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11th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging by IMechE (2014)
3D Bioprinting and Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine by Zhang, Lijie Grace (2015)
4G: LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband by Dahlman, Erik (2014)
A Comprehensive Database of Tests on Axially Loaded Piles Driven in Sand by Yang, Zhongxuan (2015)
A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2013 for Scientists and Engineers by Liengme, Bernard (2015)
A Practical Approach to Dynamical Systems for Engineers by Mellodge, Patricia (2015)
A Primer for Financial Engineering by Akansu, Ali (2015)
Academic Press Library in Biomedical Applications of Mobile and Wireless communications: Co-operative and Energy Efficient Body Area and Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare Applications by Alomainy, Akram (2014)
Academic Press Library in Biomedical Applications of Mobile and Wireless communications: Wireless UWB Body Area Networks by Hamalainen, Matti (2014)
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing by Theodoridis, Sergios (2014)
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing by Theodoridis, Sergios (2014)
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing by Theodoridis, Sergios (2014)
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing by Chellappa, Rama (2014)
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing: Volume 3 by Theodoridis, Sergios (2014)
Accelerated Bridge Construction by Khan, Mohiuddin (2014)
Acoustic emission and related non-destructive evaluation techniques in the fracture mechanics of concrete by Ohtsu, Masayasu (2015)
Additives for Polyolefins by Tolinski, Michael (2015)
Adhesives Technology Handbook by Ebnesajjad, Sina (2015)
Advanced Composites In Bridge Construction And Repair by Kim, J (2014)
Advanced Theory of Constraint and Motion Analysis for Robot Mechanisms by Zhao, Jingshan (2014)
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers by Winterbone, D. (2015)
Advances in Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation by Rossetti, Rosaldo (2015)
Advances in Asphalt Materials by Huang, Shin-Che (2015)
Advances In Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) by Rodrigues, J (2015)
Advances in Filament Yarn Spinning of Textiles and Polymers by Zhang, D (2014)
Advances In Friction-Stir Welding And Processing by Besharati-Givi, M-K (2014)
Advances in Independent Component Analysis and Learning Machines by Bingham, Ella (2015)
Advances in Intelligent Vehicles by Chen, Yaobin (2014)
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicle Technologies for Improved Environmental Performance by Folkson, R (2014)
An Applied Guide to Process and Plant Design by Moran, Sean (2015)
An Introduction to MATLAB Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers by Bayen, Alexandre (2014)
Analog Circuit Design Volume Three by Dobkin, Bob (2015)
Analysis of Failures of Embedded Mechatronic Systems, Volume 1 by El Hami, Abdelkhalak (2015)
Analysis of Failures of Embedded Mechatronic Systems, Volume 2 by El Hami, Abdelkhalak (2015)
Anthropometry Apparel Sizing and Design by Gupta, Deepti (2014)
Applied Welding Engineering by Singh, Ramesh (2015)
Architectural Acoustics by Long, Marshall (2014)
Asphalt Materials Science and Technology by Speight, James (2015)
Assessing and Measuring Environmental Impact and Sustainability by Klemes, Jiri (2015)
Assessing the Energy Efficiency of Pumps and Pump Units by Stoffel, Bernd (2015)
Assessing The Environmental Impact Of Textiles And The Clothing Supply Chain by Muthu, S (2014)
Bio-based Plant Oil Polymers and Composites by Madbouly, Samy (2015)
Biofluid Mechanics by Rubenstein, David (2015)
Bioimpedance and Bioelectricity Basics by Grimnes, Sverre (2014)
Biomolecular Electronics by Facci, Paolo (2014)
Biopolymers: Applications and Trends by Niaounakis, Michael (2015)
Biopolymers: Processing and Products by Niaounakis, Michael (2014)
Bird Strike by Hedayati, Reza (2015)
Body Area Networks using IEEE 802.15.6 by Hernandez, Marco (2014)
Bonded Joints and Repairs to Composite Airframe Structures by Wang, Chun Hui (2015)
Braiding Technology for Textiles by Kyosev, Y (2014)
Braking of Road Vehicles by Day, Andrew (2014)
Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites by Loos, Marcio (2014)
Channel Coding: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Declerq, David (2014)
Class 1 Devices by Ogrodnik, Peter (2015)
Cleaning with Solvents: Methods and Machinery by Durkee, John (2014)
Clinical Engineering by Taktak, Azzam (2014)
Coastal Disasters and Climate Change in Vietnam by Thao, Nguyen Danh (2014)
Coastal Risk Assessment and Mitigation in a Changing Climate by Zanuttigh, Barbara (2014)
Combined Cooling, Heating and Power by Ebrahimi, Masood (2015)
Combustion of Pulverised Coal in a Mixture of Oxygen and Recycled Flue Gas by Toporov, Dobrin (2014)
Commercial Aircraft Hydraulic Systems by Wang, Shaoping (2015)
Commercial Airplane Design Principles by Sforza, Pasquale (2014)
Communicating Pictures by Bull, David (2014)
Computational Fluid Dynamics: Principles and Applications by Blazek, Jiri (2015)
Computational Methods in Engineering by Venkateshan, S.P. (2014)
Computational Modelling of Biomechanics and Biotribology in the Musculoskeletal System by Jin, Z (2014)
Concrete and Masonry Movements by Brooks, Jeffrey (2014)
Configuration Management for Senior Managers by Watts, Frank B. (2015)
Contextual Inquiry for Medical Device Design by Beth Privitera, Mary (2015)
Control And Estimation Of Piecewise Affine Systems by Xu, J (2014)
Control of Welding Distortion in Thin Plate Fabrications by Gray, T (2014)
Cooperative and Cognitive Satellite Systems by Chatzinotas, Symeon (2015)
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Guidelines by Winnik, S (2015)
Databook of Biocides by Wypych, Anna (2015)
Databook of Green Solvents by Wypych, George (2014)
Databook of Solvents by Wypych, Anna (2014)
Databook of UV Stabilizers by Wypych, Anna (2015)
Design and Applications of Nanostructured Polymer Blends and Nanocomposite Systems by Thomas, Sabu (2015)
Design and Manufacture of Plastic Components for Multifunctionality by Goodship, Vannessa (2015)
Design for the Unexpected by Brussel, Henrik (2015)
Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists by Antony, Jiju (2014)
Design of High-Speed Railway Turnouts by Wang, Ping (2015)
Design of Modern Communication Networks by Larsson, Christofer (2014)
Design Recipes for FPGAs by Wilson, Peter (2015)
Design Theory and Methods using CAD/CAE by Chang, Kuang-Hua (2015)
Designing for Human Reliability by McLeod, Ronald (2015)
Designing Green Cement Plants by Deoalkar, S.P. (2015)
Developing and Managing Embedded Systems and Products by Fowler, Kim (2015)
Development of Online Hybrid Testing by Pan, Peng (2015)
Developments in Turbomachinery Flow by Montazerin, Nader (2015)
Differential Quadrature and Differential Quadrature Based Element Methods: Theory and Applications by Wang, Xinwei (2015)
Digital Holographic Data Representation and Compression by Xing, Yafei (2015)
Digital Integrated Circuit Design Using Verilog and SystemVerilog by Mehler, Ronald (2014)
Drinking Water Security for Engineers Planners and Managers by Jain, Ravi (2014)
Droplet Wetting and Evaporation by Brutin, David (2015)
e-Design by Chang, Kuang-Hua (2015)
Ecological Design of Smart Home Networks by Saito, N. (2015)
Effect of Temperature and other Factors on Plastics and Elastomers by McKeen, Laurence (2014)
Efficient Computation of Argumentation Semantics by Liao, Beishui (2014)
Elasticity by Sadd, Martin (2014)
Elastomeric Polymers with High Rate Sensitivity by Barsoum, Roshdy George (2015)
Embedded C Programming by Siegesmund, Mark (2014)
Embedded Computing in C with the PIC32 Microcontroller by Lynch, Kevin (2015)
Emerging Nanotechnologies for Manufacturing by Ahmed, Waqar (2014)
Engineering Systems Acquisition And Support by Mo, J P T (2014)
Essentials of the Finite Element Method by Pavlou, Dimitrios (2015)
Essentials of Vehicle Dynamics by Pauwelussen, Joop (2015)
Estimation of Rare Event Probabilities In Complex Aerospace And Other Systems by Morio, Jerome (2015)
Exergy Analysis of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning by Dincer, Ibrahim (2015)
Fabric Structures in Architecture by Llorens, J (2015)
Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (Rfid) Technologies by Wong, W K (2014)
Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook by Todaro, Celeste C. (2014)
FinFET Modeling for IC Simulation and Design by Chauhan, Yogesh Singh (2015)
Finite Element Analysis and Design of Steel and SteelConcrete Composite Bridges by Ellobody, Ehab (2014)
Flashback Mechanisms in Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustion by Benim, Ali (2015)
Fluid Flow Measurement by Upp, E. Loy (2014)
Fluid-Structure Interactions by Paidoussis, Michael (2014)
Fluorinated Coatings and Finishes Handbook by McKeen, Laurence (2015)
Fluoroplastics Volume 1 by Ebnesajjad, Sina (2014)
Fluoroplastics, Volume 2 by Ebnesajjad, Sina (2015)
Fossil Fuel Emissions Control Technologies by Miller, Bruce (2015)
Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers by Hayes, Michael (2015)
Friction Stir Processing for Enhanced Low Temperature Formability by Smith, Christopher (2014)
Friction Stir Superplasticity for Unitized Structures by Ma, Zongyi (2014)
From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence by Tsiatsis, Vlasios (2014)
Functional Finishes For Textiles by Paul, R. (2014)
Fundamental Principles of Engineering Nanometrology by Leach, Richard (2014)
Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics by Bechtel, Stephen (2015)
Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys by Kassner, Michael (2015)
Future Development of Thermal Spray Coatings by Espallargas, Nuria (2015)
Fuzzy Neural Networks for Real Time Control Applications by Kayacan, Erdal (2015)
Garment Manufacturing Technology by Nayak, D (2015)
Gas Turbines by Soares, Claire (2014)
Geological Storage Of Carbon Dioxide (Co2) by Gluyas, J (2014)
Geometry of Design by Kim, Nam-Ho (2015)
Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb 2nd Ed by Rajapakse, Ruwan (2015)
Global Sustainable Communities Handbook by Clark, Woodrow (2014)
Ground Improvement Case Histories: Chemical, Electrokinetic, Thermal and Bioengineering by Indraratna, Professor Buddhima (2015)
Ground Improvement Case Histories: Compaction, Grouting and Geosynthetics by Indraratna, Buddhima (2015)
Ground Improvement Case-Histories: Embankments with Special Reference to Consolidation and Other Physical Methods by Indraratna, Professor Buddhima (2015)
Groundwater Arsenic Remediation by Pal, Parimal (2015)
Handbook of Antiblocking Release and Slip Additives by Wypych, George (2014)
Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners by Esteban, Miguel (2015)
Handbook of Fire and Explosion Protection Engineering Principles by Nolan, Dennis P. (2014)
Handbook of Flexible Organic Electronics by Logothetidis, S (2015)
Handbook Of Friction-Vibration Interactions by Chen, G S (2014)
Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostablization by Falkiewicz-Dulik, M. (2015)
Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing by Mokhatab, Saeid (2015)
Handbook of offshore helicopter transport safety by Taber, Michael J. (2015)
Handbook of Serial Communications Interfaces by Frenzel, Louis (2015)
Handbook of Solvents Volume 1 by Wypych, George (2014)
Handbook of Solvents Volume 2 by Wypych, George (2014)
Handbook of Specialty Fluorinated Polymers by Banerjee, Susanta (2015)
Handbook of Thermoplastic Elastomers by Drobny, Jiri George (2014)
Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization by Wypych, George (2015)
High Integrity Systems and Safety Management in Hazardous Industries by Thomson, Jim (2015)
High Performance Polymers by Fink, Johannes Karl (2014)
High Performance Silicon Imaging by Durini, D (2014)
Highway Engineering by Findley, Daniel (2015)
Hollow Glass Microspheres for Plastics, Elastomers, and Adhesives Compounds by Amos, Steve (2015)
Host Response to Biomaterials by Badylak, Stephen (2015)
Household Service Robotics by Xu, Yangsheng (2015)
HSPA Evolution by Chapman, Thomas (2015)
Hybrid Ship Hulls by Shkolnikov, Vladimir (2014)
Hydrothermal Analysis in Engineering Using Control Volume Finite Element Method by Sheikholeslami, Mohsen (2015)
Hypersingular Integral Equations In Fracture Analysis by Ang, W-T (2014)
Implantable Electronic Medical Devices by Fitzpatrick, Dennis (2015)
Implementation of Robot Systems by Wilson, Mike (2015)
Industrial Process Automation Systems by Reddy, Y. Jaganmohan (2015)
Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks by Budampati, R (2015)
Ink Jet Textile Printing by Cie, C (2015)
Innovative Brain Tumor Therapy by Caruso,Gerardo (2015)
Innovative Bridge Design Handbook by Pipinato, Alessio (2015)
Integrated Nanophotonic Devices by Zalevsky, Zeev (2014)
Intelligent Coordinated Control of Complex Uncertain Systems for Power Distribution and Network Reliability by Meng, Xiangping (2015)
Internal Combustion Engines by IMechE (2014)
International Gear Conference 2014: 26th-28th August 2014 Lyon by Velex, Philippe (2014)
Introduction to Audio Analysis by Giannakopoulos, Theodoros (2014)
Introduction to Digital Communications by Grami, Ali (2015)
Introduction to Plasmas and Plasma Dynamics by York, Thomas (2015)
Joint Replacement Technology by Revell, P A (2014)
Laser Surface Engineering by Lawrence, J. (2014)
Lean TPM by McCarthy, Dennis (2015)
Learning from Failures by Labib, Ashraf (2014)
LEED Practices Certification and Accreditation Handbook by Kubba, Sam (2015)
Linearization and Efficiency Enhancement Techniques for Silicon Power Amplifiers by Kerherve, Eric (2015)
Low Cost Emergency Water Purification Technologies by Jain, Ravi (2014)
Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants by Coker, PhD, A. Kayode (2014)
Machine Learning by Theodoridis, Sergios (2015)
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications by Anton-Haro, C (2015)
Manufacturing and Design by Tempelman, Erik (2014)
Manufacturing Flexible Packaging by Dunn, Thomas (2014)
Marine Structural Design by Bai, Yong (2015)
Marine Structural Design Calculations by El-Reedy, Mohamed (2015)
Marine Systems Identification, Modeling and Control by Roskilly, Tony (2015)
Material Selection for Thermoplastic Parts by Biron, Michel (2015)
Materials and Design by Ashby, Michael (2014)
Materials and Sustainable Development by Ashby, Michael (2015)
Materials Forming and Machining by Paulo Davim, J (2015)
Materials Science and Engineering of Carbon: Fundamentals by Inagaki, Michio (2014)
Matlab in Quality Assurance Sciences by Burstein, L (2015)
Measurement and Instrumentation by Morris, Alan S (2015)
Mechanics of Solid Polymers by Bergstrom, Jorgen (2015)
Medical Image Recognition Segmentation and Parsing by Zhou, Kevin (2015)
Micro and nano fabrication using self-assembled biological nanostructures by Castillo-Leon, Jaime (2014)
Micro- and Nanoengineering of the Cell Surface by Karp, Jeffrey (2014)
Microchannel Phase Change Transport Phenomena by Saha, Sujoy (2015)
Micromachining Using Electrochemical Discharge Phenomenon by Wuthrich, Rolf (2015)
Microwave Active Circuit Analysis and Design by Poole, Clive (2015)
Microwave/RF Applicators and Probes by Mehdizadeh, Mehrdad (2015)
Millimeter-Wave Digitally Intensive Frequency Generation in CMOS by Wu, Wanghua (2015)
Mobile Robotics by Jaulin, Luc (2015)
Modeling and Simulation of Reactive Flows by De Bortoli, Alvaro (2015)
Modeling of Chemical Wear by Sethuramiah, A. (2015)
Modeling, Characterization and Production of Nanomaterials by Tewary, V (2015)
Modelling Simulation And Control Of The Dyeing Process by Shamey, R (2014)
Monolithic Nanoscale Photonics-Electronics Integration in Silicon and Other Group IV Elements by Radamson, Henry (2014)
MPEG-V by Yoon, Kyoungro (2015)
Multicore Software Development by Oshana, Robert (2015)
Nanofluidics and Microfluidics by Prakash, Shaurya (2014)
Nanomaterials and Devices by Shi, Donglu (2014)
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in the Treatment of Life-threatening Diseases by Kumar, Narenda (2014)
Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water by Street, Anita (2014)
Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety by Hull, Matthew (2014)
Natural Gas Hydrates by Carroll, John (2014)
Nonlinear Optimization of Vehicle Safety Structures by Christensen, Jesper (2015)
Nuclear Energy by Murray, Raymond L. (2014)
Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Mechanical Integrity by Antaki, George (2015)
Numerical simulation of multiphase reactors with continuous liquid phase by Yang, Chao (2014)
Offshore Production Operations Facilities by Huacan, Fang (2014)
Offshore Safety Management by Sutton, Ian (2014)
Optimization Tools for Logistics by Reveillac, Jean-Michel (2015)
Parameter Identification And Monitoring Of Mechanical Systems Under Nonlinear Vibration by Jauregui, J C (2014)
Pattern Recognition and Signal Analysis in Medical Imaging by Meyer-Baese, Anke (2014)
Performance Measurement and Management for Engineers by Arnaboldi, Michela (2014)
Personnel Protection and Safety Equipment for the Oil and Gas Industries by Bahadori, Alireza (2015)
PIC Microcontroller Projects in C by Ibrahim, Dogan (2014)
PIC32 Microcontrollers and the Digilent chipKIT by Ibrahim, Dogan (2015)
Piping and Pipeline Calculations Manual by Ellenberger, Phillip (2014)
Plant Design and Operations by Sutton, Ian (2014)
Plasma Etching Processes for Interconnect Realization in VLSI by Posseme, Nicolas (2015)
Polymer Micro- and Nanografting by Padeste, Celestino (2015)
Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Volume 1 by Patin, Nicolas (2015)
Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Volume 2 by Patin, Nicolas (2015)
Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Volume 3 by Patin, Nicolas (2015)
Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Volume 4 by Patin, Nicolas (2015)
Power Recovery from Low Grade Heat by Means of Screw Expanders by Smith, Ian (2014)
Power System Small Signal Stability Analysis and Control by Mondal, Debasish (2014)
Power Ultrasonics by Gallego-Juarez, Juan A (2014)
Principles Of Colour And Appearance Measurement by Choudhury, A (2014)
Principles of Colour and Appearance Measurement by Choudhury, Asim Kumar Roy (2014)
Principles of Measurement and Transduction of Biomedical Variables by Button, Vera (2015)
Principles of Modern Grinding Technology by Rowe, W. Brian (2014)
Principles of Reinforced Concrete by Guo, Zhenhai (2014)
Printing on Polymers by Izdebska, Joanna (2015)
Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Symposium on Joining and Welding by Fujii, H. (2014)
Process Risk and Reliability Management by Sutton, Ian (2014)
Product Design Modeling using CAD/CAE by Chang, Kuang-Hua (2014)
Product Development by Mital, Anil (2014)
Programmable Logic Controllers by Bolton, William (2015)
Progress in Filtration and Separation by Tarleton, E. Steven (2014)
Project Management in Product Development by Ellis, George (2015)
Protective Clothing by Wang, F (2014)
Radar Resource Management by Moo, Peter (2015)
Rare Earth-Based Corrosion Inhibitors by Forsyth, M (2014)
Real Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems by Douglass, Bruce (2014)
Real-Time Embedded Systems by Fan, Xiaocong (2015)
Recent Advances in Structural Integrity Analysis - Proceedings of the International Congress (APCF/SIF-2014) by Ye, Lin (2015)
Regulatory Affairs For Biomaterials And Medical Devices by Amato, S (2014)
Rehabilitation of Metallic Civil Infrastructure Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites by Karbhari, Vistasp M. (2014)
Rehabilitation of Pipelines Using Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites by Karbhari, V M (2015)
Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and Devices by Ohring, Milton (2015)
Reliability Characterisation of Electrical and Electronic Systems by Swingler, J (2015)
Reliability of Large and Complex Systems by Kolowrocki, Krzysztof (2014)
Reliability Prediction from Burn-In Data Fit to Reliability Models by Bernstein, Joseph (2014)
Reliable Maintenance Planning Estimating and Scheduling by Peters, Ralph (2014)
Renewable Motor Fuels by Brownstein, Arthur (2014)
Repetitive Project Scheduling: Theory and Methods by Zhang, Li-hui (2015)
Reservoir Formation Damage by Civan, Faruk (2015)
RF and mm-Wave Power Generation in Silicon by Wang, Hua (2015)
Risk Analysis and Control for Industrial Processes - Gas, Oil and Chemicals by Pasman, Hans (2015)
Robust Automatic Speech Recognition by Li, Jinyu (2015)
Robust Design of Microelectronics Assemblies Against Mechanical Shock, Temperature and Moisture by Wong, E-H (2015)
Safe Robot Navigation Among Moving and Steady Obstacles by Savkin, Andrey (2015)
Safety and Security Review for the Process Industries by Nolan, Dennis P. (2014)
Self-Piercing Riveting by Chrysanthou, A (2014)
Self-Sensing Concrete in Smart Structures by Yu, Xun (2014)
Semi-Markov Processes Applications in Systems Reliability and Maintenance by Grabski, Franciszek (2014)
Sensor Technologies for Civil Infrastructures by Wang, Ming L. (2014)
Sensor Technologies for Civil Infrastructures by Wang, Ming L. (2014)
Signals and Systems using MATLAB by Chaparro, Luis (2015)
Sittig's Handbook of Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals by Pohanish, Richard (2014)
Soft Computing in the Design and Manufacturing of Composite Materials by Aleksendric, Dragan (2015)
Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods by Nicholson, Peter (2014)
Solid Waste Recycling and Processing by Rogoff, Marc J. (2014)
Solid-Liquid Filtration by Perlmutter, Barry (2015)
Specialized Injection Molding Techniques by Heim, Hans-Peter (2015)
Speech Enhancement by Benesty, Jacob (2014)
Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering by Lyons, William (2015)
Structural Alloys For Power Plants by Shirzadi, A (2014)
Structural and Stress Analysis by Megson, T.H.G. (2014)
Structural Health Monitoring of Aerospace Composites by Giurgiutiu, Victor (2015)
Structural Health Monitoring with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors by Giurgiutiu, Victor (2014)
Subsea Pipeline Design Analysis and Installation by Bai, Qiang (2014)
Subsea Pipeline Integrity and Risk Management by Bai, Yong (2014)
Surface Modification By Solid State Processing by Miranda, R (2014)
Surface Production Operations: Volume II: Design of Gas-Handling Systems and Facilities 3rd Edition by Arnold, Ken (2014)
Sustainability in Engineering Design by Johnson, Anthony (2014)
Technology Entrepreneurship by Duening, Thomas (2014)
Textiles and Fashion by Sinclair, R (2014)
The Boundary Element Method for Plate Analysis by Katsikadelis, John (2014)
The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ Processors by Yiu, Joseph (2015)
The Effect of Creep and Other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers by McKeen, Laurence (2014)
The Effect of Long Term Thermal Exposure on Plastics and Elastomers by McKeen, Laurence (2014)
The Green Industrial Revolution by Clark, Woodrow (2015)
The IGBT Device by Baliga, B. Jayant (2015)
The International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference by IMechE (2015)
The Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics by Blundell, Michael (2014)
The Welding Engineer's Guide to Fracture and Fatigue by Moore, Philippa (2015)
The Yaws Handbook of Vapor Pressure by Yaws, Carl (2015)
Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Sustainability by Kalaiselvam, S. (2014)
Thermoplastic Material Selection by Larson, Eric (2015)
Tissue Engineering by Blitterswijk, Clemens Van (2015)
Transmission Pipeline Calculations and Simulations Manual by Menon, E. Shashi (2015)
Transport Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons by Yaws, Carl L. (2014)
Transport Properties of Concrete by Claisse, Peter (2014)
Two-Degree-of-Freedom Control Systems by Keviczky, Laszlo (2015)
UHMWPE Biomaterials Handbook by Kurtz, Steven (2015)
Ultra-precision Bearings by Wardle, F (2015)
Underground Pipeline Corrosion by Orazem, M (2014)
Undersea Fiber Communication Systems by Chesnoy, Jose (2015)
Understanding Satellite Navigation by Acharya, Rajat (2014)
Up and Running with AutoCAD 2016 by Gindis, Elliot (2015)
Using HPC for Computational Fluid Dynamics by Jamshed, Shamoon (2015)
Vacuum Deposition onto Webs, Films and Foils by Bishop, Charles (2015)
Vehicle Handling Dynamics by Abe, Masato (2015)
Vehicular Communications and Networks by Chen, W (2015)
Wave Mechanics and Wave Loads on Marine Structures by Boccotti, Paolo (2014)
Wear of Polymers and Composites by Abdelbary, Ahmed (2015)
Wearable Sensors by Sazonov, Edward (2014)
Welding and Joining of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) by Adonyi, Y (2015)
Whirl Flutter of Turboprop Aircraft Structures by Cecrdle, Jiri (2015)
Wills' Mineral Processing Technology by Wills, Barry A. (2015)
Wireless Receiver Architectures and Design by Rouphael, Tony (2014)
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