetti (2005)
Reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Mission-Critical Applications by Niccolo Battezzati, Luca Sterpone, Massimo Violante (2011)
Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems and Transformable Factories by Anatoli I. Dashchenko (2006)
Reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip by Sao-Jie Chen, Ying-Cherng Lan, Wen-Chung Tsai, Yu-Hen Hu (2012)
Reconfigurable RF Power Amplifiers on Silicon for Wireless Handsets by Laurent Leyssenne, Eric Kerherve, Yann Deval (2011)
Reconfigurable Switched-Capacitor Power Converters by Dongsheng Ma, Rajdeep Bondade (2013)
Reconstruction Designs of Lost Ancient Chinese Machinery by Hong-Sen Yan (2007)
Recruitment Learning by Joachim Diederich, Cengiz Gunay, James M. Hogan (2011)
Recursive Estimation and Time-Series Analysis by Peter C. Young (2011)
Reduced Order Systems by Ali A. Jalali, Craig S. Simst, Parviz Famouri (2006)
Reduced-Order Modelling for Flow Control by Bernd R. Noack, Marek Morzyiski, Gilead Tadmor (2011)
Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Systems by Dejan Milutinovii, Jacob Rosen (2013)
Reference-Free CMOS Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converters by Michael Figueiredo, Joao Goes, Guiomar Evans (2013)
Reflections on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident by Joonhong Ahn, Cathryn Carson, Mikael Jensen, Kohta Juraku, Shinya Nagasaki, Satoru Tanaka (2015)
Registration and Recognition in Images and Videos by Roberto Cipolla, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella (2014)
Regular Nanofabrics in Emerging Technologies by M. Haykel Ben Jamaa (2011)
Regularity and Complexity in Dynamical Systems by Albert C. J. Luo (2012)
Regulated Open Multi-Agent Systems (ROMAS) by Emilia Garcia, Adriana Giret, Vicente Botti (2015)
Reinforcement Learning by Marco Wiering, Martijn Otterlo (2012)
Reliability and Availability of Quality Control Based on Wavelet Computer Vision by Ivica Kuzmanii, Igor Vujovii (2015)
Reliability and Optimal Maintenance by Hongzhou Wang, Hoang Pham (2006)
Reliability and Risk Issues in Large Scale Safety-critical Digital Control Systems by Poong Hyun Seong (2009)
Reliability and Safety Engineering by Ajit Kumar Verma, Ajit Srividya, Durga Rao Karanki (2010)
Reliability and Safety of Complex Technical Systems and Processes by Krzysztof Koiowrocki, Joanna Soszyiska-Budny (2011)
Reliability and Six Sigma by U Dinesh Kumar, John Crocker, T Chitra, Haritha Saranga (2006)
Reliability Engineering by Alessandro Birolini (2007)
Reliability Engineering by Alessandro Birolini (2010)
Reliability Engineering by Alessandro Birolini (2014)
Reliability Engineering by Massimo Lazzaroni, Loredana Cristaldi, Lorenzo Peretto, Paola Rinaldi, Marcantonio Catelani (2011)
Reliability in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering by Bernd Bertsche (2008)
Reliability of High Mobility SiGe Channel MOSFETs for Future CMOS Applications by Jacopo Franco, Ben Kaczer, Guido Groeseneken (2014)
Reliability of Microtechnology by Johan Liu, Olli Salmela, Jussi Sarkka, James E. Morris, Per-Erik Tegehall, Cristina Andersson (2011)
Reliability of Nanoscale Circuits and Systems by Milos Stanisavljevii, Alexandre Schmid, Yusuf Leblebici (2011)
Reliability of Steel Columns Protected by Intumescent Coatings Subjected to Natural Fires by Chao Zhang (2015)
Reliability Physics and Engineering by J.W. McPherson (2010)
Reliability Physics and Engineering by J. W. McPherson (2013)
Reliability, Availability and Serviceability of Networks-on-Chip by erika Cota, Alexandre Morais Amory, Marcelo Soares Lubaszewski (2012)
Reliability-based Structural Design by Seung-Kyum Choi, Robert A. Canfield, Ramana V. Grandhi (2007)
Reliable Design of Electronic Equipment by Dhanasekharan Natarajan (2015)
Remote Instrumentation and Virtual Laboratories by Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore (2010)
Remote Instrumentation for eScience and Related Aspects by Franco Davoli, Marcin Lawenda, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Jan Wiglarz, Sandro Zappatore (2012)
Remote Instrumentation Services on the e-Infrastructure by Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore (2011)
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis by John A. Richards, Xiuping Jia (2006)
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis by John A. Richards (2013)
Remote Sensing with Imaging Radar by John A. Richards (2009)
Renewable Energies and CO2 by Ricardo Guerrero-Lemus, Jose Manuel Martinez-Duart (2013)
Renewable Energies in Germany's Electricity Market by Elke Bruns, Dorte Ohlhorst, Bernd Wenzel, Johann Koppel (2011)
Renewable Energy by Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, Andreas Wiese (2007)
Renewable Energy in the Middle East by Michael Mason, Amit Mor (2009)
Repetitive Motion Planning and Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators by Yunong Zhang, Zhijun Zhang (2013)
Replace, Repair, Restore, Relieve - Bridging Clinical and Engineering Solutions in Neurorehabilitation by Winnie Jensen, Ole Kaseler Andersen, Metin Akay (2014)
Replacement Models with Minimal Repair by Lotfi Tadj, M.-Salah Ouali, Soumaya Yacout, Daoud Ait-Kadi (2011)
Representations for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms by Franz Rothlauf (2006)
Requirements Engineering for Digital Health by Samuel A. Fricker, Christoph Thummler, Anastasius Gavras (2015)
Rescue Robotics by Satoshi Tadokoro (2009)
Research Advances in Industrial Engineering by J. Paulo Davim (2015)
Research in Interactive Design by Xavier Fischer, Daniel Coutellier (2006)
Research in Interactive Design by Xavier Fischer, Daniel Coutellier (2006)
Research in Interactive Design Vol. 3 by Xavier Fischer, Jean-Pierre Nadeau (2011)
Reset Control Systems by Alfonso Banos, Antonio Barreiro (2012)
Residual Stress Measurement and the Slitting Method by Weili Cheng, Iain Finnie (2007)
Residual Stress, Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Hybrid Techniques and Inverse Problems, Volume 8 by Marco Rossi, Marco Sasso, Nathanael Connesson, Raman Singh, Adrian DeWald, David Backman, Paul Gloeckner (2014)
Resilient computer system design by Victor Castano, Igor Schagaev (2015)
Resonant Tunneling by Lev Baskin, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Boris Plamenevskii, Oleg Sarafanov (2015)
Resource Allocation and MIMO for 4G and Beyond by Francisco Rodrigo Porto Cavalcanti (2014)
Resource Allocation in Decentralized Systems with Strategic Agents by Ali Kakhbod (2013)
Resource Allocation In Multiuser Multicarrier Wireless Systems by Ian Wong, Brian Evans (2008)
Resource Management for Heterogeneous Networks in LTE Systems by Rose Qingyang Hu, Yi Qian (2014)
Resource Management in Mobile Computing Environments by Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, Evangelos Pallis, George Mastorakis (2014)
Resource Management in Satellite Networks by Giovanni Giambene (2007)
Resource Management in Wireless Networking by Mihaela Cardei, Ionut Cardei, Ding-Zhu Du (2005)
Resource-Aware Data Fusion Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks by Ahmed Abdelgawad, Magdy Bayoumi (2012)
RESPACE - Key Technologies for Reusable Space Systems by Ali Gulhan (2008)
REST: Advanced Research Topics and Practical Applications by Cesare Pautasso, Erik Wilde, Rosa Alarcon (2014)
REST: From Research to Practice by Erik Wilde, Cesare Pautasso (2011)
Retargetable Processor System Integration into Multi-Processor System-on-Chip Platforms by Andreas Wieferink, Heinrich Meyr, Rainer Leupers (2008)
Rethinking Engineering Education by Edward F. Crawley, Johan Malmqvist, Soren ostlund, Doris R. Brodeur (2007)
Rethinking Engineering Education by Edward F. Crawley, Johan Malmqvist, Soren ostlund, Doris R. Brodeur, Kristina Edstrom (2014)
Reuse-Based Methodologies and Tools in the Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits by R. CASTRO-LoPEZ, F.V. FERNANDEZ, O. GUERRA-VINUESA, A. RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ (2006)
Reverse Engineering by Vinesh Raja, Kiran J. Fernandes (2008)
Revolutionizing Collaboration through e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service by Shimon Y. Nof, Jose Ceroni, Wootae Jeong, Mohsen Moghaddam (2015)
RF and Microwave Microelectronics Packaging by Ken Kuang, Franklin Kim, Sean S. Cahill (2010)
RF Imperfections in High-rate Wireless Systems by Tim Schenk (2008)
RF MEMS Switches and Integrated Switching Circuits by Ai-Qun Liu (2010)
RF POWER AMPLIFIERS FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS by Patrick Reynaert, Michiel Steyaert (2006)
RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications by Qizheng Gu (2005)
RF Transceiver Design for MIMO Wireless Communications by Abbas Mohammadi, Fadhel M. Ghannouchi (2012)
RF Tunable Devices and Subsystems: Methods of Modeling, Analysis, and Applications by Qizheng Gu (2015)
RF-Frontend Design for Process-Variation-Tolerant Receivers by Pooyan Sakian, Reza Mahmoudi, Arthur van Roermund (2012)
RFID Security by Paris Kitsos, Yan Zhang (2008)
RFID Security and Privacy by Dirk Henrici (2008)
RFID-WSN Integrated Architecture for Energy and Delay- Aware Routing by Jameel Ahmed, Mohammed Yakoob Siyal, Muhammad Tayyab, Menaa Nawaz (2015)
RHEED Transmission Mode and Pole Figures by Gwo-Ching Wang, Toh-Ming Lu (2014)
Rheology and Non-Newtonian Fluids by Fridtjov Irgens (2014)
Rheology of Complex Fluids by J. Murali Krishnan, Abhijit P. Deshpande, P. B. Sunil Kumar (2010)
Rhythm and Transforms by William A. Sethares (2007)
Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics by Eleuterio F. Toro (2009)
Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms by Roy Featherstone (2008)
Rigid Finite Element Method in Analysis of Dynamics of Offshore Structures by Edmund Wittbrodt, Marek Szczotka, Andrzej Maczyiski, Stanisiaw Wojciech (2013)
Rigidly Framed Earth Retaining Structures by Walid Aboumoussa, Magued Iskander (2014)
RILEM Technical Committee 195-DTD Recommendation for Test Methods for AD and TD of Early Age Concrete by Oyvind Bjontegaard, Tor Arne Martius-Hammer, Matias Krauss, Harald Budelmann (2015)
Ring Resonator Systems to Perform Optical Communication Enhancement Using Soliton by Iraj Sadegh Amiri, Abdolkarim Afroozeh (2015)
Rise and Fall of the Carbon Civilisation by Patrick Moriarty, Damon Honnery (2011)
Risk and Cognition by Jean-Marc Mercantini, Colette Faucher (2015)
Risk and Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructures by Per Hokstad, Ingrid B. Utne, Jorn Vatn (2012)
Risk Assessment and Management in the Networked Economy by Omar K. Hussain, Tharam S. Dillon, Farookh K. Hussain, Elizabeth J. Chang (2013)
Risk Management by Terje Aven, Jan Erik Vinnem (2007)
Risk Management for Engineering Projects by Nolberto Munier (2014)
Risk Management in Architectural Design by Claudio Martani (2015)
Risk Management of Non-Renewable Energy Systems by Ajit Kumar Verma, Srividya Ajit, Hari Prasad Muruva (2015)
Risk Management Technologies by E.D. Solozhentsev (2012)
Risk Navigation Strategies for Major Capital Projects by Asbjorn Rolstadas, Per Willy Hetland, George Farage Jergeas, Richard E. Westney (2011)
Risk-Based Ship Design by Apostolos Papanikolaou (2009)
Risks in Modern Society by Hans-Jurgen Bischoff (2008)
Risks in Technological Systems by Goran Grimvall, ake J. Holmgren, Per Jacobsson, Torbjorn Thedeen (2010)
Riveted Lap Joints in Aircraft Fuselage by Andrzej Skorupa, Malgorzata Skorupa (2012)
Road Lighting by Wout van Bommel (2015)
Road Traffic Congestion: A Concise Guide by John C. Falcocchio, Herbert S. Levinson (2015)
Road Vehicle Automation by Gereon Meyer, Sven Beiker (2014)
Road Vehicle Automation 2 by Gereon Meyer, Sven Beiker (2015)
Roadmap to Sustainable Textiles and Clothing by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu (2015)
Roadmap to Sustainable Textiles and Clothing by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu (2014)
Roadmap to Sustainable Textiles and Clothing by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu (2014)
Rob | Arch 2012 by Sigrid Brell-cokcan, Johannes Braumann (2013)
Robot and Multibody Dynamics by Abhinandan Jain (2011)
Robot Fish by Ruxu Du, Zheng Li, Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado (2015)
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2 by Jong-Hwan Kim, Eric T . Matson, Hyun Myung, Peter Xu, Fakhri Karray (2014)
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2012 by Jong-Hwan Kim, Eric T. Matson, Hyun Myung, Peter Xu (2013)
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 3 by Jong-Hwan Kim, Weimin Yang, Jun Jo, Peter Sincak, Hyun Myung (2015)
Robot Mechanisms by Jadran Lenarcic, Tadej Bajd, Michael M. Stanisii (2013)
Robot Motion and Control by Krzysztof Koziowski (2006)
Robot Motion and Control 2007 by Krzysztof Koziowski (2007)
Robot Motion and Control 2009 by Krzysztof R. Koziowski (2009)
Robot Motion and Control 2011 by Krzysztof Koziowski (2012)
Robot Navigation from Nature by Michael John Milford (2008)
Robot Physical Interaction through the combination of Vision, Tactile and Force Feedback by Mario Prats, Angel P. del Pobil, Pedro J. Sanz (2013)
ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference by Manuel A. Armada, Alberto Sanfeliu, Manuel Ferre (2014)
ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference by Manuel A. Armada, Alberto Sanfeliu, Manuel Ferre (2014)
Robotic Exploration and Landmark Determination by K. Sridharan, Panakala Rajesh Kumar (2008)
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014 by Wes McGee, Monica Ponce de Leon (2014)
Robotic Mapping and Exploration by Cyrill Stachniss (2009)
Robotic Sailing by Alexander Schlaefer, Ole Blaurock (2011)
Robotic Sailing 2012 by Colin Sauze, James Finnis (2013)
Robotic Sailing 2013 by Fabrice Le Bars, Luc Jaulin (2014)
Robotic Sailing 2014 by Fearghal Morgan, Dermot Tynan (2015)
Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly by Daniel Schutz, Friedrich M. Wahl (2011)
Robotic Tactile Sensing by Ravinder S. Dahiya, Maurizio Valle (2013)
Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation by Tzyh-Jong Tarn, Shan-Ben Chen, Xiao-Qi Chen (2015)
Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation by Tzyh-Jong Tarn, Shan-Ben Chen, Changjiu Zhou (2007)
Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation by Tzyh-Jong Tarn, Shan-Ben Chen, Gu Fang (2011)
Robotics by Bruno Siciliano, Lorenzo Sciavicco, Luigi Villani, Giuseppe Oriolo (2009)
Robotics by Tadej Bajd, Matja Mihelj, Jadran Lenarcic, Ale Stanovnik, Marko Munih (2010)
Robotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping by Margaret E. Jefferies, Wai-Kiang Yeap (2008)
Robotics Research by Sebastian Thrun, Rodney Brooks, Hugh Durrant-Whyte (2007)
Robotics Research by Makoto Kaneko, Yoshihiko Nakamura (2011)
Robotics Research by Cedric Pradalier, Roland Siegwart, Gerhard Hirzinger (2011)
Robotics Research. The Eleventh International Symposium by Paolo Dario, Raja Chatila (2005)
Robotics, Vision and Control by Peter Corke (2011)
Robots and Lattice Automata by Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis, Andrew Adamatzky (2015)
Robust and Adaptive Control by Eugene Lavretsky, Kevin A. Wise (2013)
Robust and Optimal Control by Mi-Ching Tsai, Da-Wei Gu (2014)
Robust Computing with Nano-scale Devices by Chao Huang (2010)
Robust Control and Filtering of Singular Systems by Shengyuan Xu, James Lam (2006)
Robust Control and Linear Parameter Varying Approaches by Olivier Sename, Peter Gaspar, Jozsef Bokor (2013)
Robust Control Design with MATLAB by Da-Wei Gu, Petko Hristov Petkov, Mihail Mihaylov Konstantinov (2005)
Robust Control Design with MATLAB by Da-Wei Gu, Petko H. Petkov, Mihail M Konstantinov (2013)
Robust Control for Uncertain Networked Control Systems with Random Delays by Dan Huang, Sing Kiong Nguang (2009)
Robust Control in Power Systems by Bikash Pal, Balarko Chaudhuri (2005)
Robust Control of Linear Systems Subject to Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters by Francesco Amato (2006)
Robust Control of Robots by Adriano A. G. Siqueira, Marco H. Terra, Marcel Bergerman (2011)
Robust Control of Time-delay Systems by Qing-Chang Zhong (2006)
Robust Control of Uncertain Dynamic Systems by Rama K. Yedavalli (2014)
Robust Emotion Recognition using Spectral and Prosodic Features by K. Sreenivasa Rao, Shashidhar G. Koolagudi (2013)
Robust Filtering and Fault Detection of Switched Delay Systems by Dong Wang, Peng Shi, Wei Wang (2013)
Robust Filtering for Uncertain Systems by Huijun Gao, Xianwei Li (2014)
Robust Image Authentication in the Presence of Noise by Natasa Zivii (2015)
Robust Manufacturing Control by Katja Windt (2013)
Robust Output Feedback H-infinity Control and Filtering for Uncertain Linear Systems by Xiao-Heng Chang (2014)
Robust Power System Frequency Control by Hassan Bevrani (2009)
Robust Sigma Delta Converters by Robert H.M. van Veldhoven, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2011)
Robust Signal Processing for Wireless Communications by Frank A. Dietrich (2008)
Robust Speaker Recognition in Noisy Environments by K. Sreenivasa Rao, Sourjya Sarkar (2014)
Robust Speech Recognition of Uncertain or Missing Data by Dorothea Kolossa, Reinhold Hab-Umbach (2011)
Robust SRAM Designs and Analysis by Jawar Singh, Saraju P. Mohanty, Dhiraj K. Pradhan (2013)
Robust Structural Design against Self-Excited Vibrations by Gottfried Spelsberg-Korspeter (2013)
Robust Synchronization of Chaotic Systems via Feedback by Ricardo Femat, Gualberto Solis-Perales (2008)
Robustness and Usability in Modern Design Flows by Gorschwin Fey, Rolf Drechsler (2008)
Rock and Pop Venues by Niels Werner Adelman-Larsen (2014)
Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion by Martin J. L. Turner (2005)
Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion by Martin J. L. Turner (2009)
Romansy 16 by Teresa Zieliiska, Cezary Zieliiski (2006)
ROMANSY 18 Robot Design, Dynamics and Control by Vincenzo Parenti Castelli, Werner Schiehlen (2010)
Romansy 19 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control by Vincent Padois, Philippe Bidaud, Oussama Khatib (2013)
Room Acoustical Fields by Fridolin Mechel (2013)
Roots of Modern Technology by Siegfried Wendt (2010)
Rotating Machinery, Structural Health Monitoring, Shock and Vibration, Volume 5 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Rotordynamics of Automotive Turbochargers by Hung Nguyen-Schafer (2015)
Rotordynamics of Automotive Turbochargers by Hung Nguyen-Schafer (2012)
Rotors: Stress Analysis and Design by Vincenzo Vullo, Francesco Vivio (2013)
Rough - Granular Computing in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining by Jarosiaw Stepaniuk (2008)
Rough Set Theory: A True Landmark in Data Analysis by Ajith Abraham, Rafael Falcon, Rafael Bello (2009)
Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzis?aw Pawlak in Memoriam by Andrzej Skowron, Zbigniew Suraj (2013)
Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzis?aw Pawlak in Memoriam by Andrzej Skowron, Zbigniew Suraj (2013)
Routing Algorithms in Networks-on-Chip by Maurizio Palesi, Masoud Daneshtalab (2014)
Routing Congestion in VLSI Circuits: Estimation and Optimization by Prashant Saxena, Rupesh S. Shelar, Sachin S. Sapatnekar (2007)
Routing in Opportunistic Networks by Isaac Woungang, Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Alagan Anpalagan, Athanasios V. Vasilakos (2013)
Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines by Joachim Diederich (2008)
Rule-Based Evolutionary Online Learning Systems by Martin V. Butz (2006)
Run-time Adaptation for Reconfigurable Embedded Processors by Lars Bauer, Jorg Henkel (2011)
Russian Models from the Mechanisms Collection of Bauman University by A. Golovin, V. Tarabarin (2008)
S-Variable Approach to LMI-Based Robust Control by Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier (2015)
Safe Adaptive Control by Margareta Stefanovic, Michael G. Safonov (2011)
Safety and Risk Modeling and Its Applications by Hoang Pham (2011)
Safety Factor Profile Control in a Tokamak by Federico Bribiesca Argomedo, Emmanuel Witrant, Christophe Prieur (2014)
Safety Improvements through Lessons Learned from Operational Experience in Nuclear Research Facilities by Francis Lambert, Yuri Volkov (2006)
Safety of Electromedical Devices by Norbert Leitgeb (2010)
Safety of historical stone arch bridges by Dirk Proske, Pieter Gelder (2009)
Safety of VVER-440 Reactors by Vladimir Slugei (2011)
Sample Efficient Multiagent Learning in the Presence of Markovian Agents by Doran Chakraborty (2014)
Sampled-Data Models for Linear and Nonlinear Systems by Juan I. Yuz, Graham C. Goodwin (2014)
Sandwich Structures 7: Advancing with Sandwich Structures and Materials by O.T. Thomsen, E. Bozhevolnaya, A. Lyckegaard (2005)
Satellite Communications by Joseph N. Pelton (2012)
Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems by Enrico Del Re, Marina Ruggieri (2008)
Satellite Data Compression by Bormin Huang (2011)
Satellite Network Robust QoS-aware Routing by Fei Long (2014)
Satisfying Safety Goals by Probabilistic Risk Assessment by Hiromitsu Kumamoto (2007)
Saturated Switching Systems by Abdellah Benzaouia (2012)
Scalable and Near-Optimal Design Space Exploration for Embedded Systems by Angeliki Kritikakou, Francky Catthoor, Costas Goutis (2014)
Scalable Hardware Verification with Symbolic Simulation by Valeria Bertacco (2006)
Scalable Infrastructure for Distributed Sensor Networks by Krishnendu Chakrabarty, S. S. Iyengar (2005)
Scalable Multi-core Architectures by Dimitrios Soudris, Axel Jantsch (2012)
Scalable Multicasting over Next-Generation Internet by Xiaohua Tian, Yu Cheng (2013)
Scalable Optimization via Probabilistic Modeling by Martin Pelikan, Kumara Sastry, Erick CantuPaz (2006)
Scalable Techniques for Formal Verification by Sandip Ray (2010)
Schedule-Based Modeling of Transportation Networks by Agostino Nuzzolo, Nigel H. M. Wilson (2009)
Scheduling and Congestion Control for Wireless Internet by Xin Wang (2014)
Scheduling Real-Time Streaming Applications onto an Embedded Multiprocessor by Orlando Moreira, Henk Corporaal (2014)
Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification, Second Edition by Doru Michael Stefanescu (2009)
Science and Technology in Homeric Epics by S. A. Paipetis (2008)
Science and Technology of Semiconductor-On-Insulator Structures and Devices Operating in a Harsh Environment by Denis Flandre, Alexei N. Nazarov, Peter L.F. Hemment (2005)
Scientific and Technical Issues in the Management of Spent Fuel of Decommissioned Nuclear Submarines by Ashot Sarkisov, Alain Tournyol du Clos (2006)
Scientific Methods for the Treatment of Uncertainty in Social Sciences by Jaime Gil-Aluja, Antonio Terceno-Gomez, Joan Carles Ferrer-Comalat, Jose M. Merigo-Lindahl, Salvador Linares-Mustaros (2015)
Scientific Methods in Mobile Robotics by Ulrich Nehmzow (2006)
Screw Compressors by Nikola Stosic, Ian K. Smith, Ahmed Kovacevic (2005)
Screw Compressors by Ahmed Kovacevic, Nikola Stosic, Ian Smith (2007)
Search and Classification Using Multiple Autonomous Vehicles by Yue Wang, Islam I. Hussein (2012)
Search Engines, Link Analysis, and User's Web Behavior by George Meghabghab, Abraham Kandel (2008)
Seawater Desalination by Giorgio Micale, Lucio Rizzuti, Andrea Cipollina (2009)
Second Generation Wavelets and Applications by Maarten Jansen, Patrick Oonincx (2005)
Second-Generation High-Temperature Superconducting Coils and Their Applications for Energy Storage by Weijia Yuan (2011)
Second-Generation HTS Conductors by Amit Goyal (2005)
Secure Integrated Circuits and Systems by Ingrid M.R. Verbauwhede (2010)
Securing Electricity Supply in the Cyber Age by Zofia Lukszo, Geert Deconinck, Margot P. C. Weijnen (2010)
Securing Emerging Wireless Systems by Yingying Chen, Wenyuan Xu, Wade Trappe, YanYong Zhang (2009)
Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer by Ruoheng Liu, Wade Trappe (2010)
Security and Privacy for Implantable Medical Devices by Wayne Burleson, Sandro Carrara (2014)
Security and Reliability of Damaged Structures and Defective Materials by Guy Pluvinage, Aleksandar Sedmak (2009)
Security in Embedded Devices by Catherine H. Gebotys (2010)
Security Issues in Mobile NFC Devices by Michael Roland (2015)
Security Trends for FPGAS by Benoit Badrignans, Jean Luc Danger, Viktor Fischer, Guy Gogniat, Lionel Torres (2011)
Security, Privacy and Trust in Cloud Systems by Surya Nepal, Mukaddim Pathan (2014)
Sediment Transport by Albert Gyr, Klaus Hoyer (2006)
Seeking Chances by Emanuele Bardone (2011)
Seeking Transformation Through Information Technology by Nagy K. Hanna, Peter T. Knight (2011)
Segmentation of Hand Bone for Bone Age Assessment by Yan Chai Hum (2013)
Seismic Assessment, Behavior and Retrofit of Heritage Buildings and Monuments by Ioannis N. Psycharis, Stavroula J. Pantazopoulou, Manolis Papadrakakis (2015)
Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities by Sven Klinkel, Christoph Butenweg, Gao Lin, Britta Holtschoppen (2014)
Seismic Design of RC Buildings by Sharad Manohar, Suhasini Madhekar (2015)
Seismic Design, Assessment and Retrofitting of Concrete Buildings by Michael N. Fardis (2009)
Seismic Risk Assessment and Retrofitting by Alper Ilki, Faruk Karadogan, Sumru Pala, Ercan Yuksel (2009)
Selected Advances in Nanoelectronic Devices by Mojtaba Joodaki (2013)
Selected Aerothermodynamic Design Problems of Hypersonic Flight Vehicles by Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Claus Weiland (2009)
Selected papers from the 2nd International Symposium on UAVs, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. June 8-10, 2009 by Kimon P. Valavanis, Randal Beard, Paul Oh, Anibal Ollero, Leslie A. Piegl, Hyunchui Shim (2010)
Selected Problems of Fractional Systems Theory by Tadeusz Kaczorek (2011)
Selected Topics in Dynamics and Control of Chemical and Biological Processes by Hugo Oscar Mendez-Acosta, Ricardo Femat, Victor Gonzalez-Alvarez (2007)
Selected Topics in Micro/Nano-robotics for Biomedical Applications by Yi Guo (2013)
Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering by Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Wolfgang A. Halang, Wolfgang Mathis, Jean Camberlain Chedjou, Zhong Li (2013)
Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering by Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Wolfgang A. Halang, Wolfgang Mathis, Jean Chamberlain Chedjou, Zhong Li (2013)
Self-Adaptive Heuristics for Evolutionary Computation by Oliver Kramer (2008)
Self-Consistent Methods for Composites by S. K. Kanaun, V. M. Levin (2008)
Self-Consistent Methods for Composites by S. K. Kanaun, V. M. Levin (2008)
Self-Excited Vibration by Wenjing Ding (2010)
Self-Healing Phenomena in Cement-Based Materials by Mario de Rooij, Kim Van Tittelboom, Nele De Belie, Erik Schlangen (2013)
Self-Learning Speaker Identification by Tobias Herbig, Franz Gerl, Wolfgang Minker (2011)
Self-Organization in Embedded Real-Time Systems by M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Uwe Brinkschulte, Achim Rettberg (2013)
Self-Organizing Robots by Satoshi Murata, Haruhisa Kurokawa (2012)
Self-Repair Networks by Yoshiteru Ishida (2015)
Self-Sufficiency of an Autonomous Reconfigurable Modular Robotic Organism by Raja Humza Qadir (2015)
Semantic 3D Object Maps for Everyday Robot Manipulation by Radu Bogdan Rusu (2013)
Semantic Agent Systems by Atilla Elci, Mamadou Tadiou Kone, Mehmet A. Orgun (2011)
Semantic Analysis of Verbal Collocations with Lexical Functions by Alexander Gelbukh, Olga Kolesnikova (2013)
Semantic Hyper/Multimedia Adaptation by Ioannis E. Anagnostopoulos, Maria Bielikova, Phivos Mylonas, Nicolas Tsapatsoulis (2013)
Semantic Labeling of Places with Mobile Robots by oscar Martinez Mozos (2010)
Semantic Methods for Knowledge Management and Communication by Radosiaw Katarzyniak, Tzu-Fu Chiu, Chao-Fu Hong, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2011)
Semantic Modeling and Interoperability in Product and Process Engineering by Yongsheng Ma (2013)
Semantically Based Clinical TCM Telemedicine Systems by Allan K. Y. Wong, Jackei H.K. Wong, Wilfred W. K. Lin, Tharam S. Dillon, Elizabeth J. Chang (2015)
Semantics in Adaptive and Personalized Services by Manolis Wallace, Ioannis E. Anagnostopoulos, Phivos Mylonas, Maria Bielikova (2010)
Semi-active Suspension Control by Emanuele Guglielmino, Tudor Sireteanu, Charles W. Stammers, Ghita Gheorghe, Marius Giuclea (2008)
Semiconductor Device Physics and Design by Umesh K. Mishra, Jasprit Singh (2008)
Semiconductor Modeling by Roy G. Leventhal, Lynne Green (2006)
Semiconductor Power Devices by Josef Lutz, Heinrich Schlangenotto, Uwe Scheuermann, Rik De Doncker (2011)
Semiconductor Technologies in the Era of Electronics by Yong Hoon Kang (2014)
Sensing Issues in Civil Structural Health Monitoring by Farhad Ansari (2005)
Sensing Technologies For Precision Irrigation by Dubravko iulibrk, Dejan Vukobratovic, Vladan Minic, Marta Alonso Fernandez, Javier Alvarez Osuna, Vladimir Crnojevic (2014)
Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends I by Alex Mason, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krishanthi Padmarani Jayasundera, Nabarun Bhattacharyya (2014)
Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends II by Alex Mason, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krishanthi Padmarani Jayasundera, Nabarun Bhattacharyya (2014)
Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends III by Alex Mason, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krishanthi Padmarani Jayasundera (2015)
Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends IV by Alex Mason, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krishanthi Padmarani Jayasundera (2015)
Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks by S. Kami Makki, Xiang-Yang Li, Niki Pissinou, Shamila Makki, Masoumeh Karimi, Kia Makki (2008)
Sensor Networks by Gianluigi Ferrari (2009)
Sensor Networks and Configuration by Nitaigour P. Mahalik (2007)
Sensor Networks with IEEE 802.15.4 Systems by Chiara Buratti, Marco Martalo, Gianluigi Ferrari, Roberto Verdone (2011)
Sensor-Actuator Supported Implicit Interaction in Driver Assistance Systems by Andreas Riener (2010)
Sensorless AC Electric Motor Control by Alain Glumineau, Jesus Leon Morales (2015)
Sensors by S.C. Mukhopadhyay, R.Y.M. Huang (2008)
Sensors by Dario Compagnone, Francesco Baldini, Corrado Di Natale, Giovanni Betta, Pietro Siciliano (2015)
Sensors by Francesco Baldini, Arnaldo D'Amico, Corrado Di Natale, Pietro Siciliano, Renato Seeber, Luca De Stefano, Ranieri Bizzarri, Bruno Ando (2014)
Sensors by Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh (2013)
Sensors and Instrumentation, Volume 5 by Evro Wee Sit (2015)
Sensors and Low Power Signal Processing by Syed Kamrul Islam, Mohammad Rafiqul Haider (2010)
Sensors and Microsystems by Giovanni Neri, Nicola Donato, Arnaldo d'Amico, Corrado Di Natale (2011)
Sensors and Microsystems by Piero Malcovati, Andrea Baschirotto, Arnaldo d'Amico, Corrado Natale (2010)
Sensors and Microsystems by Corrado Di Natale, Vittorio Ferrari, Andrea Ponzoni, Giorgio Sberveglieri, Marco Ferrari (2014)
Sensors and Microsystems by Arnaldo D'Amico, Corrado Di Natale, Lucia Mosiello, Giovanna Zappa (2012)
Sensors, Instrumentation and Special Topics, Volume 6 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Separated Representations and PGD-Based Model Reduction by Francisco Chinesta, Pierre Ladeveze (2014)
Service Life Prediction of Exterior Plastics by Christopher C. White, Jon Martin, J. Thomas Chapin (2015)
Service Life Prediction of Polymeric Materials by Jonathan W. Martin, Rose A. Ryntz, Joannie Chin, Ray A. Dickie (2009)
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi Agent Manufacturing and Robotics by Theodor Borangiu, Andre Thomas, Damien Trentesaux (2013)
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing by Theodor Borangiu, Andre Thomas, Damien Trentesaux (2015)
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing and Robotics by Theodor Borangiu, Damien Trentesaux, Andre Thomas (2014)
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Control by Theodor Borangiu, Andre Thomas, Damien Trentesaux (2012)
Service Parts Management by Nezih Altay, Lewis A. Litteral (2011)
Service Quality Regulation in Electricity Distribution and Retail by Elena Fumagalli, Luca Lo Schiavo, Florence Delestre (2007)
Service Robotics and Mechatronics by Keiichi Shirase, Seiji Aoyagi (2010)
Service Robotics within the Digital Home by Ignacio Gonzalez Alonso, Mercedes Fernandez, Jose M. Maestre, Maria del Pilar Almudena Garcia Fuente (2011)
Serviceology for Services by Masaaki Mochimaru, Kanji Ueda, Takeshi Takenaka (2014)
Servitization in Industry by Gunter Lay (2014)
Servo Motors and Industrial Control Theory by Riazollah Firoozian (2009)
Settlement Calculation on High-Rise Buildings by Xiangfu Chen (2011)
Setup Planning for Machining by Manjuri Hazarika, Uday Shanker Dixit (2015)
Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition by Philipp Schlatter, Dan S. Henningson (2010)
Shape Analysis in Medical Image Analysis by Shuo Li, Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares (2014)
Shape Understanding System by Zbigniew Les, Magdalena Les (2008)
Shape Understanding System by Zbigniew Les, Magdalena Les (2015)
Shape Understanding System - Knowledge Implementation and Learning by Zbigniew Les, Magdalena Les (2013)
Sharing a Vision by Dezhen Song (2009)
Sharing RF Spectrum with Commodity Wireless Technologies by Jan Kruys, Luke Qian (2011)
Shear Localization in Granular Bodies with Micro-Polar Hypoplasticity by Jacek Tejchman (2008)
Sheet Metal Forming Processes by Dorel Banabic (2010)
Shell and Membrane Theories in Mechanics and Biology by Holm Altenbach, Gennadi I. Mikhasev (2015)
Ship Design by Apostolos Papanikolaou (2014)
Ship Motion Control by Tristan Perez (2005)
Shipping and Logistics Management by Y.H.V. Lun, K.-H. Lai, T.C.E. Cheng (2010)
Shock & Vibration, Aircraft/Aerospace, and Energy Harvesting, Volume 9 by Alfred Wicks (2015)
Shock and Damage Models in Reliability Theory by Toshio Nakagawa (2007)
Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library, Vol. 5 by B. W. Asay (2010)
Shock Waves by Klaus Hannemann, Friedrich Seiler (2009)
Shock Waves by Klaus Hannemann, Friedrich Seiler (2009)
Sialo-Xenoantigenic Glycobiology by Kwon-Ho Song, Cheorl-Ho Kim (2013)
Sick Building Syndrome by Sabah A. Abdul-Wahab (2011)
Signal and Image Processing for Biometrics by Jacob Scharcanski, Hugo Proenca, Eliza Du (2014)
Signal Conditioning by Apurba Das (2012)
Signal Measurement and Estimation Techniques for Micro and Nanotechnology by Cedric Clevy, Micky Rakotondrabe, Nicolas Chaillet (2011)
Signal Processing Approaches to Secure Physical Layer Communications in Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems by Y.-W. Peter Hong, Pang-Chang Lan, C.-C. Jay Kuo (2014)
Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia by Tadeusz A. Wysocki, Bahram Honary, Beata J. Wysocki (2005)
Signal Processing Methods for Music Transcription by Anssi Klapuri, Manuel Davy (2006)
Signal Processing Techniques for Knowledge Extraction and Information Fusion by Danilo Mandic, Martin Golz, Anthony Kuh, Dragan Obradovic, Toshihisa Tanaka (2008)
Signal Transforms in Dynamic Measurements by Edward Layer, Krzysztof Tomczyk (2015)
Signals and Systems in Biomedical Engineering by Suresh R. Devasahayam (2013)
Signals and Systems with MATLAB by Won Young Yang (2009)
Signals and Transforms in Linear Systems Analysis by Wasyl Wasylkiwskyj (2013)
Signals, Processes, and Systems by Ulrich Karrenberg (2013)
Silicon Analog Components by Badih El-Kareh, Lou N. Hutter (2015)
Silicon Carbide Microsystems for Harsh Environments by Muthu B.J. Wijesundara, Robert Azevedo (2011)
Silicon Devices and Process Integration by Badih El-Kareh (2009)
Silicon-Based RF Front-Ends for Ultra Wideband Radios by Aminghasem Safarian, Payam Heydari (2008)
Similarity and Modeling in Science and Engineering by Josef Kunes (2012)
Similarity and Symmetry Methods by Jean-Francois Ganghoffer, Ivailo Mladenov (2014)
Simulating Combustion by Gunter P. Merker, Christian Schwarz, Gunnar Stiesch, Frank Otto (2006)
Simulating Continuous Fuzzy Systems by James J. Buckley, Leonard J. Jowers (2006)
Simulating Fuzzy Systems by James Buckley (2005)
Simulating Spacecraft Systems by Jens Eickhoff (2009)
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications by Mohammad S. Obaidat, Slawomir Koziel, Janusz Kacprzyk, Leifur Leifsson, Tuncer oren (2015)
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications by Mohammad S. Obaidat, Joaquim Filipe, Janusz Kacprzyk, Nuno Pina (2014)
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications by Nuno Pina, Janusz Kacprzyk, Joaquim Filipe (2013)
Simulation and Verification of Electronic and Biological Systems by Peng Li, Luis Miguel Silveira, Peter Feldmann (2011)
Simulation Methods for Reliability and Availability of Complex Systems by Javier Faulin, Angel A. Juan, Sebastian Martorell, Jose-Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez (2010)
Simulation of Fresh Concrete Flow by Nicolas Roussel, Annika Gram (2014)
Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB , OCTAVE and SCILAB by Alain Vande Wouwer, Philippe Saucez, Carlos Vilas (2014)
Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007 by Tibor Grasser, Siegfried Selberherr (2007)
Simulation Techniques for Applied Dynamics by Martin Arnold, Werner Schiehlen (2009)
Simulation with Entropy Thermodynamics by Jean Thoma, Gianni Mocellin (2006)
Simulation-based Algorithms for Markov Decision Processes by Hyeong Soo Chang, Jiaqiao Hu, Michael C. Fu, Steven I. Marcus (2007)
Simulation-Based Algorithms for Markov Decision Processes by Hyeong Soo Chang, Jiaqiao Hu, Michael C. Fu, Steven I. Marcus (2013)
Simulation-Based Case Studies in Logistics by Yuri Merkuryev, Galina Merkuryeva, Miquel Angel Piera, Antoni Guasch (2009)
Simulations, Serious Games and Their Applications by Yiyu Cai, Sui Lin Goei (2014)
Simulator-based Human Factors Studies Across 25 Years by Ann Britt Skjerve, Andreas Bye (2011)
Singular Perturbation Theory by R. S. Johnson (2005)
Singular Problems in Shell Theory by Evariste Sanchez-Palencia, Olivier Millet, Fabien Bechet (2010)
Singularity Hypotheses by Amnon H. Eden, James H. Moor, Johnny H. Soraker, Eric Steinhart (2012)
Situation Awareness with Systems of Systems by Pierre van de Laar, Jan Tretmans, Michael Borth (2013)
Skeletal Aging and Osteoporosis by Matthew J. Silva (2013)
Sky Alert! by Les Johnson (2013)
Sliding Mode Based Analysis and Identification of Vehicle Dynamics by Hocine Imine, Leonid Fridman, Hassan Shraim, Mohamed Djemai (2011)
Sliding Mode Control by Hebertt Sira-Ramirez (2015)
Sliding Mode Control and Observation by Yuri Shtessel, Christopher Edwards, Leonid Fridman, Arie Levant (2014)
Sliding Mode Control Using Novel Sliding Surfaces by Bijnan Bandyopadhyay, Fulwani Deepak, Kyung-Soo Kim (2009)
Sliding Modes after the First Decade of the 21st Century by Leonid Fridman, Jaime Moreno, Rafael Iriarte (2012)
Sliding-Mode Control of PEM Fuel Cells by Cristian Kunusch, Paul Puleston, Miguel Mayosky (2012)
Small Universal Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces by Maurice Margenstern (2013)
Small Wind Turbines by David Wood (2011)
Small-Animal Spect Imaging by Matthew A. Kupinski, Harrison H. Barrett (2005)
Smart AD and DA Conversion by Arthur van Roermund, Hans Hegt, Pieter Harpe (2010)
Smart and Flexible Digital-to-Analog Converters by Georgi Radulov, Patrick Quinn, Hans Hegt, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2011)
Smart Bioenergy by Daniela Thran (2015)
Smart Cameras by Ahmed Nabil Belbachir (2010)
Smart Design by Philip Breedon (2012)
Smart Device to Smart Device Communication by Shahid Mumtaz, Jonathan Rodriguez (2014)
Smart Devices and Machines for Advanced Manufacturing by Lihui Wang, Jeff Xi (2008)
Smart Driver Training Simulation by Wolf Dieter Kappler (2008)
Smart Education and Smart e-Learning by Vladimir L. Uskov, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2015)
Smart Homes by Nagender Kumar Suryadevara, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2015)
Smart Information and Knowledge Management by Edward Szczerbicki, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (2010)
Smart Materials in Structural Health Monitoring, Control and Biomechanics by Chee-Kiong Soh, Yaowen Yang, Suresh Bhalla (2012)
Smart Materials-Based Actuators at the Micro/Nano-Scale by Micky Rakotondrabe (2013)
Smart Mobile In-Vehicle Systems by Gerhard Schmidt, Huseyin Abut, Kazuya Takeda, John H.L. Hansen (2014)
Smart Modeling and Simulation for Complex Systems by Quan Bai, Fenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang, Takayuki Ito, Xijin Tang (2015)
Smart Multicore Embedded Systems by Massimo Torquati, Koen Bertels, Sven Karlsson, Francois Pacull (2014)
Smart Power Grids 2011 by Ali Keyhani, Muhammad Marwali (2012)
Smart Product Engineering by Michael Abramovici, Rainer Stark (2013)
Smart Sensing Technology for Agriculture and Environmental Monitoring by Subhas C Mukhopadhyay (2012)
Smart Sensors and Sensing Technology by Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Gourab Sen Gupta (2008)
Smart Sensors and Systems by Youn-Long Lin, Chong-Min Kyung, Hiroto Yasuura, Yongpan Liu (2015)
Smart Sensors for Health and Environment Monitoring by Chong-Min Kyung (2015)
Smart Sensors for Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring by Subhas C Mukhopadhyay, Alex Mason (2013)
Smartphone-Based Human Activity Recognition by Jorge Luis Reyes Ortiz (2015)
Snake Robots by Pal Liljeback, Kristin Y. Pettersen, Oyvind Stavdahl, Jan Tommy Gravdahl (2013)
Social Cognitive Radio Networks by Xu Chen, Jianwei Huang (2015)
Social Goal-Objective Formation, Democracy and National Interest by Kofi Kissi Dompere (2014)
Social Multimedia Signals by Suman Deb Roy, Wenjun Zeng (2015)
Social Networking by Mrutyunjaya Panda, Satchidananda Dehuri, Gi-Nam Wang (2014)
Social Networks in the History of Innovation and Invention by Francis C. Moon (2014)
Social Networks: A Framework of Computational Intelligence by Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (2014)
Social Robots from a Human Perspective by Jane Vincent, Sakari Taipale, Bartolomeo Sapio, Giuseppe Lugano, Leopoldina Fortunati (2015)
Social Web Artifacts for Boosting Recommenders by Cai-Nicolas Ziegler (2013)
Societal Dynamics by Frederick Betz (2012)
Soft City Culture and Technology by Carl Skelton (2014)
Soft Computing by D. K. Chaturvedi (2008)
Soft Computing Applications by Valentina Emilia Balas, Janos Fodor, Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy, Joszef Dombi, Lakhmi C. Jain (2013)
Soft Computing Applications in Business by Bhanu Prasad (2008)
Soft Computing Applications in Industry by Bhanu Prasad (2008)
Soft Computing Applications in Optimization, Control, and Recognition by Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo (2013)
Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology by Ajith Abraham, Yasuhiko Dote, Takeshi Furuhashi, Mario Koppen, Azuma Ohuchi, Yukio Ohsawa (2005)
Soft Computing Based Modeling in Intelligent Systems by Valentina Emilia Balas, Janos Fodor, Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy (2009)
Soft Computing for Business Intelligence by Rafael Espin, Rafael Bello Perez, Angel Cobo, Jorge Marx, Ariel Racet Valdes (2014)
Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications by K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa, L. M. Patnaik (2009)
Soft Computing for Hybrid Intelligent Systems by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (2008)
Soft Computing for Information Processing and Analysis by Masoud Nikravesh, Lotfi A. Zadeh, Janusz Kacprzyk (2005)
Soft Computing for Intelligent Control and Mobile Robotics by Oscar Castillo, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (2011)
Soft Computing for Recognition Based on Biometrics by Patricia Melin, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (2010)
Soft Computing in Advanced Robotics by Yong-Tae Kim, Ichiro Kobayashi, Euntai Kim (2014)
Soft Computing in Artificial Intelligence by Young Im Cho, Eric T. Matson (2014)
Soft Computing in Big Data Processing by Keon Myung Lee, Seung-Jong Park, Jee-Hyong Lee (2014)
Soft Computing in Computer and Information Science by Antoni Wiliiski, Imed El Fray, Jerzy Pejai (2015)
Soft Computing in Economics and Finance by Ludmila Dymowa (2011)
Soft Computing in Green and Renewable Energy Systems by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan, Soteris Kalogirou (2011)
Soft Computing in Humanities and Social Sciences by Rudolf Seising, Veronica Sanz Gonzalez (2012)
Soft Computing in Image Processing by Mike Nachtegael, Dietrich Van der Weken, Etienne E. Kerre, Wilfried Philips (2007)
Soft Computing in Industrial Applications by Antonio Gaspar-Cunha, Ricardo Takahashi, Gerald Schaefer, Lino Costa (2011)
Soft Computing in Industrial Applications by Ashraf Saad, Keshav Dahal, Muhammad Sarfraz, Rajkumar Roy (2007)
Soft Computing in Industrial Applications by Xiao-Zhi Gao, Antonio Gaspar-Cunha, Mario Koppen, Gerald Schaefer, Jun Wang (2010)
Soft Computing in Industrial Applications by Vaclav Snasel, Pavel Kromer, Mario Koppen, Gerald Schaefer (2014)
Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology by Jia Luo (2012)
Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology by Jia Luo (2012)
Soft Computing in Intelligent Control by Sungshin Kim, Jin-Woo Jung, Naoyuki Kubota (2014)
Soft Computing in Machine Learning by Sang-Yong Rhee, Jooyoung Park, Atsushi Inoue (2014)
Soft Computing in Management and Business Economics by Anna M. Gil-Lafuente, Jaime Gil-Lafuente, Jose M. Merigo-Lindahl (2012)
Soft Computing in Management and Business Economics by Anna M. Gil-Lafuente, Jaime Gil-Lafuente, Jose M. Merigo-Lindahl (2012)
Soft Computing in Ontologies and Semantic Web by Zongmin Ma (2006)
Soft Computing in Web Information Retrieval by Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Gabriella Pasi, Fabio Crestani (2006)
Soft Computing in XML Data Management by Zongmin Ma, Li Yan (2010)
Soft Computing Methods for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Design Problems by Narendra Chauhan, Machavaram Kartikeyan, Ankush Mittal (2012)
Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications by Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Emilio S. Corchado (2013)
Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010) by Emilio Corchado, Paulo Novais, Cesar Analide, Javier Sedano (2010)
Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 6th International Conference SOCO 2011 by Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Javier Sedano, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Jose Luis Calvo, Dominik ileizak (2011)
Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering Applications by Srikanta Patnaik, Baojiang Zhong (2014)
Soft Computing Techniques in Vision Science by Srikanta Patnaik, Yeon-Mo Yang (2012)
Soft Computing Techniques in Voltage Security Analysis by Kabir Chakraborty, Abhijit Chakrabarti (2015)
Soft Computing: Methodologies and Applications by Frank Hoffmann, Mario Koppen, Frank Klawonn, Rajkumar Roy (2005)
Soft Computing: State of the Art Theory and Novel Applications by Ronald R. Yager, Ali M. Abbasov, Marek Z. Reformat, Shahnaz N. Shahbazova (2013)
Soft Errors in Modern Electronic Systems by Michael Nicolaidis (2011)
Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision by Didier Dubois, M. Asuncion Lubiano, Henri Prade, Maria Angeles Gil, Przemysiaw Grzegorzewski, Olgierd Hryniewicz (2008)
Soft Methods for Integrated Uncertainty Modelling by Jonathan Lawry, Enrique Miranda, Alberto Bugarin, Shoumei Li, Maria Angeles Gil, Przemys aw Grzegorzewski, Olgierd Hyrniewicz (2006)
Soft Robotics by Alexander Verl, Alin Albu-Schaffer, Oliver Brock, Annika Raatz (2015)
Soft Sensors for Monitoring and Control of Industrial Processes by Luigi Fortuna, Salvatore Graziani, Alessandro Rizzo, Maria G. Xibilia (2007)
Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery by Yohan Payan (2012)
Software and Network Engineering by Roger Lee (2012)
Software Automatic Tuning by Ken Naono, Keita Teranishi, John Cavazos, Reiji Suda (2010)
Software Defined Radios by Sofie Pollin, Michael Timmers, Liesbet Van der Perre (2011)
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Theory and Practice by Yanwen Wu (2012)
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Theory and Practice by Yanwen Wu (2012)
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Theory and Practice by Wei Zhang (2012)
Software Engineering for Experimental Robotics by Davide Brugali (2007)
Software Engineering in Intelligent Systems by Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova, Petr Silhavy (2015)
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications by Roger Lee (2008)
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications by Roger Lee (2015)
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications by Roger Lee (2014)
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2009 by Roger Lee, Naohiro Ishii (2009)
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2010 by Roger Lee, Olga Ormandjieva, Alain Abran, Constantinos Constantinides (2010)
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications 2012 by Roger Lee (2012)
Software Engineering Research,Management and Applications 2011 by Roger Lee (2012)
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by Roger Lee (2008)
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by Roger Lee, Naohiro Ishii (2009)
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by Roger Lee (2015)
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by Roger Lee (2013)
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 2010 by Roger Lee, Jixin Ma, Liz Bacon, Wencai Du, Miltos Petridis (2010)
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 2011 by Roger Lee (2011)
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 2012 by Roger Lee (2013)
Software Radio by Elettra Venosa, fredric j. harris, Francesco A. N. Palmieri (2012)
Software Reliability Assessment with OR Applications by P.K. Kapur, Hoang Pham, A. Gupta, P.C. Jha (2011)
Software-Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance by Olga Goloubeva, Maurizio Rebaudengo, Matteo Sonza Reorda, Massimo Violante (2006)
Solar Desalination for the 21st Century by Lucio Rizzuti, Hisham M. Ettouney, Andrea Cipollina (2007)
Solar Electric Power Generation by Stefan C. W. Krauter (2006)
Solar Energy Fundamentals and Modeling Techniques by Zekai ien (2008)
Solar Energy in the Winemaking Industry by Mervyn Smyth, James Russell, Tony Milanowski (2011)
Solar Hydrogen Energy Systems by Gabriele Zini, Paolo Tartarini (2012)
Solar Hydrogen Generation by Krishnan Rajeshwar, Robert McConnell, Stuart Licht (2008)
Solar Lighting by Ramchandra Pode, Boucar Diouf (2011)
Solar Power Satellites by Don M. Flournoy (2012)
Solar Sails by Giovanni Vulpetti, Les Johnson, Gregory L. Matloff (2008)
Solder Joint Reliability Prediction for Multiple Environments by Andrew E. Perkins, Suresh K. Sitaraman (2009)
Solid Biofuels for Energy by Panagiotis Grammelis (2011)
Solid Mechanics by Albrecht Bertram, Rainer Gluge (2015)
Solid Mechanics by Clive L. Dym, Irving H. Shames (2013)
Solid Modelling and CAD Systems by Ian Stroud, Hildegarde Nagy (2011)
Solid Particle Erosion by Ilmar Kleis, Priit Kulu (2008)
Solid State Lighting Reliability by W.D. van Driel, X.J. Fan (2013)
Solid-Liquid Separation in the Mining Industry by Fernando Concha A. (2014)
Soliton Coding for Secured Optical Communication Link by Iraj Sadegh Amiri, Sayed Ehsan Alavi, Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus (2015)
Solutions on Embedded Systems by Massimo Conti, Simone Orcioni, Natividad Martinez Madrid, Ralf E.D. Seepold (2011)
Solving Direct and Inverse Heat Conduction Problems by Jan Taler, Piotr Duda (2006)
Solving the Powertrain Puzzle by Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG (2014)
Some Current Advanced Researches on Information and Computer Science in Vietnam by Quang A. Dang, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, Hoai Bac Le, Viet Ha Nguyen, Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao (2015)
Sound & Vibration 2.0 by David Sykes, Gregory C. Tocci, William J. Cavanaugh (2013)
Sound - Perception - Performance by Rolf Bader (2013)
Sound and Signals by Mikio Tohyama (2011)
Sound Capture for Human/Machine Interfaces by Wolfgang Herbordt (2005)
Source-Synchronous Networks-On-Chip by Ayan Mandal, Sunil P. Khatri, Rabi Mahapatra (2014)
Space Debris by Heiner Klinkrad (2006)
Space Modeling with SolidWorks and NX by Joze Duhovnik, Ivan Demsar, Primoz Dresar (2015)
Space Program Management by Marcello Spagnulo, Rick Fleeter, Mauro Balduccini, Federico Nasini (2013)
Space Psychology and Psychiatry by Nick Kanas, Dietrich Manzey (2008)
Space Rescue by David J. Shayler (2009)
Space Safety is No Accident by Tommaso Sgobba, Isabelle Rongier (2015)
Space Technologies for the Benefit of Human Society and Earth by Phillip Olla (2009)
Space Tethers and Space Elevators by Michel van Pelt (2009)
Space Weather & Telecommunications by John M. Goodman (2005)
Space-Time Continuous Models of Swarm Robotic Systems by Heiko Hamann (2010)
Spacecraft Momentum Control Systems by Frederick A. Leve, Brian J. Hamilton, Mason A. Peck (2015)
Spacecraft Operations by Thomas Uhlig, Florian Sellmaier, Michael Schmidhuber (2015)
Spacecraft Structures by Jacob Job Wijker (2008)
Spacecraft TT&C and Information Transmission Theory and Technologies by Jiaxing Liu (2015)
Spaceplanes by Matthew A. Bentley (2009)
Sparse Representations and Compressive Sensing for Imaging and Vision by Vishal M. Patel, Rama Chellappa (2013)
Spatial Contact Problems in Geotechnics by Sergey Aleynikov (2010)
Spatial Filtering for the Control of Smart Structures by James E. Hubbard (2010)
Spatial Representation and Reasoning for Robot Mapping by Diedrich Wolter (2008)
Spatial Temporal Patterns for Action-Oriented Perception in Roving Robots by Paolo Arena, Luca Patane (2009)
Spatial Temporal Patterns for Action-Oriented Perception in Roving Robots II by Paolo Arena, Luca Patane (2014)
Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems by Han-Xiong Li, Chenkun Qi (2011)
Speaker Authentication by Qi (Peter) Li (2012)
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6 by Randall Allemang, James De Clerck, Christopher Niezrecki, Alfred Wicks (2013)
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6 by Randall Allemang (2015)
Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6 by Gary Foss, Christopher Niezrecki (2014)
Spectral Finite Element Method by S. Gopalakrishnan, A. Chakraborty, D. Roy Mahapatra (2008)
Spectral Method in Multiaxial Random Fatigue by Adam Niesiony, Ewald Macha (2007)
Speech and Audio Processing for Coding, Enhancement and Recognition by Tokunbo Ogunfunmi, Roberto Togneri, Madihally (Sim) Narasimha (2015)
Speech and Audio Processing in Adverse Environments by Eberhard Hansler, Gerhard Schmidt (2008)
Speech Dereverberation by Patrick A. Naylor, Nikolay D. Gaubitch (2010)
Speech Enhancement by Jacob Benesty, Shoji Makino, Jingdong Chen (2005)
Speech Enhancement in the STFT Domain by Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen, Emanuel A.P. Habets (2012)
Speech Processing and Soft Computing by Sid-Ahmed Selouani (2011)
Speech Processing in Embedded Systems by Priyabrata Sinha (2010)
Speech Processing in Mobile Environments by K. Sreenivasa Rao, Anil Kumar Vuppala (2014)
Speech Processing in Modern Communication by Israel Cohen, Jacob Benesty, Sharon Gannot (2010)
Speech Separation by Humans and Machines by Pierre Divenyi (2005)
Speech Spectrum Analysis by Sean A. Fulop (2011)
Speech Technology by Huggins (2010)
Speech, Audio, Image and Biomedical Signal Processing using Neural Networks by Bhanu Prasad, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna (2008)
Spin Waves by Anil Prabhakar, Daniel D. Stancil (2009)
Spinal Imaging and Image Analysis by Shuo Li, Jianhua Yao (2015)
Spintronics-based Computing by Weisheng Zhao, Guillaume Prenat (2015)
Spline and Spline Wavelet Methods with Applications to Signal and Image Processing by Amir Z. Averbuch, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Valery A. Zheludev (2014)
Split Hopkinson (Kolsky) Bar by Weinong Chen, Bo Song (2011)
Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology and Design by Wolfgang Minker, Gary Geunbae Lee, Satoshi Nakamura, Joseph Mariani (2011)
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations by Boris A. Malomed (2013)
Sport Aerodynamics by Helge Norstrud (2008)
Spotlight on Modern Transformer Design by Pavlos S. Georgilakis (2009)
Springer Handbook of Automation by Shimon Y. Nof (2009)
Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuroinformatics by Nikola Kasabov (2014)
Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence by Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (2015)
Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics by Hoang Pham (2006)
Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics by Cameron Tropea, Alexander L. Yarin, John F. Foss (2007)
Springer Handbook of Experimental Solid Mechanics by William N. Sharpe (2008)
Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering by Karl-Heinrich Grote, Erik K. Antonsson (2009)
Springer Handbook of Medical Technology by Rudiger Kramme, Klaus-Peter Hoffmann, Robert S. Pozos (2011)
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology by Bharat Bhushan (2010)
Springer Handbook of Robotics by Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib (2008)
Springer Handbook of Speech Processing by Jacob Benesty, M. Mohan Sondhi, Yiteng Arden Huang (2008)
SRAM Design for Wireless Sensor Networks by Vibhu Sharma, Francky Catthoor, Wim Dehaene (2013)
Stability Analysis and Design for Nonlinear Singular Systems by Chunyu Yang, Qingling Zhang, Linna Zhou (2013)
Stability Analysis and Nonlinear Observer Design Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models by Zsofia Lendek, Thierry Marie Guerra, Robert Babuska, Bart Schutter (2011)
Stability Analysis of Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems by Hak-Keung Lam, Frank Hung-Fat Leung (2010)
Stability and Convergence of Mechanical Systems with Unilateral Constraints by Remco I. Leine, Nathan van de Wouw (2008)
Stability and Optimization of Structures by Makoto Ohsaki, Kiyohiro Ikeda (2007)
Stability and Stabilization of Linear Systems with Saturating Actuators by Sophie Tarbouriech, Germain Garcia, Joao Manoel Gomes da Silva Jr., Isabelle Queinnec (2011)
Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems by Iasson Karafyllis, Zhong-Ping Jiang (2011)
Stability Augmentation of a Grid-connected Wind Farm by S.M. Muyeen, Junji Tamura, Toshiaki Murata (2009)
Stability Loss and Buckling Delamination by Surkay Akbarov (2013)
Stability of Linear Delay Differential Equations by Dimitri Breda, Stefano Maset, Rossana Vermiglio (2015)
Stability of Non-Linear Constitutive Formulations for Viscoelastic Fluids by Dennis A. Siginer (2014)
Stability Theory of Switched Dynamical Systems by Zhendong Sun, Shuzhi Sam Ge (2011)
Stabilization and Control of Fractional Order Systems: A Sliding Mode Approach by Bijnan Bandyopadhyay, Shyam Kamal (2015)
Stabilization and Regulation of Nonlinear Systems by Zhiyong Chen, Jie Huang (2015)
Stabilization of Navier-Stokes Flows by Viorel Barbu (2011)
Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems Using Receding-horizon Control Schemes by Mazen Alamir (2006)
Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes by Hao Yang, Bin Jiang, Vincent Cocquempot (2014)
Stabilization, Optimal and Robust Control by Aziz Belmiloudi (2008)
Standardized Functional Verification by Alan Wiemann (2008)
State Estimation and Control for Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Chingiz Hajiyev, Halil Ersin Soken, Sitki Yenal Vural (2015)
Static and Dynamic Buckling of Thin-Walled Plate Structures by Tomasz Kubiak (2013)
Static and Dynamic Coupled Fields in Bodies with Piezoeffects or Polarization Gradient by Jerzy Pawei Nowacki (2006)
Static Timing Analysis for Nanometer Designs by Rakesh Chadha, J. Bhasker (2009)
Statics and Mechanics of Structures by Steen Krenk, Jan Hogsberg (2013)
Statics of Historic Masonry Constructions by Mario Como (2013)
Statics with MATLAB by Dan B. Marghitu, Mihai Dupac, Nels H. Madsen (2013)
Statistical Analysis and Optimization for VLSI: Timing and Power by Ashish Srivastava, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw (2005)
Statistical and Computational Techniques in Manufacturing by J. Paulo Davim (2012)
Statistical Implicative Analysis by Regis Gras, Einoshin Suzuki, Fabrice Guillet, Filippo Spagnolo (2008)
Statistical Methods for Spoken Dialogue Management by Blaise Thomson (2013)
Statistical Performance Analysis and Modeling Techniques for Nanometer VLSI Designs by Ruijing Shen, Sheldon X.-D. Tan, Hao Yu (2012)
Statistical Pronunciation Modeling for Non-Native Speech Processing by Rainer E. Gruhn, Wolfgang Minker, Satoshi Nakamura (2011)
Statistics and Probability Theory by Michael Havbro Faber (2012)
Statistics and Scaling in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection by Emily S.C. Ching (2014)
Steam Generators by Donatello Annaratone (2008)
Steels by Wei Sha (2013)
Stem Cell Engineering by Gerhard M. Artmann, Stephen Minger, Jurgen Hescheler (2011)
Stem Cell Engineering by Robert M. Nerem, Jeanne Loring, Todd C. McDevitt, Sean P. Palecek, David V. Schaffer, Peter W. Zandstra (2014)
Stem Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering for Cardiovascular Repair by Nabil Dib, Doris A. Taylor, Edward B. Diethrich (2006)
Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering by Mirjana Pavlovic, Bela Balint (2013)
Stereolithography by Paulo Jorge Bartolo (2011)
Stereoscopic HDTV by Hirokazu Yamanoue, Masaki Emoto, Yuji Nojiri (2012)
Stigmergic Optimization by Abraham Ajith, Grosan Crina, Ramos Vitorino (2006)
Stimulation and Recording Electrodes for Neural Prostheses by Naser Pour Aryan, Hans Kaim, Albrecht Rothermel (2015)
Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures by Halil Karadeniz (2013)
Stochastic Averaging and Stochastic Extremum Seeking by Shu-Jun Liu, Miroslav Krstic (2012)
Stochastic Distribution Control System Design by Lei Guo, Hong Wang (2010)
Stochastic Equations for Complex Systems by Stefan Heinz, Hakima Bessaih (2015)
Stochastic Equations: Theory and Applications in Acoustics, Hydrodynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, and Radiophysics, Volume 1 by Valery I. Klyatskin (2015)
Stochastic Equations: Theory and Applications in Acoustics, Hydrodynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, and Radiophysics, Volume 2 by Valery I. Klyatskin (2015)
Stochastic Evolutions of Dynamic Traffic Flow by Xiqun (Michael) Chen, Li Li, Qixin Shi (2015)
Stochastic Global Optimization and Its Applications with Fuzzy Adaptive Simulated Annealing by Hime Aguiar e Oliveira Junior, Lester Ingber, Antonio Petraglia, Mariane Rembold Petraglia, Maria Augusta Soares Machado (2012)
Stochastic Hybrid Systems by Henk A. P. Blom, John Lygeros (2006)
Stochastic Methods in Fluid Mechanics by Sergio Chibbaro, Jean Pierre Minier (2014)
Stochastic Modeling for Reliability by Maxim Finkelstein, Ji Hwan Cha (2013)
Stochastic Modeling of Thermal Fatigue Crack Growth by Vasile Radu (2015)
Stochastic Process Variation in Deep-Submicron CMOS by Amir Zjajo (2014)
Stochastic Processes by Toshio Nakagawa (2011)
Stochastic Processes, Optimization, and Control Theory: Applications in Financial Engineering, Queueing Networks, and Manufacturing Systems by Houmin Yan, George Yin, Qing Zhang (2006)
Stochastic Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems by Luminita Manuela Bujorianu (2012)
Stochastic Reactive Distributed Robotic Systems by Gregory Mermoud (2014)
Stochastic Recursive Algorithms for Optimization by S. Bhatnagar, H.L. Prasad, L.A. Prashanth (2013)
Stochastic Reliability and Maintenance Modeling by Tadashi Dohi, Toshio Nakagawa (2013)
Stochastic Switching Systems by El-Kebir Boukas (2006)
Stochastic Systems by Mircea Grigoriu (2012)
Stock Market Modeling and Forecasting by Xiaolian Zheng, Ben M. Chen (2013)
Stone Cladding Engineering by Rui de Sousa Camposinhos (2014)
Stone in Architecture by Siegfried Siegesmund, Rolf Snethlage (2011)
Storing and Transmitting Data by Rudolf Ahlswede (2014)
Stormwater Management for Smart Growth by Allen P. Davis, Richard H. McCuen (2005)
Strain Effect in Semiconductors by Yongke Sun, Scott E. Thompson, Toshikazu Nishida (2010)
Strain Hardening Cement Composites: Structural Design and Performance by Kanakubo Toshiyuki, Petr Kabele, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Yuichi Uchida, Haruhiko Suwada, Volker Slowik (2013)
Strain-Induced Effects in Advanced MOSFETs by Viktor Sverdlov (2011)
Strategic Planning Decisions in the High Tech Industry by Dilek Cetindamar, Tugrul Daim, Berna Beyhan, Nuri Basoglu (2013)
Stratospheric Flight by Andras Sobester (2011)
Strength Analysis in Geomechanics by Serguey A. Elsoufiev (2007)
Strength Analysis in Geomechanics by Serguey A. Elsoufiev (2010)
Strength and Stiffness of Engineering Systems by Dominic J. Bello, Frederick A. Leckie (2009)
Strength of Fibrous Composites by Zheng-Ming Huang, Ye-Xin Zhou (2012)
Strength of Materials and Theory of Elasticity in 19th Century Italy by Danilo Capecchi, Giuseppe Ruta (2015)
Strengthening Links Between Data Analysis and Soft Computing by Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski, Marek Gagolewski, Olgierd Hryniewicz, Maria Angeles Gil (2015)
Stroh Formalism and Rayleigh Waves by Kazumi Tanuma (2007)
Structural Analysis by O. A. Bauchau, J. I. Craig (2009)
Structural Analysis of Composite Wind Turbine Blades by Dimitris I Chortis (2013)
Structural Analysis with Finite Elements by Friedel Hartmann, Casimir Katz (2007)
Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method by Eugenio Onate (2009)
Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method Linear Statics by Eugenio Onate (2013)
Structural and Failure Mechanics of Sandwich Composites by L.A. Carlsson, G.A. Kardomateas (2011)
Structural Complexity Management by Udo Lindemann, Maik Maurer, Thomas Braun (2009)
Structural Dynamics by Einar N. Strommen (2014)
Structural Dynamics and Renewable Energy, Volume 1 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Structural Dynamics, Volume 3 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Structural Equation Models by J. Christopher Westland (2015)
Structural Fire Resistance Experimental Research by Kathleen H Almand (2012)
Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection, Volume 7 by Christopher Niezrecki (2015)
Structural Health Monitoring Using Genetic Fuzzy Systems by Prashant M. Pawar, Ranjan Ganguli (2011)
Structural Health Monitoring, Volume 5 by Alfred Wicks (2014)
Structural Interfaces and Attachments in Biology by Stavros Thomopoulos, Victor Birman, Guy M. Genin (2013)
Structural Motion Engineering by Jerome Connor, Simon Laflamme (2014)
Structural Optimization by Keith M. MacBain, William R. Spillers (2009)
Structural Optimization with Uncertainties by N.V. Banichuk, Pekka Neittaanmaki (2010)
Structural Plasticity by Maohong Yu, Jianchun Li, Guowei Ma (2009)
Structural Processing for Wireless Communications by Jianhua Lu, Xiaoming Tao, Ning Ge (2015)
Structural Properties of Porous Materials and Powders Used in Different Fields of Science and Technology by Yury Mironovich Volfkovich, Anatoly Nikolaevich Filippov, Vladimir Sergeevich Bagotsky (2014)
Structural Rehabilitation of Old Buildings by Anibal Costa, Joao Miranda Guedes, Humberto Varum (2014)
Structural Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization 1 by Kyung K. Choi, Nam Ho Kim (2005)
Structural Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization 2 by Kyung K. Choi, Nam Ho Kim (2005)
Structural Shell Analysis by Johan Blaauwendraad, Jeroen H. Hoefakker (2014)
Structural Synthesis in Precision Elasticity by Yakov M. Tseytlin (2006)
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots by Grigore Gogu (2008)
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots by Grigore Gogu (2009)
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots by Grigore Gogu (2010)
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots by Grigore Gogu (2014)
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots by Grigore Gogu (2012)
Structural Vibration by Guoyong Jin, Tiangui Ye, Zhu Su (2015)
Structurally Constrained Controllers by Somayeh Sojoudi, Javad Lavaei, Amir G. Aghdam (2011)
Structure from Motion using the Extended Kalman Filter by Javier Civera, Andrew J. Davison, Jose Maria Martinez Montiel (2012)
Structure-Borne Sound by L. Cremer, M. Heckl, B.A.T. Petersson (2005)
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations by Xinyuan Wu, Xiong You, Bin Wang (2013)
Structured Analog CMOS Design by Danica Stefanovii, Maher Kayal (2008)
Structured Controllers for Uncertain Systems by Rosario Toscano (2013)
Structures for Nuclear Facilities by M.Y.H. Bangash (2011)
Structures Under Crash and Impact by Stefan Josef Hiermaier (2008)
Student Entrepreneurship in the Social Knowledge Economy by Manlio Del Giudice, Maria Rosaria Della Peruta, Elias G. Carayannis (2014)
Study and Design of Differential Microphone Arrays by Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen (2013)
Study of Movement Speeds Down Stairs by Bryan L. Hoskins, James A. Milke (2013)
Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity by John S. Gero (2015)
Style and Creativity in Design by Chiu-Shui Chan (2015)
Sub-threshold Design for Ultra Low-Power Systems by Alice Wang, Benton H. Calhoun, Anantha P. Chandrakasan (2006)
Subconscious Learning via Games and Social Media by Olga Sourina, David Wortley, Seongdong Kim (2015)
Subjective Quality Measurement of Speech by Kazuhiro Kondo (2012)
Submarine Hydrodynamics by Martin Renilson (2015)
Submarine Power Cables by Thomas Worzyk (2009)
Subspace Methods for Pattern Recognition in Intelligent Environment by Yen-Wei Chen, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
Subspace Methods for System Identification by Tohru Katayama (2005)
Substrate Noise Coupling in RFICs by Ahmed Helmy, Mohammed Ismail (2008)
Subwavelength and Nanometer Diameter Optical Fibers by Limin Tong, Michael Sumetsky (2010)
Success in Evolutionary Computation by Ang Yang, Yin Shan, Lam Thu Bui (2008)
Successful Case-based Reasoning Applications - I by Stefania Montani, Lakhmi C. Jain (2010)
Successful Case-based Reasoning Applications-2 by Stefania Montani, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
Summary of Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction Findings by Wolfgang Schroder (2010)
Super Light Water Reactors and Super Fast Reactors by Yoshiaki Oka, Seiichi Koshizuka, Yuki Ishiwatari, Akifumi Yamaji (2010)
Supercavitation by Igor Nesteruk (2012)
Superior-Order Curvature-Correction Techniques for Voltage References by Cosmin Radu Popa (2009)
Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods and their Applications by Oleg Okun, Giorgio Valentini (2008)
Supervised Learning with Complex-valued Neural Networks by Sundaram Suresh, Narasimhan Sundararajan, Ramasamy Savitha (2013)
Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks by Alex Graves (2012)
Supervisory Control of Concurrent Systems by Marian V. Iordache, Panos J. Antsaklis (2006)
Supply Chain Collaboration by Mei Cao, Qingyu Zhang (2013)
Supply Chain Configuration by Charu Chandra, Jinis Grabis (2007)
Supply Chain Disruptions by Haresh Gurnani, Anuj Mehrotra, Saibal Ray (2012)
Supply Chain Engineering by Alexandre Dolgui, Jean-Marie Proth (2010)
Supply Chain Management and Optimization in Manufacturing by Harun Pirim, Umar Al-Turki, Bekir Sami Yilbas (2014)
Supply Chain Management Under Fuzziness by Cengiz Kahraman, Baiar oztayii (2014)
Supply Chain Simulation by Francisco Campuzano, Josefa Mula (2011)
Supply Chain Strategies, Issues and Models by Usha Ramanathan, Ramakrishnan Ramanathan (2014)
Support Vector Machines and Evolutionary Algorithms for Classification by Catalin Stoean, Ruxandra Stoean (2014)
Support Vector Machines Applications by Yunqian Ma, Guodong Guo (2014)
Support Vector Machines: Theory and Applications by Lipo Wang (2005)
Surface Engineered Surgical Tools and Medical Devices by Mark J. Jackson, Waqar Ahmed (2007)
Surface Integrity in Machining by J. Paulo Davim (2010)
Surface Waves in Anisotropic and Laminated Bodies and Defects Detection by Robert V. Goldstein, Gerard A. Maugin (2005)
Surface Waves in Geomechanics: Direct and Inverse Modelling for Soils and Rocks by Carlo G. Lai, Krzysztof Wilmaiski (2005)
Surgical Robotics by Jacob Rosen, Blake Hannaford, Richard M. Satava (2011)
Survivable Optical WDM Networks by Canhui Sam Ou, Biswanath Mukherjee (2005)
Sustainability and Evidence-Based Design in the Healthcare Estate by Michael Phiri, Bing Chen (2014)
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings by Anne Hakansson, Mattias Hojer, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C Jain (2013)
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings by Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain, Shaun H. Lee (2011)
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings by Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain, Shaun H. Lee (2009)
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings by Nacer M'Sirdi, Aziz Namaane, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain (2012)
Sustainability in Food and Water by Akimasa Sumi, Kensuke Fukushi, R. Honda, K. M. Hassan (2010)
Sustainability in Manufacturing by Gunther Seliger (2007)
Sustainability through Service by Adi Wolfson, Shlomo Mark, Patrick M. Martin, Dorith Tavor (2015)
Sustainable and Resilient Critical Infrastructure Systems by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, Srinivas Peeta (2010)
Sustainable and Safe Nuclear Fission Energy by Gunter Kessler (2012)
Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2011 by Steve Hung, Aleksandar Subic, Jorg Wellnitz (2011)
Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012 by Aleksandar Subic, Jorg Wellnitz, Martin Leary, Lucien Koopmans (2012)
Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2013 by Jorg Wellnitz, Aleksandar Subic, Ramona Trufin (2014)
Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2014 by Ingemar Denbratt, Aleksandar Subic, Jorg Wellnitz (2015)
Sustainable Bioenergy and Bioproducts by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, J. (Hans) van Leeuwen, Robert C. Brown (2012)
Sustainable Built Environments by Vivian Loftness, Dagmar Haase (2013)
Sustainable Energy Consumption and Society by David L. Goldblatt (2005)
Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption by Frano Barbir, Sergio Ulgiati (2008)
Sustainable Energy Systems and Applications by brahim Dincer, Calin Zamfirescu (2012)
Sustainable Energy Technologies by K. Hanjalii, R. Krol, A. Lekii (2008)
Sustainable Indoor Lighting by Paola Sansoni, Luca Mercatelli, Alessandro Farini (2015)
Sustainable Learning in Higher Education by Marta Peris-Ortiz, Jose M. Merigo Lindahl (2015)
Sustainable Logistics by Wolf-Rudiger Bretzke, Karim Barkawi (2013)
Sustainable Urban Housing in China by Leon Glicksman, Juintow Lin (2006)
Sustainable Water Quality Management Policy by C. Pharino (2007)
Sustaining Innovation by Steven P. MacGregor, Tamara Carleton (2012)
SVA: The Power of Assertions in SystemVerilog by Eduard Cerny, Surrendra Dudani, John Havlicek, Dmitry Korchemny (2015)
Swarm Intelligence for Multi-objective Problems in Data Mining by Carlos Artemio Coello Coello, Satchidananda Dehuri, Susmita Ghosh (2009)
Swarm Intelligence in Data Mining by Ajith Abraham, Crina Grosan, Vitorino Ramos (2006)
Swarm Intelligent Systems by Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle (2006)
Swarm Stability and Optimization by Veysel Gazi, Kevin M. Passino (2011)
Switched and Impulsive Systems by Zhengguo Li, Yengchai Soh, Changyun Wen (2005)
Switched Finite Time Control of a Class of Underactuated Systems by Ravi N. Banavar, Velupillai Sankaranarayanan (2006)
Switched Linear Systems by Zhendong Sun, Shuzhi Sam Ge (2005)
Switched Time-Delay Systems by Magdi S. Mahmoud (2010)
Switched-Capacitor Techniques For High-Accuracy Filter And ADC Design by Patrick J. Quinn, Arthur H. M. Van Roermund (2007)
Switchgrass by Andrea Monti (2012)
Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms by Paul Levi, Serge Kernbach (2010)
Symbolic Analysis and Reduction of VLSI Circuits by Zhanhai Qin, Sheldon X. D. Tan, Chung-Kuan Cheng (2005)
Symmetric Cryptographic Protocols by Mahalingam Ramkumar (2014)
Symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Method by Alok Sutradhar, Glaucio H. Paulino, Leonard J. Gray (2008)
Symmetries and Groups in Signal Processing by Virendra P. Sinha (2010)
Symmetries and Semi-invariants in the Analysis of Nonlinear Systems by Laura Menini, Antonio Tornambe (2011)
Synchronization Techniques for Chaotic Communication Systems by Branislav Jovic (2011)
Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their Applications by A.G. Phadke, J.S. Thorp (2008)
Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis by Rudolf Kruse, Michael R. Berthold, Christian Moewes, Maria Angeles Gil, Przemysiaw Grzegorzewski, Olgierd Hryniewicz (2013)
Syngas from Waste by Luis Puigjaner (2011)
Synthesis and Optimization of FPGA-Based Systems by Valery Sklyarov, Iouliia Skliarova, Alexander Barkalov, Larysa Titarenko (2014)
Synthesis of Computational Structures for Analog Signal Processing by Cosmin Radu Popa (2012)
Synthesis of Embedded Software by Sandeep K. Shukla, Jean-Pierre Talpin (2010)
Synthesizable VHDL Design for FPGAs by Eduardo Augusto Bezerra, Djones Vinicius Lettnin (2014)
Synthetic Biology by Bernd Giese, Christian Pade, Henning Wigger, Arnim von Gleich (2015)
SYROM 2009 by Ion Visa (2009)
System Design Optimization for Product Manufacturing by Masataka Yoshimura (2010)
System Dynamics by Karl A. Seeler (2014)
System Dynamics for Mechanical Engineers by Matthew Davies, Tony L. Schmitz (2015)
System Dynamics with Interaction Discontinuity by Albert C. J. Luo, Dennis M. O'Connor (2015)
System Engineering and Automation by Javier Fernandez de Canete, Cipriano Galindo, Inmaculada Garcia Moral (2011)
System Identification by Karel J. Keesman (2011)
System Identification and Adaptive Control by Yiannis Boutalis, Dimitrios Theodoridis, Theodore Kottas, Manolis A. Christodoulou (2014)
System Identification, Environmental Modelling, and Control System Design by Liuping Wang, Hugues Garnier (2012)
System Level Design of Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip by Nikolaos S. Voros, Konstantinos Masselos (2005)
System Level ESD Protection by Vladislav Vashchenko, Mirko Scholz (2014)
System Signatures and their Applications in Engineering Reliability by Francisco J. Samaniego (2007)
System Software Reliability by Hoang Pham (2007)
System Specification and Design Languages by Tom J. Kaimierski, Adam Morawiec (2012)
System Verilog for Verification by Chris Spear (2008)
System-Ergonomic Design of Cognitive Automation by Reiner Onken, Axel Schulte (2010)
System-Level Design Methodologies for Telecommunication by Nicolas Sklavos, Michael Hubner, Diana Goehringer, Paris Kitsos (2014)
System-level Test and Validation of Hardware/Software Systems by Matteo Sonza Reorda, Zebo Peng, Massimo Violante (2005)
System-Level Validation by Mingsong Chen, Xiaoke Qin, Heon-Mo Koo, Prabhat Mishra (2013)
Systematic Design for Emergence in Cellular Nonlinear Networks by Radu Dogaru (2008)
Systematic Methodology for Real-Time Cost-Effective Mapping of Dynamic Concurrent Task-Based Systems on Heterogeneous Platforms by Zhe Ma, Pol Marchal, Daniele Paolo Scarpazza, Peng Yang, Chun Wong, Jose Ignacio Gomez, Stefaan Himpe, Chantal Ykman- Couvreur, Francky Catthoor (2007)
Systematic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Frontends and Their Building Blocks by Piet Vanassche, Georges Gielen, Willy Sansen (2005)
SystemC and SystemC-AMS in Practice by Amal Banerjee, Balmiki Sur (2014)
SystemC Kernel Extensions for Heterogeneous System Modeling by Hiren D. Patel, Sandeep K. Shukla (2005)
SystemC: From the Ground Up by David C. Black, Jack Donovan, Bill Bunton, Anna Keist (2010)
Systemic Aspects of Innovation and Design by Marzia Mortati (2013)
Systemic Thinking by Patrick T. Hester, Kevin MacG. Adams (2014)
Systems Biomechanics of the Cell by Ivan V. Maly (2013)
Systems Design for Remote Healthcare by Koushik Maharatna, Silvio Bonfiglio (2014)
Systems Engineering Agile Design Methodologies by James A. Crowder, Shelli Friess (2013)
Systems Engineering, Systems Thinking, and Learning by Hubert Anton Moser (2014)
Systems of Commercial Turbofan Engines by Andreas Linke-Diesinger (2008)
Systems Thinking Approach for Social Problems by Vivek Vijay, Sandeep Kumar Yadav, Bibhas Adhikari, Harinipriya Seshadri, Deepak Kumar Fulwani (2015)
SystemVerilog Assertions and Functional Coverage by Ashok B. Mehta (2014)
SystemVerilog for Design by Stuart Sutherland, Simon Davidmann, Peter Flake (2006)
Systemverilog for Verification by Chris Spear (2006)
SystemVerilog for Verification by Chris Spear, Greg Tumbush (2012)
Tackling Turbulent Flows in Engineering by Anupam Dewan (2011)
Tactile Perception of Textiles in a Virtual-Reality System by Dennis Allerkamp (2010)
Tactile Score by Yasuhiro Suzuki, Rieko Suzuki (2014)
Tailored Light 2 by Reinhart Poprawe (2011)
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Non-fragile H-infinity Filtering by Xiao-Heng Chang (2012)
Tandem Cold Metal Rolling Mill Control by John Pittner, Marwan A. Simaan (2011)
Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulators by Chien Chern Cheah, Xiang Li (2015)
Taxonomies for the Development and Verification of Digital Systems by Brian Bailey, Grant Martin, Thomas Anderson (2005)
Team Cooperation in a Network of Multi-Vehicle Unmanned Systems by Elham Semsar-Kazerooni, Khashayar Khorasani (2013)
Technen: Elements of Recent History of Information Technologies with Epistemological Conclusions by Andrzej Piotr Wierzbicki (2015)
Technical Functions by Wybo Houkes, P.E. Vermaas (2010)
Technological Aspects of Manufacturing and Numerical Modelling of Clinch-Adhesive Joints by Tomasz Sadowski, Tadeusz Balawender, Przemysiaw Golewski (2015)
Technological Developments in Networking, Education and Automation by Khaled Elleithy, Tarek Sobh, Magued Iskander, Vikram Kapila, Mohammad A. Karim, Ausif Mahmood (2010)
Technologies for Medical Sciences by Renato M. Natal Jorge, Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares, Marcos Pinotti Barbosa, A.P. Slade (2012)
Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being by Anthony Lewis Brooks, Sheryl Brahnam, Lakhmi C. Jain (2014)
Technology and Manufacturing Process Selection by Elsa Henriques, Paulo Pecas, Arlindo Silva (2014)
Technology Development by Tugrul U. Daim, Ramin Neshati, Russell Watt, James Eastham (2014)
Technology Developments: the Role of Mechanism and Machine Science and IFToMM by Marco Ceccarelli (2011)
Technology for Education and Learning by Honghua Tan (2012)
Technology Guide by Hans-Jorg Bullinger (2009)
Technology Integration to Business by John T. Yee, Seog-Chan Oh (2013)
Technology of the Guitar by Richard Mark French (2012)
Technology Portfolio Planning and Management by Oliver S. Yu (2006)
Technology Roadmapping for Strategy and Innovation by Martin G. Moehrle, Ralf Isenmann, Robert Phaal (2013)
Technology-Enhanced Systems and Tools for Collaborative Learning Scaffolding by Thanasis Daradoumis, Santi Caballe, Angel A. Juan, Fatos Xhafa (2011)
Technopolis by Deog-Seong Oh, Fred Phillips (2014)
Temperature- and Supply Voltage-Independent Time References for Wireless Sensor Networks by Valentijn De Smedt, Georges Gielen, Wim Dehaene (2015)
Tensegrity Structures by Jing Yao Zhang, Makoto Ohsaki (2015)
Tensegrity Systems by Mauricio C. Oliveira, Robert E. Skelton (2009)
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers by Mikhail Itskov (2013)
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers by Mikhail Itskov (2007)
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers by Mikhail Itskov (2009)
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers by Mikhail Itskov (2015)
Tensor Analysis and Elementary Differential Geometry for Physicists and Engineers by Hung Nguyen-Schafer, Jan-Philip Schmidt (2014)
Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Applications by Xiaoxia Yin, Brian W.-H. Ng, Derek Abbott (2012)
Terahertz Planar Antennas for Next Generation Communication by Kumud Ranjan Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2014)
Terahertz Technology by Ali Rostami, Hassan Rasooli, Hamed Baghban (2011)
Terminal Ballistics by Zvi Rosenberg, Erez Dekel (2012)
Ternary Networks by Ilya Gertsbakh, Yoseph Shpungin, Radislav Vaisman (2014)
Terrestrial Trunked Radio - Tetra by Peter Stavroulakis (2007)
Test and Diagnosis for Small-Delay Defects by Mohammad Tehranipoor, Ke Peng, Krishnendu Chakrabarty (2012)
Test Pattern Generation using Boolean Proof Engines by Rolf Drechsler, Stephan Eggersglui, Gorschwin Fey, Daniel Tille (2009)
TEXPLORE: Temporal Difference Reinforcement Learning for Robots and Time-Constrained Domains by Todd Hester (2013)
Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by B.S. Murty, P. Shankar, Baldev Raj, B B Rath, James Murday (2013)
Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures by Eugenio Onate, Bern Kroplin (2005)
Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures II by Eugenio Onate, Bernard Kroplin (2008)
The 11th IFToMM International Symposium on Science of Mechanisms and Machines by Ion Visa (2014)
The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering by James Goh (2014)
The 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge by Martin Buehler, Karl Iagnemma, Sanjiv Singh (2007)
The 8th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing & Power Applications by Harsa Amylia Mat Sakim, Mohd Tafir Mustaffa (2014)
The 9th International Conference on Computing and InformationTechnology (IC2IT2013) by Phayung Meesad, Herwig Unger, Sirapat Boonkrong (2013)
The ADI Model Problem by Eugene Wachspress (2013)
The Aero- and Hydromechanics of Keel Yachts by J.W. Slooff (2015)
The Aerodynamics of Heavy Vehicles II: Trucks, Buses, and Trains by Fred Browand, Rose McCallen, James Ross (2009)
The Anticipation of Converging Industries by Clive-Steven Curran (2013)
The Application of the Chebyshev-Spectral Method in Transport Phenomena by Weidong Guo, Gerard Labrosse, Ranga Narayanan (2012)
The Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design by Christa Sommerer, Lakhmi C. Jain, Laurent Mignonneau (2008)
The Art of Hardware Architecture by Mohit Arora (2012)
The Art of Regression Modeling in Road Safety by Ezra Hauer (2015)
The Art of Software Thermal Management for Embedded Systems by Mark Benson (2014)
The Art of Wireless Sensor Networks by Habib M. Ammari (2014)
The Art of Wireless Sensor Networks by Habib M. Ammari (2014)
The Automotive Body by Lorenzo Morello, Lorenzo Rosti Rossini, Giuseppe Pia, Andrea Tonoli (2011)
The Automotive Body by Lorenzo Morello, Lorenzo Rosti Rossini, Giuseppe Pia, Andrea Tonoli (2011)
The Automotive Chassis by Giancarlo Genta, Lorenzo Morello (2009)
The Automotive Chassis by Giancarlo Genta, Lorenzo Morello (2009)
The Automotive Transmission Book by Robert Fischer, Ferit Kucukay, Gunter Jurgens, Rolf Najork, Burkhard Pollak (2015)
The Behavior Of Structures Composed Of Composite Materials by Jack R. Vinson, Robert L. Sierakowski (2008)
The Boundary Element Method with Programming by Gernot Beer, Ian M. Smith, Christian Duenser (2008)
The BOXES Methodology by David W. Russell (2012)
The Brain: Fuzzy Arithmetic to Quantum Computing by Armando Freitas Rocha, Eduardo Massad, Alfredo Pereira (2005)
The Cell Method for Electrical Engineering and Multiphysics Problems by Piergiorgio Alotto, Fabio Freschi, Maurizio Repetto, Carlo Rosso (2013)
The Challenge of Reframing Engineering Education by Dennis Sale (2014)
The Coming Robot Revolution by David Hanson, Yoseph Bar-Cohen (2009)
The Common Information Model CIM by Mathias Uslar, Michael Specht, Sebastian Rohjans, Jorn Trefke, Jose Manuel Vasquez Gonzalez (2012)
The complete works of Gabrio Piola: Volume I by Francesco dell'Isola, Giulio Maier, Umberto Perego, Ugo Andreaus, Raffaele Esposito, Samuel Forest (2014)
The Complexity of Proceduralized Tasks by Jinkyun Park (2009)
The Contribution of Technology to Added Value by Antonio S.C Fernandes (2013)
The Core Test Wrapper Handbook by Francisco Silva, Teresa McLaurin, Tom Waayers (2006)
The Coupled Theory of Mixtures in Geomechanics with Applications by George Z. Voyiadjis, Chung R. Song (2006)
The DARPA Urban Challenge by Martin Buehler, Karl Iagnemma, Sanjiv Singh (2009)
The Delft Systems Approach by Hans P.M. Veeke, Gabriel Lodewijks, Jaap A. Ottjes (2008)
The Design Guidelines Collaborative Framework by Stefano Filippi, Ilaria Cristofolini (2010)
The Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators by Emad Hegazi, Jacob Rael, Asad Abidi (2005)
The Designer's Guide to Jitter in Ring Oscillators by David Ricketts, John A. McNeill (2009)
The Development of a 2D Ultrasonic Array Inspection for Single Crystal Turbine Blades by Christopher Lane (2014)
The Dialectic Relation Between Physics and Mathematics in the XIXth Century by Evelyne Barbin, Raffaele Pisano (2013)
The Digital Dividend of Terrestrial Broadcasting by Roland Beutler (2012)
The Effect of Hydrogen and Hydrides on the Integrity of Zirconium Alloy Components by Manfred P. Puls (2012)
The Eight International Conference "Bridges in Danube Basin" by Edward Petzek, Radu Bancila (2014)
The Electronic Nose: Artificial Olfaction Technology by Himanshu K. Patel (2014)
The ELFNET Book on Failure Mechanisms, Testing Methods, and Quality Issues of Lead-Free Solder Interconnects by Gunter Grossmann, Christian Zardini (2011)
The Emerging Domain of Cooperating Objects by Pedro Jose Marron, Stamatis Karnouskos, Daniel Minder, Anibal Ollero (2011)
The Engineer and the Scandal by Reint Boer (2005)
The Engineering Capstone Course by Harvey F. Hoffman (2014)
The Engineering of Sport 6 by Eckehard Fozzy Moritz, Steve Haake (2006)
The Engineering of Sport 6 by Eckehard Fozzy Moritz, Steve Haake (2006)
The Engineering of Sport 6 by Eckehard Fozzy Moritz, Steve Haake (2006)
The Engineering of Sport 7 by Margaret Estivalet, Pierre Brisson (2008)
The Engineering of Sport 7 by Margaret Estivalet, Pierre Brisson (2008)
The Engineering of Sport 7 by Margaret Estivalet, Pierre Brisson (2008)
The Engineering of Sport 7 by Margaret Estivalet, Pierre Brisson (2008)
The Entropy Principle by Andre Thess (2011)
The Essence of Dielectric Waveguides by C. Yeh, F. I. Shimabukuro (2008)
The Evaporation Mechanism in the Wick of Copper Heat Pipes by Shwin-Chung Wong (2014)
The Experimental Nature of New Venture Creation by Martin Curley, Piero Formica (2013)
The Fast Solution of Boundary Integral Equations by Sergej Rjasanow, Olaf Steinbach (2007)
The Finite Element Analysis of Shells - Fundamentals by Dominique Chapelle, Klaus-Jurgen Bathe (2011)
The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS by Erdogan Madenci, Ibrahim Guven (2015)
The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using Ansys by Erdogan Madenci, Ibrahim Guven (2006)
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident by Atomic Energy Society of Japan (2015)
The Future of Design Methodology by Herbert Birkhofer (2011)
The Future of Product Development by Frank-Lothar Krause (2007)
The Future of Thermal Comfort in an Energy- Constrained World by Tim Law (2013)
The Fuzzification of Systems by Rudolf Seising (2007)
The Genius of Archimedes -- 23 Centuries of Influence on Mathematics, Science and Engineering by S. A. Paipetis, Marco Ceccarelli (2010)
The Global Age by Jayshree Pandya (2012)
The gm/ID Methodology, A Sizing Tool for Low-voltage Analog CMOS Circuits by Paul Jespers (2010)
The Governance Structures of Chinese Firms by Chun Liao (2009)
The Grammar of Technology Development by Hiroe Tsubaki, Shu Yamada, Ken Nishina (2008)
The Handbook of Service Innovation by Renu Agarwal, Willem Selen, Goran Roos, Roy Green (2015)
The Helmholtz Equation Least Squares Method by Sean F. Wu (2015)
The Highway Capacity Manual: A Conceptual and Research History by Roger . P Roess, Elena . S Prassas (2014)
The History of Theoretical, Material and Computational Mechanics - Mathematics Meets Mechanics and Engineering by Erwin Stein (2014)
The Human Hand as an Inspiration for Robot Hand Development by Ravi Balasubramanian, Veronica J. Santos (2014)
The Human Respiratory System by Clara Mihaela Ionescu (2013)
The Impact of Applications on Mathematics by Masato Wakayama, Robert S. Anderssen, Jin Cheng, Yasuhide Fukumoto, Robert McKibbin, Konrad Polthier, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Kim-Chuan Toh (2014)
The Impacts of Research and Development Expenditures by John J. Wetter (2011)
The Interaction Between Flexible Plates and Fluid in Two-dimensional Flow by Laibing Jia (2014)
The International Conference on Health Informatics by Yuan-Ting Zhang (2014)
The International Handbook of Space Technology by Malcolm Macdonald, Viorel Badescu (2014)
The International Space Station by John E. Catchpole (2008)
The Internet of Things by Daniel Giusto, Antonio Iera, Giacomo Morabito, Luigi Atzori (2010)
The ISRM Suggested Methods for Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring: 2007-2014 by R. Ulusay (2015)
The Issues and Discussion of Modern Concrete Science by Wenke Yang (2015)
The Issues and Discussion of Modern Concrete Science by Wenke Yang (2015)
The Joint Spectral Radius by Raphael Jungers (2009)
The Local Information Dynamics of Distributed Computation in Complex Systems by Joseph T. Lizier (2013)
The Machines of Leonardo da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux by Francis C. Moon (2007)
The Maintenance Management Framework by Adolfo Crespo Marquez (2007)
The Malaysia-Japan Model on Technology Partnership by Khairuddin Ab. Hamid, Osamu Ono, Anas Muhamad Bostamam, Amy Poh Ai Ling (2015)
The ManuFuture Road by Francesco Jovane, Engelbert Westkamper, David Williams (2009)
The Mechanics of Mechanical Watches and Clocks by Ruxu Du, Longhan Xie (2013)
The Mechanics of Solids and Structures - Hierarchical Modeling and the Finite Element Solution by Miguel Luiz Bucalem, Klaus-Jurgen Bathe (2011)
The Mechanobiology of Obesity and Related Diseases by Amit Gefen, Dafna Benayahu (2015)
The Metaphysical Nature of the Non-adequacy Claim by Carlotta Piscopo (2013)
The Modelling and Analysis of the Mechanics of Ropes by C.M. Leech (2014)
The Modernization Potential of Gas Turbines in the Coal-Fired Power Industry by Ryszard Bartnik (2013)
The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis by Enrico Zio (2013)
The Motor Car by Giancarlo Genta, Lorenzo Morello, Francesco Cavallino, Luigi Filtri (2014)
The MPEG Representation of Digital Media by Leonardo Chiariglione (2012)
The Multimedia Internet by Stephen Weinstein (2005)
The Nature of Motive Force by Achintya Kumar Pramanick (2014)
The NeuroProcessor by Yevgeny Perelman, Ran Ginosar (2008)
The Neuroscientific Basis of Successful Design by Marco Maiocchi (2015)
The New Digital Natives by Alexei Dingli, Dylan Seychell (2015)
The Newcom++ Vision Book by Sergio Benedetto, Luis M. Correia, Marco Luise (2012)
The Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Method for Nanoscale Device Simulation by Mahdi Pourfath (2014)
The Nuclear Environmentalist by Juan Jose Gomez Cadenas (2012)
The Nuclear Imperative by Jeff W. Eerkens (2010)
The Nuclear Imperative by Jeff W. Eerkens (2006)
The Offshoring Challenge by Torben Pedersen, Lydia Bals, Peter D. Orberg Jensen, Marcus M. Larsen (2013)
The Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method by Vasile Marinca, Nicolae Herisanu (2015)
The Perception of Quality by George N. Kenyon, Kabir C. Sen (2015)
The Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability by Yoshiki Shimomura, Koji Kimita (2013)
The Pi-Theorem by L.P. Yarin (2012)
The Power Makers' Challenge by Martin Nicholson (2012)
The Power of Assertions in SystemVerilog by Eduard Cerny, Surrendra Dudani, John Havlicek, Dmitry Korchemny (2010)
The Problem of the Motion of Bodies by Danilo Capecchi (2014)
The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems by Baoju Zhang, Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Qilian Liang, Yiming Pi (2014)
The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems by Jiasong Mu, Qilian Liang, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang, Yiming Pi (2015)
The Proper Generalized Decomposition for Advanced Numerical Simulations by Francisco Chinesta, Roland Keunings, Adrien Leygue (2014)
The Pullout Performance of Pedicle Screws by Teyfik Demir, Cemile Basgul (2015)
The Puzzle of Granular Computing by Bruno Apolloni, Witold Pedrycz, Simone Bassis, Dario Malchiodi (2008)
The Railway Track and Its Long Term Behaviour by Konstantinos Tzanakakis (2013)
The Real Issues of the Middle East and the Arab Spring by Thomas Andersson, Abdelkader Djeflat (2013)
The Realization Problem for Positive and Fractional Systems by Tadeusz Kaczorek, Lukasz Sajewski (2014)
The Regularized Fast Hartley Transform by Keith Jones (2010)
The RFID Roadmap: The Next Steps for Europe by Gerd Wolfram, Birgit Gampl, Peter Gabriel (2008)
The Robotics Divide by Antonio Lopez Pelaez (2014)
The Science of Construction Materials by Per Freiesleben Hansen (2009)
The Science of Golf Putting by Goncalo Dias, Micael S. Couceiro (2015)
The Science of Vehicle Dynamics by Massimo Guiggiani (2014)
The Sense of Touch and its Rendering by Antonio Bicchi, Martin Buss, Marc O. Ernst, Angelika Peer (2008)
The Seventh Landing by Michael Carroll (2009)
The Simple Art of SoC Design by Michael Keating (2011)
The sine-Gordon Model and its Applications by Jesus Cuevas-Maraver, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Floyd Williams (2014)
The Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2009) by Hongwei Wang, Yi Shen, Tingwen Huang, Zhigang Zeng (2009)
The Sound of Silence by Burkhard Vogel (2008)
The Sound of Silence by Burkhard Vogel (2011)
The Structure of Paintings by Michael Leyton (2006)
The System Concept and Its Application to Engineering by Erik W. Aslaksen (2013)
The Technology of Binaural Listening by Jens Blauert (2013)
The Technology-Energy-Environment-Health (TEEH) Chain in China by Karen R. Polenske (2006)
The Theory of the Knowledge Square: The Fuzzy Rational Foundations of the Knowledge-Production Systems by Kofi Kissi Dompere (2013)
The Third International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam by Vo Toi, Truong Quang Dang Khoa (2010)
The Universal Generating Function in Reliability Analysis and Optimization by Gregory Levitin (2005)
The Unknown Component Problem by Tiziano Villa, Nina Yevtushenko, Robert K. Brayton, Alan Mishchenko, Alexandre Petrenko, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (2012)
The Unknown Technology in Homer by S. A. Paipetis (2010)
The Value of RFID by Alp Ustundag (2013)
The Variational Approach to Fracture by Blaise Bourdin, Gilles A. Francfort, Jean-Jacques Marigo (2008)
The Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing by Vaclav smidl, Anthony Quinn (2006)
The VC-1 and H.264 Video Compression Standards for Broadband Video Services by Jae-Beom Lee, Hari Kalva (2008)
The Virtual Fields Method by Fabrice Pierron, Michel Grediac (2012)
The Wheels That Drove New York by Roger P. Roess, Gene Sansone (2013)
The Winning Line by Andrew Samuel (2007)
Theoretical Advances and Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Oscar Montiel Ross, Roberto Sepulveda Cruz, Witold Pedrycz, Janusz Kacprzyk (2007)
Theoretical and Numerical Unsaturated Soil Mechanics by T. Schanz (2007)
Theoretical Modelling of Aeroheating on Sharpened Noses Under Rarefied Gas Effects and Nonequilibrium Real Gas Effects by Zhi-Hui Wang (2015)
Theories and Simulations of Complex Social Systems by Vahid Dabbaghian, Vijay Kumar Mago (2014)
Theories, Methods and Numerical Technology of Sheet Metal Cold and Hot Forming by Ping Hu, Ning Ma, Li-zhong Liu, Yi-guo Zhu (2013)
Theory and Applications of Applied Electromagnetics by Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Mohd Azlishah Othman, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin Abd. Aziz, Mohd Fareq Abd Malek (2015)
Theory and Approach of Information Retrievals from Electromagnetic Scattering and Remote Sensing by Ya-Qiu Jin (2006)
Theory and Design of CNC Systems by Suk-Hwan Suh, Seong Kyoon Kang, Dae-Hyuk Chung, Ian Stroud (2008)
Theory and Engineering of Complex Systems and Dependability by Wojciech Zamojski, Jacek Mazurkiewicz, Jarosiaw Sugier, Tomasz Walkowiak, Janusz Kacprzyk (2015)
Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming by Baoding Liu (2009)
Theory of Adaptive Fiber Composites by T. H. Brockmann (2009)
Theory of Applied Robotics by Reza N. Jazar (2007)
Theory of Applied Robotics by Reza N. Jazar (2010)
Theory of Arched Structures by Igor A Karnovsky (2012)
Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics by Einar N. Strommen (2010)
Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics by Einar N. Strommen (2006)
Theory of Concentrated Vortices by S.V. Alekseenko, P.A. Kuibin, V.L. Okulov (2007)
Theory of Digital Automata by Bohdan Borowik, Mykola Karpinskyy, Valery Lahno, Oleksandr Petrov (2013)
Theory of Elasticity by A. I. Lurie, Alexander Belyaev (2005)
Theory of Elasticity and Thermal Stresses by M. Reza Eslami, Richard B. Hetnarski, Jozef Ignaczak, Naotake Noda, Naobumi Sumi, Yoshinobu Tanigawa (2013)
Theory of Electroelasticity by Zhen-Bang Kuang (2014)
Theory of Heat Transfer with Forced Convection Film Flows by Deyi Shang (2011)
Theory of Parallel Mechanisms by Zhen Huang, Qinchuan Li, Huafeng Ding (2013)
Theory of Periodic Conjugate Heat Transfer by Yuri B. Zudin (2007)
Theory of Periodic Conjugate Heat Transfer by Yuri B. Zudin (2012)
Theory of Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps and Applications by Rong Situ (2005)
Theory of Thermomechanical Processes in Welding by Andrzej Siuialec (2005)
Theory ofElasticity by Aldo Maceri (2010)
Thermal and Power Management of Integrated Circuits by Arman Vassighi, Manoj Sachdev (2006)
Thermal Comfort Assessment of Buildings by Salvatore Carlucci (2013)
Thermal Contact Conductance by Chakravarti V. Madhusudana (2014)
Thermal Effects in Supercapacitors by Guoping Xiong, Arpan Kundu, Timothy S. Fisher (2015)
Thermal Energy Harvesting for Application at MEMS Scale by Steven Percy, Chris Knight, Scott McGarry, Alex Post, Tim Moore, Kate Cavanagh (2014)
Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption by Halime o Paksoy (2007)
Thermal Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials by Amy S. Fleischer (2015)
Thermal Integrity in Mechanics and Engineering by Boris F. Shorr (2015)
Thermal Management for LED Applications by Clemens J.M. Lasance, Andras Poppe (2014)
Thermal Performance Modeling of Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers by Luben Cabezas-Gomez, Helio Aparecido Navarro, Jose Maria Saiz-Jabardo (2015)
Thermal Power Plant Performance Analysis by Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza (2012)
Thermal Sensors by Chandra Mohan Jha (2015)
Thermal Stress Resistance of Materials by Anatoly Lanin, Ivan Fedik (2008)
Thermal Stresses - Advanced Theory and Applications by Richard B. Hetnarski, M. Reza Eslami (2009)
Thermal Transport in Oblique Finned Micro/Minichannels by Yan Fan, Poh Seng Lee, Pawan Kumar Singh, Yong Jiun Lee (2015)
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Nuclear Reactors by Bahman Zohuri, Nima Fathi (2015)
Thermo-Dynamics of Plates and Shells by Jan Awrejcewicz, Anton V. Krysko, Vadim A. Krysko (2007)
Thermo-energetic Design of Machine Tools by Knut Grobmann (2015)
Thermo-Fluid Behaviour of Periodic Cellular Metals by Tian Jian Lu, Feng Xu, Ting Wen (2013)
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow by Mamoru Ishii, Takashi Hibiki (2011)
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow by Mamoru Ishii, Takashi Hibiki (2006)
Thermo-Hydrodynamic Design of Fluidized Bed Combustors by Robert W. Lyczkowski, Walter F. Podolski, Jacques X. Bouillard, Stephen M. Folga (2012)
Thermodiffusion in Multicomponent Mixtures by Seshasai Srinivasan, M. Ziad Saghir (2013)
Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion by Henning Struchtrup (2014)
Thermodynamics, Diffusion and the Kirkendall Effect in Solids by Aloke Paul, Tomi Laurila, Vesa Vuorinen, Sergiy V. Divinski (2014)
Thermomechanics and Infra-Red Imaging, Volume 7 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Thermophotovoltaics by Thomas Bauer (2011)
Thin Films of Soft Matter by Serafim Kalliadasis, Uwe Thiele (2007)
Thin Impedance Vibrators by Mikhail V. Nesterenko, Victor A. Katrich, Yuriy M. Penkin, Victor M. Dakhov, Sergey L. Berdnik (2011)
Thin-Walled Composite Beams by Liviu Librescu, Ohseop Song (2006)
Third International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies S3T 2011 by Darina Dicheva, Zdravko Markov, Eliza Stefanova (2011)
Thought-Evoking Approaches in Engineering Problems by Yoshimo Ito (2014)
Threats to Food and Water Chain Infrastructure by Virginia Koukouliou, Magdalena Ujevic, Otto Premstaller (2010)
Threats, Risks and Sustainability - Answers by Space by Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Charlotte Mathieu, Agnieszka Lukaszczyk (2009)
Three Approaches to Data Analysis by Igor Chikalov, Vadim Lozin, Irina Lozina, Mikhail Moshkov, Hung Son Nguyen, Andrzej Skowron, Beata Zielosko (2013)
Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences by Xiaoming Hu, Ulf Jonsson, Bo Wahlberg, Bijoy Ghosh (2010)
Three Dimensional Integrated Circuit Design by Yuan Xie, Jason Cong, Sachin Sapatnekar (2010)
Three Dimensional System Integration by Antonis Papanikolaou, Dimitrios Soudris, Riko Radojcic (2011)
Three-Dimensional Attached Viscous Flow by Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Jean Cousteix, Wilhelm Kordulla (2014)
Three-Dimensional Design Methodologies for Tree-based FPGA Architecture by Vinod Pangracious, Zied Marrakchi, Habib Mehrez (2015)
Three-Dimensional Television by Haldun M. Ozaktas, Levent Onural (2008)
Three-Phase Diode Bridge Rectifier With Low Harmonics by Predrag Pejovic (2007)
Through-life Engineering Services by Louis Redding, Rajkumar Roy (2015)
Throughput Optimization in Robotic Cells by Milind W. Dawande, H. Neil Geismar, Suresh P. Sethi, Chelliah Sriskandarajah (2007)
Time Continuity in Discrete Time Models by Christopher Suerie (2005)
Time Delay Systems: Methods, Applications and New Trends by Rifat Sipahi, Tomas Vyhlidal, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Pierdomenico Pepe (2012)
Time Dependent Constitutive Behavior and Fracture/Failure Processes, Volume 3 by Tom Proulx (2011)
Time Domain Methods in Electrodynamics by Peter Russer, Uwe Siart (2008)
Time Multiplexed Beam-Forming with Space-Frequency Transformation by Wei Deng, Reza Mahmoudi, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2013)
Time Series Analysis, Modeling and Applications by Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (2013)
Time-Delay Systems by Vladimir L. Kharitonov (2013)
Time-Domain Beamforming and Blind Source Separation by Julien Bourgeois, Wolfgang Minker (2009)
Time-Domain Ultra-Wideband Radar, Sensor and Components by Cam Nguyen, Jeongwoo Han (2014)
Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters by Simon Louwsma, Ed Tuijl, Bram Nauta (2011)
Time-of-Flight Cameras and Microsoft Kinect by Carlo Dal Mutto, Pietro Zanuttigh, Guido M Cortelazzo (2012)
Time-to-Digital Converters by Stephan Henzler (2010)
Time-Varying Sliding Modes for Second and Third Order Systems by Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Aleksandra Nowacka-Leverton (2009)
Timing Channels in Cryptography by Chester Rebeiro, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Sarani Bhattacharya (2015)
Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling by Ivan S. Kourtev, Baris Taskin, Eby G. Friedman (2009)
Tip-Based Nanofabrication by Ampere A. Tseng (2011)
Tissue and Organ Regeneration in Adults by Ioannis V. Yannas (2015)
Tissue Engineering by John P. Fisher (2007)
Tissue Engineering by Paulo Rui Fernandes, Paulo Jorge Bartolo (2014)
Tissue Mechanics by Stephen C. Cowin, Stephen B. Doty (2007)
Tokamak Engineering Mechanics by Yuntao Song, Weiyue Wu, Shijun Du (2014)
Tools and Applications with Artificial Intelligence by Constantinos Koutsojannis, Spiros Sirmakessis (2009)
Topics in Acoustic Echo and Noise Control by Eberhard Hansler, Gerhard Schmidt (2006)
Topics in Dynamics of Bridges, Volume 3 by Alvaro Cunha (2013)
Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4 by Fikret Necati Catbas, Shamim Pakzad, Vitomir Racic, Aleksandar Pavic, Paul Reynolds (2013)
Topics in Experimental Dynamic Substructuring, Volume 2 by Randy Mayes, Daniel Rixen, Matt Allen (2014)
Topics in Experimental Dynamics Substructuring and Wind Turbine Dynamics, Volume 2 by R. Mayes, D. Rixen, D.T. Griffith, D. De Klerk, S. Chauhan, S.N. Voormeeren, M.S. Allen (2012)
Topics in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision by Joao Manuel R.S. Tavares, Renato M. Natal Jorge (2013)
Topics in Modal Analysis I, Volume 5 by R. Allemang, J. De Clerck, C. Niezrecki, J.R. Blough (2012)
Topics in Modal Analysis I, Volume 7 by James De Clerck (2014)
Topics in Modal Analysis II, Volume 6 by R. Allemang, J. De Clerck, C. Niezrecki, J.R. Blough (2012)
Topics in Modal Analysis II, Volume 8 by Randall Allemang (2014)
Topics in Modal Analysis, Volume 10 by Michael Mains (2015)
Topics in Modal Analysis, Volume 7 by Randall Allemang, James De Clerck, Christopher Niezrecki, Alfred Wicks (2014)
Topics in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 4 by T. Simmermacher, S. Cogan, L.G. Horta, R. Barthorpe (2012)
Topics in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 5 by Todd Simmermacher, Scott Cogan, Babak Moaveni, Costas Papadimitriou (2013)
Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 1 by Gaetan Kerschen, Douglas Adams, Alex Carrella (2013)
Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 3 by D. Adams, G. Kerschen, A. Carrella (2012)
Topics in Time Delay Systems by Jean Jacques Loiseau, Wim Michiels, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Rifat Sipahi (2009)
Topics on the Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 1 by J.M. Caicedo, F.N. Catbas, A. Cunha, V. Racic, P. Reynolds, K. Salyards (2012)
Topological Derivatives in Shape Optimization by Antonio Andre Novotny, Jan Sokoiowski (2013)
Topological Signal Processing by Michael Robinson (2014)
Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks by Miguel A. Labrador, Pedro M. Wightman (2009)
Topology of Digital Images by James F. Peters (2014)
Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics by George I. N. Rozvany, Tomasz Lewiiski (2014)
Torsion and Shear Stresses in Ships by Mohamed Shama (2011)
Tourism Informatics by Tokuro Matsuo, Kiyota Hashimoto, Hidekazu Iwamoto (2015)
Toward Structural Mechanics Through Wooden Bridges in France (1716-1841) by Chiara Tardini (2014)
Towards a Cleaner Planet by Jaime Klapp, Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota, Jose Federico Chavez Alcala (2007)
Towards a Design Flow for Reversible Logic by Robert Wille, Rolf Drechsler (2010)
Towards a New Evolutionary Computation by Jose A. Lozano, Pedro Larranaga, Inaki Inza, Endika Bengoetxea (2006)
Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures by Weicheng Cui, Xiaoping Huang, Fang Wang (2014)
Towards a Unified Modeling and Knowledge-Representation based on Lattice Theory by Vassilis G. Kaburlasos (2006)
Towards Adaptive Spoken Dialog Systems by Alexander Schmitt, Wolfgang Minker (2013)
Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics by Christian Borgelt, Maria Angeles Gil, Joao M.C. Sousa, Michel Verleysen (2013)
Towards an Advanced Modelling of Complex Economic Phenomena by Jaime Gil Aluja, Ana Maria Gil Lafuente (2012)
Towards an Intelligent Learning Management System Under Blended Learning by Sofia B. Dias, Jose A. Diniz, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis (2014)
Towards Estimating Entrainment Fraction for Dust Layers by Erdem A. Ural (2011)
Towards Functional Safety in Drive-by-Wire Vehicles by Peter Johannes Bergmiller (2015)
Towards Hybrid and Adaptive Computing by Anupam Shukla, Ritu Tiwari, Rahul Kala (2010)
Towards Intelligent Engineering and Information Technology by Imre J. Rudas, Janos Fodor, Janusz Kacprzyk (2009)
Towards Intelligent Modeling: Statistical Approximation Theory by George A. Anastassiou, Oktay Duman (2011)
Towards Mesoscience by Jinghai Li, Wenlai Huang (2014)
Towards Modern Collaborative Knowledge Sharing Systems by Piotr Lipiiski, Konrad iwirski (2012)
Towards Safe Robots by Sami Haddadin (2014)
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments by Erwin Prassler, Marius Zollner, Rainer Bischoff, Wolfram Burgard, Robert Haschke, Martin Hagele, Gisbert Lawitzky, Bernhard Nebel, Paul Ploger, Ulrich Reiser (2012)
Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems by Fumihiko Kimura, Kenichiro Horio (2007)
Towards the Future of Fuzzy Logic by Rudolf Seising, Enric Trillas, Janusz Kacprzyk (2015)
Towards the Re-Industrialization of Europe by Engelbert Westkamper (2014)
Trace-Based Post-Silicon Validation for VLSI Circuits by Xiao Liu, Qiang Xu (2014)
Tracking and Sensor Data Fusion by Wolfgang Koch (2014)
Tractable Models of Solid Mechanics by Leonid I. Manevitch, Oleg V. Gendelman (2011)
Trade in Ideas by Eskil Ullberg (2012)
Traditional Machining Processes by J. Paulo Davim (2015)
Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks by Vasilios Siris, Torsten Braun, Francisco Barcelo-Arroyo, Dirk Staehle, Giovanni Giambene, Yevgeni Koucheryavy (2009)
Traffic and Random Processes by Raffaele Mauro (2015)
Traffic Grooming for Optical Networks by Rudra Dutta, Ahmed E. Kamal, George N. Rouskas (2008)
Traffic Grooming in Optical WDM Mesh Networks by Keyao Zhu, Hongyue Zhu, Biswanath Mukherjee (2005)
Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots by Luigi Biagiotti, Claudio Melchiorri (2008)
Transaction Level Modeling with SystemC by Frank Ghenassia (2005)
Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-Iong Ao, Xu Huang, Oscar Castillo (2014)
Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-Iong Ao, Len Gelman (2014)
Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Haeng Kon Kim, Sio-Iong Ao, Mahyar A. Amouzegar (2014)
Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Haeng Kon Kim, Mahyar A. Amouzegar, Sio-long Ao (2015)
Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-Iong Ao, Xu Huang, Oscar Castillo (2015)
Transactions on Engineering Technologies by Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-Iong Ao, Len Gelman (2015)
Transfer in Reinforcement Learning Domains by Matthew E. Taylor (2009)
Transformation Electromagnetics and Metamaterials by Douglas H. Werner, Do-Hoon Kwon (2014)
Transformative Concepts for Drug Design: Target Wrapping by Ariel Fernandez (2010)
Transforming Government and Building the Information Society by Nagy K. Hanna (2011)
Transient Analysis of Electric Power Circuits Handbook by Arieh L. Shenkman (2005)
Transient and Permanent Error Control for Networks-on-Chip by Qiaoyan Yu, Paul Ampadu (2012)
Transient Effects in Friction by Andreas Goedecke (2013)
Transient Heat Transfer by Donatello Annaratone (2011)
Transition Towards Energy Efficient Machine Tools by Andre Zein (2012)
Transmission Grid Security by Liisa Haarla, Mikko Koskinen, Ritva Hirvonen, Pierre-Etienne Labeau (2011)
Transmitting and Gaining Data by Rudolf Ahlswede (2015)
Transport and Logistics in a Globalizing World by Ilaria Mariotti (2015)
Transport Phenomena and Drying of Solids and Particulate Materials by J.M.P.Q. Delgado, A.G. Barbosa de Lima (2014)
Transport Phenomena and Kinetic Theory by Carlo Cercignani, Ester Gabetta (2007)
Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flows by Roberto Mauri (2015)
Transport Phenomena in Porous Media by Yasuaki Ichikawa, A.P.S. Selvadurai (2012)
Transport, Trade and Economic Growth - Coupled or Decoupled? by ifmo Institut fur Mobilitatsforschung (2007)
Trauma - An Engineering Analysis by M. Y. H. Bangash, F. N. Bangash, Y. F. Al-Obaid, T. Bangash (2007)
Trauma Biomechanics by Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Peter F. Niederer, Duane S. Cronin, Markus H. Muser, Felix Walz (2014)
Trauma Biomechanics by Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Peter F. Niederer, Markus H. Muser, Felix Walz (2007)
Trauma Biomechanics by Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Peter F. Niederer, Markus H. Muser, Felix Walz (2010)
Treatise on Classical Elasticity by Petre P. Teodorescu (2013)
Tree Climbing Robot by Tin Lun Lam, Yangsheng Xu (2012)
Tree-based Heterogeneous FPGA Architectures by Umer Farooq, Zied Marrakchi, Habib Mehrez (2012)
Tree-Structure based Hybrid Computational Intelligence by Yuehui Chen, Ajith Abraham (2010)
Trends and Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics by Salvatore Rionero, Giovanni Romano (2005)
Trends and Applications of Serious Gaming and Social Media by Youngkyun Baek, Ryan Ko, Tim Marsh (2014)
Trends in Communication Technologies and Engineering Science by Ping-Kong Alexander Wai, Xu Huang, Sio-Iong Ao (2009)
Trends in Computational Contact Mechanics by Giorgio Zavarise, Peter Wriggers (2011)
Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer Engineering by Oscar Castillo, Li Xu, Sio-Iong Ao (2008)
Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics by Vasyl Harik (2014)
Trends in Neural Computation by Ke Chen, Lipo Wang (2007)
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems by Javier Bajo Perez, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Johannes Fahndrich, Philippe Mathieu, Andrew Campbell, Mari Carmen Suarez-Figueroa, Alfonso Ortega, Emmanuel Adam, Elena Navarro, Ramon Hermoso, Maria N. Moreno (2013)
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems by Juan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo Perez, Kasper Hallenborg, Paulina Golinska, Rafael Corchuelo (2011)
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems by Yves Demazeau, Frank Dignum, Juan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo, Rafael Corchuelo, Emilio Corchado, Florentino Fernandez-Riverola, Vicente J. Julian, Pawel Pawlewski, Andrew Campbell (2010)
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems by Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Javier Bajo Perez, Paulina Golinska, Sylvain Giroux, Rafael Corchuelo (2012)
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Sustainability by Javier Bajo, Josefa Z. Hernandez, Philippe Mathieu, Andrew Campbell, Antonio Fernandez-Caballero, Maria N. Moreno, Vicente Julian, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Maria Dolores Jimenez-Lopez, Vicente Botti (2015)
Trends in Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection by Javier Bajo Perez, Juan M. Corchado Rodriguez, Philippe Mathieu, Andrew Campbell, Alfonso Ortega, Emmanuel Adam, Elena M. Navarro, Sebastian Ahrndt, Maria N. Moreno, Vicente Julian (2014)
Trends in Supply Chain Design and Management by Hosang Jung, Bongju Jeong, F. Frank Chen (2007)
Tribo-Fatigue by Leonid A. Sosnovskiy (2005)
Tribology in Manufacturing Technology by J. Paulo Davim (2013)
Tribology of Nanocomposites by J. Paulo Davim (2013)
Trimming, Miniaturization and Ideality via Convolution Technique of TRIZ by Saurabh Kwatra, Yuri Salamatov (2013)
Truncated Predictor Feedback for Time-Delay Systems by Bin Zhou (2014)
Trust and Fairness in Open, Distributed Systems by Adam Wierzbicki (2010)
Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems by Bernard Candaele, Dimitrios Soudris, Iraklis Anagnostopoulos (2015)
Trustworthy Internet by Luca Salgarelli, Giuseppe Bianchi, Nicola Blefari-Melazzi (2011)
Tubazioni in polietilene per il trasporto di acqua by A. Pavan, R. Frassine (2005)
Tunable Multiband Ferroelectric Devices for Reconfigurable RF-Frontends by Yuliang Zheng (2013)
Tuneable Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators by Spartak Sh Gevorgian, Alexander K Tagantsev, Andrei K Vorobiev (2013)
Tuning Metaheuristics by Mauro Birattari (2009)
Tuning, Timbre, Spectrum, Scale by William A. Sethares (2005)
Tunnel Fire Dynamics by Haukur Ingason, Ying Zhen Li, Anders Lonnermark (2015)
Turbo Code Applications by Keattisak Sripimanwat (2005)
Turbo Decoder Architecture for Beyond-4G Applications by Cheng-Chi Wong, Hsie-Chia Chang (2014)
Turbo-like Codes by Aliazam Abbasfar (2007)
Turbomachinery Flow Physics and Dynamic Performance by Meinhard Schobeiri (2005)
Turbomachinery Flow Physics and Dynamic Performance by Meinhard T. Schobeiri (2012)
Turbopumps and Pumping Systems by S. Ahmad Nourbakhsh, Baron Andre Jaumotte, Charles Hirsch, Hamideh B. Parizi (2008)
Turbulence by Christophe Bailly, Genevieve Comte-Bellot (2015)
Turbulence and Interactions by Michel Deville, Thien-Hiep Le, Pierre Sagaut (2009)
Turbulence and Interactions by Michel Deville, Thien-Hiep Le, Pierre Sagaut (2010)
Turbulence in Fluids by Marcel Lesieur (2008)
Turbulent Impinging Jets into Porous Materials by Marcelo J.S. de Lemos (2012)
Twelve Lectures on Structural Dynamics by Andre Preumont (2013)
Two-Phase Flow in Refrigeration Systems by Junjie Gu, Shujun Wang, Zhongxue Gan (2014)
Type Synthesis of Parallel Mechanisms by Xianwen Kong, Clement Gosselin (2007)
Type-2 Fuzzy Graphical Models for Pattern Recognition by Jia Zeng, Zhi-Qiang Liu (2015)
Type-2 Fuzzy Logic in Intelligent Control Applications by Oscar Castillo (2012)
Type-2 Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications by Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin (2008)
Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Yi Pan, Han-Chieh Chao, Gangman Yi (2015)
Ubiquitous Computing in the Workplace by Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Celine Ehrwein Nihan (2015)
Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications by Young-Sik Jeong, Young-Ho Park, Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu, James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park (2014)
Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications by Youn-Hee Han, Doo-Soon Park, Weijia Jia, Sang-Soo Yeo (2013)
Ultra High-Speed CMOS Circuits by Sam Gharavi, Babak Heydari (2012)
Ultra Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding by V. Ramasubramanian, Harish Doddala (2015)
Ultra Low Power Capacitive Sensor Interfaces by Wouter Bracke, Robert Puers, Chris Hoof (2007)
Ultra Low Power Transceiver for Wireless Body Area Networks by Jens Masuch, Manuel Delgado-Restituto (2013)
Ultra Low-Power Biomedical Signal Processing by Sandro A. P. Haddad, Wouter A. Serdijn (2009)
Ultra Low-Power Integrated Circuit Design for Wireless Neural Interfaces by Jeremy Holleman, Fan Zhang, Brian Otis (2011)
Ultra Wideband by Ranjit Gharpurey, Peter Kinget (2008)
Ultra Wideband Wireless Body Area Networks by Kasun Maduranga Silva Thotahewa, Jean-Michel Redoute, Mehmet Rasit Yuce (2014)
Ultra-Low Energy Domain-Specific Instruction-Set Processors by Francky Catthoor, Praveen Raghavan, Andy Lambrechts, Murali Jayapala, Angeliki Kritikakou, Javed Absar (2010)
Ultra-Low Power Integrated Circuit Design by Nianxiong Nick Tan, Dongmei Li, Zhihua Wang (2014)
Ultra-Low Power Wireless Technologies for Sensor Networks by Brian Otis, Jan Rabaey (2007)
Ultra-Low Voltage Nano-Scale Memories by Kiyoo Itoh, Masashi Horiguchi, Hitoshi Tanaka (2007)
Ultra-Low-Power Short-Range Radios by Patrick P. Mercier, Anantha P. Chandrakasan (2015)
Ultra-Low-Voltage Design of Energy-Efficient Digital Circuits by Nele Reynders, Wim Dehaene (2015)
Ultra-thin Chip Technology and Applications by Joachim Burghartz (2011)
Ultra-Wideband Pulse-based Radio by Wim Vereecken, Michiel Steyaert (2009)
Ultra-Wideband Radio Frequency Identification Systems by Faranak Nekoogar, Farid Dowla (2012)
Ultrasonic Doppler Velocity Profiler for Fluid Flow by Yasushi Takeda (2012)
Ultrasonic Fluid Quantity Measurement in Dynamic Vehicular Applications by Jenny Terzic, Edin Terzic, Romesh Nagarajah, Muhammad Alamgir (2013)
Ultrasonic Motors by Chunsheng Zhao (2011)
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Systems by Lester W. Schmerr, Sung-Jin Song (2007)
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Systems by Pietro Burrascano, Sergio Callegari, Augusto Montisci, Marco Ricci, Mario Versaci (2015)
Ultrasonic Processes and Machines by Vladimir K. Astashev, Vladimir I. Babitsky, Karima Khusnutdinova (2007)
Ultrasound Contrast Agents by Gaio Paradossi, Paolo Pellegretti, Andrea Trucco (2010)
Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Handbook by Wladyslaw Kowalski (2009)
UML for SOC Design by Grant Martin, Wolfgang Muller (2005)
Uncertain Fuzzy Preference Relations and Their Applications by Zaiwu Gong, Yi Lin, Tianxiang Yao (2013)
Uncertainty Analysis in Econometrics with Applications by Van-Nam Huynh, Vladik Kreinovich, Songsak Sriboonchitta, Komsan Suriya (2013)
Uncertainty Approaches for Spatial Data Modeling and Processing by Janusz Kacprzyk, Frederick E. Petry, Adnan Yazici (2010)
Uncertainty Assessment of Large Finite Element Systems by Christian A. Schenk, Gerhart I. Schueller (2005)
Uncertainty in the Electric Power Industry by Christoph Weber (2005)
Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aircraft Engines by Francesco Montomoli, Mauro Carnevale, Antonio D'Ammaro, Michela Massini, Simone Salvadori (2015)
Uncertainty Theory by Dr. Baoding Liu (2007)
Uncertainty Theory by Baoding Liu (2010)
Uncertainty Theory by Baoding Liu (2015)
Underactuated Robotic Hands by Lionel Birglen, Thierry Laliberte, Clement Gosselin (2008)
Understanding and Using the Controller Area Network Communication Protocol by Marco Di Natale, Haibo Zeng, Paolo Giusto, Arkadeb Ghosal (2012)
Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics by Michael Hulsmann, Katja Windt (2007)
Understanding LTE and its Performance by Tara Ali-Yahiya (2011)
Understanding Network Hacks by Bastian Ballmann (2015)
Understanding Pendulums by L.P. Pook (2011)
Understanding Violence by Lorenzo Magnani (2011)
Underwater Acoustic Networking Techniques by Roald Otnes, Alfred Asterjadhi, Paolo Casari, Michael Goetz, Thor Husoy, Ivor Nissen, Knut Rimstad, Paul van Walree, Michele Zorzi (2012)
Underwater Robots by Gianluca Antonelli (2014)
Underwater Robots - 2nd Edition by Gianluca Antonelli (2006)
Underwater SLAM for Structured Environments Using an Imaging Sonar by David Ribas, Pere Ridao, Jose Neira (2010)
Unified Computational Intelligence for Complex Systems by John Seiffertt, Donald C. Wunsch (2010)
Unified Signal Theory by Gianfranco Cariolaro (2011)
Unifying Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering by Song Xing, Suting Chen, Zhanming Wei, Jingming Xia (2014)
Universal Joints and Driveshafts by Hans Christoph Seherr-Thoss, Friedrich Schmelz, Erich Aucktor (2006)
Universities in Change by Andreas Altmann, Bernd Ebersberger (2013)
Unleash the System On Chip using FPGAs and Handel C by Rajanish K. Kamat, Santhosh A. Shinde, Vinod G. Shelake (2009)
Unmanned Rotorcraft Systems by Guowei Cai, Ben M. Chen, Tong Heng Lee (2011)
Unsaturated Soils: Experimental Studies by Tom Schanz (2005)
Unsaturated Soils: Numerical and Theoretical Approaches by Tom Schanz (2005)
Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications by Claudio Mancuso, Cristina Jommi, Francesca D'Onza (2012)
Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications by Claudio Mancuso, Cristina Jommi, Francesca D'Onza (2012)
Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics in Aeronautics by P.G. Tucker (2014)
Unsteady Effects of Shock Wave Induced Separation by Piotr Doerffer, Charles Hirsch, Jean-Paul Dussauge, Holger Babinsky, George N. Barakos (2011)
Upper Bound Limit Load Solutions for Welded Joints with Cracks by Sergey Alexandrov (2012)
Upscaling of Bio-Nano-Processes by Hermann Nirschl, Karsten Keller (2014)
Urban Acupuncture by Jaime Lerner (2014)
Urban Environment by Sebastien Rauch, Gregory M. Morrison (2012)
Urban Mining Systems by Takashi Nakamura, Kohmei Halada (2015)
Urban Planning as a Trading Zone by Alessandro Balducci, Raine Mantysalo (2013)
Urban Vulnerability and Climate Change in Africa by Stephan Pauleit, Adrien Coly, Sandra Fohlmeister, Paolo Gasparini, Gertrud Jorgensen, Sigrun Kabisch, Wilbard J. Kombe, Sarah Lindley, Ingo Simonis, Kumelachew Yeshitela (2015)
Usability of Speech Dialog Systems by Thomas Hempel (2008)
Use Cases of Discrete Event Simulation by Steffen Bangsow (2012)
Use of Extraterrestrial Resources for Human Space Missions to Moon or Mars by Donald Rapp (2013)
User-Centric Technologies and Applications by Jose M. Molina, Jose Ramon Casar Corredera, Manuel Felipe Catedra Perez, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Ana M. Bernardos Barbolla (2011)
Using Game Theory to Improve Safety within Chemical Industrial Parks by Genserik Reniers, Yulia Pavlova (2013)
Utility Maximization in Nonconvex Wireless Systems by Johannes Brehmer (2012)
Utilization of Space by Berndt Feuerbacher, Heinz Stoewer (2006)
UTLEON3: Exploring Fine-Grain Multi-Threading in FPGAs by Martin Danek, Leos Kafka, Lukas Kohout, Jaroslav Sykora, Roman Bartosinski (2013)
UWB Communication Systems: Conventional and 60 GHz by Shahriar Emami (2013)
V Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2011 May 16-21, 2011, Habana, Cuba by Jose Folgueras Mendez, Tania Y. Aznielle Rodriguez, Carlos F. Calderon Marin, Susana Beatriz Llanusa Ruiz, Jorge Castro Medina, Haddid Vega Vazquez, Maylen Carballo Barreda, Rafael Rodriguez Rojas (2013)
Vacuum Electronics by Joseph A. Eichmeier, Manfred K. Thumm (2008)
Value Driven Product Planning and Systems Engineering by H. E. Cook, L. A. Wissmann (2007)
Vapor-Liquid Interfaces, Bubbles and Droplets by Shigeo Fujikawa, Takeru Yano, Masao Watanabe (2011)
Variants of Evolutionary Algorithms for Real-World Applications by Raymond Chiong, Thomas Weise, Zbigniew Michalewicz (2012)
Variation Aware Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design in Emerging Multi-Gate CMOS Technologies by Michael Fulde (2010)
Variation Tolerant On-Chip Interconnects by Ethiopia Enideg Nigussie (2012)
Variation-Aware Adaptive Voltage Scaling for Digital CMOS Circuits by Martin Wirnshofer (2013)
Variation-Aware Analog Structural Synthesis by Trent McConaghy, Pieter Palmers, Peng Gao, Michiel Steyaert, Georges Gielen (2009)
Variation-Aware Design of Custom Integrated Circuits: A Hands-on Field Guide by Trent McConaghy, Kristopher Breen, Jeffrey Dyck, Amit Gupta (2013)
Variational and Level Set Methods in Image Segmentation by Amar Mitiche, Ismail Ben Ayed (2011)
Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities in Mechanics by Alexander S. Kravchuk, Pekka J. Neittaanmaki (2007)
Variational Models and Methods in Solid and Fluid Mechanics by Francesco dell'Isola, Sergey Gavrilyuk (2012)
Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics by Victor Berdichevsky (2009)
Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics by Victor Berdichevsky (2009)
Vascular Mechanics and Pathology by Mano J. Thubrikar (2007)
VCO-Based Quantizers Using Frequency-to-Digital and Time-to-Digital Converters by Samantha Yoder, Mohammed Ismail, Waleed Khalil (2011)
VDI Heat Atlas by VDI e. V. (2010)
Vector Control of Induction Machines by Benoit Robyns, Bruno Francois, Philippe Degobert, Jean Paul Hautier (2012)
Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines by Nguyen Phung Quang, Jorg-Andreas Dittrich (2008)
VEE Pro: Practical Graphical Programming by Robert B. Angus, Thomas E. Hulbert (2005)
Vehicle Dynamics by Reza N. Jazar (2014)
Vehicle Dynamics by Dieter Schramm, Manfred Hiller, Roberto Bardini (2014)
Vehicle Dynamics and Control by Rajesh Rajamani (2012)
Vehicle Dynamics and Control by Rajesh Rajamani (2006)
Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Application by Reza N. Jazar (2008)
Vehicle Power Management by Xi Zhang, Chris Mi (2011)
Vehicle Propulsion Systems by Lino Guzzella, Antonio Sciarretta (2005)
Vehicle Propulsion Systems by Lino Guzzella, Antonio Sciarretta (2013)
Vehicle Propulsion Systems by Lino Guzzella, Antonio Sciarretta (2007)
Vehicle-Manipulator Systems by Pal Johan From, Jan Tommy Gravdahl, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen (2014)
Vehicular ad hoc Networks by Claudia Campolo, Antonella Molinaro, Riccardo Scopigno (2015)
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks for Smart Cities by Anis Laouiti, Amir Qayyum, Mohamad Naufal Mohamad Saad (2015)
Vehicular Engine Design by Kevin L. Hoag (2006)
Vehicular-2-X Communication by Radu Popescu-Zeletin, Ilja Radusch, Mihai Adrian Rigani (2010)
Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog by Janick Bergeron, Eduard Cerny, Alan Hunter, Andrew Nightingale (2006)
Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas by Stuart Sutherland, Don Mills (2007)
VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Parana, Argentina 29, 30 & 31 October 2014 by Ariel Braidot, Alejandro Hadad (2015)
Viability of Hybrid Systems by G. Labinaz, M. Guay (2012)
Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis by C.M.A. Vasques, J. Dias Rodrigues (2011)
Vibration Control of Active Structures by A. Preumont (2011)
Vibration Dynamics and Control by Giancarlo Genta (2009)
Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery by Jyoti K. Sinha (2015)
Vibration of Hydraulic Machinery by Yulin Wu, Shengcai Li, Shuhong Liu, Hua-Shu Dou, Zhongdong Qian (2013)
Vibrations and Stability of Complex Beam Systems by Vladimir Stojanovii, Predrag Kozii (2015)
Vibrations of Elastic Systems by Edward B. Magrab (2012)
Vibrations of mechanical systems with regular structure by Ludmilla Banakh, Mark Kempner (2010)
Vibrations of Thick Cylindrical Structures by Hamid R. Hamidzadeh, Reza N. Jazar (2010)
Vibro-Acoustics of Lightweight Sandwich Structures by Tianjian Lu, Fengxian Xin (2014)
Vibro-Impact Dynamics by Raouf A. Ibrahim (2009)
Vibro-Impact Dynamics of Ocean Systems and Related Problems by Raouf A. Ibrahim, Vladimir I. Babitsky, Masaaki Okuma (2009)
Video Analytics for Business Intelligence by Caifeng Shan, Fatih Porikli, Tao Xiang, Shaogang Gong (2012)
Video coding standards by K.R. Rao, Do Nyeon Kim, Jae Jeong Hwang (2014)
Video over Cognitive Radio Networks by Shiwen Mao (2014)
Video Search and Mining by Dan Schonfeld, Caifeng Shan, Dacheng Tao, Liang Wang (2010)
Video Segmentation and Its Applications by King Ngi Ngan, Hongliang Li (2011)
Video Surveillance for Sensor Platforms by Mayssaa Al Najjar, Milad Ghantous, Magdy Bayoumi (2014)
Video Traces for Network Performance Evaluation by Patrick Seeling, Frank H.P. Fitzek, Martin Reisslein (2007)
Views on Evolvability of Embedded Systems by Pierre Van de Laar, Teade Punter (2011)
Views on Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Different Perspectives by Rudolf Seising (2009)
Virtual Decomposition Control by Wen-Hong Zhu (2010)
Virtual Manufacturing by Wasim Ahmed Khan, Abdul Raouf, Kai Cheng (2011)
Virtual Prototyping & Bio Manufacturing in Medical Applications by Bopaya Bidanda, Paulo Bartolo (2008)
Virtual Reality Technology and Applications by Matjaz Mihelj, Domen Novak, Samo Begus (2014)
Virtual Testing and Predictive Modeling by Bahram Farahmand (2009)
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1 by Minhua Ma, Lakhmi C. Jain, Paul Anderson (2014)
Virtualization of Universities by Thomas Pfeffer (2012)
Viscosity of Liquids by Dabir S. Viswanath, Tushar K. Ghosh, Dasika H. L. Prasad, Nidamarty V.K. Dutt, Kalipatnapu Y. Rani (2007)
Visibility-based Optimal Path and Motion Planning by Paul Keng-Chieh Wang (2015)
Vision Based Autonomous Robot Navigation by Amitava Chatterjee, Anjan Rakshit, N. Nirmal Singh (2013)
Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications by Aleksander Nawrat, Zygmunt Kui (2013)
Visual Complexity and Intelligent Computer Graphics Techniques Enhancements by Dimitri Plemenos, Georgios Miaoulis (2009)
Visual Computing by Fabiana Rodrigues Leta (2014)
Visual Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots by Hector . M Becerra, Carlos Sagues (2014)
Visual Perception and Robotic Manipulation by Geoffrey Taylor, Lindsay Kleeman (2006)
Visual Perception for Manipulation and Imitation in Humanoid Robots by Pedram Azad (2009)
Visual Prosthetics by Gislin Dagnelie (2011)
Visual Quality Assessment by Machine Learning by Long Xu, Weisi Lin, C.-C. Jay Kuo (2015)
Visual Sensing and its Applications by Zhongxue Gan, Qing Tang (2011)
Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods by Graziano Chesi, Koichi Hashimoto (2010)
Visual Signal Quality Assessment by Chenwei Deng, Lin Ma, Weisi Lin, King Ngi Ngan (2015)
Visualization and Simulation of Complex Flows in Biomedical Engineering by Rui Lima, Yohsuke Imai, Takuji Ishikawa, Monica S. N. Oliveira (2014)
VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium by Nikolaos Voros, Amar Mukherjee, Nicolas Sklavos, Konstantinos Masselos, Michael Huebner (2011)
VLSI Design by Vikram Arkalgud Chandrasetty (2011)
VLSI Design for Video Coding by Youn-Long Steve Lin, Chao-Yang Kao, Hung-Chih Kuo, Jian-Wen Chen (2010)
VLSI for Wireless Communication by Bosco Leung (2011)
VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure by Andrew B. Kahng, Jens Lienig, Igor L. Markov, Jin Hu (2011)
VLSI-Design of Non-Volatile Memories by Giovanni Campardo, Rino Micheloni, David Novosel (2005)
Voice over IP in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks by Hanane Fathi, Shyam S. Chakraborty, Ramjee Prasad (2009)
Voice over IP Networks by Pramode K. Verma, Ling Wang (2011)
Voltage Control and Protection in Electrical Power Systems by Sandro Corsi (2015)
Voltage Regulators for Next Generation Microprocessors by Toni Lopez, Reinhold Elferich, Eduard Alarcon (2011)
Voltage-to-Frequency Converters by Cristina Azcona Murillo, Belen Calvo Lopez, Santiago Celma Pueyo (2013)
Vortex Rings by D. G. Akhmetov (2009)
Vortex Rings and Jets by Daniel T. H. New, Simon C. M. Yu (2015)
Vortex wakes of Aircrafts by A.S. Ginevsky, A. I. Zhelannikov (2009)
Vortical Flows by Jie-Zhi Wu, Hui-Yang Ma, Ming-De Zhou (2015)
Vortices and Turbulence at Very Low Temperatures by Carlo F. Barenghi, Yuri A. Sergeev (2008)
Vorticity and Vortex Dynamics by Jie-Zhi Wu, Hui-Yang Ma, Ming-De Zhou (2006)
Vowel Inherent Spectral Change by Geoffrey Stewart Morrison, Peter F. Assmann (2013)
Vulnerable Systems by Wolfgang Kroger, Enrico Zio (2011)
Wafer Level 3-D ICs Process Technology by Chuan Seng Tan, Ronald J. Gutmann, L. Rafael Reif (2008)
Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packaging by Shichun Qu, Yong Liu (2015)
Wake-up Receiver Based Ultra-Low-Power WBAN by Maarten Lont, Dusan Milosevic, Arthur van Roermund (2014)
Warehouse Management by Michael Hompel, Thorsten Schmidt (2007)
Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain by Riccardo Manzini (2012)
Warming to Ecocide by Alan J. Sangster (2011)
Warranty Data Collection and Analysis by Wallace R. Blischke, M. Rezaul Karim, D. N. Prabhakar Murthy (2011)
Warranty Management and Product Manufacture by D.N. Prabhakar Murthy, Wallace R. Blischke (2006)
Waste Materials and By-Products in Concrete by Rafat Siddique (2008)
Waste to Energy by Avraam Karagiannidis (2012)
Wastewater Hydraulics by Willi H. Hager (2010)
Water Quality Hazards and Dispersion of Pollutants by Wiodzimierz Czernuszenko, Pawei M. Rowiiski (2005)
Water Supply Network District Metering by Armando Di Nardo, Michele Di Natale, Anna Di Mauro (2013)
Water Waves and Ship Hydrodynamics by A.J. Hermans (2011)
Wave Propagation and Radiation in Gyrotropic and Anisotropic Media by Abdullah Eroglu (2010)
Wave Propagation in Infinite Domains by Lutz Lehmann (2007)
Wave Propagation in Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Media by Francesco Romeo, Massimo Ruzzene (2012)
Wave Propagation in Solid and Porous Half-Space Media by Hamid R. Hamidzadeh, Liming Dai, Reza N. Jazar (2014)
Waveform Analysis of Sound by Mikio Tohyama (2015)
Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications by Lokenath Debnath, Firdous Ahmad Shah (2015)
Wavelets by Robert X Gao, Ruqiang Yan (2011)
Wavelets and Signal Processing by Hans-Georg Stark (2005)
Wavelets from Math to Practice by Desanka P. Radunovii (2009)
Waves in Geophysical Fluids by John Grue, Karsten Trulsen (2006)
Waves in Nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials by Michel Destrade, Giuseppe Saccomandi (2007)
Ways of Thinking, Ways of Seeing by Chris Bissell, Chris Dillon (2012)
WDM Systems and Networks by Neophytos (Neo) Antoniades, Georgios Ellinas, Ioannis Roudas (2012)
Wearable and Autonomous Biomedical Devices and Systems for Smart Environment by Aime Lay-Ekuakille, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (2010)
Wearable Electronics Sensors by Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay (2015)
Wearable Monitoring Systems by Annalisa Bonfiglio, Danilo De Rossi (2011)
Web Mining Applications in E-commerce and E-services by I-Hsien Ting, Hui-Ju Wu (2009)
Web Personalization in Intelligent Environments by Giovanna Castellano, Lakhmi C. Jain, Anna Maria Fanelli (2009)
Web-Based Control and Robotics Education by Spyros Tzafestas (2009)
Welding Robots by J. Norberto Pires, Altino Loureiro, Gunnar Bolmsjo (2006)
Wetland Systems by Miklas Scholz (2011)
Where Humans Meet Machines by Amy Neustein, Judith A. Markowitz (2013)
White Space Communication by Amit Kumar Mishra, David Lloyd Johnson (2015)
Why Cryptography Should Not Rely on Physical Attack Complexity by Juliane Kramer (2015)
WI-FI TM, BLUETOOTH TM, ZIGBEE TM AND WIMAX TM by H. Labiod, H. Afifi, C. De Santis (2007)
Wide Area Surveillance by Vijayan K. Asari (2014)
Wide-Bandwidth High-Dynamic Range D/A Converters by Konstantinos Doris, Arthu van Roermund, Domine Leenaerts (2006)
Wideband Amplifiers by Peter Starii, Erik Margan (2006)
Wideband CMOS Receivers by Miguel D. Fernandes, Luis B. Oliveira (2015)
Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers Exploiting Thermal Noise Cancellation by Federico Bruccoleri, Eric A.M. Klumperink, Bram Nauta (2005)
WIG Craft and Ekranoplan by Liang Yun, Alan Bliault, Johnny Doo (2010)
WiMAX Networks by Ramjee Prasad, Fernando J. Velez (2010)
Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures by Ted Stathopoulos, Charalambos C. Baniotopoulos (2007)
Wind Energy by Joachim Peinke, Peter Schaumann, Stephan Barth (2007)
Wind Energy by Sathyajith Mathew (2006)
Wind Energy Conversion Systems by S.M. Muyeen (2012)
Wind Energy Systems for Electric Power Generation by Manfred Stiebler (2008)
Wind Power Plants by Robert Gasch, Jochen Twele (2012)
Wind Power Systems by Lingfeng Wang, Chanan Singh, Andrew Kusiak (2010)
Wind Resistant Design of Bridges in Japan by Yozo Fujino, Kichiro Kimura, Hiroshi Tanaka (2012)
Wind Turbine Control Systems by Fernando D. Bianchi, Ricardo J. Mantz, Hernan Battista (2007)
Wind Turbines by Erich Hau (2013)
Wind Turbines by Erich Hau, Horst Renouard (2006)
Windup in Control by Peter Hippe (2006)
Wire Ropes by K. Feyrer (2007)
Wire Ropes by Klaus Feyrer (2015)
Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks by Raja Jurdak (2007)
Wireless Communication Electronics by Robert Sobot (2012)
Wireless Communication Electronics by Example by Robert Sobot (2014)
Wireless Communication in Underground Mines by L. K. Bandyopadhyay, S. K. Chaulya, P. K. Mishra (2010)
Wireless Communications 2007 CNIT Thyrrenian Symposium by Silvano Pupolin (2007)
Wireless Cortical Implantable Systems by Vahid Majidzadeh Bafar, Alexandre Schmid (2013)
Wireless Mesh Networks by Ekram Hossain, Kin Leung (2008)
Wireless Network Security by Yang Xiao, Xuemin Sherman Shen, Ding-Zhu Du (2007)
Wireless Networking Based Control by Sudip K. Mazumder (2011)
Wireless Networks by Cristina Comaniciu, Narayan B. Mandayam, H. Vincent Poor (2005)
Wireless Networks and Security by Shafiullah Khan, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan (2013)
Wireless Optical Communication Systems by Steve Hranilovic (2005)
Wireless Power Transfer for Medical Microsystems by Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie, Zhihua Wang (2013)
Wireless Sensor and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks by Driss Benhaddou, Ala Al-Fuqaha (2015)
Wireless Sensor Network Technologies for the Information Explosion Era by Takahiro Hara, Vladimir I. Zadorozhny, Erik Buchmann (2010)
Wireless Sensor Networks by Shuang-Hua Yang (2014)
Wireless Sensor Networks by Elena Gaura, Michael Allen, Lewis Girod, James Brusey, Geoffrey Challen (2010)
Wireless Sensor Networks and Ecological Monitoring by Subhas C Mukhopadhyay, Joe-Air Jiang (2013)
Wireless Technology by Steven Powell, J.P. Shim (2009)
Wireless Transceiver Systems Design by Wolfgang Eberle (2008)
Wireless Vehicular Networks for Car Collision Avoidance by Rola Naja (2013)
WirelessHART by Deji Chen, Mark Nixon, Aloysius Mok (2010)
Wirelessly Powered Sensor Networks and Computational RFID by Joshua R. Smith (2013)
WOLEDs and Organic Photovoltaics by Vivian W. W. Yam (2010)
Work Organization and Human Resource Management by Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim (2014)
Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC'12) by Lorna Uden, Emilio S. Corchado Rodriguez, Juan F. De Paz Santana, Fernando De la Prieta (2012)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 by R. Magjarevic, J. H. Nagel (2007)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering May 26-31, 2012, Beijing, China by Mian Long (2013)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 7-12, 2015, Toronto, Canada by David A. Jaffray (2015)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2009)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2010)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2010)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2010)
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany by Olaf Dossel, Wolfgang C. Schlegel (2010)
World Sustainable Energy Days Next 2014 by Gerhard Dell, Christiane Egger (2015)
Worst-Case Execution Time Aware Compilation Techniques for Real-Time Systems by Paul Lokuciejewski, Peter Marwedel (2011)
Writing Testbenches using System Verilog by Janick Bergeron (2006)
Writing Virtual Environments for Software Visualization by Clinton Jeffery, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh (2015)
X-Ray Computed Tomography in Biomedical Engineering by Robert Cierniak (2011)
XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2010 by Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Nicolas Pallikarakis (2010)
XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013 by Laura M. Roa Romero (2014)
Yearbook on Space Policy 2006/2007 by European Space Policy Institute, Vienna, Austria (2008)
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009 by Takeshi Yao (2010)
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2010 by Takeshi Yao (2011)
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2011 by Takeshi Yao (2012)
Zhang Functions and Various Models by Yunong Zhang, Dongsheng Guo (2015)
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